Baton Rouge Shooter Identified

by Jack

The shooter of police in Baton Rouge has been identified as a black male adult, Gavin Long of Kansas City, Missouri, an ex-marine, aged 29. He died literally for nothing and worse, he died as a disgrace to the USMC, his family and his country.

What some black militants are now saying about police killing black males just because they are black, is one of the biggest, most stupid lies ever to be concocted.  Go to the FBI records and look it up.  Cops are not killing blacks, either recklessly or premeditatedly, this is just a big, fat…. lie!

Please read the following carefully:

Total number of arrests in 2012 for all races:  9,340,000 – 2,460,000 were black Americans.
For the past 10 years officer involved shootings number about 340 annually and of those, about 31% are black males.
Of the 2.5 million annual arrests for blacks, its estimated that only about 110 blacks will be shot and killed.
Police make about 2.5 million annual arrests where the police don’t shoot black criminals.

And here is the most telling statistic of all: On average of the 138 police officers that will be killed in the line of duty every year about 43% of those doing the killing…. will be black males.

Sources of statistics – FBI and Dept. Justice.

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2 Responses to Baton Rouge Shooter Identified

  1. Harold says:

    Jack, national figures tell most of the story, Democratic governed states or cities with Liberal Mayors with failed social polices complete the paragraph. In Chicago(first to come to mind)alone Black males are resisting official commands to stand down when so directed by the police in increasing numbers, mostly because I believe that the BLM and the highest office in our country has blood on its hands. Obama is ignoring the country as a whole just by praise the BLM he bestows on them. Obama has strengthen BLM’s message of hate thru his advocacy for black injustice in America, which has resulted in the current killing spree of police.

    Obama has repeatedly rushed to conclusions that the police, or even just a white citizen was the provoker of a shooting. This can be evidenced by news broadcasts where he condemns the way police were responding to a situation through his eyes alone, or directed the DOJ to intervene prior to the facts becoming relevant.

    The man was (and still is) a community advocate, now he has turned into Americas agitator general.

    Many times it has been discussed about his failed policies, those here and abroad, and they fail because his direction (his alone) he set for America is wrong, in the past before Obama we were once a “more united nation” and we were better off than today, because today we are way more divided and pitted against each other through social programs that only add to crime. Other countries see this weakness and as a result stopped respecting America.

    The country isn’t working, like in Detroit, because there is no effort to create jobs, just more entitlement programs that create idle hands, along with lack of respect toward authority. All to create what? a dependent society!

    It is going to take some new thinking and tough love policies to put America back in contention as the leader in Global respect.

    Electing a proven liar isn’t going to achieve that, there really is only one choice who can redirect America current short comings, Trump is a proven administrator that can turn it around by appointing the right people with the credentials of first hand experience, or continue to allow the Presumptive Democratic candidate with the same thinking as Obama to put us deeper in a cesspool of Obamas BS, and Hillary is that shovel, carrying the same BS.

  2. J. Soden says:

    Obumble has truly earned the title of Racist-in-Chief.
    Dr. MLK is spinning in his grave.

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