Clinton Foundation Officially Under Investigation

Submitted by J Soden in comments

The FBI and three separate justice department offices in New York are investigating Clinton foundation for possible corruption charges. The probe will be led by US attorney Preet Bharara whose record includes the successful prosecution of banks, hedge funds and Wall Street insiders and is best known for his convictions of prominent political figures.

The foundation has amassed an incredible fortune:

In its 15 years of operations, the Clinton Foundation, formally known as the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, has collected up to $2 billion from donors, according to The Washington Post. The donors include a wide range of the world’s wealthiest people: Eastern European tycoons, Arab Sheiks, African mining magnates, hedge fund billionaires and Wall Street firms.

The Post reported that the couple brought in $3 billion when campaign contributions are included in the total. “The Clintons’ fundraising operation — $3 billion amassed by one couple, working in tandem for more than four decades — has no equal,” the Post reported in a wide-ranging investigation into the sources of the couple’s funds.

The Clinton’s long, long, history of sleaze and corruption may finally be catching up to them. But the truth of the matter is that if the American people don;t reject Hillary Clinton as unfit to serve before this probe gains momentum, our nation coud be roiled in a terrible legal battle with our leader at the worst possible time.

Trump may not be the best possible candidate but with the assistance of the best people he can find he will at least put America and the American people first.

(Shame on the Republicans that are working against him. They are making the same type of mistake that has so many in the party frustrated and angry.)

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4 Responses to Clinton Foundation Officially Under Investigation

  1. RHT447 says:

    The Trump campaign seized on reports Thursday that the Obama administration rejected requests from three FBI field offices that wanted to open public corruption cases involving the Clinton Foundation and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

    After banks alerted the field offices to suspicious activity involving the Clinton family charity, the FBI wanted to investigate conflicts of interest stemming from foreign donations during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, CNN reported.

    “Today’s news that President Obama’s Department of Justice overruled three separate DOJ field offices and the FBI in declining to open a public corruption charge against the Clinton Foundation shows a troubling pattern of Obama and Clinton politicizing any government institution for their own personal political interests,” Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller said in a statement.

    “This latest refusal to allow even a cursory investigation into the Clinton Foundation’s pay-for-play dealings smacks of political favoritism. This is exactly why the American public has lost trust in the U.S. government and is ready to elect an outsider like Donald Trump,” Mr. Miller said.

    The revelation of the blocked corruption probe follows criticism of decision the Justice Department not to pursue criminal charges against Mrs. Clinton for her secret email setup as secretary of state, despite the FBI’s determination that she was “extremely careless” and mishandled classified information.


  2. Peggy says:

    Comey and his agents need to restore their reputation after announcing Hillary broke the law but was recommending to the DOJ to not pursue an indictment.

    If she broke the law she needs to be held accountable. Anything less should not be acceptable to anyone no matter which party they belong to.

    This election has always been Trumps to win against an individual with so many illegal charges against her and her husband, if he’s smart enough to stay on the topics and stop making stupid statements he should know the media is going to cover for day, while letting similar statements made by Hillary, Bill and her subs go unreported.

  3. dewster says:

    You have part of story because you do not dig. This is HUGE actually. This will involve many high level world leaders and possibly topple governments including our own. It will not be only a Clinton thang though.

    The trail recommended is to follow the money of all donors, Board of Directors ect ect. It is a Pay to Play foreign Policy scandal. It could cause a big war cause they say other countries will not like what we are doing inside their countries.

    They say Putin may have some info, and Trump’s Advisers may be fed a bit.

    I see so many untrue conspiracy theories like on Alex Jones, and other RW Blogs that tells me….. it is so big they are making facts look like conspiracy to keep people ignorant. When they do that it means this is real big, REAL BIG.

    I hope we do get a indictment. It has been said by FBI Anons that if she looses she will be indicted. But it has also been said that if they move forward it will be them against the whole US Gov.

    So we are wait and see….. Real truth must be seen. Also Anons have to be taken as info not fact til proven but this one seems to be right so far.

    I will say they are afraid it could cause civil war here too and they are sure China and Russia will see opportunity. William Binney has also said the leaks more than likely came from US intel. US Intel is mad at Hillary.

    Stop this divisiveness right and left game. That is to keep us from taking the corrupt out. I say Republican or democrat let us clean out the criminals!

    We will see how this plays out but I have a feeling these anons are real and on inside. It has been playing out as they have said.

    Snowden has not Tweeted since the deadman switch like code was tweeted. That was Aug 5th 2016. Hope he is OK.

    Bob Beckel: “Illegally Shoot the SOB on Fox? The irresponsible threatening of Julian Assanges Life? Now they are going to have him accused of sex crimes to get at him.

    Look at all our Politicians who want to kill Assange… I wonder why?…He has been 100% correct to date. Not 1 mistake yet. Our secrets they protect are Pay to Play corruption.

    This is real stuff folks. Like the Cuban Missile cold war era spy stories being played out on the internet thanks to whistleblowers who are Heros.

    Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell
    Clinton’s CIA friend Look what he says on Russia Today TV in USA………. Ya can not make up this crap Guys

    If they Kill Julian Assange, Eric Snowden or any high level whistleblower you are going to see people go Bezerk as we want the truth!

    Yes I have been digging for weeks I am fascinated, be careful a lot of the stuff is Propaganda to hide truth. WikiLeaks it the real source. They are most likely being fed by A few FBI or?

  4. RHT447 says:

    And now for something completely off topic, however a bit more inspirational (and yes, I claim parental bragging rights). Our oldest son and fellow co-workers fly first the American Flag—

    —and then the Dallas P.D. flag—

    —from the high-rise crane at their job site in Dallas.


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