Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg “Regrets”

ruth_bader_ginsburgPosted by Tina

Supreme Court Justices are supposed to stay outside of politics. Many have gone to extreme measures living solitary lives, avoiding DC parties and such, to avoid any appearance of political bias. Yesterday Ruth Bader Ginsburg crossed that line when she publicly voiced her negative opinion of Donald Trump, quote, “I can’t imagine what this place would be – I can’t imagine what the country would be – with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be – I don’t even want to contemplate that.” She had more to say but this is sufficient since today Ginsberg issued a statement of regret. Unfortunately, the damage is done. She has rendered her opinion on the court biased and unreliable…a terrible end to her long years of service.

The number of times that we have witnessed leaders and judges using their power to influence or avoid the legal process and push a political agenda has been unprecedented in this nation under President Obama. The Democrat Party must be held to account for what amounts to an egregious power grab,suppression of the legal system and defiance of the rule of law. The people are called upon to render change in November. A vote for Hillary is a vote for continued corruption.

Our courts, the various departments of government, our military, and our Congress have all been tainted with lawlessness and abuse. We have routed out some of it but not nearly enough. The only clear choice to clean out the rats nest and sweep up the trash is a strong leader. Donald Trump, an outsider with a unique set of skills, will effect a positive change. Let’s clean house in November and get this nation back on it’s feet and back in line with our Constitution and the rule of law…including the appointment of federal judges with high integrity and determination to honor and support the Constitution and the rule of law.

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11 Responses to Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg “Regrets”

  1. Nate says:

    The Notorious RBG’s comments were inappropriate, but so was Trump’s rebuttal:

    “If I win the presidency, we will swamp Justice Ginsburg with real judges and real legal opinions!”

    What does this even mean? Is this English? Is he saying RBG isn’t a real judge? Is he saying her legal opinions aren’t real? Does he know he has to wait for a justice to die or retire before he can “swamp” the court with judges he likes? Does he care, or will he try to change the law by fiat as he has already suggested he will do with libel laws, immigration laws and illegal orders to generals?

    RBG said she regretted her comments. Will Trump express his regret for retaliating in such an immature manner, saying “her mind is shot?” Given his attacks on Judge Curiel’s heritage and his lack of regret for that, as well as his lack of regret for his remarks about John McCain and others he has personally insulted, I doubt it.

    This ad makes a great point simply by using Trump’s own words and juxtaposing them against wide-eyed children watching TV. It’s manipulative, but effective; would you want your kids listening to this guy’s speeches, where he acts like a potty-mouthed bully?

    Hillary Clinton is corrupt, but there’s no reason to think Trump would be any less so. We had one honest candidate, Bernie Sanders, but he was never gonna win. Washington is a place for liars. Clinton is a better liar than Trump, who gets caught lying more often, so she’s gonna win. I don’t like that, but I’d like having a twelve year old president who talks like Joffrey from Game of Thrones but with more racism, even less. At least Clinton knows how to behave in public; its when she thinks the people aren’t watching that she misbehaves. If this is how Trump acts in public, why would I think he acts any better behind the scenes?

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    I do not believe for a minute RBG has any regrets. She has a long record of judicial political and ideological activism. In this she is not really that much different from other justices past and present. Some as bad as her, some not so.

    RBG gets a few points for at least being candid. She reminds us that she is an unashamed judicial political ideologue. Progressives have no shame, especially judges. Just take a gander at the history of the 9th Circus of Appeals.

    Off Topic …

    I find this fascinating — Nottinghamshire Police force recognise misogyny as a hate crime

    I’ll reserve further comment unless someone else finds this as interesting as I do.

    • Tina says:

      From your link, Pie:

      “…incidents against women that are motivated by an attitude of a man towards a woman, and includes behaviour targeted towards a woman by men simply because they are a woman”.

      Examples of incidents include: unwanted or uninvited sexual advances, physical or verbal assault, unwanted or uninvited physical or verbal contact or engagement, use of mobile phones to send unwanted or uninvited messages, or take photographs without consent.”

      This points to a general moral decline in our cultures.

      Great tool for women to use like a hammer for revenge.

      I prefer clear lines and clean laws which England already has, I’m sure.

      How does one defend himself against hateful specious charges of verbal assault? And don;t think for a minute that women aren’t capable of such!

      The great divides in our societies are now between men and women as well…ugly stuff.

  3. Tina says:

    Nate if you and I were to try to list all of the outrageous things politicians have said we wouldn’t have time for anything else. My issue isn’t with what she said; her thoughts and stated opinion are a protected right. My problem is with the ideals and tradition of the high court, which she breached. Her “regret” indicates she’s aware of the error. This is an ethics breach. Her decisions going forward will be seen in terms of her politics and politics is not the purpose of the court. This means she might have to recuse herself in some cases, especially if they involve Trump. Democrats are not happy with her for inserting herself. that’s probably why she “regrets.”

    My opinion is Trump is a New Yorker who often speaks like the carpenters and plumbers he interacts when planning and building his buildings. There are plenty of reasons to think Trump will be far superior to Hillary Clinton. His relationship with the people who work with and under him is one indication. His clean record is another. Hillary is an unpunished criminal with a long history of treating people, both her opposition and her supporters, terribly. She throws people under the bus, she disrespects people who serve her. Trump is also not a racist. He says things that are not politically correct but that doesn’t make him a racist. PC was designed to stifle speech and target political opponents. It’s gotten so ridiculous that comedians can’t do jokes anymore because people are so hyper-sensitive. We need to lighten up or we will remain divided unable to talk honestly with each other.

    “At least Clinton knows how to behave in public”

    Are you kidding! Her “behavior” in public, she is a public figure, has been to deceitfully hide her work at state by having an unauthorized unsecured email service. She destroyed her records and lied repeatedly to the people, to congress and to the FBI. These are not blustery words uttered to fire back at people who have been critical, these are very serious breaches of the public trust!

    “she misbehaves”

    Misbehaves? Please! People have gone to prison for doing what Hillary has done. She isn’t only because the power structure of her party fixed it for her. This means that the very foundation of our country has been severely undermined. We are not a nation of laws, we are a nation of men. Dictators and kings enjoy that privilege. If you haven’t read George Orwells Animal Farm yet you should give it a quick read.

    “If this is how Trump acts in public, why would I think he acts any better behind the scenes?”

    I suggest you watch him from now until November. Trump entered this race as a non- politician. He lacked the polish that seasoned politicians have. Those who responded to him responded because he lacked that smooth practiced veneer. He spoke directly and honestly, if indelicately at times. He won because the people are tired of polish and pretense. Trump will learn protocol. He is already used to dealing with people in governments and social circles all over the world. Your first impression does not reflect the whole person. From my perspective we have hit bottom in America. I have grandchildren and I’m looking at this from the perspective of their futures.

    I respect Bernie because he is honest. Like most people on the left he has no idea how to grow the economy and create a bright future for young people. He has no idea where the money he proposes to spend year after year comes from. he imagines that the rich are a big vat that he can drain. If you think that will work I suggest you watch this video by Bill Whittle. It’s from 2011 so the numbers may have changed a bit but the message still holds.

    There is a way to generate plenty of money to run our government but there are some truths we are going to have to face if we want it to stay that way. The strongest nation depends on strong citizens. We are creating a dependency citizenry. We cannot sustain what we have created. (That article is from 2011. CBO now projects debt to GDP at around 142%, if memory serves.) When we spend more than we can produce year after year we are bound to fail, that’s just common sense.

    Trump is a man used to working within budgets, cutting wasteful costs, and creating jobs. He is also used to making decisions under pressure. There are no perfect presidents, I think Trump is exactly what our country needs right now.

    • Nate says:

      Tina says, “My problem is with the ideals and tradition of the high court, which she breached.”

      True, and Trump has made it clear that he will breach the ideals and traditions of the presidency. He has said he will give illegal orders to our generals and continue to take potshots at journalists as president. If you find a Supreme Court justice weighing in on presidential politics inappropriate then you should also find Trump’s need to weigh in on absolutely everything, from the physical attractiveness of TV inappropriate.

      I think you grossly underestimate Trump’s alleged criminality. Aside from the scam of Trump U, he’s also accused of bribing a judge and Ben Carson admitted he bribed him for an endorsement by promising a place on his cabinet, which is illegal. You also overestimate Clinton’s criminality; according to the FBI investigator no one has been put in jail for what she has done. Others have been convicted for intentionally sending classified information to the wrong people, not just using a private server. Don’t get me wrong, that was bad, just not that bad.

      You also underestimate Trump’s racism. He said a judge was biased against him because he was Mexican! He also calls people “my African-American” and according to Michele Bachmann calls his lawyers “my Jews” (Bachmann apparently thought this was a cute story. It wasn’t. It was gross). He’s also religiously bigoted against Muslims and has spread lies about them. There’s a reason white supremacists love this guy, he says what they want to hear. Clinton is many things but she is neither an idiot nor a racist, and Trump is both.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Yep, Chris (Nate) is back. Soon to follow, Chris calling Jack and Tina racists, bigots, and xenophobes.


    The peace and quite was nice for a while. The rabid dog is on the loose again.

  5. J. Soden says:

    A non-apology apology?????
    Like Lynch and her secret meeting with Bubba, Ginsburg knows what any first-year law student knows – this kind of behavior is INAPPROPRIATE! They both chose to ignore ethics and what is right.
    And should TheDonald win the day, Ruthie may have to recuse herself because of her public remarks!

  6. Libby says:

    Desperate times, desperate measures.

    All must rise up and decry The ELE !!!

  7. dewster says:

    LOL she should have not said anything but maybe she has had enough and is leaving?

    Look Trumps Mouth is disgusting. He has offended every American. making fun of the disabled man was beyond…

    But since you all love him you own it. So are ya disappointed he did not choose David Duke as VP?

    I just happen to Agree with her though.

    Trump is an embarrassment to the country. Watch he will be forced to read a teleprompter so they can control his mouth in the Gen. Mark My words.

    Never thought GOP would run someone who speaks worse than GW… but here ya have him!

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