Update: Twin Falls Idaho Rape Case

LadyJusticeImageOn Friday disturbing information surfaced in the case of the Idaho couple whose five year old daughter was lured to a laundry area where she was abused by three refugee boys ages 8-15. Local authorities and media are downplaying the rape and the serious harm that’s been done to the child claiming the parents and their supporters are racist. I’m disgusted and appalled but not at all surprised. The radical progressive left has shown they have no respect for Lady Justice but instead pick winners and losers according to the manufactured grievance industry.

Crime is crime. Our Constitution guarantees equality and justice for individual citizens. We do not shield some criminals and prosecute others based on race or religion and we sure as heck don’t make a five year old victim and her support group the subject of ridicule. Well that’s how the majority of Americans have thought for more than a couple of centuries…but it isn’t quite true anymore. Breitbart continues to investigate this story:

Local officials in Twin Falls have still not provided services to the victim, but have instead issued press statements that downplayed the attack. The statements by local leaders have led to a spate of dismissive articles in establishment sites, including The Washington Post, Slate and Jezebel, which portray the local activists who support the victim as racist rumor-mongers.

But the facts are getting out. For example, yesterday’s Breitbart exclusive with the victim’s father which revealed that he had seen 30 seconds of the video of the assault was discussed on Sean Hannity’s radio program Friday afternoon.

As this new interview segment with the victim’s mother and father shows, the assault has also had devastating consequences for both the victim and her family.

The five-year-old daughter was allegedly orally and anally raped by a seven and 10-year-old boy, according to police allegations, while a boy believed to be 14 years old videotaped the assault on his cellular phone. All three boys were refugees. Press reports indicate one was from Iraq, while two were from either Eritrea, Sudan, or Somalia.

This once cheerful little girl has been scarred for life. She hides in her closet and has grown quiet. She refuses to go out to play with her friends, and she’s grown fearful of boys. Will she also have to swallow the contempt shown her by PC cowards in the press, social services departments, and justice departments of our nation?

Read the background of this story and decide for yourselves…is this happening because she’s a white girl and deserving of such treatment due to (imagined) white privilege? Are their globalist thinkers that imagine if they could undermine America and our constitution the world would be one gigantic melting pot and peace (nirvana) would result? In other words is America, and the white Christians who founded her and make up the bulk of her citizenry, to blame for the world problems?

If your sense of curiosity isn’t peaked you had better wake up. If you aren’t disgusted yet you might want to check your sense of decency…or your sanity. You might also want to give some thought to the rule of law in America and why lady justice wears a blindfold. The land of the free is under siege by enemies both foreign and domestic…and Hillary is next in line to lead the charge!

Thanks to J. Soden for the update and links!

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21 Responses to Update: Twin Falls Idaho Rape Case

  1. Libby says:

    Tina, I hate to break this to you, great proponent of the male gender that you are, but little boys can be, and frequently are, disgusting, savage, predatory creatures. And I doubt very much that there is a minute that passes on this planet during which some such assault is perpetrated somewhere.

    So, to make an issue of the race of the perpetrators in this instance is indeed racist.

    • J. Soden says:

      Evidently, Libby is OK with an attack on a 5-year-old by boys of any age.

      • Libby says:

        The day it becomes commonplace for gangs of little girls to sexually traumatize lone little boys I will reconsider.

        This is not, however, currently the case.

        And fortunately for any number of savage little boys, sexual batteries on their peers are rarely prosecuted. If you want to change this, fine, but the savage little white boys also take the rap.

        If you have little boys, you might want to reconsider.

      • Tina says:

        Evidently the rule of law and equal justice mean nothing to he as well.

    • Tina says:

      Little boys who are raised in communities that, as a matter of civic and religious morays, denigrate women, practice abuse with impunity, think raping women and little girls is their duty and right, and see themselves as superior are, in particular, as you describe. That we are importing them without any thought to how this will impact our nation and local communities is appalling since there are other ways to handle refugees. That you celebrate the carelessness shows your ignorance as well as your insincere devotion to today’s feminism, Libby.

      If the parents of this girl were being treated with compassion there would be no controversy. But I ask you…are you really in favor of parents like these telling their child to suck it up and forget justice because it’s more important to be sensitive to refugees, even when they commit criminal acts, than to report this to the authorities? Would you advise them to just shut up for the cause of refugees?

      If American boys had done this it would be treated differently. Juvenile Hall for the fifteen year old. Removal from their family environment for the younger boys. Instead they are playing outside right in front of this child’s home.

      The persons making this an issue of race, as usual, are the groups that favor mass importation and denying this family due process and respect.

      Little girls can be quite beastly themselves. Untrained they grow up to become covert Britches. Both boys and girls need training and instruction to become civilized, contributing, respectful adults…preferably from their mothers and fathers before the age of five.

      I wonder what the fifteen year old had in mind for his little video. Have you considered that? Or are you only capable of thinking inside that race/gender box?

      • Libby says:

        “Little boys who are raised in communities that, as a matter of civic and religious morays, denigrate women, practice abuse with impunity, think raping women and little girls is their duty and right, and see themselves as superior are ….”

        Ours doesn’t ????!!!! You are blindly bigoted girl. I, myself, have had to run for it, more than once.

        Again, to make an issue of Muslim predators because they are Muslims is racist … or religiously bigoted, or whatever. Wrong. It is wrong.

        • Tina says:

          Libby you are blindly prejudiced and unwilling to stick to the case at hand. Like it or not these boys are not American boys…that’s a fact. The authorities have been cowed by people like you in our culture who see everything in terms of race and also fail to address problems according to blind justice. That’s the point! it should infuriate you!

          As to these boys and the culture in which they were raised. Do you deny that boys raised in the ME are subjected to a larger moral environment that denigrates women and little girls (Caution, graphic)?

          More in this book:

          Drawing on her years as a campaigner for and commentator on women’s issues in the Middle East, she explains that since the Arab Spring began in 2010, women in the Arab world have had two revolutions to undertake: one fought alongside men against oppressive regimes, and another fought against an entire political and economic system that represses women in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, and other nations.

          Eltahawy has traveled across the Middle East and North Africa, meeting with women and listening to their stories. Her book is a plea for outrage and action, confronting a “toxic mix of culture and religion that few seem willing or able to disentangle lest they blaspheme or offend.”

          Saudi Sharia court sentences gang rape victim to 200 lashes

          Young Widow, Gang Raped by Sharia Vigilantes, to Be Caned


          Islamic Professor: Muslims Can Rape Non-Muslim Women to Humiliate Them

          The Islamic Rape and Murder of Christian Boys

          How Isis has established a bureaucracy of rape

          by Angelina Jolie and William Hague in London, the self-proclaimed Islamic State has developed a complex bureaucracy of sex slavery that makes a mockery of the summit’s goal to bring about an end to the use of rape and sexual violence in war.

          The systematic use of sexual violence to terrorise, humiliate and subjugate communities during times of war has a dark history, with an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 women raped in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda and 20,000 to 50,000 women raped during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

          And Isis is not the only party in the Syrian civil war to use rape as a weapon – rape is endemic in detention centres run by the secular regime of Bashar al-Assad. But what makes Isis’s use of rape so horrifying is its attempt to justify, codify and institutionalise the practice using ostensibly religious justifications for this war crime.

          In its online magazine, Dabiq, Isis says that, prior to its conquest of the Yazidi-dominated town of Sinjar, it tasked its “sharia students” to determine which “Islamic rulings” should apply to the Yazidi community. It concludes that Yazidi women could be enslaved under Islamic law and establishes that one-fifth of the women should be transferred to the Isis leadership and the remainder divided among the fighters…

          There is nothing like that in America…nothing!

          The left’s war on moral values has increased the number of males in America who have not had the benefit of being raised in a moral environment with proper male guidance but that’s a different issue.

          This is about assimilation and the idiocy of bringing people here in large numbers from nations with vastly different values than our own, especially when, as refugees, they could have remained closer to their homes had this administration had a workable plan.

          The case, and the problem, is a PC culture that protects these boys and has failed in giving justice and social services to the family and this little girl.

    • dewster says:

      Libby This story is propaganda and not true. Do not be fooled by RW conspiracy Bigoted crap.

  2. J. Soden says:

    If EVER there was a case for the DOJ to investigate discrimination against this poor little girl, this is it! Forget Ferguson and the rest – this one is way more important to the rule of law.
    However, unless Trump becomes president, the DOJ/FBI will continue to look the other way.

  3. Tina says:

    “The day it becomes commonplace for gangs of little girls to sexually traumatize lone little boys I will reconsider”

    Female britches are more covertly savage; they train for years and cut their teeth as teens, acting and dressing like sexual objects. Then when boys take them up on their covert offer they act offended and take it up with the school board. As they age, money (his) and fooling around (behind his back) become the ultimate gig. They’ve learned great tactics in publications like Cosmo who feed them a bunch of crap about how abused they’ve been. They learn to bait, badger, and demean and when the relationship falls apart, they take what they can get and denying parental visitation by feinting innocence and charging abuse. many of these are responsible for raising the boys you find to be beastly.

    The idea that girls and women are angels and men and boys are devils used to be a joke, they even had T-shirts. Modern feminist thinking is the joke now. Such broad brush attitudes are anything but fair or just. The idea that little boys and girls can and should be raised without fathers is one of the major factors contributing to the moral and civil problems we face. That and trying to trash can God.

    Libby are you a genuine man hater.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    I did not realize just how evil Libby was until this thread.

  5. J. Soden says:

    When facts outweigh an agenda, the first cry of the Loony Left is to claim racism.


    My heart goes out to the 5-year-old girl and her family.

      • Joe says:

        @ Libby. I use to live, and work in Jackpot in the 90s, it’s about fifty miles away from Twin falls.
        I got to know Twin falls very well because I would take the employee bus to Twin falls, and I did live in Twin falls a few times for a short time.

        I see by your comments that you are a Muslim sympathizer, you are playing the race card trying to defend the three Muslim boys that raped a five year old white girl.
        There’s plenty of forensic evidence that the three Muslim boys had raped, and urinated into the mouth of the five year old white girl who was born prematurely.
        I’m a 59 year old black American man, and if I had done what those three Muslim boys had done when I was their age; my father would have beaten me up, and then have the police take me to a juvenile detention center!
        There would have been no impunity for me, or any other young American boys of a different religion!

  6. dewster says:

    OMG why do you spread propaganda?

    Vet stories!
    According to the prosecutor, no Syrian refugees were involved in the gang rape of a child. In fact, no gang rape occurred. There were no knives involved in the incident (and there was an incident involving a group of children whose names have not been released), and that some people are simply using what happened to incite bigotry for their own personal purposes.

    Seriously is this what America has Become?

    • Tina says:

      Please provide evidence if you are going to make such outlandish statements, Dewey.

      The latest nformation from investigators at Breitbart was posted yesterday.

      Megyn Kelly reported, “Twin Falls City Official Attacks, Libels Family of 5-Year-Old Muslim Migrant RAPE VICTIM” just minutes ago.

  7. Joseph says:

    @ Libby. I’m very familiar with Twin Falls because I use to work in a casino in Jackpot, it’s about fifty miles away from Twin Falls.

    I would take the employee bus many times, and I lived in Twin Falls a few times; that was in the 90s.

    I’m a 59 year old black American man,Libby.
    Let me tell you what my father would have done to me if I was the same age as those three under aged boys that had done that nasty crime to that five year old girl who was born prematurely.
    He would have either literally kill me, or he would have roughed me up, and then have the police lock me up in a juvenile detention center!
    These three young Muslim boys are very lucky that the white people don’t have a lynch mob mentality like the southern whites had about eighty years ago when a black boy, or black man would be hanging from a tree if they had raped a five year old girl!
    You, and the Idaho AG(Wendy Olson) should be very ashamed of yourselves for being defensive for those three Muslim boys!

  8. Tina says:

    Joseph (Joe) thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

    The values we were taught don’t seem to matter to folks much any more. I think when we were taught the golden rule at home and at school and raised to know right from wrong there was a lot less crime everywhere. It’s also disturbing that we now find our officials taking sides rather than going on evidence and treating the victims so badly.

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