Judge Napolitano: “What if….”

Posted by Tina

Must read for those frustrated by recent events allowing Hillary Clinton to avoid indictment in the emails scandal. Judge Andrew Napolitano opines in The Washington Times, “FBI exoneration of Hillary raises a disturbing question: What if the fix was in?” It begins…

What if the folks who run the Department of Political Justice recently were told that the republic would suffer if Hillary Clinton were indicted for espionage because Donald Trump might succeed Barack Obama in the presidency? What if espionage is the failure to safeguard state secrets and the evidence that Mrs. Clinton failed to safeguard them is unambiguous and overwhelming?

What if President Obama never really liked his former rival whom he appointed as his secretary of state? What if he had no real interest in seeing her succeed him because he and his wife simply could never trust her?

What if, when Mrs. Clinton suggested to the president that the United States wage a secret, undeclared war against Libya, the president went along with it as a no-lose proposition? What if he assumed that if her secret war succeeded he’d get the credit, and if her secret war failed she would get the blame?

What if the means of fighting the secret war consisted of employing intelligence assets rather than the U.S. military? What if Mrs. Clinton concocted that idea because the use of the military requires a public reporting to the entire Congress but the use of intelligence assets requires only a secret reporting to a dozen members of Congress?

What if Mrs. Clinton expanded her war by permitting American and foreign arms dealers to bypass the NATO arms embargo on Libya by selling heavy-duty, military-grade arms directly to militias in Libya? (continues)

Read it.

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8 Responses to Judge Napolitano: “What if….”

  1. RHT447 says:

    What do we do about it, indeed. Or to borrow a line, “Who ya gonna call?”.

    FBI director?
    Yeah. I don’t know either.

  2. J. Soden says:

    No “What if . . .?” about it. Only cure is complete regime change.
    History will NOT be kind to the corrupt Obumble admin – or any of its participants.

  3. Tina says:

    Heard one Washington insider say that the housekeeping task will be to eliminate (fire) layers of staff in the various departments. People that have been in Washington for decades who make decisions and help to write regulations that keep them well fed no matter what it does to the nation. A big task requiring the kind of savvy that Trump has.
    If ever a nation needed it, ours does now.

  4. Peggy says:

    This along with the appointing of judges to the SC is why Hillary can not win. Trump needs to appoint his AG to file charges, if appropriate, before time runs out.

    “What if,” there were emails between the Clinton Foundation paid advisor and friend Sidney Blumenthal of running guns into Libya and Syria for profit?

    “What if,” guns from Fast and Furious were found in the hands of ISIS, like they were in the Paris night club mass killing?

    “What if,” Mike Rogers’ abrupt retirement from Congress and resigning as chair of the House Intelligence committee was connected to his wife was the president and the CEO of the company that was contracted by the State Department to provide intelligence-based and physical security services at Benghazi, while he participated in the investigation of the 9/11/12 attack?

    Just think, if the Sec. of State Hillary is too big to bring charges against she will become untouchable if she’s president. Unlike her husband and Nixon she’ will have committed the perfect crime and walked away with billions in her pocket. Can’t wait to see the movie named after her, “Hillary’s America.” If it follows the book it will be about the biggest heist in the world.

    “What if,” Mike Roger

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