Death of Alton Sterling Causes Racial Uproar Before Facts Are Known

by Jack

Two days ago, the court of public opinion found two white cops guilty of unlawfully shooting a black male named Alton Sterling.   The verdict was rendered minutes after the story appeared on the news.  Now protesters are rallying to the scene and also in other cities across the nation, much like they did in Ferguson, Mo. Baltimore, Md. and New York City.  The evidence was clear, if the man shot was black and the cops did it, then obviously it was murder, nothing else needs to be said.   But, if you are remotely curious about the truth, here’s some that’s just leaked out:

According to CNN — “A second video showing the shooting death of Alton Sterling (known by his friends as the gentle giant), a black man shot several times while being held on the ground by police outside a Louisiana convenience store. The video shows another angle and was recorded closer to the shooting by one of two white Baton Rouge police officers who were answering a 911 report of a man with a gun. It is the second of two bystander videos that show the encounter.”

blackonblackAs witness recount Sterling allegedly pulled a gun on an individual and that person summoned police. When the police arrive they order Sterling to lay prone on the ground presumably for their safety and the safety of bystanders.

Sterling, who is a very large man, refuses several demands and grows hostile towards the police. At this point witnesses say they heard a “pop” noise that they thought was a Taser being fired. But, Sterling did not go down. Then a struggle ensues and one of the officers attempts to take Sterling down in a sort of tackling move that causes them to both roll across the hood of civilian car and onto the parking lot pavement, both still struggling.

According to CNN – “In the new 38-second recording, Sterling is already on the ground, on his back. One officer is kneeling to Sterling’s left. The other officer appears to be straddling Sterling’s legs. Sterling can be seen from the chest up and his lower legs are also visible. His left arms and hands are not visible; his right arm is by his side.”

While both officers work to gain physical control over Sterling, one them yells, “Gun, gun!” The next sound is garbled, but it sounds like one of the officers is saying, “He’s going for it.” And a second later two shots are fired by one of the officers. The video jerks. That officer winds up almost prone and just above Sterling’s head. Sterling is now on his back and bleeding from a chest wound. The officer on the ground can be seen with his gun in his hand, pointed it at Sterling. Police then remove a pistol from under Sterling’s waistband in the front of his pants.

The two videos that have been produced so far, both appear to support the officers story and those of bystanders. 1. Sterling was armed. 2. He was combative and resisted officers. 3. He continued to resist even after officers attempt to force him to the ground. 4. It also appears he could have been attempting to remove his pistol from his pants, but that is far from clear in the video.

Based on the above would you be inclined to take to the streets protesting, declaring that police just murdered another innocent black man for absolutely no reason? Nah, me either, but some people would as we’ve seen on national TV.

I wouldn’t blame people for protesting the fact that in 2014 2,245 blacks murdered 2,491 blacks! That’s shocking and deserves some attention. I would find it equally outrageous and offensive that 90,000 black lives have been lost to black murderers in the past 12 years, according to FBI statistics. 90,000 people who might have had productive lives to live, were murdered by blacks. I’m no less appalled that 42% of the police officers murdered in 2013 were killed by blacks- that’s worth protesting too. Where are these protests? Yes, there’s a lot of things that are absolutely worth protesting over, but this one event in Louisiana does not appear to be one of them. On the face of it, it doesn’t even appear to deserving of the angry rhetoric now coming from the Black Lives Matter forces.

Before I close, here’s something worth considering. Heather MacDonald of the National Review writes, “The FBI has just released its supplemental homicide data for 2012, including the numbers of interracial killings. These are highly relevant for the current rallying cry that “black lives matter.” Unfortunately, the FBI continues its usual practice of combining whites and Hispanics into the single category “white,” thus overstating white crime and victimization rates. Even so, the data are telling.

A “white” homicide victim is over twice as likely to be killed by a black than a black homicide victim is to be killed by a “white.” Sixteen percent of “white” victims in homicide incidents involving a single victim and single offender were killed by blacks, compared with only 7 percent of black victims who are killed by “whites.” Given the fact that blacks are less than 13 percent of the national population, their homicide rate against whites and Hispanics combined is vastly disproportionate to their share of the population. There were 431 black killers of “whites,” compared to 193 “white” killers of blacks. Undoubtedly a large percentage of interracial killings involve gang killings among black and Hispanic gangs; the number of non-Hispanic whites who kill blacks is undoubtedly far lower than 193. (The number of non-Hispanic whites killed by blacks is also presumably lower than 431.)”

Read more at:

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23 Responses to Death of Alton Sterling Causes Racial Uproar Before Facts Are Known

  1. Pie Guervara says:

    Jack, your razor sharp knowledge and keen insight on this phony, bigoted, racist issue of “institutional racism” in 21st century “white” police departments is again expressed clearly and poignantly.

  2. Pie Guervara says:

    Just learned that Times Square is shut down by protesters over the two recent police shootings. How long will it take for left-wing agitators to turn this into destructive, racist. riot mayhem there and across the nation? One, two, three days?

  3. Libby says:

    Jack, you do yourself a disservice attempting to comment. You should just not.

    Seriously … just … don’t do it.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby, sorry but I think it was most appropriate. Furthermore, if the rest of America had joined in and put the blame where it belongs we might NOT be seeing the aftermath of this horror as it unfolds in Dallas. Think about what your side has been doing Libby! They have been inciting people to violence against the police and that includes Obama! According to the latest news (allegedly) 10 police officers have been gunned down and 3 have been killed in retribution. . . for what? Does anybody really know or understand the truth anymore? Tell me Libby, why did they die, what did they do?

      Was it for Ferguson, the big “hands up don’t shoot” lie. That stupid damn lie was embraced by liberals and blacks alike and they made into their battle cry! It was a #*^#@#$%^* LIE! And yet they (race baiters) continue to embrace the lie as the truth because its what some people want to hear and believe. My good God, we are a stupid people!

      In the Ferguson brouhaha, does it matter that in the final analysis the cop was the victim, not the black guy? Well, maybe Dallas happened over the death of black man who was resisting arrest in NY and died from a heart attack or was it over this foolish rush to judgement in Baton Rouge? Hey, the citizens called the cops on that fool for waving a gun around and he died when he resisted and went off on the cops! Say what you want about that guy, but in my book he was a dumbass. Normal people don’t interact with the police like that! But, some people with a chip on their sure do, and when it ends badly they want to protest how they were victimized by the mean ol cops? So, is that why these Dallas officers had to be gunned down in cold blood by cowardly snipers?

      • Libby says:

        The disservice you do yourself is by trying to justify the present very serious … mistakes … by dredging up the irrelevant past (some of which is not even true and provokes the “r” word).

        With regard to Baton Rouge, the firearm did not leave the waistband until the cops removed it and the man was dead. Not good.

        St. Paul, I am too disgusted to discuss.

        • Post Scripts says:

          Libby, on what do you base such a silly statement on? Your law enforcement training? Do you have any idea how long it would take to fire a fatal shot once a gun is pulled from the waistband? Can you even imagine how hard it is to hold a strong, large man in place? The hands and bare arms becomes slippery with sweat and oil, one false move and the suspect’s hand comes free and he goes for his gun – then your life or someone else’s is in peril!

          If that cop couldn’t hold him and found himself losing his grips in such a situation, then you yell, “Gun, gun! He’s going for it!” and if you are lucky your partner can pull his own gun and stop him before somebody, like you or a bystander dies! But, you won’t have much time to think about it, the decision will have to be in about 1-2 seconds or it could all be too late. How many times have you been in that situation Libby?

  4. Harold says:

    “Libby, on what do you base such a silly statement on?”

    My answer to that would be, Mostly ignorance coming from incomplete information on what was really happening, which was very early on presented by the rush to broadcast hyperbole media.

    I would like to hear a report about the legal aspect of Sterling weapon, was he licensed to carry a weapon?, was the weapon legal registered to him?

  5. J. Soden says:

    In an interview Thursday, Megyn Kelly pointed out that when she had Jesse Jackson (I refuse to call him “reverend” as he does not deserve the title) on her show Wednesday night, he immediately started with the race card.
    Unjustifiable accusations of racism have become so common that the word has lost much of its meaning. And when a race hog like Jackson calls you a racist, you know you have the upper hand!

  6. Libby says:

    “Do you have any idea how long it would take to fire a fatal shot once a gun is pulled from the waistband?”

    He was face down on the ground with two cops sitting on him. If the gun is not in his hand, how is it a threat? The cops panicked. They are supposed to be 1) psychologically vetted for a disinclination to panic, and 2) trained not to panic.

    This is plainly not happening.

    • Tina says:

      He was face up according to Jacks report taken from CNN:

      “In the new 38-second recording, Sterling is already on the ground, on his back. One officer is kneeling to Sterling’s left. The other officer appears to be straddling Sterling’s legs. Sterling can be seen from the chest up and his lower legs are also visible. His left arms and hands are not visible; his right arm is by his side.”

      So it is quite possible that the guy made a move toward his wasteband and weapon. DOES HE DO IT BECAUSE HE’S BEEN INDOCTRINATED TO BELIEVE COPS “HUNT DOWN” BLACK KIDS AND KILL THEM…or because he’s a gansta type and its inbred to resist and be obnoxious?

      If it’s the former your party, the O’man, and Eric Holder are grossly responsible.

      If it’s the latter, or a combination of the two, your party, the O’man, and Eric Holder are grossly responsible.

      You are either a willing dupe or part and parcel of the obnoxious radical progressive effort to destroy this nation at THE EXPENSE OF BLACKS!

      • Libby says:

        I don’t generally, like, go looking into the groady details, but I’ve been provoked.

        Alton Sterling was shot twice in the chest, four times in the back, and the gun was removed from a front pants pocket.

        And don’t you think it’s unreasonable of you to object to conclusions a black citizen of Louisiana might draw from the fact that Louisiana law enforcement has killed 37 black men this year.

  7. Libby says:

    And for pity’s sake, take down the graphic. To insinuate that because black people kill black people, they are more violent, more likely to kill, is a logical fallacy, and absolutely the most flaming bit of flagrant racism you’ve posted to this site.

  8. Tina says:

    “To insinuate that because black people kill black people, they are more violent, more likely to kill, is a logical fallacy”

    No Libby, it’s a fallacy that being poor and having too much access to guns is the problem.

    Poor black people in the years before the Great Society were not killing each other in the huge numbers they are today. Poor black people before the Great society remained married at greater rates than in the white community. These intact families went to church and their children were civilized and morally sound. They were more likely to get themselves educated with a high school diploma or better. The way out of poverty was upward mobility, they knew it and they were succeeding! You destroyed all of that with your decidedly un-American radical socialist and humanist ideals.

    You and your party OWN this horrible outcome…admit it!

  9. Tina says:

    I vote you keep the graphic up. Those two have been ginning up racial division and making false accusations against one group of whites (now two groups) for decades: Conservatives and cops! Its political crap and it needs to stop!

    • Libby says:

      Well, then, you should match it with a graphic stating that between shooting and verdict so many white people killed so many white people, thereby demonstrating how utterly meaningless is the statistic … unless, of course, you are a flaming racist.

  10. Pie Guevara says:

    Yes, Jack is 100% correct, “Death of Alton Sterling Causes Racial Uproar Before Facts Are Known.”

    Except for one caveat — the racial uproar was not actually caused by the death of this man. More precisely, the continuing racial uproar has — again — been caused by professional, racist, progressive agitators and the hordes of dimwits under their control.

  11. Pie Guevara says:

    Rush Limbaugh’s interview with Heather Mac Donald is poignant and revealing —

    Heather Mac Donald Talks About Her Essential Book: The War on Cops

  12. dewster says:

    Poor little white men the world is so complicated for them

    Stop this crap. Start with the poor policing and watch the videos,

    Same old excuses by bad cops. Gives good cops a bad name.

    WHat is different these days? Oh yea everybody has a camera!

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