Pie Guevara’s Occasional Friday Follies

I have just enough energy to post the Chris, Libby, and Dewey theme song.

White Punks On Dope

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3 Responses to Pie Guevara’s Occasional Friday Follies

  1. Dewster says:

    And a Baby’s Arm holding an Apple…………………………

    The true meaning of the song was about a bunch of rich kids they knew.

    “You see all those ads on TV about drugs in the ghetto, and they say, ‘It’s not their fault. They were born poor, and all they had to turn to was drugs. Well, in San Francisco, we know a whole bunch of these kids that are so rich, and they’re all strung out, and they’re total derelicts. So you don’t have to be poor to be a derelict.”

    That all ya got?

  2. Tina says:

    And assumes a lot. Who hasn’t known that rich kids, all kinds of kids, often turn to drugs and screw up their lives…been going on since back in the sixties when some moron decided it was a great idea.

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