Trump Talks Taxes, Jobs, and Prosperity

TrumpPosted by Tina

This morning Donald Trump spoke before The Economic Club in Detroit laying out his plans to bring economic prosperity back to America once more. He began by highlighting conditions in the once booming city of Detroit and the regulatory and taxing policies and trade irregularities that have contributed greatly in the destruction of business and jobs in Detroit. He made it clear that trade is a good thing but that trading partners that break trade agreements, devalue their currencies, are irresponsible environmentally, and unfairly subsidize businesses must not be tolerated. He will renegotiate trade agreements. He also opposes the TPP.

Featured prominently in Trumps economic plan was tax reform which will streamline the extremely complex tax system and institute three (four) tax rates: (0%), 12%, 25%, and 33%. The highest bracket represents a slight increase for high wage earners. Individuals and families will also enjoy deductions for child care. Trump will eliminate the Carried Interest Deduction and other special interest loopholes. Trump will eliminate the death tax. Trump emphasized cooperation with leaders in the House and vowed to work with them to “remove the anchor” that’s been dragging our economy down to put the American people back to work in good, high paying jobs:

we will be focused on the same shared goals and guided by the same shared principles: jobs, growth and opportunity.

Trumps changes in business taxes, tax reporting, and regulation are another important component of jobs, prosperity, and security:

We punish companies for making products in America-but let them ship products into the U.S. tax free if they move overseas. This is backwards. All of our policies should be geared towards keeping jobs and wealth inside the United States

To that end Trump will lower the business tax rate to 15%. Businesses that move operations back to America from overseas will pay a one time tax of 10%. Trump will place a moratorium on new regulations and ask every government department to make a list of regulations. He will eliminate regulations that “…are not necessary, do not improve public safety, and which needlessly kill jobs.” Trump will end the Obama war on energy with polices to encourage all forms of energy production which the Institute for Energy research says will “increase GDP by $100,000,000,000. annually” and “increase federal, state, and local tax revenues by almost $6 trillion dollars over 4 decades.”

You can read the full transcript of Trumps speech here.

You should know that a planned, timed, coordinated assault on rights of assembly and speech was waged by a Hillary disruption crew during Trumps speech. Every 5-10 minutes a single screaming protesters started yelling and continued to yell as they were removed from the room. Every time the audience applause and anti-protester noise drowned out the activist. My reaction is that this stunt makes the Hillary campaign look small, petty, and stupid.

Trump’s delivery was perfect. When rudely interrupted he simply paused, waited patiently, thanked the audience for their support, and never missed a beat as he continued with a very good, decidedly presidential, speech.

Trump website here

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10 Responses to Trump Talks Taxes, Jobs, and Prosperity

  1. Libby says:

    “Trump’s delivery was perfect. When rudely interrupted he simply paused, waited patiently, thanked the audience for their support, ….”

    So, the baby was rude?


    Really … you just shouldn’t have reminded us.


    • Pie Guevara says:

      No. The baby’s mother was. Giggle.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      See the interview with the mother, Libby. Or don’t and keep your head up your …

    • Pie Guevara says:

      … Giggle …

    • Tina says:

      ACTUALLY, the babies mother was entertained by Trumps comment:

      Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Happening Now,” Devan Ebert the mother of the crying baby who became the center of attention at a rally for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump last week defend Trump saying he was only joking while she was already leaving the venue with her child when he spoke about it and said, “It was hilarious.”

      Ebert said, “Honestly, the first thing that I want to point out is that it doesn’t matter how blunt he is, he’s genuine. He’s so relatable. Everything he says I just feel like everybody was already thinking it any ways. I think people find ways to be offended by what he says. I don’t know, he’s genuine and he says how it is. I love that about him.”

      Explaining she was not offended she said, “Oh, no. not at all. Not at all. Not one little bit. In fact I appreciate it, because, you know, you’re a mother and you understand that when your baby starts making the disruption in that event, and the spotlight is on you, it’s nice to have the comic relief to take the pressure off of you.”

      In an uncomfortable situation he handled the room and she has a good time.

      Keep giggling Libby. Its a sure sign that Hillary is in trouble.

  2. Tina says:

    Monica Crowley speaks my language only a lot better:

    despite whatever the current polling shows, the biggest winners of the campaign so far are, first, Donald Trump, who has pulled off the most astonishing political achievement in recent American history and who, despite having never done this before, having a skeletal campaign and relatively little money, may very well pull the whole thing off; and, second, the great silent majority, which now believes it truly has a voice and the ability to effect the course of the country.

    The Republican Party is now the party of action, symbolized by its frenetic, unconventional nominee, and the Democratic Party is the passive one, embodied by its tired champion of the rejected status quo. In a change election, the choice could not be clearer.

  3. Dewster says:

    Trump read a Teleprompter with the same FAILED trickle down policies.

    Trump makes his products overseas for his profits. Jobs in America? LOL

    Cutting taxes for corporations while going into debt fighting wars for their profits works because why?

    Come on taxes pay for these wars. So cut taxes for those making millions, sending jobs overseas and hiding Billions in safe havens works how?

    Keep selling Reaganomics and we keep getting poorer.

    NEWSFLASH – Slave labor is how they get increases every quarter. You could give them a 1% tax rate and the money will flow out of the country not into American jobs. Wake Up. They are global companies not American.

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