Cartoon of the week

Idea credits go to Harold for this one. . .


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12 Responses to Cartoon of the week

  1. Tina says:

    Good one Harold.

    How different it would be for Hillary today had she just stepped up and taken responsibility for her mistakes instead of trying to float that giant lie and cover it all up with more lies. But then, this tiger will never change her stripes. She is who she is.

  2. J. Soden says:

    Well done, Harold!!!!!
    One pix is worth 1000 words! And in $hrilLIARy’s case, NONE of them are good!

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    A cartoon is worth 1000 words. Thanks Harold.

    Off Topic

    The proud, results oriented black man versus the mealy mouthed, personally insulting and cowardly liberal weasel honky (the boilerplate standard liberal way of addressing issues — personally attack those you disagree with).

    • Tina says:

      I hit my “monthly limit” at the LA Times so could not access the article but I can imagine.

      You know Pie the fact that this stuff has gone on unchallenged for so long is a testament to the males in our society. They have been patient and tolerant to a fault. I always think about Joe Clark when a good strong male voice like David Clark’s emerges. More and more Americans are calling on strong males to clean up our institutions and restore quality education, law and order, and equality and justice. Lean on Me was made in 1989. The opinions of the real Joe Clark still apply. We are failing too many young people, especially young black people in the broken inner city schools. Progressives tolerate the broken state and protect the teachers union. their only answer is to throw money at the problems (higher taxes). It’s disgusting.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Privileged buffoon of the century. Global warming, eh?

    “The presidential candidate, who is endlessly trying to tell factory workers in Ohio and Pennsylvania that she’s one of them, jetted approximately 20 miles from Martha’s Vineyard — where she was last night partying with President Obama — to Nantucket for a fundraiser on Saturday.”

    • Tina says:

      Privileged indeed. This woman should never be president. The wealthy Hollywood and Wall Street crowd can go ahead and waste their money. Their failures are trickling down to hurt the middle class and the poor now. The notion that we can fuel an economy that supports jobs on wind and solar is absurd and the people are waking up to it.

      Fundamental transformation is doo doo and the people know it.

      Three cheers for the red, white and blue. FREEDOM!

  5. Libby says:

    Are you ever going to quit thrashing that deceased equine … an unseemly obsession.

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