“Good Old Joe” Welcomed to Serbia by Trump Supporters!

serbia-trump-575x309Posted by Tina

Foreign Policy: Trump supporting Serbians were on hand to greet VP Joe Biden as he arrived in Serbia today and they’re sending a clear message, “Vote Trump.”

I guess they aren’t too happy with the foreign policy of the current administration and would prefer Trump over Hillary. Wearing T-shirts emblazoned with Trumps image and name, they carried signs reading “VOTE TRUMP” as they marched.

Their leader spoke…in Serbian (see video at link below).

Source: Gateway Pundit…the best of all advertising is still word of mouth…thanks Jim Hoft!

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30 Responses to “Good Old Joe” Welcomed to Serbia by Trump Supporters!

  1. Lee says:

    Of course, Jim Hoft didn’t tell you that this protest was led by a genocidal maniac. Because he’s Jim Hoft.

    Speaking to his supporters in somewhat broken English, Seselj said that the message for Serbian-Americans was simple: “Vote Trump, for future of Serbia.” In his own language he told Reuters later: “Trump is the alternative to globalization. He will destroy old centers of power in the United States and he is a supporter of Russia.” The Serb nationalist also praised Trump for “restoring American pride.”

    Many Serbs remain bitter at former President Bill Clinton for 78 days of deadly air strikes on Belgrade and other parts of the country in 1999, when a NATO intervention to prevent the slaughter of ethnic Albanian rebels in Kosovo enabled that southern province to secede.

    The day before the bombardment began, Biden sponsored a Senate resolution to grant Clinton the authority to carry out the campaign. (It passed the Senate but later failed in the House.)

    Seselj, who helped incite the ethnic cleansing of parts of Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia in the 1990s — by recruiting volunteer fighters and calling non-Serbs “primates,” vampires,” and “excrement” — was acquitted of crimes against humanity and war crimes in a split decision by a panel of three judges at the United Nations court in The Hague in March.

    Serge Brammertz, the chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, condemned the decision and promised to appeal it.

    The original indictment notes that Seselj began his career in ultranationalist politics when he traveled to the United States in 1989 and “met the chairman of the ‘Movement of Chetniks in the Free World,’ Momcilo Dujic, who on the day of the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo — 28 June 1989 — appointed him a Chetnik ‘Vojvoda,’ meaning a ‘Duke’ or leader.” Having secured this endorsement, Seselj then collected funds to support his nationalistic activities from the Serbian-American diaspora.

    According to Balkan Insight, a website financed by the European Commission, Seselj has continued to support the goal of a “Greater Serbia” and still calls Bosnia “undoubtedly Serbian.”

    “If the Muslim fundamentalists don’t like that,” he added, “they can pack their bags and leave.”

    Radical nationalists in Serbia justified their brutal assault on civilians in Bosnia by claiming, falsely, that the largely secular population of Slavs who adopted Islam centuries ago during Ottoman rule were secretly Muslim extremists. More than 100,000 people were killed in the ensuing campaign of murder, rape, and intimidation initiated by Serb forces and the wars that followed.

    Seselj had already endorsed Trump’s candidacy during the Republican primary campaign in January, writing on Twitter: “I call on brother Serbs who live in the USA to strongly support Republican Party candidate Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential elections.”


    So glad you’re comfortable with maniacs in foreign countries picking your president for you, since Trump is in the pocket of Putin.

    • Tina says:

      Oh please! You’re backing the administration (Hillary) that supported ISIS and al Qaeda in Syria. This followed that red line drawn by Obama, who never followed through on his silly threat. This is an administration responsible for blowing up the Middle East, The disaster in Benghazi, negotiating with terror sponsoring Iran, causing the rise and spread of ISIS around the globe, and a refugee crisis of epic proportions. Hello!

      Trump is no more in Putin’s pocket than “restart button” Hillary or Barack Obama who’s whispered to Medyeved, “Tell Vladimir I’ll have more flexibility after the election.”

      You on the left have no shame and no sense of responsibility for the world-wide mess you’ve made, including the economic mess.

      • Lee says:

        Tina: “You’re backing the administration (Hillary) that supported ISIS and al Qaeda in Syria.”

        No, I’m not, because Hillary Clinton did not support ISIS and al Qaeda in Syria. This is a false claim started by Breitbart, who misread a memo found by Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch never claimed the memo showed support for ISIS by the Obama administration; this was Breitbart’s inaccurate reading of the memo.

        This false claim was corrected by legitimate news sources over a month ago.


        You seem to enjoy being lied to.

        I would like to respond to the rest of what you wrote, but first I would like to see if you will admit you were wrong about this false claim. If you can’t do that, then I must say I don’t see the point in correcting any other claims, since you won’t admit they’re false even when faced with irrefutable proof.

        • Lee says:

          And anyway, your response wasn’t even a rebuttal, just “I’m rubber and your glue.” You didn’t show any remorse or acknowledgement that you praised a protest led by a genocidal maniac. Why not? I would be sorry if I did that.

          Has Trump corrupted your morals so badly that you don’t see the problem with this?

        • Tina says:

          Hillary and Obama blew up the ME together…OF COURSE they supported the rise of ISIS, whether directly or by shear incompetency, neglect, or dereliction of duty!

          I repeat: “You on the left have no shame and no sense of responsibility for the world-wide mess you’ve made, including the economic mess.”

          And you depend on news outlets that have made it their business to advocate and cover for Democrats, in particular the more extreme and radical Democrats, including creating fake and misleading news!

    • David says:

      Eat your heart out!

  2. Libby says:

    My God In Heaven, … are you actually gloating, crowing, exulted, over the support you are getting from a passel of “ethnic cleansers” !!!! ????

    I … I am flabbergasted. This country is in some bad, bad shape.

    • Lee says:

      Libby, she didn’t know that they were ethnic cleansers. She just knew they were Trump supporters, and that makes them Good. No further research was necessary, even though Hoft is wrong every single day and twice on Sundays.

      The Trump bubble is the most impermeable that I’ve ever seen in all my years watching politics. Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, Western Journalism, Shoebat…these are places people go when they want to be actively shielded from the truth and other points of view. There are liberal places like this too, of course–pretty much any site with the name “progressive” in it is probably lying to you–but the difference is that the Trump campaign is actively encouraging the selective warping of reality of his supporters in ways the Clinton campaign is not. Oh yes, she lied about her e-mails–that was in the news for months. Trump and his associates tell a new lie each day, and have so lowered their standards that it’s impossible to compare the two candidates.

      If Trump ever sends e-mails on a private server, people will just say “Oh, that’s Trump being Trump” or “He doesn’t play by the typical rules of politicians!”

      But can you imagine the hysteria that right-wingers would fly into if Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager was found to be working with the Russians on the same day Chelsea was on vacation with Putin’s girlfriend? We’d never hear the end of it. Yet somehow people see Clinton as more “corrupt” than Trump even though he’s the most dishonest politician the fact checkers have ever evaluated.

      The party of Lincoln did some soul-searching in 2012 after Romney’s loss. They said they were going to try and reach out to more minorities and women. They said they’d skew younger. Instead they nominated a caricature of a Republican–someone who insulted Mexicans and Muslims, and whose insults toward women have been well known for decades. This worked in the primary, which directly targets the fringe of Republican voters, but he’s getting crushed in every poll in the general and is in denial as to why. Those who are still supporting Trump have no excuse but deliberate, chosen ignorance, and this article is a perfect example of the low-information echo chamber they have chosen to inhabit.

  3. Pete says:

    I just don’t get it. Love pinko commies if they support your candidate. Hate everyone that loves pinko commies. My head is spinning!

    • Lee says:

      I am very confused too, Pete. So much of what Trump has done is exactly what Republicans have accused Obama and Clinton of, down to forging documents. I also remember Obama being called “divisive” a lot, yet (many) Republicans are prepared to elect the most divisive candidate since the Dems nominated George Wallace.

      God bless those Republicans who have seen reason and refused to endorse the know-nothing Trump.

  4. Tina says:

    I didn’t say I loved or hated them. I said that apparently they were not happy with Obama and Hillary.

    Who can blame them, or anyone else, when you consider the state of the world created by this pair over the last eight years. They won in 08 bashing the former president on a platform of hope and change…who knew they were hoping for increasing poverty in a destabilized world of danger, conflict, and lousy leadership from the most powerful nation in the world?

    And Pete, your head should be spinning. You think this is about pinko commies instead of ridding ourselves of pinko commies and the mess they make wherever they go.

    I think it’s funny that Old Joe would be greeted in this way…this was the administration that posed as savior to the world and look what they’ve created for people of all persuasions in the world. Disaster, complete disaster!

    • Libby says:

      Feeble, Tina. Truly feeble.

      Are you beginning to see how weak is your position? … or perhaps how strong?

      Do you concur with Serbian efforts to cleanse territories of Muslim population? If so … say so. I mean, this is why the Serbs are hot for Trump. So, if you agree, just say so.

      The time swiftly approaches when you simply can no longer pretend Trump is not what he is.

      • Tina says:

        I have expressed no opinion other than, it is obvious that the Serbs prefer Trump to Hillary.

        The last eight years of Hillary and Obama are a testament to how you think. Your ability to judge character and the suitability of a candidate is pretty much in the tank. The last thing I should do is pay attention to your opinion.

        This idea that there’s blood in the water is all in your head, Libby.

        • dewster says:

          Tina you are being nailed for partisan politics. Why not stop and realize you follow media propaganda then write about it.

          Do some homework. A tue Patriot does not praise these sort of people.

          I am not a fan of Obama I call him out for bad and defend him for good.

          It’s like you soak up all the propaganda in the name of divide and conquer.

          The truth always lies somewhere n the middle.

          Your Hero GW Bush left us in a far worse place than Obama is leaving us.

          GOP Congress, the my way or the highway? Block all bills to hurt Obama? Dictatorship by Donors? Pay to play?

          Both Parties are a corrupt biz where they even have set a daily goal for dialing for dollar calls while we pay them?

          How about being real and try to stop this repeating of horrible propaganda?

          Have an opinion but stop and do some research !

          • Tina says:

            No Dewey, the truth does not lie “somewhere in the middle.” The truth doesn’t give a rip…it just is!

            Ignorant and wrong about the state of the world under Obama as opposed to GWB.

            This GOP Congress is not one I’m particularly proud of, however, it was given an ultimatum by Obama from the start. He does not wish to see any legislation that is not wed to his agenda…he is acting like a King. the Congress is not there to serve the will of the people but to serve the Obama agenda.

            The current Congress has created hundreds of pieces of legislation, many that would improve job conditions. What we have is a dysfunctional government led by an activist whose agenda is redistribution of wealth and race and class agitation. He doesn’t even care that blacks have suffered under his leadership…he is the my way or the highway guy.

            Dewey you don’t even understand basic terms that you use why would anyone think you have a handle on the things we discuss here?

            Drop all of the useless carping, it impresses no one.

        • Libby says:

          “I have expressed no opinion other than, it is obvious that the Serbs prefer Trump to Hillary.”

          And the Serbs are amenable to genocide, which is why you look askance at anything else they might approve of. Are you starting to get it … maybe? Perhaps this reveals something in your position of which you are not fully aware?

          For the sake of the nation’s future, you must become aware.

        • Libby says:

          What I don’t get is why your handlers don’t warn you. Why would they feed you this, when you are just going to get pounced on?

          Handlers not too bright, maybe?

          Or were you suckered, again?

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    The usual gang of extreme left-wing twits read all sorts of things into Post Scripts posting of this story, The ONLY editorial comment made by Post Scripts was “I guess they aren’t too happy with the foreign policy of the current administration and would prefer Trump over Hillary.”

    You rabid hyperbolic jerks — Lee (Chris), Libby, and Pete need to take your Ritalin and calm down. Stay on your meds, you will feel better.

  6. Tina says:

    Thanks Pie.

    (Spotted) and dealt with…at least for now.

    • Libby says:

      How can you possibly be consoled by any such specious drivel?

      It’s coming to be time to fess up. You want to be a fascist? Then be a facsist.

      • Tina says:

        The last time you lefties tried to make someone out to be dangerous you got to witness greatness. Better watch out he might just win and fix the problems poor blacks have been suffering for years under the thumbs of lefty politicians, hard core union hags, and race pimps in your party.

        Obama gave you miles and miles more of socialism…we’re all socialists now, remember? The experiment is in shambles. The world has become a dung pile. How long will you try to defend it (by attacking the voices of freedom)?

        Freedom old girl. Freedom is my position! It is freedom that works. Freedom and honoring the right of every single individual to follow his dreams unencumbered by the unnecessary burdens of government.

        • Libby says:

          “Obama gave you miles and miles more of socialism…”

          Obama has been saddled with a “Do-Nothing” Congress for six years and has done no such thing.

          The only current project on the books is the ACA, our baby step toward universal health care. Hillary might be able to move further on it, but probably nothing further can be done until the next census, the next round of gerrymandering, when it is to be hoped that the House returns to some semblance of a truly representative body … and also devoid of most of the morons.

  7. Tina says:

    I decided to do a little research since my memory is foggy about the situation in the 1990’s. It apparently isn’t as clear cut as Lee (Chris) would have us believe. Could be why JHWB chose to stay out of it.

    1999 article in SF Gate, “Clinton to Bomb Again — Now Serbia / Is the U.S. interest to `stop the killing’ or to expand the police power of NATO?”:

    the Clinton administration’s claim that it is out to “stop the killing” conflicts with a disturbing report published in last Sunday’s New York Times about U.S. support for Croatian military forces, which attacked ethnic Serb minorities in Croatia during the Bosnian War between 1991-1994. The Times reported that the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague had concluded that the U.S.-supported Croatian military carried out the worst excesses of “ethnic cleansing” of Serbs during the war, and that three Croatian generals, and possibly Croatian President Franjo Tudjman, are to be indicted on war crimes.

    Such crimes include ethnic cleansing, the forced evacuation of 100,000 ethnic Serbs from their villages and the shelling of civilian population centers such as Knin, about which Canadian military officers have testified.

    This site appears to lean more left than right. I don’t know who is behind it. (Too late to look further) Global Research:

    In May 1999, Valdan Zivadinovic sent me a report on what happened in August 1995 during the worst refugee crisis in the 1990s Balkan wars of the 1990s when the Croatians drove the Serbs out of Krajina. The author of that ethnic cleansing was Franjo Tudjman, who was re-elected as president of Croatia following the 1995 Dayton Accord. In the intervening five years there has been no international demand that the Croatians allow the Serbs who had occupied the Krajina area for more than 500 years to return to their homes.

    Furthermore, it is an ethnic cleansing that is VERIFIED by the World Almanacs of 1993 and 2000. In 1993 the population of Croatia was 4, 763,000 with 75% being Croatian and 18% being Serbian. In numbers that turns out to be 840,885 Serbs in Croatia in the 1992 census figures. In the year 2000 World Almanac the population of Croatia was down to 4,671,584 with 78% being Croatian and 12% being Serbian. In numbers that would be 560,590 Serbs – a difference of 280,295 people. Most of them are in Yugoslavia’s Serbia province. Many of them, an estimated 17,000-20,000 are dead. …

    … After the perpetrator of this ethnic cleansing, Croatian President Tudjman, died on December 11, 1999, high level representatives from the United States and Western Europe did not attend the funeral in fear that doing so would be a political liability if and when Tudjman’s war crimes and his un-reconstructed Fascism from World War II became known.

    Zivadinovic’s paper, found on pages 131-140 in “NATO in the Balkans: KRAJINA”, ISBN 0-9656916-2-4), is a chilling indictment of man’s inhumanity to man. It is an ugly story, but it is time that the American people ask themselves if they really want to continue the Serb sanctions and the Kosovo ethnic cleansing of all minorities and the general anarchy that exists there under NATO and UN occupation. Zivadinocic wrote:

    In early August 1995, the Croatian invasion of Serbian Krajina precipitated the worst refugee crisis of the Yugoslav civil war. Within days, more than two hundred thousand Serbs, virtually the entire population of Krajina, fled their homes, and 14,000 Serbian civilians lost them lives. According to a UN official “Almost the only people remaining were the dead and the dying.” The Clinton administration’s support for the invasion was an important factor in creating this nightmare. …

    … The Croatian rampage through the region left a trail of devastation. Croatian special police units, operating under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, systematically looted abandoned Serbian villages. Everything of value – cars, stereos, televisions, furniture, farm animals – was plundered, and homes set afire. (4) A confidential European Union report stated that 73 percent of Serbian homes were destroyed. (5) Troops of the Croatian army also took part, and pro-Nazi graffiti could be seen on the walls of several burnt-out Serb buildings.(6)

    Massacres continued for several weeks after the fall of Krajina, and UN patrols discovered numerous fresh unmarked graves and bodies of murdered civilians. (7) The European Union report states, “Evidence of atrocities, an average of six corpses per day, continues to emerge. The corpses, some fresh, some decomposed, are mainly of old men. Many have been shot in the back of the head or had throats slit, others have been mutilated… Serb lands continue to be torched and looted.” (8)

    Following a visit in the region a member of the Zagreb Helsinki Committee reported, “Virtually all Serb villages had been destroyed…. In a village near Knin, eleven bodies were found, some of them were massacred in such a way that it was not easy to see whether the body was male or female.” (9)

    UN spokesman Chris Gunness noted that UN personnel continued to discover bodies, many of whom had been decapitated. (10) British journalist Robert Fisk reported the murder of elderly Serbs, many of whom were burned alive in their homes. He adds, “At Golubic, UN officers have found the decomposing remains of five people… the head of one of the victims was found 150 feet from his body. Another UN team, meanwhile is investigating the killing of a man and a woman in the same area after villagers described how the man’s ears and nose had been mutilated.” (11)

    After the fall of Krajina, Croatian chief of staff General Zvonimir Cervenko characterized Serbs as “medieval shepherds, troglodytes, destroyers of anything the culture of man has created.” During a triumphalist train journey through Croatia and Krajina, Tudjman spoke at each railway station. To great applause, he announced, “There can be no return to the past, to the times when [Serbs] were spreading cancer in the heart of Croatia, a cancer that was destroying the Croatian national being.” He then went on to speak of the “ignominious disappearance” of the Serbs from Krajina “so it is as if they have never lived here… They didn’t even have time to take with them their filthy money or their filthy underwear!” American ambassador Peter Galbraith dismissed claims that Croatia had engaged in “ethnic cleansing,” since he defined this term as something Serbs do. (12)

    May 1993,Philly.com, “Serbs, Croats Won; Humanity Lost”:

    The Serbs won.

    So did the Croats.

    Humanity once again loses a tough one.

    Europe dithered. George Bush dithered. Europe dithered some more. Bill Clinton dithered. Europe yet again dithered.

    Just about everybody we might have helped to survive the ethnic slaughter generated by tired old communists trying to keep their jobs by stirring up nationalism either is under attack, has been moved to some lousy refugee area or is already dead, the likely fate of the first two categories.

    The Serbs know the United States and its wimpy allies are bluffing, as do the Croatians. Hell, everybody knows this is a bluff. There are house plants in Zagreb who have figured it out.

    Tempting as it might be to urge the limited justice of calling in air strikes the next time that self-appointed, so-called “Bosnian Serb parliament” meets, and at least bumping off a few genocidal maniacs, only one option is left. The rest have been dithered away.

    Safe havens have to be established to keep the survivors from being slaughtered. If that takes troops, the alleged civilized nations must provide them. If the French balk, the hell with them. Nobody’s been quite sure about that bunch of collaborators since 1940 anyway.

    And we needn’t worry about the vaunted “fighters” of the Balkans. Those bastards think a fight is lobbing mortar shells into a grade school playground or machine-gunning a wounded prisoner. Only if the Serbs and Croats accidentally run out of civilians to murder will they have to worry about a fight.

    But it does not look like the “civilized” world will even take a minor chance. Political careers are at stake, after all. By-elections have been lost and polls have been taken. What’s a pile of corpses compared to that?

    The Serbs won. The Croats won. Barbarism and cowardice get the assist.

    • Libby says:

      Never mind all that. It is today that concerns us.

      Trump, Milosevic … peas in a pod?

      • Tina says:

        Obama, Hillary and Kerry are the ones that have made a big fat ugly mess all over the world (death, destruction, displacement, chaos, social and economic disaster…)

        What pod should we put them put them in? Stalin comes to mind. Mao certainly could be in that pod as could Kim Il Sung. In all cases government policy based on Marxist principles caused mass starvation. Under Mao the program had a lovely sounding name: Great Leap Forward. Sounds a bit like “The Great Society.”

        You refuse to learn from history Libs!

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    As usual, reality is not so tidy and clean as fools like Chris (Lee), Pete, and Libby hallucinate it is.

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