Hillary Joke Reveals Lack of Serious Commitment to End Islamic Terror Threat

Posted by Tina

Ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton illustrated her own lack of seriousness to defend the nation in remarks on the campaign trail today. “How do you build a wall around the internet?” she asks her audience. Hate to say it but she sounds like a stupid girl.

She meant her remark to be funny. Her supporters obediently and mindlessly obliged, “Ha, ha, very funny.” But is it smart?

We don’t need to take measures to wall off the internet. The internet, like the gun, is an inanimate object…a tool. The internet, on the other hand can be a useful tool, a window, into the intentions and plans of the terrorists. It is that is, IF we are SMART about using it to secure our nation, and defeat the terrorists.

Deleting vital information isn’t smart. Tying the hands of the security organs of our government isn’t smart. (See stories below) Taking your attention off of the important issue of naming and defeating the Islamic terrorist threat and turning your attention on bludgeoning political opponents instead is not smart. Blaming guns for the monstrous assault in Orlando IS NOT SMART!

This administration, including the failed ex-secretary running for president, have not been smart or effective! Instead of being responsible and admitting to their failures they deflect, make excuses, and blame others. They target the “right-wing with hateful demeaning speech even as they lecture and refuse to speak with authority, commitment, determination, or derision against the monsters that use Islam as a cause to commit murder, overrun nations, commit religious genocide, and terrorize the world.

Who’s side are they on in this fight?

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11 Responses to Hillary Joke Reveals Lack of Serious Commitment to End Islamic Terror Threat

  1. Chris says:

    Clinton’s point was that Trump has been warning us of the threat of immigrants, but this attack was committed by a US citizen.* Her point was that walling off the nation and restricting Muslim immigration won’t do anything to stop terror.

    Did you not get this?

    Trump, of course, didn’t even bother to find out this information, and falsely claimed the shooter was “born in Afghan,” which is not a country. The shooter was born in the US.


    And you think this guy will be better informed on the threats we face?

    But then, Trump doesn’t know where anyone was born. I don’t know what’s worse, that so many Republicans are ready to elect a birther for president, or that he’s said and done so many worse things since that the birther thing isn’t even an issue for him anymore.)

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Related …

    The Clinton foundation received 25 million dollars from Saudi Arabia. No conflict of interest there, eh? Of course the Saudis are not buying influence, or anything like that.

    I find it interesting that a woman who claims to be on the forefront of women’s interests and equality, doesn’t have any problem accepting money from a misogynist, women oppressing and abusing nation.

    • dewster says:

      Newsflash They are all taking foreign money. Heck why do you think Sheldie was investigated for laundering Chinese money the last cycle. You guys scare me with this lack of knowledge.

      You support the dark money and the laws that hide the donors. So do not complain about the money one can see.

      Those of us who care are already attacking her on that. Ya see we apply our stance to both sides.

      Why don’t we push Obama to release the redacted docs that show 911 was largely funded by the Saudis? Who cares if they threatened us.

      You People thing the GOP is some honest creature while the DNC is all corrupt by itself?

      NO that is how they do Business in DC. yes Politics has been privatized. You and I are just along for the ride.

      • Libby says:

        Hmmm. I’d heard the Saudis were complicit in ISIS funding, but I didn’t know about AQ. But as they’ve very decidedly reaped what they’ve sown … I mean, we’re not putting that region back together, they are … and it is gonna cost them boo-koo bucks.

  3. Chris says:

    So Trump lied–again–claiming that Obama supports ISIS.

    To back up this claim, he cited a Breitbart article, which lied–again–taking an old memo out of context and falsely claiming it showed Obama admin support for ISIS.

    Btw, I will be linking to the following story every time I see Breitbart cited as a source on this website. Breitbart is one of the most dishonest and disgusting websites out there, and no serious person would rely on it for information.

    From ABC News:

    Trump Pushes Conspiracy Theory That Obama Supports ISIS

    Donald Trump said today he was right to imply that President Obama is an ISIS sympathizer.

    In an attempt to defend his controversial claims that the president supports the terrorist group, the presumptive Republican nominee tweeted a story from anti-Obama website Breitbart.com that cites a newly discovered “secret” memo the website says proves Obama is an ISIS supporter.

    Trump to Meet With NRA to Discuss Terror Watch List Gun Access
    Active Shooter Incidents Continue to Rise, New FBI Data Shows

    The memo, as it turns out, is neither secret nor does it demonstrate the administration’s support for ISIS or any other policy. Indeed, it’s a recently declassified and heavily redacted intelligence field report from August 2012 about the worsening security situation in Iraq, obtained by the conservative watchdog Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information lawsuit.

    Breitbart falsely concludes that because the memo mentions that al Qaeda in Iraq (a precursor to ISIS) is fighting against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the Obama administration therefore supports ISIS.

    The Obama administration, particularly through its State Department, has spoken at length about the complicated process of vetting the array of opposition groups in order to avoid supporting those with ties to extremism.

    White House spokesman Josh Earnest Monday responded to a question about Trump’s claims the same day. “Well, I think what is clear is, if you take a look at the president’s record, it speaks for itself,” Earnest said. “And that record includes a lot of dead terrorists.”


    Trump is no stranger to pushing conspiracy theories. He practically gave birth to the “birther” movement, which aimed to prove President Obama was not a U.S.-born citizen. That saga ended in dramatic fashion after the president produced his birth certificate to the public. Trump also has a history questioning Obama’s Christian faith, once claiming that this birth certificate may list him a Muslim.

    Trump also claims, despite any evidence, that “thousands and thousands” of Muslims were cheering from rooftops in New Jersey as the World Trade towers fell on 9/11. He suggested that Supreme Court Jusitce Antonin Scalia may have been murdered. He said that Sen. Ted Cruz’s father might have been implicated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

    He has said repeatedly that Obama didn’t have the grades to get into the Ivy league schools, suggesting he might not have attended Columbia and Harvard.

    Trump has often expressed his belief that autism is caused by childhood vaccinations, a discredited claim opposed by public health officials. And he recently alleged that Hillary Clinton was involved in the death of Vince Foster, a former White House aide who committed suicide in 1993.

    A big part of the job of president is knowing which information to trust and coming to sensible conclusions based on the information. Trump has proven to be totally, irredeemably unqualified for this part of the job, constantly sharing information via Twitter or in speeches that is not only false, but ridiculous. His McCarthyist tactics have now reached the point where he is accusing a sitting president of being allied with one of our greatest enemies. This man should not, and will not, ever become the leader of the free world.

  4. dewster says:

    ANd anybody who spreads this Trump crap is an enemy of the state to me. Find a darn candidate.

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