Bizarre Unforgivable Government Behavior

Posted by Tina

A redacted transcript of the Orlando Islamic terrorist has been released to the public. Why bother? Can you recall another time when our government has gone so far out of it’s way to avoid speaking the truth, applying justice equally, standing firmly against evil, or upholding our values and laws? The effort to shield the Islamic religion and certain minorities from any criticism has been epic under Obama’s tyrannical rule. Republicans, fearing backlash in the press, cower and comply. The propensity to stand on the wrong side of any issue is blatantly clear: Eric Holder’s decision not to prosecute black crimes, suing Arizona for a law that would uphold federal immigration law, support for militant bigoted protesters, targeting police officers, ignoring the mass shootings in predominantly black areas like Chicago, targeting guns as the biggest problem following a terrorist attack, changing policy and training manuals so our security agencies are restricted, blunted and unable to do the work to keep us safe…in every way this administration has turned on America.

Today the decision to redact all references to Islam and the identity of the killer in Orlando in a transcript of the 911 calls made by Mateen follows this pattern to a tee.

Paul Ryan: “We know the shooter was a radical Islamist extremist inspired by ISIS. We also know he intentionally targeted the LGBT community,” Ryan said. “The administration should release the full, unredacted transcript so the public is clear-eyed about who did this, and why.”

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) on Monday similarly panned the Obama administration’s plan.

“This seems like it is another example of not focusing on the evil here. This is evil. It’s ISIS. It’s radical Islam,” Scott said on Fox’s “America’s Newsroom.” “We all would like answers. She should release everything that doesn’t impact the investigation,” Scott added of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, noting that he’s been meeting with families of the victims.

The Washington Post offered up a “plausible” explanation issued by the FBI for not releasing the full transcripts: It would be “too painful” for those affected.

It’s already too painful. Does the administration really think the gay community is unaware of how gays are treated in countries ruled by Muslims? It’s painful to watch our government treat the LGBT’s and the rest of us like children. It’s painful that our government cares more about shielding the Muslim community from scrutiny or insult than it cares about the security of the nation. It’s painful to watch our government’s clumsy attempts to distract us with yak about gun control. And it’s painful to watch as Republicans in the House float a terror bill that doesn’t address or name the paramount enemy of our time in any discernible way:

In the aftermath of the Orlando terrorist attack, the vast majority of House Republicans voted in favor of legislation designed to enhance efforts to combat “violent extremism,” but one of the three who voted against it, Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, said he did so because it fails to identify “radical Islam” as the problem.

“It never mentions the term ‘radical Islam,’ and after the Orlando shooting, we have an obligation when the administration won’t call it what it is, to start calling it what it is,” he said on the House floor on Thursday.

Explaining his objections, he said, “Every Republican I heard speak on this issue, including those from Homeland Security, have acknowledged the president and our intelligence need to start talking about jihad, Muslim, Islam, radical Muslim, radical Islam, Muslim Brotherhood …”

“And they’re not allowed to talk about it without risking their career and that’s why I voted no on the bill today,” Gohmert added.

The American people are the only ones who can put an end to this nauseating nonsense by ridding our government of people who manage and control rather than lead effectively. We need leaders who speak clearly and come up with strategies to end this exploding problem…adults who will stand up to and face down ISIS and their many localized “soldier jihadists.”

Sundance at Conservative Treehouse posits a theory. The latest spin reminds him of the time Susan Rice made the Sunday media circuit to sell that Benghazi video lie:

It is not accidental that Loretta Lynch was featured on all five major broadcasts for the Sunday news cycle (Topic Orlando Terrorism). You might well remember the last time a key administration official named Susan Rice met with an almost identical Sunday schedule.

Most of us were concerned with Father’s Day picnics and such on Sunday so missed the latest block of distracting spin.

Sundance continues:

There is a transparent rift within the FBI community; an internal fight within our own systems of legal / investigative governance and the White House. The numerous leaks from within the FBI investigation of Orlando are highlighting the internal war. It takes a cabinet member to try and create the strongest position for the White House.

Read the article. It points to the way media has impugned “co-workers” for “teasing” when in fact the co-workers were professionals who attempted to inform the FBI about the potential threat Mateen posed.

Who can we trust…who can we count on to weed terrorists in our midst? How can we weed out those who undermine efforts against the enemy and who pose a very real threat to American ideals and laws. One way is to elect an outsider in November.

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48 Responses to Bizarre Unforgivable Government Behavior

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    This is the Obama administration, the most transparent administration in the history of the United States of America. This is how Democrats do business. This is how progressives do business.

    — Inside every progressive is a mentally twisted and fearful truth suppressing totalitarian ***hole screaming to get out.

  2. J. Soden says:

    The latest on the Dept of Jerks’ editing skills:

    DOJ joins State, VA, HHS, and even Josh Earnest’s remarks in demonstrations of revisionist history. Gotta wonder what ELSE they’ve selectively edited . . .
    Or perhaps they’re just trying to win the Best Editing Oscar next year . . . .

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    This revelation does not surprise me at all. Bill Clinton called Jessie Jackson a “*od da#%ed n*#%er”, Hillary Clinton called disabled children at an Easter egg hunt f%#*ing ree-tards”, and Hillary called Jews “stupid k*#es and “f#%*ing Jew b*%tard[s].”

    If Post Scripts objects to me using their horrid words explicitly and without any asterix innuendo, please feel free to modify, or refuse to post. I don’t, nor ever will, mince words from quotations no matter how offensive some may find them. I will only try to control my own language which tends towards the explicit, for example — “All Democrats, liberals and progressive are bigoted, racist, anti-Semitic racist ***holes.”

    If there EVER was a bigoted, racist, anti-Semitic Rat party power couple it is the Clintons. If ever there was a bigoted, racist, anti-Semitic political party, it is the Rats who created the KKK and voted against every black civil rights and voting rights bill ever presented in congress.

    Hillary is the protector and enabler of a misogynist, child abusing rapist — her husband B.J. Clinton.

    — Inside every Democrat, liberal and progressive is bigoted, racist, anti-Semitic ***hole screaming to get out … if they are not already out.

    • Chris says:

      You’ve lost your mind, Pie.

      None of the accusations you make above about the Clintons have been proven, nor is there even a shred of evidence for them. And yet you put them forward as fact. Why would you make yourself look so gullible and stupid? Just because you have reasons to hate these people does not justify spreading rumors and claiming they are facts. I could make the same exact accusations about you and there would be just as much evidence that you had done those things.

      You have a serious anger problem and you need to get it under control. And those who enable this rage disorder here will be directly responsible if you ever act on your rabid impulses.

      • Tina says:

        “None of the accusations you make above about the Clintons have been proven, nor is there even a shred of evidence for them.”

        The accusations come from a person who claims to have heard them. They are consistent with things others have said about the language and attitudes of the Clintons…some from people who were in the Clinton’s inner circle. The quotes have been placed in print by a reputable publisher. I wouldn’t be so sure, if I were you, that your quick dismissal is warranted.

        How about you mind your own business, quit trying to fix others, and just express yourself.

        “And those who enable this rage disorder here will be directly responsible if you ever act on your rabid impulses.”

        To the same degree we would be “responsible” if you should ever take that covert hatred and anger and act on it, which is nil. I don’t appreciate your incredibly stupid definition of responsibility. This is the same mentality that won’t name a Muslim terrorist but will name a Christian abortion clinic bomber, emotionally driven, muddled, and dark.

    • Tina says:

      Reminds me of the time Bill Clinton passed the buck for that conflagration at Waco. When asked about it by the press he said, “…that was Janet Reno’s deal.” Classy, huh.

      And I will go back and alter the comment, Pie.

    • Tina says:

      Pie I respect your position. My concerns are with the ER rules and the continuation of the blog.

    • dewster says:

      LOL The Clinton’s are New Republicans and friends with the Bush Family. Both of these oligarch families are corrupt.

      That said you are so full of hate you just prove the point The GOP has transformed into a party of hate. You repeat untrue RW Propaganda when there is plenty of true facts that bury both the Bush and Clinton Families. That is how these politicians do business. 98% of them.

      Do you even realize all the hateful comments make people laugh?

  4. Chris says:

    Tina: “It’s painful that our government cares more about shielding the Muslim community from scrutiny or insult than it cares about the security of the nation.”

    It’s painful to watch you blatantly lie about the same thing over and over again. The reasoning behind this decision had nothing to do with “shielding the Muslim community from scrutiny or insult.” From the MSN article you cited:

    Law enforcement officials said on Monday that the decision was to avoid spreading ISIS’s propaganda and prevent copycats from being inspired by Omar Mateen’s commission of the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

    …”We’re not going to continue to put their names out front.”

    In what way is this decision not consistent with Jack’s suggestion that journalists not publish names and details of mass shooters so as to prevent copycats?

    • Tina says:

      Yah dah, yah, dah, yah, dah!

      If this were an isolated case, if training manuals had not been edited, if the rules of engagement had not been changed, and if people in the intelligence community were not voicing strong concerns about our ability to prevent attacks due to these language games, I might agree that the excuse they gave today was within the realm of reasonable. Sorry…your team gets the proverbial epic fail in communicating about the threat and the persons and groups responsible.

      The blow back today isn’t just from me either. According to FOX news:

      FBI, DOJ release new, full transcript of Orlando shooter’s 911 call ”

      Under pressure from Republican leaders, the Justice Department on Monday afternoon reversed itself and released a full, uncensored transcript of the Orlando terrorist’s 911 call on the night of the massacre, calling the morning’s furor over omissions in the document “an unnecessary distraction.”

      An earlier version of the transcript had deleted the word “Islamic State” and the name of ISIS leader “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.”

      These words accurately describe the responsible terrorist group that the terrorist cites (Not the religion). They also replaced Allah with the word “God”…to what end, Chris? Is that not an unnecessary effort to shield not only the innocent people who pray to Allah, but the murderous monsters that wage war in these times?

      House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., called the earlier decision by DOJ and the FBI to release only a partial transcript “preposterous.”

      “We know the shooter was a radical Islamist extremist inspired by ISIS,” Ryan said in a statement. “We also know he intentionally targeted the LGBT community. The administration should release the full, unredacted transcript so the public is clear-eyed about who did this, and why.”

      Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott also took aim at the edited accounting of Mateen’s statements the night he killed 49 and wounded 53 more.

      “This is evil, this is ISIS. It’s radical Islam,” Scott told Fox News earlier Monday. “At some point, we lost 49 lives here and we lost a journalist who was beheaded by ISIS. We need a president that’s going to say I care about destroying ISIS.”

      The people have a right to know if a serial killer is in our midst; we don’t need every detail the police officers have if releasing that information will compromise efforts to find the killer.

      We likewise have a need to know when we are being targeted at home in war. We don’t need to know things that will undermine the FBI and police officers investigation but we shouldn’t be tricked or treated like children. I’d like to see some of the outrage the President has for his political opponents in these messages. Bush had no problem doing that.

      When our government performs responsibly and communicates openly and clearly we don’t have this problem. There isn’t a reason in the world to withhold the fact that this was a terrorist attack carried out by a radicalized Muslim. At this point trying to downplay and pretend it’s something else just gins up curiosity and anger.

      It all comes down to trust…this administration has given us good reason to doubt.

  5. Libby says:

    The lack of imagination is also painful. You want conspiracy, how about this? I’m thinking we can agree that fundamentalist Muslims (and Christians) are pretty whacked out on the subject of homosexuality. So here we have ISIS taking credit for the work of a person we are characterizing as a repressed homosexual. That’ll put a psychological twist in their knickers, don’t you think?

    I’m just saying ….

    • dewster says:

      Bottom Line on the anniversary of the Christian Mass Murder by Dylan Roof I think these make the case to abolish Religion.

      Pot call Kettle Black

      Trump, Cruz and gang hanging out at forums where So called Christians say Stone Gays to death is OK?

      • Tina says:

        Dewey you’re way off base. Dylann Roof was a nut, ignorant, confused, probably crazy and probably drugged out.

        Religion News:

        …this was an attack on black people, by someone with a white supremacist ideology. Roof wore the insignia of apartheid South Africa and the former Rhodesia, Remember what he said before he opened fire: “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” Read his manifesto, in which his hatred (predictably) spills over onto Jews and other groups. I have known people like this, and they are scary. …

        Some say that this was an attack on religion itself. …

        …White supremacists have numerous ties with neo-Nazis. And what would they have learned from their role models?

        The Nazis were waging a war against the biblical God, because they hated the idea of a God-given morality. The Nazis were anti-Christian. They preferred the ancient Teutonic gods of blood and fire. That is why the Nazis admired the composer Richard Wagner. The ultimate Nazi fantasy: a Europe consumed in gotterdamerung, a Wagnerian war of the gods. …

        … So, yes – Dylann Roof intended to kill black people. But he did not wander the streets of a black neighborhood. He did it in a historic black church, in God’s house, while people were studying God’s word. He deliberately chose to sit next to the pastor, so as to make sure that he would kill him.

        Daily Beast:

        …The website features a manifesto where Roof wrote he was radicalized via the Internet following the Trayvon Martin case. Roof wrote he researched “black on white violence,” which took him to the website of South Carolina-based hate group the Council of Conservative Citizens (formerly the White Citizens’ Council).

        “Niggers are stupid and violent,” Roof wrote, which should eliminate any doubt about his motive.

        “I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country,” he wrote. “We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.” …

        … John Mullins, who went to school with Roof, told The Daily Beast that he remembers him as being “kind of wild.” “He used drugs heavily a lot,” Mullins said. “It was obviously harder than marijuana. He was like a pill popper, from what I understood. Like Xanax, and stuff like that.”

        Roof was a confused drugged out nut. Like all of the domestic mass killers he sought out radical internet sites to fuel his confusion and rage. He was neither Christian nor conservative just an extremist of mixed ideology. The KKK was a democrat organization in the South.

        None of the people you mention agree that gays should be stoned to death…knock it off. Your spewing hate again…that thing you’re so opposed to.

        • Chris says:

          Tina: “The KKK was a democrat organization in the South.”

          Tina, who does the KKK support in this election?

          Who has the KKK supported in every election for the past few decades?

          What party has used the “Southern strategy” to appeal to the South for the past few decades?

          What happened to all the Southern racists during the Southern realignment? Did they stay Democrats?

          I think you know the answer to all these questions, but pointing out that the KKK was started by Democrats–never mind how the parties have changed over the years–loses its fun when you’re asked to think about them.

        • Libby says:

          And Omar has been prone to violence since the third grade. Come on, Tina. Let’s not have double standards that appear to be racist in origin.

          Roof used white supremacist ideology to justify his acting out. Mateen made used of violent jihadist horsepucky.
          And they are both sick, literally.

          But never mind them for the moment. Let’s talk about you. Are you truly, never going to be able to see that the choice of ideology makes very little difference to the outcome? … that to claim one is worse than the other is bigoted?

          And you can take your historical red herrings and cook them for dinner.

        • Dewster says:

          Christian Robert Lewis Dear:

          “Turn to JESUS or burn in hell,” he wrote on one site on Oct. 7, 2005. “WAKE UP SINNERS U CANT SAVE YOURSELF U WILL DIE AN WORMS SHALL EAT YOUR FLESH, NOW YOUR SOUL IS GOING SOMEWHERE.”

          Army of God Killed 3 wounded 9

          Shelly Shannon Christian Right terrorist murdered Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009

          Jim David Adkisson Christian Right sympathizer walked into the Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee during a children’s play and began shooting people at random.

          2 Dead 7 Wounded. Motivated by a hatred of liberals, Democrats and gays.

          Paul Jennings Hill army of God murdered Dr. John Britton and bodyguard James Barrett July 29, 1994

          Eric Rudolph serving life without parole for a long list of terrorist attacks committed in the name of Christianity. Most notable Olympic Park bombing Atlanta 1996

          James Charles Kopp radical Christian terrorist killed Dr Barnett Slepian

          Christian white supremacist Wade Michael Page murder six people during an attack on a Sikh temple Oak Creek WI Aug. 5, 2012

          John C. Salvi Army of God – killed 2 wounded several. The Army of God has exalted Salvi as a Christian martyr and described Lowney and Nichols not as victims of domestic terrorism, but as infidels who got what they deserved.

          David Lane, Bruce Pierce (The Order) murdered Alan Berg, talk show hostcritic of white supremacists June 18, 1984

          Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 1995

          Muslim Man Is Beheaded in Central African Republic
          Christian militiamen decapitated a young Muslim man in the capital, Bangui.

          Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic

          For starters, since 1977 there have been “eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, 181 arsons, and thousands of incidences of other criminal activities” targeting reproductive health care facilities here at home. With few exceptions, there were perpetrated by Christians who opposed abortion for religious reasons.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      So tell us, oh grand progressive pinhead oracle from idiot hell, why did the Obama administration do this? Why did they idiotically censor official information and maul and manipulate it to fit their own policy of language policing at the expense of the truth? Eh?

      Oh, hey, they were just trying to protect us from the truth? Why are yo so damn stupid?

      • Chris says:

        Why don’t you read the article Tina cited and find out? She didn’t cite the actual explanation in her article, of course, but it’s all there in the original source for anyone who really wants to know.

        But of course, you don’t want to know. You just want to bitch.

        • Tina says:

          Why don’t you read the other articles I cited in comments, Chris. You’ve been given more information than the explanation fed to the media.

          Buying everything the administration tells you is your prerogative but in the face of numerous complaints by people in the security arms of government I would think you would at least develop a modicum of curiosity and doubt.

          But no, not a drop. You can’t handle the criticism with grace so you call names and dismiss people out of hand. What’s more amazing is that you do it with such an air of superiority…

      • Libby says:

        Well, it certainly diminishes his value as a martyr and recruiting aid.

        And also to be considered is that we are playing to multiple factions/audiences … you, not among them. You are to quiet down and trust to your betters.

        Cold, I know. But you do ask for it.

        • Tina says:

          Like YOU trusted our “betters” during the Bush administration? I will never forget the relentless criticisms and accusations…you would not give an inch…still don’t. So petty and mean and partisan that ou can’t admit he might have done some things well and right…a he77 of a lot better than the “betters” we now are forced to rely upon.

          • Libby says:

            In other words, here and now, I’m right, right? Your angsts and anxieties are not the point. People more knowledgeable than you are busily exploiting the weaknesses of the enemy, identifying and assuaging vulnerabilities in prospective adherents.

            You should be ashamed, deeply humiliated, by the fact that the DOJ, to assuage YOUR anxieties, was forced to validate ISIS.

            Suck it up. I don’t want to see any more of this.

  6. dewster says:


    These agents are not the “Obama Admin” They are under the Obama admin and have been under other presidents. Bottom Line The FBI, CIA, and NSA are out of control and are constantly covering up their crap.

    The FBI failed as they often do Period. We are turning into a police state. They collect so much data hey miss the golden opportunities. They did not correctly process the data.

    Seems to me they are either inept or want these things to happen.

    Not unusual. From Pearl Harbor onward false flags and a turn the other cheek policy when moving the public towards another war is a constant in history.

    I suppose you do not care about the Saudi funding of 911 or the cover up? The heavily redacted white papers sent fr Bush White House to Congress to read before they vote for war? The fact they knew? The illegal wars and rights taken away?

    The supreme court just opened a slippery slope that applies to all citizens. They are destroying the Constitution for a Police state. We are there.

    Clinton, Bush, Obama it matters none they continue to take our rights and freedom away.

    • Tina says:

      Dewey conspiracy theories abound and you have spent way too much time on the dark side where fantastic tales are spun from incomplete information, my friend. Get a grip.

  7. dewster says:

    BTW are you ever going to admit the USA created all these problems?

    • Tina says:

      No! It’s an absurd premise.

      America isn’t that old. I’m afraid the problems in the world began long before the US came to be much less to prominence.

      Like I said, get a grip. You can’t reduce everything down to a bumper sticker and remain credible.

  8. Tina says:

    Trump isn’t demeaning Muslims. He lost Muslim friends in the Towers on 911. He speaks quickly, like a new Yorker and although he needs to work on that, if you care to know what he’s actually trying to communicate you can get it. The left of course prefers you think what they say he means.

    Trump is saying Muslims must do more. Who else has the grounds to argue for the faith and against the radical terrorists? Who else has suffered as much because of the monstrous ways the religion has been practiced and interpreted through the ages? And what better message to show our unity than to have them speak out more often and more strongly as Rudy Jasser and the others he’s gathered together to defend democracy and reform Islam. These are brave, patriotic men and women who risk their lives to make a difference…and they don’t mince words. They speak clearly. Trump is right…we need more of this!

    • Chris says:

      Tina: “Trump isn’t demeaning Muslims”


      Trump has told the following lies about Muslims in an attempt to justify his plan to temporarily ban all Muslim immigration:

      “It wason television. I saw it. It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don’t like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good.”

      This is not “speaking quickly.” This is Trump repeating a lie and even making it *bigger* after being told there was no evidence for his claims. This is a blood libel. This is “I saw Goody Proctor with the Devil.” It’s a lie meant to contribute to a witch hunt. This did not happen in New Jersey, and it was not on television. There were a few scattered, unconfirmed reports of people celebrating 9/11, but to expand that to “thousands and thousands” is insane and bigoted.

      Trump, defending his Muslims ban: “You look what’s happening with the migration in Europe. You look at Germany, it’s crime-riddled right now.”

      In reality, immigrants to Europe have not added to the crime rate.

      Trump: “Assimilation has been very hard. It’s almost–I won’t say non-existent, but it gets to be very close. And I’m talking about second and third generation. They come–they don’t–for some reason, there’s no real assimilation.”

      All available evidence shows that second and third generation Muslims assimilate just as well as any other group.

      This is just a handful of the lies Trump has told to spread fear and paranoia about Muslims. As we have seen this past week here on PS, his strategy is working among some. The number of Republicans who have condemned his anti-Muslim comments is encouraging, but what is very discouraging is that the bloggers here are defending him.

      To say that these comments–which are entirely meant to justify a bigoted policy–are not demeaning is ludicrous, and stems from an astounding lack of empathy. If these lied were told about Christians, Tina, you would be the first to say that Christians were being demeaned. (And no, the danger from radical Islam doesn’t make them any better–they’re all still lies, as Politifact shows, and would be lies no matter what religion they’re applied to.) But you don’t see Muslims as part of your “we,” so you don’t notice when they’re being demeaned. They literally don’t matter to you. If President Obama spoke this way about any group, you’d rightfully call him a bigot. You’ve pounced on far tamer statements he’s made to accuse him of anti-Christian bias but you can’t see Trump lying about Muslims is wrong?

      A big issue you have had with Obama is that he’s “divisive.” Trump is disliked by 7 out of 10 Americans and has insulted Mexicans, Muslims, women, the disabled, POWs, blacks, judges, and journalists. He can’t go two days without some sort of controversy stemming entirely from his inability to speak without putting his foot in his mouth. Do you really believe a President Trump would be less divisive than President Obama?

      • Tina says:

        “This is Trump repeating a lie ”

        I saw footage of Muslims in America cheering on television. My son was in Colorado and Muslims at his job were cheering. I heard other people talking about seeing Muslims cheering where they work. What he said was an exaggeration of what was visible but not entirely implausible. In New jersey Muslims on rooftops is, in fact, verifiable. That was a report from 2009.

        See also here and here.

        Neither you nor I (Nor Trump) knows how many Muslim Americas cheered in private. Logic tells us those who did openly represent more than themselves…they had to pick up this attitude from somewhere.

        “It’s a lie meant to contribute to a witch hunt.”

        Only in your imaginings. You have a warped idea of what a conservative person is like (projection?). You think we’re sitting racists and bigots, on the edge of riot, waiting for marching orders. (That’s the legacy of YOUR party)

        “In reality, immigrants to Europe have not added to the crime rate. ”

        Blind, ignorant and insane! The left in Europe plays down the crimes being committed there just as the Obama administration tries to downplay Islamic terrorist attacks in America (work place violence…radical extremists):

        Reuters, “German authorities accused of playing down refugee shelter sex crime reports”

        Germany’s police union and women’s rights groups accused the authorities on Tuesday of playing down reports of harassment, sexual assault and even rape at refugee shelters because they feared a backlash against asylum seekers.

        FrontPage Magazine, “Muslim Migrants Increase Crime in Germany by 65%”

        According to statistics from the Federal Criminal Police vedomstva Germany the number of offenses committed by asylum seekers has increased dramatically. Given the large number of immigrants, it is not surprising. In 2013 it was registered 32 495 crimes, and in 2014 – already 53 890. A particularly sharp increase in thefts (from 9421 to 16066) attacks with bodily injury (from 5172 to 8994)

        Gatestone Institute:

        The actual number of crimes in Germany committed by migrants in 2015 may exceed 400,000.

        The report does not include crime data from North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state in Germany and also the state with the largest number of migrants. North Rhine-Westphalia’s biggest city is Cologne, where, on New Year’s Eve, hundreds of German women were sexually assaulted by migrants.

        “For years the policy has been to leave the [German] population in the dark about the actual crime situation… The citizens are being played for fools. Rather than tell the truth, they [government officials] are evading responsibility and passing blame onto the citizens and the police.” — André Schulz, director, Association of Criminal Police, Germany.

        10% of the migrants from the chaos in Iraq and Syria have reached Europe so far: “Eight to ten million migrants are still on the way.” — Gerd Müller, Development Minister.

        Migrants committed 208,344 crimes in 2015, according to a confidential police report that was leaked to the German newspaper, Bild. This figure represents an 80% increase over 2014 and works out to around 570 crimes committed by migrants every day, or 23 crimes each hour, between January and December 2015.

        The actual number of migrant crimes is far higher, however, because the report, produced by the Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA), includes only crimes that have been solved (aufgeklärten Straftaten). According to Statista, the German statistics agency, on average only around half of all crimes committed in Germany in any given year are solved (Aufklärungsquote). This implies that the actual number of crimes committed by migrants in 2015 may exceed 400,000.

        Moreover, the report — “Crime in the Context of Immigration” (Kriminalität im Kontext von Zuwanderung) — includes data from only 13 of Germany’s 16 federal states.

        Terror attacks cannot be left out of the equation even though they are part and parcel of the terrorist war on the West.

        The New American:

        For many Westerners, the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris, which resulted in the slaughter of about 130 victims and the wounding of almost 400, served as a major wake-up call. Paris, though, like other major European cities, had long faced difficulties with its rapidly growing foreign population. Indeed, a decade before the Paris attacks shocked the world, massive riots across Islamic immigrant-dominated areas of the French capital and beyond resulted in a number of civilians killed, more than 125 police and firefighters injured, and almost 3,000 arrests.

        The wave of terrorist attacks were still a shock, of course, but they should not have been — the warning signs were everywhere. Paris had just come under a similar jihadist attack earlier in 2015, when Islamist gunmen massacred employees at a vulgar magazine infamous for ridiculing religion, God, and Muslims. Before that, Islamist militants had slaughtered a rabbi and some Jewish children in southern France. And authorities had long realized that they had a major problem that spanned across borders.

        Some of the terrorists were operating out of Belgium. After the most recent Paris attacks, the New York Times quoted Belgian Home Affairs Minister Jan Jambon acknowledging that authorities there did not “have control of the situation in Molenbeek,” a neighborhood linked to numerous other terror attacks. Prime Minister Charles Michel acknowledged that the town — often described as a “no-go area,” one of many such areas proliferating across Europe — had developed quite a reputation for jihadism. “I notice that each time there is a link with Molenbeek,” he said after the Paris attack.

        “This is just a handful of the lies Trump has told to spread fear and paranoia about Muslims.”

        Blind, ignorant, insane! Trump speaks honestly about real problems that must be addressed. Trump doesn’t put sensitivity to feelings ahead of the survival of western values and the safety of American citizens. Trump doesn’t try to pretend that this threat is no big thing, as liberals do, which is why ISIS arose and this refugee crisis is happening.

        You liberals need to get off it. Your “savior of the world” egos are not solving problems but exacerbating them. You are causing a lot of misery and getting people killed. You don;t seem to have noticed that this mess (world wide) has been created by your approach and policies.

        “To say that these comments–which are entirely meant to justify a bigoted policy–are not demeaning is ludicrous, and stems from an astounding lack of empathy.”

        You don’t know the meaning of the word. You make meaningless gestures, you talk a good game, and you are too bigoted and opinionated about conservatives to allow any real understanding. Do you get it. Obama, with all his so-called compassion, made this mess!!! Do you get that real empathy requires more than feel good sentences strung together and finger pointing that creates division. It requires more than making your political opponents a despised enemy as cover for your own failings. Under Liberal empathetic policy people in America have been consigned to institutional poverty and denied real opportunity. YOU are pathetic!

        “But you don’t see Muslims as part of your ‘we…'”


        I see them clearly. A group of people victimized by the radicals among THEM. I am not the enemy who demeans them in the eyes of the civilized world…the radical Islamists are. We share that common enemy! They bear a double burden. They bear the shame that Germans have born because of the rise and legacy of Hitler and the Nazis. Hiding the truth of the matter and shielding the perpetrators and the horrific acts they do in the name of Allah is insane. This enemy needs to be vociferously condemned. It can be done without condemning the religion or all Muslims. Trump has been clumsy. He’s not used to being a “politician.” You don’t think he can do better. I do.

        Hillary is the Queen of lies and she lies to hide her corrupt criminal activities. Putting this “known quantity” and her horndog husband back in the White House would be a disaster. SHE IS JUST THAT BAD!

        • Chris says:

          Tina: “I saw footage of Muslims in America cheering on television.”

          No, you didn’t.

          If such footage existed, it would have been produced to corroborate Trump’s claims by now.

          I don’t know what you saw. Perhaps you saw Muslims rejoicing in other countries and misunderstood. But there never was any footage of American Muslims celebrating 9/11 in the immediate aftermath. There are no news reports, no videos, nothing from that time to corroborate your or Trump’s claim. It defies belief that such videos would not have been preserved. It is far more likely that you are mistaken.

          “My son was in Colorado and Muslims at his job were cheering.”

          Maybe. Maybe not. That still would not support Trump’s claim, so what is your point?

          “I heard other people talking about seeing Muslims cheering where they work.”

          Again: so?

          Even if this is true–and who knows? Mass hysteria and witch hunts are things that happen, especially in the wake of a tragedy–this would not support Trump’s claim.

          “What he said was an exaggeration of what was visible but not entirely implausible.”

          No, it was a lie. If a few people do something terrible, and I attribute that to “thousands and thousands,” that is called lying.


          I saw thousands and thousands of Christian conservatives picketing military funerals and holding up signs saying “God Hates Fags.”

          Now, Tina, be honest: Is the above an “exaggeration” of what is visible at a Westboro Baptist Church protest, or is it a lie?

          “In New jersey Muslims on rooftops is, in fact, verifiable. That was a report from 2009.”

          Tina, I watched that entire six minute video you linked to, and there is NOTHING there about Muslims on rooftops in New Jersey. It’s about a radical Muslim group in America who has “celebrated” 9/11, and their rhetoric is obviously hateful and disturbing, but there’s no video footage of them celebrating right after 9/11, certainly not on any rooftops. So this does not support your or Trump’s claim that this happened on 9/11 or that there were thousands and thousands of Muslims on NJ rooftops or that there was video footage of them doing this.

          Did you mean to link to a different video? Or are you seeing something in that video that isn’t there?

          “Neither you nor I (Nor Trump) knows how many Muslim Americas cheered in private.”

          Irrelevant. Trump’s claim was no about Muslims who cheered in private.

          I also don’t know how many children you starve in your torture dungeon you have in your basement. I would guess “zero,” but I don’t know what you do in private. Still, if I made these accusations against you, I think you would be fairly comfortable calling them a lie. You don’t call similar accusations against Muslims lies, though, because you lack basic empathy for them. They are held to a different standard of proof. You can say whatever you want about them as long as it’s not falsifiable, and you literally don’t understand why anyone would be upset by that.

          “Blind, ignorant and insane!”

          No, it’s a fact, from a fact-based source. The only sources you offer to refute it are partisan, anti-Muslim ones. (You also cite Reuters, but it does not support the claim that Muslim immigrants are adding to Europe’s crime rate.)

          Your defenses of Trump’s lies are pathetic and unconvincing.

          You also still refuse to address the criticism of Trump’s proposed Muslim immigration ban from experts on both sides of the aisle. They say such a ban would alienate our allies and help ISIS recruit. They also point out the majority of terrorist attacks have been committed by citizens born in the US, not immigrants. What say you to this?

        • Pie Guevara says:

          Tina nails Chris down pat.

  9. Libby says:

    You know, that unredacted tape, released to shut you up, is probably already online in an ISIS recruiting video. I am disgusted.

  10. Tina says:

    You have a lot to be disgusted about, Libby. But you turn away. You pretend your party is not culpable. You are delusional.

    Where is the firm voice that condemns these monsters with passion and vows their total destruction?


    Instead we play games, we grovel…we look weak incompetent, and stupid as the threat grows and grows.

    • Libby says:

      My party released a redacted transcript. Your party insisted on the release of a version valuable to ISIS … for purely, selfishly, political reasons. We look stupid all right.

      And I also went looking for this video and could not find it. I found some obnoxious tweeting, but as twitterdom is the realm of obnoxious people, I’m not sure that counts for anything.

  11. Libby says:

    “Where is the firm voice that condemns these monsters with passion and vows their total destruction?”

    You can find all of that you like on any ISIS recruiting website. They are barbarians.

    We are trying persuade folk not to go with the barbarians, to come with us. So we may not spout the visceral drivel of a barbarian.

  12. Libby says:

    Tina: You play dumb pretty well Libs…”vengeance,” really?

    Tina: Where is the firm voice that … vows their total destruction.

    Not to rub the nose, exactly; it just amazes me that you don’t seem to see it.

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