No Indictment for Hillary?

by Jack

It was a long and tedious investigation by the FBI.  Through the investigation they said they would not be swayed by politics, one way or the other.

HillaryThey doggedly sifted through thousands of emails looking for classified materials that were possibly recklessly handled and guess what?  They found them.  Those secret government emails, we are told, may have been hacked by foreign governments and they would like to know, but this may be impossible unless the offending governments come forward and that is highly unlikely.

The FBI found over 100 examples of classified emails on Hillary’s private computer server and this was in direct contradiction to the rules and laws regarding the handling of classified material.   However, the FBI somehow concluded there was no specific intent to break the law, therefore they would make no recommendation for an indictment.  Instead, they will merely submit their case to the DOJ and let them determine if a crime was committed.

Two words come to mind now, reckless endangerment.   This is an element in a number of criminal laws and logic says it should apply here.  It is quite obvious the handling of hillary_clinton first2classified material was indeed reckless and that their release into the hands of our enemies would endanger America, so I am confused why Hillary is being treated with kid gloves by the FBI?  Anyone else would have been indicted, so why not Hillary?  But, the big question now is, will the Dept. of Justice assign an independent prosecutor to review the case and render a decision on whether there is sufficient evidence to indict or not?   That’s about the only thing that would put this case to rest.


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5 Responses to No Indictment for Hillary?

  1. Tina says:

    I think Bill’s tarmac conversation with Lynch pretty much assured there will be no special prosecutor, just as it insured there would be no decision made by Lynch. Hillary has indicated she might ask Lynch to continue as AG in her administration,. Others have suggested she may have been promised an appointment to the Supreme Court. Hillary being joined on the campaign trail by the President pretty much indicates the fix is in and sealed. Hillary will “become” our president. America has been reduced to nothing more than a corrupt banana republic.

    Are there enough honest, solidly American Democrats and Independents to wrench power from this mafia style cabal? Time will tell. The election is no longer about two candidates…it is about breaking up a corrupt power structure that operates in the same vein as tyrannical dictatorships. Hillary’s candidacy is the tip of an iceberg that includes IRS targeting, harassment by the IRS, Justice Department, EPA, and related agencies of government.

    My emotions are all over the place. Everything from disgust and despair to a broken heart when I think what this means for and our nation and our people.

  2. bob says:

    I told you people way back when there was no way, no how Shillary would be indicted. I told you Comey would do as he was told and make the Shillary issues go away. I told you the DemoNRats hooked their wagon to Shillary and there was no going back as the special interests have funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to her, her husband, her daughter and their foundation. I told you people that this government is nothing but a criminal enterprise. I was right.

    I bet the founders of this country would react similarly to the comments below:

    Many Americans reacted furiously to the FBI’s announcement that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges over her email scandal, with some asserting that since the former Secretary of State appears to be above the law, they would also now refuse to follow it.

    “Why should we follow the law when our leaders don’t?” asked one respondent, adding, “This Clinton bullshit has sealed the deal for me. We are ruled by a corrupt cabal that is above the law.”

    “If Clinton wins, I’m not paying taxes anymore or following federal laws,” wrote another, adding, “Simple as that. It’s over. They can jail or kill me, I don’t care. I’d rather live as a free American for a day, then spend a lifetime under criminals.”

    “If Hillary Clinton is not indicted why should I ever follow another law? I’ve played by the rules my entire life. Every day,” wrote another enraged American.

    • RHT447 says:

      Yup. Carry a badge? I wish you luck. You’re going to need it. And you will be forced to choose. I have immediate family who do carry a badge. Beyond that, I just do not have the words.

      “You therefore no longer have any moral requirement to adhere to same; your entire analysis must now rest on whether you are sufficiently afraid of being shot — and nothing more.”


  3. Peggy says:

    I am disappointed, but not surprised. Comey’s statement today was the final proof that the Clintons are above the law and equal justice does not apply to them.

    I along with most everyone else thought for sure he was going to recommend an indictment after going through each of the possible charges and explaining how each one had been proved or there was just reason to expect her servers had been hacked.

    After thinking about what he said and more important what he didn’t say I’m now thinking he has something else up his sleeve. Comey’s reputation has been praised by members of both parties and I just don’t buy it that he would let her go free after presenting the evidence against her line by line.

    So, is the ace up his sleeve that she lied under oath on everyone of those possible charges he went over? Will he now be bringing charges for lying under oath like Bubba did? Or did they find a better case to convict her on with what they found with her Clinton Foundation money laundering scheme? He did say they were able to retreat a lot but not all of her deleted emails. What else did they find on those not completely erased hard drives? I’m sure it was more than just emails. How about some word documents and spread sheets?

    Anyway, time will tell. I’m now looking forward to hearing what the disgusted FBI agents who worked on this have to say.

    Oh yeah, I was vacillating on whether to vote for Trump or not. Today confirmed I will be voting against her by marking my ballot for him. No way in hell does that woman deserve to be our next president. She wouldn’t be able to pass a security clearance after what she did according to legal commentators this afternoon. Can’t run a country with a president who is not allowed to see our country’s classified information.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Obviously Bill Clinton’s meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch bore no fruit. You Post Scripts folks are insane!

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