This is Nuts – Cops Aren’t Out to Get Blacks

by Jack

Cops killing blacks: The fiction is spreading beyond our borders folks, now the UN wants to hear from Black Lives Matters, our newest terrorist organization.

black_gangstersAmerica has a lot of enemies in the world and they love to hear that our law enforcement is brutalizing the poor and downtrodden. The lie makes them look better. And these idiots, yes idiots, that are inside America, that push this false narrative that cops are the bad guys, have no clue what they are talking about! Well, let me back track on that one, yes some of them do know what they are saying is false, but they don’t care because it fits their hidden agenda.

If you could dissect the motivations in Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, and a half dozen so-called black spokesmen you would likely find connections going back to the cold war days and the old communist movement in America. You would find anarchists, haters, fanatics, racists and black militants, to name but a few. They’re all in there to varying degrees of influence and visibility.

But, but despite their various reasons for protesting and opposing law enforcement, they are united, because they all have it in for law enforcement. Law enforcement is the oppressor and to some extent a symbol of white America. Cops suppress criminal behavior and guess who is getting suppressed and incarcerated more than anyone else? That’s a reason to hate; it’s not a very good reason, but it doesn’t have to be. See, because nobody is challenging the reasons why so many black Americans literally hate cops and try to make their lives miserable, like the former Ms. Alabama, Kalyn Chapman Jame, called the Dallas cop killer a martyr.

If you could ask her was “Hands up – don’t shoot” a lie or the truth, what do you think she would say? You know the answer. The lie fits what they’ve been raised to believe and the truth doesn’t matter. The truth is disposable. It’s easily swept aside by emotional people, yelling and screaming at the cops.

The US Bureau of Justice Statistics says there were 2,931 “arrest-related deaths” from 2003 to 2009. That includes car chases, shootouts and so on. The casualties are nearly always male, and men aged 25 to 34 are most likely to die.cops_lives_matter

Some 41.7 per cent of the casualties were white and 31.7 per cent were black. According to the FBI in 2013, the last stats available African- Americans committed almost 54 percent of all murders in the U.S.A. when race is cited in the police report. As you may know African-Americans account for 13 percent of the population. So you can see the murder stats are way out of proportion. Now cops have literally millions of contacts with blacks every year, so if cops were out to kill blacks you would think the stats would be much higher, right? But, it’s not high at all. When you factor in how many violent crimes are committed by blacks and this includes armed robbery, rape, and homicide each year you will actually find cops using a whole lot of restraint, sometimes at the cost of their own lives.

The reality is 682 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty in the past five years in the United States. That averages out to over 136 dead law enforcement officers each year. Anyone protesting on their behalf? No. Now compare that to the 96 black males who are killed by white police officers each year – Lot of protesting over that isn’t there? 300 white males are killed by police officers, far more than blacks, so says the FBI statistics. Where’s the racism in the statistics? There isn’t on the cop’s part, that much is obvious. It’s odd that President Obama doesn’t seem to know these facts?

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14 Responses to This is Nuts – Cops Aren’t Out to Get Blacks

  1. Tina says:

    Of the 300 white males how many were killed by black cops? We probably don’t know because it doesn’t fit the left agenda. In truth race doesn’t matter at all in these situations. And the other lie they want to perpetrate is that cops act out of hate…that is just trash talk.

    And if the talk fests they have planned don’t include examination of the gang problem and the criminal problem that is rampant in large cities they won’t accomplish a thing. Like the Chief in Dallas said the cops are being asked to do too much, you can’t solve these problems in law enforcement. The problems come before the police officers ever come on the scene.

    • dewster says:

      Tina you have no clue. But in Chico I am sure that is true. Right? The racist part of CA is North up there.

      Fox and you guys think ya can do all this race trash talking then pretend it does not exist?

      Stick a fork in me…. back to the 50’s?

  2. Robert Fay says:

    Thank you both for your thoughtful comments. As a retired LAPD officer, I know the young men and women currently working are faced with major issues. They need the support of all the citizens – not just the white or black. President O’hemorrhoid is throwing gas on the fire, along with liberals like Hillary and her followers. If you want honesty and justice in this one great country do not vote for Hillary!

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Jack has made similar points repeatedly. He can make all the reasoned and reasonable arguments he likes, backed up with immutable facts, but it will make no difference to progressives and race-baiting activists.

    They are not interested in facts or reason.

    Progressive activists’ interests lie only in getting attention through division and agitation for the purpose of gaining political power through civil disruption. Some, however, are simply insane, like several of the progressives who attended Megyn Kelly’s discussion group the other night.

    One wild eye white woman progressive was began blaming the Koch brothers for the fictional narrative of cops are out to get and shoot blacks and the violent mayhem in Dallas. These are the sort of people we are dealing with. She actually looked pleased with herself for getting that sort of abject lunacy out there, on television.

  4. Tina says:

    When I contrast Ronald Reagan’s America and Obama’s America it makes me literally ill.

    Under Obama the world is given the impression that we are all racists shooting each other like gang wars in the movies and our foreign policy is about crating chaos and mayhem rather than peace, prosperity and freedom.

    The sooner we are rid of these meddlers and haters of America the better.

  5. Harold says:

    Even the better educated of academia are voicing their thoughts on the misleading and vile direction of BLM.

    “The Washington Times – Monday, July 11, 2016

    A black law professor at Vanderbilt University believes last week’s cop killings at a Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas should signify the end of the movement, saying it’s a Marxist uprising that’s become a “very destructive force in America.”

    “It’s not really addressing the real problems affecting African Americans,” Carol Swain, a prominent Christian conservative, told CNN, Campus Reformreported. “It’s misleading black people. It needs to go.”

    She urged CNN viewers to go to the official Black Lives Matter organization’s website to read “what they’re really about.”

    “It’s pure Marxism; it talks about state violence, genocide; all of those are buzzwords that are quite destructive,” she said.

    Ms. Swain also condemned the media for rushing to judgment following the police shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.”

    Sounds like a voice of reason that is more interested in instructing students to learn the truth, than promoting their political idealism.

    • dewster says:

      The cops marching with the BLM movement? peacefully?

      The shooter is not a Black Lives Protestor.

      And why is info on the shooter so guarded? San Berdoo we had instant info…. Crickets on this just what the media says……

      I challenge the whole deal

      Watch for stories of people being arrested for calling police names on social media start to happen.

      They arrest for Political speech in the UK now. World is becoming an authoritarian Fascist society.

  6. J. Soden says:

    When the Black LIES Matter group first raised it’s ugly head, there was a response of “all lives matter” which was immediately condemned by the Left and the BLM as racist and unacceptable.
    Guess what? All lives STILL matter – unless you’re a rioter, terrorist or thug.

  7. J. Soden says:

    Was pleasantly surprised by Obumble’s apparent change of position during his Dallas speech, where he did NOT attack or blame cops. Then the next day, da prez is saying that more BLM protests are “a good thing.”

    His “support” for law enforcement evidently only lasted until the end of the Dallas photo-op.

  8. Harold says:

    I think this link deserves a post of its own.

    Yes, lets put the blame on the police….sure. Sigh!

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