Summertime: Baseball, Apple Pie, and Socialism?

baseball apple piePosted by Tina

Apparently Vin Scully, the legendary Hall of Fame baseball sportscaster for the L.A.Dodgers (boo ;-D), decided to veer off topic in his commentary of the game Friday night (Yeah, ^5):

Legendary baseball announcer Vin Scully absolutely destroyed socialism with a rant Friday night during the Los Angeles Dodgers game against the Milwaukee Brewers.

“Socialism, failing to work as it always does. This time in Venezuela. You talk about giving everybody something free and all of a sudden, there’s no food to eat. And who do you think is the richest person in Venezuela? The daughter of Hugo Chavez. Hello,” Scully said during the broadcast.

America is waking up and starting to voice frustrations in unusual ways. This has to be headed toward number one. good for Scully, rejecting socialism in favor of capitalism. It’s as American apple pie and, well, Baseball!

Let us turn away from the failed socialist model and choose to make America great again for everyone!

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21 Responses to Summertime: Baseball, Apple Pie, and Socialism?

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Yes, let us turn away — Apple Pie Guevara

    Off topic but related (slightly edited from an email from National Review’s Jack Fowler) —

    You won’t find The Intimidation Game in stores yet, but you can and should make sure you order your copy now at Amazon or at Barnes & Noble.

    You know Kimberley as a member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board and author of its acclaimed “Potomac Watch” column. Now you will know her as a fierce investigative journalist and analyst who provides a terrifying look at governmental intimidation and political bullying, including:

    How Citizens United set off a wave of harassment of conservative politicians and donors under the guise of “transparency” through disclosure laws.

    The story of the IRS’s assault on some 298 conservative nonprofits, told through the eyes of those who were harassed and stalled.

    A look at Bob Bauer, the Obama campaign lawyer who successfully targeted pro-Clinton groups by calling for criminal investigations by the Justice Department, launching a new era of activist intimidation.

    How Wisconsin prosecutors and attorney generals in New York and California are abusing laws to shut down companies, citizen activists and scientists.

    The stories of citizens like Catherine Engelbrecht or Frank VanderSloot, whose political work lead to visits from the FBI, federal government audits, and personal abuse.

    The Obama Administration’s politicization of government agencies, as told through former officials like Don McGahn and Brad Smith.

    Jane Mayer and the Left’s exaggeration of the dark money problem in government (of the $7 billion in election spending, 96% of it is disclosed).

    How a Democratic Congress uses threats to shut down free-market groups, and how activists use social media to target and hound average citizens who engage in politics.

    — Inside every liberal, every Democrat, every progressive is a totalitarian lunatic screaming to get out.

  2. dewster says:

    OAS Threatens to Suspend Venezuela While Ignoring Recent Ouster of Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff

    Is There an Economic and Political War Against Venezuela?

    • Libby says:

      Eh, Dewey, Chavez made a lot of really stupid decisions, right from the get-go. It is a shame, but that’s what happens when one guy calls the shots. He had people to tell him he was paving the road to ruin, but he bullied them, sacked them, and generally refused to evolve.

      I hear The ELE is down one campaign manager. I also hear echoes.

  3. Libby says:

    This “black and white” thing you all do is soooooo irritating. We are never going to have a totally socialist economy. Nobody has ever said that. We ALREADY HAVE a hybrid economy, and we are going to expand it to two areas wherein the profit motive is detrimental to the purpose: health care and education.

    But if you want to keep your private water company, that’s your business. You are foolish, but that’s your business.

    Actually, I am being duplicitous. You can keep your private water company … for now. Drinking water is becoming scarce, increasingly expensive, and much too primal a resource to be entrusted to capitalists.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      The expert speaks! Good job, you pathetic, duplicitous, bull**** commie c*** from hell.

    • Tina says:

      “This “black and white” thing you all do is soooooo irritating.”

      Gray and muddled is better?

      “We are never going to have a totally socialist economy. Nobody has ever said that.”

      Instead you drag out the inevitable over decades, squeezing the vibrancy and creativity from the populace, particularly in the institutionally dependent poor, which class in this last decade you have increased significantly, and destroying the middle class producers. The only middle class we have left are service industry types, many dependent on government. You control education, media, the justice system, the large cities, and have much too much strangling authority in the medical industry and energy.

      And you argue that we are still free from the tyranny of socialism? What a grotesque vision and what contempt you have for your fellow human beings.

      “Inside every liberal, every Democrat, every progressive is a totalitarian lunatic screaming to get out.”

      The Progressive believes in precisely two things: his own magnificence and the constructive power of brute force. In combination, they lead him naturally from the role of pestiferous busybody to brutal dictator. Where the productive man dreams of the things he might create if only left alone by his fellows, the Progressive dreams of the world he could create if only the lives and property of his fellows were at his disposal. The roots of his pathology lie in that oldest and most destructive of all human vices, the desire for the power to rule over other men.

      As naked power-lust is a rather ugly motive, the Progressive rationalizes his desire to rule as a concern for human welfare, seeing himself as a great humanitarian, far superior morally to the lesser beings who pursue merely “materialist” ends such as their own prosperity and who frequently object to his program for achieving Utopia. This assumed moral superiority spills over into fields of practical accomplishment, and the Progressive imagines himself capable of allocating resources and even directing entire industries far more efficiently than a free market, often despite not even having any business or scientific experience. But despite what the Progressive believes about himself, the desire to compel others to obey his orders is what drives him forward. To satisfy this desire, there is ultimately no limit to what actions he will take, for he respects none of the restrictions on government officials intended to guarantee individual freedom that have been developed and set forth in written or unwritten constitutions.

      It is easy to make the mistake of judging Progressivism by its earlier and less-severe manifestations and to conclude that its petty and paternalistic restrictions, for example New York Mayor Michael “The Nanny” Bloomberg’s recent crusade against large-size soda drinks, are simply bothersome annoyances. In fact the transformation from irritating but superficially benevolent nanny to ruthless dictator not only occurs rather quickly, it is a logical consequence of the Progressive’s zeal to usher in Utopia and of the means he must use to achieve the smallest of his goals – brute force. We should recognize the following principle: Once the Progressive is permitted to intrude however slightly into matters that are properly beyond the sphere of government, then all aspects of the individual’s life may be subjected to control. Once any degree of coercion is permitted, then no level of force is out of bounds. (continues)

      It can’t be said often enough!

      • Chris says:

        Tina, you want to complain about the loss of the middle class but you also want to complain about unions and further weaken their power. Sorry, but you can’t have one without the other: when it comes to the middle class, unions built that. And you built the decline of the middle class by assisting in the attack on unions over the past few decades.

  4. J. Soden says:

    Scully hit one right outta the park! Well done, sir!

  5. Libby says:

    “Gray and muddled is better?”

    Yes. A little this ways – take a look around, a little that ways – take another look around, you’re much more likely to get where you’re going in one piece. Some people like it sexier, and they more fun to watch, chiefly cause the implosion is imminent.

    And seriously, Tina, you don’t have to worry. Capitalism is great for lots of things, developing innovations that you can apply to your moribund socialist bureaucracies on a regular basis. They each have their strong points and we’re going to exploit both.

    • Tina says:

      Coherence? “take another look around, you’re much more likely to get where you’re going in one piece. Some people like it sexier, and they more fun to watch, chiefly cause the implosion is imminent.”


      “They each have their strong points and we’re going to exploit both.”

      “Exploit.” Telling use of the English language, that.

      Capitalism as we like to practice it is human beings pursuing their interest with few government restraints and supported by the rule of law.

      Progressives see capitalism as something to “exploit”. Hillary and Bill are master “exploiters,” bilking millions from nations and companies and hoping to further “exploit” the man caused disasters meme and the environmental scams, thereby “exploiting,” one again the victims of their “exploitation,” human beings whose jobs are lost, whose wages are stagnant, whose ability to save for their own futures is lost, whose sense of well being and prosperity sinks. The progressive elitists see the people as “under them” and in need of their management and control.

      Next you “exploit” the socialism and deliver healthcare insurance that DOES NOT mean every American is insured and DOES make health insurance more expensive and out of reach for many Americans…and that’s just one example.

      Above all you want control of our children’s education from cradle to college so you can make sure they never learn to think for themselves and expose you for your sick tyrannical ideas.

      Ugh…I need to get to work…and I need to stop before I ruin my keyboard by hurling all over it!

  6. Libby says:

    “Once any degree of coercion is permitted, then no level of force is out of bounds.”

    And this is nonsense, your proverbial slippery slope. The nature, degree and purpose of the coercion are wildly important and determinative. For instance, compelling a citizen to pay their taxes is right and proper (as long as the state isn’t getting up to horrors). Compelling citizens to have children they do not want and cannot support is wicked.

    You will support public education and healthcare. And if you REALLY cannot bring yourself to do it, there is always Somalia.

  7. Libby says:

    “Some people like it sexier, and they more fun to watch, chiefly cause the implosion is imminent.”

    I was thinking “headlong rush to destruction.” I keep forgetting who in talking to. There is literal “sexier”, and then there is figurative “sexier” … but I should have known better.

  8. Libby says:

    “Above all you want control of our children’s education from cradle to college so you can make sure they never learn to think for themselves and expose you for your sick tyrannical ideas.”

    Why do you do this? It’s hyperbole to the point of nonsense. You wanna home school, go to it. But when we’re done, it’s not going to cost anyone $80k to become an electrical engineer.

    • Harold says:

      Tina says “Above all you want control of our children’s education from cradle to college so you can make sure they never learn to think for themselves and expose you for your sick tyrannical ideas.”

      Libby confirms it! “But when we’re done”

      • Libby says:

        You think it should cost a citizen $80k to become an electrical engineer … or $20k to become an electrician?

        What’s wrong with you? ! ? !

        • Harold says:

          Why not, seems like Hillary can just spend 43 million to just try and get elected, actually what’s wrong with you? and your party that overlook her past and just willing to support her lying spew.

          You and Chris like to speculate and thrust innuendos into the mix, so let look at this hypothetically, maybe if Hillary ,” if” she would ever come clean, could serve America better if tried and convicted was just electrically energized for her past involvements in the deaths of those in Benghazi, and maybe to mention a few others like Vince Foster and Ron Brown prior unexplained deaths. That would be worth the 80 K spent to make sure the switch worked correctly

          Lots of unexplained adult type SDS surrounding those Clintons huh!

          • Chris says:

            Oh good lord, Harold. You dip your toe into Vince Foster conspiracy theorism (his death was “explained”–it was suicide) and expect to be taken seriously?

  9. Pie Guevara says:

    Just the mention of apple pie and baseball makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. Then you have to go ruin it by including “socialism.” 😉

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