Team Obama Still Fashioning History

Posted by Tina

The stories of corruption and unethical behaviors in the Democrat administration and leadership just keep coming. Today’s rewrite of history features James Rosen. You remember him, the FOX Washington correspondent who was targeted earlier by the Holder Justice Department in an email scandal:

Attorney General Eric Holder personally signed off on the warrant that allowed the Justice Department to search Fox News reporter James Rosen’s personal email, NBC News’ Michael Isikoff reported Thursday.

He also targeted Rosen’s parents, invading their privacy.

Another story on Sunday involves altering the official record. A question asked by Rosen to a State Department official during the secret talks with Iran apparently wasn’t appreciated:

James Rosen recently searched online for video of his 2013 question to a State Department official about whether the Obama administration had lied about secret talks with Iran.

State’s Web site had video of the briefing — but his exchange with spokeswoman Jen Psaki was nowhere to be found.

In fact, it had been cut from the tape.

It was a significant moment — because Psaki’s answer essentially admitted that Team Obama had indeed lied to the American people.

Which became more significant after White House staffer Ben Rhodes admitted in a magazine profile that he’d created an “echo chamber” for compliant journalists on the Iran nuke talks.

Department officials at first blamed the missing tape on a “glitch” — the same excuse the Nixon White House tried during Watergate to explain that 181/2 minute tape gap. No one believed them, either.

The state Department has admitted to snipping the video but no one is willing to say who ordered it done.

Apparently in April the White House also muted the sound in a portion of video featuring French President Francois Hollande who used the phrase “Islamist terrorism.”

Altering the historical record has become sport for the Democrat Party. Remember back at the beginning of the Obama administration when he had his people insert bits about Obama in the historical record of past presidents? I guess it’s still going on…see also here. Long before Obama, Hillary has a problem with Whitewater documents, they were nowhere to be found until suddenly they showed up in the map room. The map room? Really? nd then there was the case of the stolen documents taken from the National Archive by Sandy Berger who left with them stuffed in his socks.

Obama is the latest corrupt politician to attempt to destroy the facts of history but the entire Democrat Party leadership is similarly corrupt. The tell? Nobody in the party is outraged, nor are they willing to clean house.

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3 Responses to Team Obama Still Fashioning History

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    All brought to you by the party of the KKK and now the racist organizations La Raza and MEChA.

  2. J. Soden says:

    State is well aware of whodunit, but it suits the Obumble admin to keep the identity under wraps – just like they did with Fast & Furious.
    Truth has been a missing commodity at all levels in the Obumble admin from day one, but his legacy of being the biggest prezidential liar is secure. At least it is if $hrilLIARy doesn’t make it back into the white house . . . . . .

  3. Tina says:

    When you consider their deep connections, The Chicago political machine, Saul Alinski activist politics, politics and division by group, and big government socialist rule it’s more like one big corrupt syndicate.

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