Today’s Blacks Could Be Standing on the Shoulders of the Funk Brothers

Posted by Tina

My husband just put the video, “Standing in the Shadows of Motown” on for us to watch. What a lovely relief from what is going on in the streets today. These are men I hold in high regard, not only for their incredible music but also for their dedication to family, to each other, and to making music and a good life for themselves and together as a group. Like any group they were not made of perfect individuals but what I notice, and love, is they are quintessentially American with not a racist bone in their bodies. They were/are talented, humble, gracious and filled with joy…their music reflects it.

See here and here.

The Funk brothers played back up to world renowned singers of the sixties. Where might we be today if agitators and race baiting politicians had not grabbed the headlines and attention of the black community preaching hatred and strife. Where would we be today if American blacks had been encouraged and groomed to realize their entrepreneurial ambitions and dreams? Where might we be if blacks had been encouraged to direct their lives from a position of equality that was their right as these men did no matter what was going on in the world.

Well guys I intend to sit back and enjoy. Back at y’all later.

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31 Responses to Today’s Blacks Could Be Standing on the Shoulders of the Funk Brothers

  1. Libby says:

    “Where would we be today if American blacks had been encouraged and groomed to realize their entrepreneurial ambitions and dreams?”

    My God, woman … would you listen to yourself?


    I spent my evening listening to the Grateful Dead.

    • Tina says:

      You have an objection to upward mobility and independence?

      • Libby says:

        One of the many adjectives for a white supremacist is “patronizing.” There are also belittling, demeaning, arrogant and smug as applied to the inferiority of persons,values, of a way of life, different from your own.

        We’ll lay aside the overall tone for the moment. Tina, you groom a dog, a horse; monkeys groom each other. To assert that this is something we would do to another classification of human betrays a certain … horrendously condescending bigotry.

        I’m being harsh, I know, but I had not realized it was as bad as this, and it calls for harshness.

        • Tina says:

          Libby you live in an upside down world if you think an attitude toward blacks that they are just like everyone else, EQUAL, is “patronizing, belittling, demeaning, arrogant, and smug.”

          “…you groom a dog, a horse; monkeys groom each other. To assert that this is something we would do to another classification of human”

          You are one sick individual. I wrote nothing of the sort! But we now know how YOU think…talk about condescending and arrogant! Where do you come up with such trash besides in the gutter of your own wicked, mind!

          “I’m being harsh..”

          No Libby, you are being a bigoted, judgemental a$$ who assumes the most vile despicable things. And for what? Politics? Self aggrandizement? Kicks?


          • Libby says:

            “I wrote nothing of the sort!” Yes you did. You, probably unconsciously, choose to use a word with clearly condescending connotations. Even used in the business sense, a superior grooms a subordinate.

            Shall we talk now about the overall tone and content? You praise successful musicians. It would have been equally in character for you to have praised ball players. Do you see where I’m going here?

            Next time leave off the stereotype. You seem completely oblivious to how hard they’ve had to fight for a shot at teacher, doctor, politician and astronaut … and that black members of these professions are not safe from the police.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Of course you did, Libby, Garcia was a heroin and cocaine addict and your musical tastes likely cling to such.

      By the way, I smoked weed with both The Grateful Dead (including Ron “Pigpen” McKernan) and the Santana in the boy’s locker room when they played at my high school in 1970. I gave that crap up soon later. Evidently you have not. Have another bong hit, Libby and chill out.

      • Dewster says:

        “Where would we be today if American blacks had been encouraged and groomed to realize their entrepreneurial ambitions and dreams? Where might we be if blacks had been encouraged to direct their lives from a position of equality that was their right as these men did no matter what was going on in the world.”

        OMG Tina You are clueless? You forget the real world in those times?

        Yes the Funk Brothers were talented and amazing. They were Black. They were treated like crap by White People. They had to go in the Colored door when in Racist towns. They lived in a Period where record labels reaped in the big money and they got paid to survive. A Time when we had Music Kingpins and payola.

        The Mowtown stairs were a gateway to a cramped, smoke stained, dimly lit room affectionately dubbed “The Snakepit.”

        Their names did not even appear on the record sleeves for years. On Instrumental cuts they were billed as the Soul Bros.

        Barry Gordie was no different that than his white counterparts.
        Demanded assembly-line efficiency.

        “Sessions started at 10 o’clock and were over in the afternoon. Most of the time they were three hour sessions. Since they could call for a session seven days a week the Funk Brothers were always on call. They were paid $10 a song until everything was right.”

        Their talent carried them through after Motown moved. Just because you just found out about them does not mean they did not inspire many a Good Black Musician.

        To suggest they were treated with “Equality” Is insane…. We fought for Equality.

        WHile it is a warm and Fuzzy Well done Movie once again you believe the world presented in Media.

        Maybe if Whites treated Blacks better? Maybe if we did not have Elite Kingpins becoming rich off the Backs of talented poor people? Maybe if they had been paid a fair wage in those days and got proper billing credit for their work?

        ANd Why is all this New to You?

        How about you stop trying to explain a world you do not know to those of us who do. You really have been sheltered from many of the worlds truths. Media presents a false narrative.

        The question would be why did White Media Fail Young Black people?

        Jeeze I have no doubt you were upset as Black Athletes started getting Media Attention.

        You keep trying to WHITEwash History… SAD

        • Tina says:

          “You forget the real world in those times?”

          No…I don’t cling to the struggle like it’s a god, dragging it like a decaying horse to taint and stain the future. I move toward the goal of true equality and completely reject the goal of the left which is equality of outcomes, redistribution and treating blacks like pets!

          And by the way, I take my cue from black people that express the same thing!

          Jason L.Riley, Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed

          Dr. Thomas Sowell, RACE, CULTURE, AND EQUALITY

          Equality In Discipline

          You Tube: Walter E Williams – A Discussion On Equality and Affirmative Action

          Find more from Walter Williams here

          Walter Williams, Equality or Inequality

          Larry Elder, No Such Thing as Equality

          You Tube Black Conservatives Rebut Tea Party Racism Claims”

          You Tube, Niger Innis, White Liberals are “The Most Racist People”

          You Tube, Star Parker and Allen West respond to NAACP’s attack on Tim Scott

          ” They were treated like crap by White People.”

          That is not the truth. That WAS the reality of the times but it was NOT the truth. They, and the white players that played with them, were loved by the sixties generation, the generation that wanted to move on from that old disgusting model! The generation that wanted equality for everyone. They represent the children who chose to move on. If you see the movie and listen to them talk they were interested in providing for themselves. Barry Gordy said, “To heck with waiting for the white community to make me a place in life,” and he founded Motown Records and built an empire! That’s how anyone in America makes it.

          “Barry Gordie was no different that than his white counterparts. Demanded assembly-line efficiency. ”

          Grow up! Efficiency is not a dirty word. Coddle…now that is a dirty word because it keeps people down. I agree Barry Gordy could have treated these musicians better, and should have when he left for Hollywood, but guess what…the musicians got it. Life doesn’t promise anyone smooth sailing or a free ride to success.

          “Just because you just found out about them does not mean they did not inspire many a Good Black Musician.”

          I didn’t “just find them.” I know they inspired other musicians…they also inspired people generally. Your attitude is just like Libby’s, you presume to know me and read your own prejudices about me into what I’ve written.

          “…you believe the world presented in Media.”

          An ignorant statement.

          “Maybe if Whites treated Blacks better? Maybe if we did not have Elite Kingpins becoming rich off the Backs of talented poor people? Maybe if they had been paid a fair wage in those days and got proper billing credit for their work?”

          Maybe if the white world had the ability to make black lives pain free and easy?

          If your theory is accurate how do you explain the rise of blacks over the last fifty years to positions of prominence in all fields, some of them becoming millionaires and billionaires in the process?

          10 Most Successful African-American CEOs of All Time

          Successful Black Women Entrepreneurs & Executives

          Young black people need encouragement like this: Successful African-Americans tell black students they can make it too. They don’t need to be burdened by rotting old realities dragged into the now and projected into their futures!

          Life is about overcoming obstacles. these successful black ARE standing on the shoulders of the Funk Brothers. Too bad you can’t see it, Too bad you would rather continue your own hatred of white people. Too bad you cling to an excuse rather than taking up the challenge.

          You are the bigot, Dewey. You are the one harming your progeny with ugly useless attitudes and excuses rather than inspiring them to stand tall and move beyond the past…just as countless others have done before them in greater and greater numbers.

      • Dewster says:

        And Pie LOL Clueless again in your attack on Libby, Drugs played a part in many Musicians lives. Some in the Funk Brothers had their battles with them too. So Epic Fail!

        Maybe we should talk about the US Gov’s drug dealing over the decades and how Big Pharma medicate’s the population today on opiates for Profit?

        • Pie Guevara says:

          Dopester, consider giving it up. Just a suggestion. It isn’t helping your cause, whatever the hell that is you boob.

        • Tina says:

          The Pharmaceutical companies did not manufacture these drugs for recreational use and addiction. You are being cynical and displaying typical excuse making attitudes. People that abuse any drug do it to themselves and will not be free until they admit that.

          “Profits” have allowed these same drug companies to develop life saving drugs and drugs that help people to enjoy a better quality of life. If you have such hatred of them I suggest you avoid the use of the products and investment in the companies. Nobody forces you to participate.

        • Pie Guevara says:

          I was attacking Libby??? I was only expounding on her asinine remarks. Much like I expound on yours, the witless “LOL Epic Fail” boy. I am perfectly happy to watch you and Libby make Equus africanus asinus of yourselves (with apologies to Equus africanus asinus, that was an undeserved slur.)

      • Libby says:

        Artists are inclined to lead messy and unhappy lives, and then they get up on stage and make everyone feel like it’s going to be all right, for a couple of hours, anyway.

        • Harold says:

          So did Obama at the 2007 DNC convention, but his false words wore off fast as well, and left a entire country messy with many more unhappy lives than just a couple of idolized performing drug addicts.

          Once more all you and Dewey do is criticize, when you would be better off suggesting ways to resolve Americas problems, Not everyone has the answer, but no one gets heard arguing.

          As long as we suffer under a Obama mentality of pitting people against one another, while Obama continoues to divides us, then we maintain the status quo, no actually enlarge hated, and for what? just to bolster his goal of socialism.

          How do we prevent reoccurrences like Minn. and Louisiana and still support our first line of civil protection, I suggest we get all the facts first, and solve what ever led up to the problem to begin with before we chant things like ‘we want dead cops now’

          • Tina says:

            Harold, voices of reason and calm are welcome additions to these discussions and you often supply us with just that.

            It’s a shame that this is happening at all and it wouldn’t be if we had pushed back against militant agitators much earlier.

            I garner strength and hope for the future when I see the many black voices that now offer alternative ways of thinking to America’s young black people. We all live in a wonderful country and it’s about time we started living the life.

            Respect for authority and the rule of law is a good place to start with kids. Add a solid background in the Constitution and a full historical perspective. Kids are not taught the real history, they are taught a history skewed to make America wrong and the white man the bad guy.

            Hat’s off to the many men and women of all races that sign up to protect and serve i their communities and put their lives on the line every day. More often than not they are the example!

        • Tina says:

          Good grief Libby. Artists are people with families. They are more than their music.

          • Libby says:

            It was Pie who said The Dead were all pointless druggies. I said they were druggies who made art. I don’t know what you are trying to say.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Dang, that would have been an excellent edition to the next Pie Guevara’s occasional Friday Follies. Love it

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Bringing tears to my eyes.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Back at you Tina and Hubby —

    Chicago and Earth Wind and Fire Live

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    A tribute to the Clintons, Obama, Al Gore, Democrats, et. al —

  6. Tina says:

    Charles Barkley, Unintelligent blacks brainwashed to keep successful black men down

    “Unfortunately, as I tell my white friends, we as black people, we’re never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you’re black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people. It’s a dirty, dark secret; I’m glad it’s coming out.”

    Barkley said that young black men who do well in school are accused of “acting white” by their peers. “One of the reasons we’re never going to be successful as a whole, because of other black people. And for some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you’re not a thug or an idiot, you’re not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don’t break the law, you’re not a good black person. And it’s a dirty, dark secret.”

    Leftists..progressives…see people in terms of their group rather than as part of the human race. It’s got to stop!

    • Libby says:

      Charles is dead right, but that is an internal matter for them to work out someday.

      It is also irrelevant to the issue under discussion. Are you ever going to stop trawling the Internet for stuff you think bolsters your conviction that only the one side is at fault in this?

      Both sides have work to do … which you STILL will not own.

  7. Peggy says:

    Black Cop’s POWERFUL Message To The Black Lives Matter Agitators Is A MUST Read

  8. Tina says:

    Libby you actually said, “Artists are inclined to lead messy and unhappy lives, and then they get up on stage and make everyone feel like it’s going to be all right, for a couple of hours, anyway.”

    I was just saying they are more than the couple of hours when “they get up on stage and make everyone feel like it’s going to be all right….”

    In the context of the Funk Brothers these were accomplished musicians but they were/are also responsible family men and providers. They are positive roll models who didn’t let the obstacles of their generation stop them from doing what they loved.

  9. Tina says:

    “You, probably unconsciously, choose to use a word with clearly condescending connotations. ”

    Probably unconsiously choose?

    NO! I Chose the exact word i would use for any human being.

    Groom: V. 2. prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity:
    “star pupils who are groomed for higher things”

    So no, people are also groomed for a particular purpose or activity…ever heard of a teacher or coach?

    You wrote: ” Tina, you groom a dog, a horse; monkeys groom each other. To assert that this is something we would do to another classification of human betrays a certain … horrendously condescending bigotry.”

    Actually Libby your knee jerk response belies a certain horrendously condescending bigotry…probably unconscious…and possibly some level of racism as well: “monkeys groom each other.”

  10. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Libby “It was Pie who said The Dead were all pointless druggies. I said they were druggies who made art. I don’t know what you are trying to say.”

    I never said any such thing you drug addled boob.

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