Dems Go Left With Progressive Party Platform

DNC_DonkeyPosted by Tina

The proposed Democrat Party platform is looking pretty radical. Special interest groups will cheer. The question is, will the rest of America want more of manipulation and control and the misery it brings or will they say, “Enough!”

MaryAlice Parks of ABC gives us a peek at the rough draft for the Democrat Party platform. Bernie Sanders and his people have pushed for their agenda items so we can expect when the Democrats hold their convention his footprint will be there:

The document — a formal declaration of the party’s positions — includes language on breaking up “too-big-to fail” banks; reinstating a new version of the Glass-Steagall Act, which required that commercial banking and securities activities be separated; abolishing the death penalty; and fighting for a Constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Citizen’s United case, which barred the government from restricting political spending by nonprofit corporations.

Representatives from the Sanders campaign were unable to secure enough votes to include language explicitly opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), despite the fact that presumptive Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton has also voiced her opposition to the White House’s proposed trade deal. Warren Gunnels, Sanders’ policy director, said his team was very “disappointed.” …

… Progressives, however, did obtain major victories, including a $15/hr minimum wage, a price on carbon and decriminalization of marijuana. …

… Former NAACP president Ben Jealous introduced and successfully passed additional language on criminal justice reform stating that the party “will work with police chiefs to invest in training for officers on issues such as deescalation and the creation of national guidelines for the appropriate use of force.” The document now also encourages the use of body cameras, the end of racial profiling, and the Department of Justice to investigate all questionable or suspicious police-involved shootings.

What are the two issues the American people have at the top of their lists in this election? The Economy and Security. I don’t see much that will effectively address those two important issues.

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4 Responses to Dems Go Left With Progressive Party Platform

  1. J. Soden says:

    Somebody referred to $hrilLIARy as “Secretary of the Status Quo” the other day. I submit that should $hrilLIARy become prez, it would be WORSE than status quo!

  2. Tina says:

    She proved that today, J. as she stood for 45 minutes (+/-) and did the bobble head nod as Bernie grabbed her stage to endorse her. My take is that he came to endorse his platform which was adopted a few days ago by the platform committee.

    When Bernie finally gave up the microphone I had to turn her off…she has a very grating voice when she attempts to sound powerful. (Shudder)

    So yes, Hillary, if elected, will be pushing Bernie’s agenda. She is still forced to ride on the coat tails of a man…that’s what she gets for picking Billy Boy as her path to the WH. All the lies, all the conniving, all of the sneaking around to hide her communications…I wonder, will it all be worth it?

    (Meanwhile in the background Loretta Lynch does a happy dance in front of Congress about the double standard in American law under her direction.)

    America is watching. All of this and more is the culmination of eight years of democrat rule under the most radical members of the Dem Party leadership.

  3. Libby says:

    “When Bernie finally gave up the microphone I had to turn her off…she has a very grating voice when she attempts to sound powerful. (Shudder)”

    Alas, this is true. But picking Presidents for their personability has gotten you into trouble in the past.

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