Clinton Campaign, Strange Bedfellows – Big Bucks

Posted by Tina

Hillary Clinton will apparently do anything, say anything, accept anyone or anything in her pursuit for power. It was revealed today that Banks and big corporations put $21.6 million in Hillary’s pocket for speaking fees. Iindustries and bankers sensing a Hillary shoe-in have climed on board the Hillary train. If you think greed is the sole motivator for these businesses, think again. Imagine healthcare under Hillary where independent companies are forced to comply uder single payer. As the NY Post writes, welcome to the “National Association of Chain Drug Stores ($225,000) and the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society ($225,500).

In other news we discover that one of the anti-Trump Christians heading up the Hillary Clinton Christian outreach was once a member of the radical group Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Breitbart reports:

The Christian leader fronting the campaign to rally clergymen against Donald Trump is an aging Sixties radical who once belonged to the left-wing extremist group that birthed Bill Ayers’ Weathermen.

Jim Wallis, who heads the Washington-based liberal Christian advocacy group the Sojourners Community and publishes Sojourners magazine, serves as President Obama’s spiritual adviser. He also has a radical political past.

Wallis recently gained attention alongside 59 other religious leaders of various stripes when he signed a document entitled “Called To Resist Bigotry – A Statement of Faithful Obedience.” That document urges religious leaders to use the pulpit to oppose Trump

Follow the link to read his offensive screed. It’s typical of verbal tactics used by radical lefties to rile up people’s emotions and create an atmosphere of anger and hate. Never mind they don’t accurately reflect the totality of what Trump has said on any given subject, the game is to watch for a word or phrase that can be used to negatively portray the opposing candidate. It’s straight out of the same old progressive handbook: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”

Hillary is considered untrustworthy by 64% of voters. Her ties to big business and big money plus the nefarious avenues that have made her rich certainly haven’t helped her image in a time when the people are suspicious and angry about politics and business. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has gained momentum in polls, the two candidates now run neck and neck, within the margin of error, in an averaging of polls.

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15 Responses to Clinton Campaign, Strange Bedfellows – Big Bucks

  1. J. Soden says:

    Nothing that $hrilLIARy has to say is worth more than two cents. And I may be overvaulating THAT!

  2. Libby says:

    “Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy.”

    “Awww, the poor frightened bigots, we should have sympathy for them, even so far as putting a bigoted moron in the White House.”

    That the sort of sympathy you’re looking for? Don’t hold yer breath.

    I’m just glad we have some anti-Trump Christians. I was listening to Family Radio just yesterday (don’t ask): “All who are not of Jesus are of the devil!”


    • Tina says:

      But Libby YOU put a bigoted moron in the WH…twice! What’s that, you say, “Obama’s not a bigot.” To he77 he isn’t. He’s bigoted against white people that cling to their guns and religion (Never mind both are protected by the first two amendments). He’s bigoted against white cops.

      “All who are not of Jesus are of the devil!”

      That statement could be taken a couple of ways. Not surprised you chose to be put off. The word “of” is the clue, used twice in the sentence. But you would much rather be offended…and a bit bigoted?

      • Libby says:

        So, what’s the “other” way that statement could be taken? We’d be interested to hear. Cause it sounds like some ferocious bigotry to me, the sort of thing you hear from those Jihadis.

        And … I shouldn’t gloat, I know I shouldn’t, but Tina, you do know that the psychology of the Trump voter is being mercilessly dissected on liberal outlets like

        I mean, you know this, right? So … you simply have to stop performing so very entertainingly true to type … like with the Obama paranoia.

        On the other hand, the idea that we still have a sizeable population in this country to whom “guns and religion” (a truly creepy combination) are fundamental makes me a little paranoid.

        Still, it’s looking like, knock wood, the O-man is going to live to dance at the daughters’ weddings. I was worried.

    • Peggy says:

      I heard Rush this morning and he was spot on. If Hillary and the NY Times brings up Trump’s past of thirty years ago he has every right to bring up her’s and Bill’s, since she announced he’s going to be in charge of the economy.

      We all remember when the Dems used Romney’s childish acts as a teenagers to try and paint him as unfit to be the president. The Dems have always had the gloves off, no holds bared when they threw everything including the kitchen sink at the Republican candidate with the added voice of the media to make sure the news was heard by everyone. They had no problem using something 30 even 50 years ago. Now, Trump is breaking the status quo and hitting back harder and the Dems don’t like being treated in kind. Too bad, I say. If you’re going to dish it out, be prepared to be served a bigger portion of the same dish.

      Heard Trump rose and Hillary dropped in the polls 36%. Mainly because so many millennials hadn’t heard about the Clinton’s, past during the 1990s.

      Still on the fence about Trump, but he has my full blessings to go after the Clintons, because of the scumbags that they both are and to protect this country from ever having them in the WH again.

    • Tina says:

      Absolutely Pie. And it’s delicious because he commands their attention!

      Did you happen to hear the brother of Brian Terry, the border agent killed with a Fast and Furious weapon, on Sean Hannity today? Trump has done some good work there too.

  3. Libby says:

    Ah, but your supply of ammo is limited to the past. Trump hands us shiny new shells every day.

    • Tina says:

      The past? Don’t be so sure. Hillary’s record at State is definitely current as are the quid pro quo possibilities that will pop up out of the FBI’s expanded investigation into the Clinton Foundation. More bad news for Hillary here. McAuliffe also has a long history of money grubbing corruption.

      Sorry old girl, the summer will be filled with Hillary’s sordid baggage both past and present no matter what they throw at Trump.

      • Libby says:

        You’ve been hammering at the Clintons for twenty-some years. Ever hear the one about the boy who cried wolf? I mean, this is getting oooooollllllllddddddd.

    • Peggy says:

      Wow, Libby “shiny new shells.” Was that a threat? Better watch for the Secret Service aka speak police at your door.

      What you forget is Trump has been good friends with the Clinton’s and hanging with the same people the Clintons have for decades. If anyone knows how many skeletons are in closets he knows how many closets there are.

      He’s already warned Hillary on the women’s issue not to go there and when she did he hit her back twice as hard and then reloaded. He dropped the Vincent Foster bomb that had every news program talking about it and sending people like me to search the internet to find out the story.

      And because Trump knows the Dem’s playbook like the back of his hand he’ll use it with even more success. It doesn’t matter if what he says is true or not he’ll us it without a seconds hesitation to take her out. Trump being a Dem prior to last year will play to his advantage to beat Hillary. Not so sure if the Dems run a Bernie/Warren ticket.

      Have you seen this for real hashtag? #Hillaryforprison2016

  4. J. Soden says:

    Democrats should be livid that their party’s leadership saddled them with the choice between an aging hippie and an aging hippy . . . .

  5. Tina says:

    Once again J you bring smiles to my lips and giggles to my belly. Ahhh, life is good.

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