More News on Hillary

by Jack

I’m trying to comprehend these recent news snippets on Hillary re emails and her connection to the Clinton foundation.   If I understand correctly, Obama had her sign a paper, under penalty of perjury, that she would completely disassociate herself from the Clinton hillary-clintonFoundation during her tenure as Secretary of State.

Now it’s revealed that the most numerous contacts she had via those emails on her unsecured server came from the C.O.O. of the Clinton Foundation, wha?   And the story continues,  after Hillary swore before Congress and the world that every possible email had absolutely been turned over to the FBI another 15,000 emails have just turned up!  But, but, she took and oath, she swore before the president, congress and the people of the USA, did Hillary Clinton lie to everyone?  I’m so moderately stunned….


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20 Responses to More News on Hillary

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Hillary remains an unindicted national security criminal and compulsive serial liar who sells influence here and abroad. A perfect Democrat.

    Now for something completely different …

    An interview with Pappy Boyington

  2. J. Soden says:

    You can always tell when $hrilLIARy is lying – her lips are moving!

  3. Peggy says:

    They have her on video swearing she wouldn’t give special treatment to foreign donors.

    Also a shocker is this is from ABC news. Guess they couldn’t suppress it any more and had to give up being one of her campaign mouthpieces.

    ABC NEWS: Hillary Swore Under Oath Not To Accept $$$ From Foreign Donors [Video]

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Can we survive another liar in chief?

    A nation for sale under Hillary Clinton

    An Associated Press investigation finds that more than half the private citizens who met or spoke with Clinton while she was secretary of state also happened to donate to her foundation. What are the odds?

    • Tina says:

      Higher than I care to imagine.

    • Peggy says:

      My understanding is the Clinton Foundation has no charity of it’s own. It’s the “middle man” for other charities. So when they say they’re saving lives with the aids vaccine they aren’t directly. They are giving money they get from others to the charity that is providing the vaccine.

      There is nothing stopping people from giving directly to the aids charity and the other charities. The only losers would be the Clintons who are taking their cut off of the top.

      • Confused in California says:


        “My understanding is the Clinton Foundation has no charity of it’s own. It’s the “middle man” for other charities.”

        You’re half right. Like most charitable “foundations,” the Clinton Foundation does sometimes act as a middle man. However, they are more hands-on than most foundations, and do an unusual amount of charitable work in-house.

        This is why the 8-10% number floating around is incorrect. This only estimated the percentage the Clinton Foundation was donating to other charities. It ignores that they do a large portion of their own charitable work. When that is taken into account, the real percentage of their funds that go directly to charity is estimated at something closer to 80%.

  5. J. Soden says:

    Michael Goodwin has a great column today:

    The $hrilLIARy strategy is to laugh off serious questions. You’ll be able to tell how serious the question is by the volume of her laughter.
    REALLY serious questions raise the volume of her cackles to screech-owl levels.

    • Tina says:

      Great article J. “Why” has driven my curiosity. Why would Hillary risk ruining her chances to become president? Why set up a private server? Why invite scrutiny with unethical negotiations coordinated through her foundation? Why destroy the server…and then when discovered lie so profusely? What does she think her lies buy her? She just looks more unethical, sneaky, and untrustworthy. And what did these big foundations donors want…what did they ask of her in their meetings. The justification is that it’s the job of the secretary of state to meet with foreign entities. Okay…but why the donation? Why should she profit personally from state business? And if the 10% donation to charity is accurate on her foundation tax return these donations ARE benefiting her personally.

      Of course Goodwin doesn’t include what appears to be her “pathological” lying in his analysis. If she is a pathological liar she basically doesn’t experience that she’s lying. It would be interesting to know how such a condition would drive decisions moment to moment.

      The thought of this woman in charge of making decisions for our country bothers me greatly.

    • Tina says:

      Also the length of the cackle…at times she goes on much too long and it becomes an awkward moment. It’s like white space on the radio.

  6. J. Soden says:

    Rudy Guiliani had a great line at a TheDonald rally in Florida yesterday.
    He said “I can think of only one really enthusiastic crowd that would gather for $hrilLIARy (my spelling) Clinton – a grand jury. Boy, would I love to present that case. Now they would have enthusiasm.”

    • Tina says:

      Ohhhh that’s too good.

      I’ve had company lately so I’ve missed a few things. I just posted about the ads she’s put out linking Trump and supporters (Breitbart “fringe”) to the KKK.

  7. Dewster says:

    Tina the White Nationalist connection is there. You need to open you eyes.

    The secretary of State job is that of Arms Sales with a bit of policy on the side.

    Funny when we talk about the Bush admin this corruption does not exist, …… Well it does.

    War is our Number one business. Our Politicians sell arms. Whose F15’s are the Saudi’s using as they bomb the crap out of hospitals in Yemen?

    You work so hard to pretend your party is something great yet you have no knowledge of how it really works.

    Decades of lies, deception, and corruption…… both Parties

    Your world does not exist. but ya can read about that world everyday in MSM Propaganda.

  8. Tina says:

    Dewey no candidate is responsible for every person who chooses to back him.

    Hillary, for instance cant be held accountable for the terrorist father that sat behind her at a rally in Florida, although her security team might be. She can’t be blamed for the California KKK Grand Dragon Will Quigg who just endorsed her. Although she could give back the over $20,000 in campaign donations from KKK members she’s received…but at this point what difference does it make?

    War is your number one obsession.

    America has done a lot more good in the world than you give her credit for. In trms of war we have freed a lot of people. Unfortunately the commie wing of the boomer clan drank the kool-aid and it’s been down hill ever since. The way they have undermined the mission, and our troops, since Vietnam is the lowest of the lows.

    If you took your head out of the conspiracy jungle you might learn there is more to life than pitchin’ fits.

    My party has a lot of flaws and it’s made a lot of mistakes. Just like people, go figure. I favor the R party because it most closely aligns with my ideals. Anyone who expects perfection and miracles in politics is in for great disappointments. Its a process and it’s always a bumpy ride.

    I do this because I believe in America as it was founded. A free people with God given rights and the rule of law to protect them and maintain order. I fear we are losing this wonderful nation to inferior ideals and to those who put their faith in celebrity leaders and fiddling, leaders who bend laws to fit their whims.

    We have only one world and we are all doing what we can.

    Why all the hate Dewey?

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