This Guy Could Sink Hillary’s Chances for Presidency

by Jack

The Romanian hacker who claimed he easily breached Hillary Clinton’s email server pleaded guilty Wednesday in federal court to two counts of computer hacking charges, as part of a deal with the Justice Department.

In exchange for a reduced sentence, Marcel Lehel Lazar – also known as Guccifer — has agreed to cooperate with federal authorities in the future.

Lazar pleaded guilty to the unauthorized access of a protected computer and aggravated identity theft, counts tied to his illegal intrusion into systems belonging to former U.S. government officials, including former Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal and former Secretary of State Colin Powell.

Under the deal, Lazar faces seven years in prison and up to $500,000 in fines.

Cont- The same source said Guccifer’s breach of Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal’s account – which was connected to his indictment in the U.S., and which first exposed the .Clintonemail account — put national defense information at risk.

“[Hillary Clinton’s] gross negligence allowed this material to get out to an adversary,” the source said. “Through her communications with Blumenthal, [Clinton] contributed exposure and risk.” For full story click here.

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11 Responses to This Guy Could Sink Hillary’s Chances for Presidency

  1. J. Soden says:

    Were it not for Guccifer, we wouldn’t have known about $hrilLIARy’s Secret Server.

    Combine that with the IG’s report on $hrilLIARy’s email fiasco, and anyone even considering voting for her should do a serious rethink.
    Especially if they’ve also read Clinton Ca$h.

  2. Tina says:

    One of the emails uncovered has language that shows the intent to avoid FOIA oversight, or put another way, to avoid transparency. She didn’t want anyone knowing about what she was doing and she wanted to be able to destroy any record of what she was doing.

    Nixon ended up leaving office over 18 minutes of erased tape, a huge scandal at the time.

    Operating in a deceptive manner is unacceptable. Hiding the truth from the people is seriously wrong. Hillary should never be our president.

    • Chris says:

      Tina: “Nixon ended up leaving office over 18 minutes of erased tape, a huge scandal at the time.”

      The selective memory is strong with this one.

      No, Tina, Nixon was driven from office (he didn’t really leave by choice–he knew he would be impeached otherwise) because he covered up the fact that his underlings hired men to burglarize the offices of his opposition. That was the huge scandal.

      • Tina says:

        Clinton dug in his heals after being impeached. And the Democrats in the Senate let him get away with it. They had no sense of shame all they cared about was their own power.

        Republicans went to Nixon and asked him to step down for the good of the country, to save the nation from the impeachment process. He agreed. Nobody in that situation is going to be happy and he wasn’t. The point is he agreed to do it. He and the republicans put the nation above personal ego and party power.

        You were not around then, Chris. Those eighteen minutes WERE a huge scandal in the entire sordid affair. Of course the cover up is what got him. People (of both parties) actually cared about honor, honesty and integrity in those days. they were appalled at the thought that deception was going on.

        The 18 minutes is still being addressed. August 2014:

        Despite four decades of literature from historians, journalists, academics and politicians, questions remain. Who ordered the break-in at the DNC headquarters on June 17, 1972? What was erased from the infamous 18 ½ minute gap? How much did Nixon know about the cover-up?

        You should refrain from playing “I’m smarter than you” when you lack the experience of the moment. To anyone who was present at the time, your suggestion that I am rewriting history is laughable and you look ridiculous.

        • dewster says:

          They are all corrupt.

          The 4 top men who impeached Clinton were involved in sex crimes themselves. They finally just put Denny Hastert away on a related charge.

          Nixon for preformed Treason and LBJ for covered it up because the proof was on illegally recorded tapes. That was punishable by death. Instead he got a pardon.

          Blue Obama gave Red GW immunity for his war crimes.

          They take each other out for sex but always protect their real crimes. If they are rich, They did not get rich on a politicians salary. Crooks.

          Before you call me a liar do your homework! The tapes were released awhile back. LBJ admits he know it was treason.

          Folks both the DNC and RNC are rigged, time to grow up and stop this red/blue crap. It harms us all.

          Don’t be naive

          this red/blue crap is the vehicle that allows the corruption

          Both Hillary and Trump are corrupt as heck

          • Tina, says:

            Clinton was not impeached fora sex crime. Just so you know (again), he was impeached for perjury before the grand jury, perjury in the Jones case, obstruction of justice, suborning perjury, abuse of power. See here.

        • Chris says:

          Tina, your statement implied that the missing 18 minutes was the primary reason he was impeached, rather than the break-in. That suggestion is false.

          You should refrain from playing “I was there, man,” since it’s not a convincing argument. I think you’re wrong about nearly everything you’re living through right now–why would I think your judgment of what you lived through forty years ago would be any better?

          • Chris says:

            The above should say “Tina, your statement implied that the missing 18 minutes was the primary reason Nixon left office, rather than the break-in. That suggestion is false.”

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Hillary’s treason is just one more example of how progressives hold their country in contempt.

  4. Peggy says:


    Democrat Convention Schedule
    Monday, July 25, 2016

    11:15 AM
    Free lunch, medical marijuana, and bus ride to the Convention
    Forms distributed for Food Stamp enrollment.

    1:30 PM
    Group Voter Registration for Illegal Immigrants.

    3:15 PM
    Address on “Being the Real You”
    Rachel Dolezal, former Head of the Seattle NAACP and
    Caitlyn Jenner

    4:30 PM
    “How to Bank $200 Million as a
    Public Servant and claim to be broke”
    Hillary Clinton

    4:45 PM
    How to have a successful career
    Without ever having a job, and
    Still avoid paying taxes!
    A Seminar Moderated by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson

    5:00 PM
    Medals of Freedom presentation to
    Army deserter Bo Bergdahl
    For serving with Honor and Distinction
    National Security Advisor Susan Rice

    5:30 PM
    Invitation-only Autograph Session
    Souvenir photographs of Hillary and
    Chelsea dodging Sniper Fire in Bosnia

    6:30 PM
    General vote on praising Baltimore rioters,
    And on using the terminology
    “Alternative Shoppers” instead of “Looters”

    7:30 PM
    Breakout session with Bill Clinton
    For women on avoiding the upcoming draft

    8:30 PM
    The White House “Semantics Committee” Meeting
    General vote on re-branding “Muslim Terrorism” as
    “Random Acts of Islamic Over-Exuberance”

    9:00 PM
    “Liberal Bias in Media“ How we can make it work for you!
    Tutorial sponsored by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, PBS,
    The Washington Post and the New York Times
    With Guest Speaker, Brian Williams

    9:15 PM
    Tribute Film to the Brave Freedom Fighters
    Still incarcerated at GITMO
    Michael Moore

    9:45 PM
    Personal Finance Seminar –
    “Businesses Don’t Create Jobs”
    Hillary Clinton

    11:00 PM
    Short film, “Setting Up Your Own Illegal
    Email Server While Serving in A
    Cabinet Post and How to Pretend
    It’s No Big Deal”
    Hosted by Hillary Clinton

    11:30 PM
    Official Nomination of Hillary
    Bill Maher and Chris Matthews

  5. Tina says:

    Chris you’re the one who took the conversation in the direction of cause.

    I was comparing the outrage on the left over 18 minutes of erased tape to yawns over the thousands of pages of emails Hillary attempted to hide from public scrutiny by avoiding having them archived:

    One of the emails uncovered has language that shows the intent to avoid FOIA oversight, or put another way, to avoid transparency. She didn’t want anyone knowing about what she was doing and she wanted to be able to destroy any record of what she was doing.

    Nixon ended up leaving office over 18 minutes of erased tape, a huge scandal at the time.

    I could have worded it a bit better. However, you failed to address the way you on the left, the media most importantly, have attempted to frame her conduct (and probable criminality) as insignificant.

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