Fake Victims Abound in USA

by Jack

Maybe you heard the recent story where this couple were at the diner and when they left, they (allegedly) wrote on the ticket, “We only tip citizens.”

The next part was not nearly as well publicized. The couple in question, a black male and his fiancé, who was Puerto Rican, not the mostly likely of couple to act racist, heard about the note on the receipt and went back to the diner to complain. They emphatically told the manager, they didn’t write it and they could compare their handwriting, if he didn’t believe them.  They were livid!

The diner had a video surveillance camera and it didn’t show the couple writing anything on their ticket. But, the alleged victim, this waitress, well….she was the only person to handle the ticket before it went to the cashier. Hmmmm… maybe not 100% proof, but absent anyone else, I dunno, sounds questionable. She had motive, ability and opportunity, but who knows.

It would appear in light of the customers strong denial and lack of evidence, this incident appears to fall into the category of a “falsehood.” Possibly it was done for publicity, a joke, revenge or whatever.

Why do people do this stuff, even as a joke?

People (BLM) who run around saying, “Hands up – don’t shoot!” are a prime example of blockheads that are promoting a destructive lie.   Folks, it never happened, we’ve proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it never happened!   And saying this lie over and over hurts our country, so why do it?  You have to wonder about the people who continue to repeat this big lie.  What is their real agenda and what does it say about them?

“Hands up – don’t shoot” was the biggest lie of the decade.

We’ve seen this “false victim” charge show up in the gay community; we’ve seen fake Muslim-victims do it, and we’ve seen tons of fake racist charges too!  When the lie is examined closely it generally backfires on them, but not before a lot of damage was done.

I’m getting sick of it and I am sick of the people who rush to believe the most ugly stories if it involves Islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia and bigotry, and they do it in a rush to judgement, long before they’ve heard any evidence!

Ferguson and Baltimore are but two examples where viscous lies destroyed community harmony and set back race relations by decades!   The evil of this kind of thing can’t be overestimated because it is that destructive!   And when the president of the United States buys into this poisonous thought, he’s just feeding his own bias and deep seated hate.  That is an outrage in itself and Obama’s done it many times before.

The Washington Post ran this story after it went viral on the internet.   However, they didn’t do a very good job checking the story before publication, there are some obvious holes in it.  I think they were too quick to put out a juicy story. So once again the media bares some responsibility for creating racial tensions.  Shame on them too and shame on anyone who believed it in the first place without once asking for proof! It did not warrant the national attention it received, regardless of what you think happened.

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5 Responses to Fake Victims Abound in USA

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: People (BLM) who run around saying, “Hands up – don’t shoot!

    That false narrative was repeated by the members of the Saint Louis Rams. Now we have the SF 49ers cretin Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand for the National Anthem.

    Not the entire NFL is a jackass — Entire New York Giants team and staff stand up.


  2. dewster says:

    What do you know about these communities?


    White Privilege at work I see

    Amazing how clueless people are

    your small town has less than 2% Black Population

    Euros killed the natives and took over their land. Maybe it’s time for them to leave, go back to their homeland

    • Tina says:

      “White Privilege at work I see”

      Do tell? Please explain what you “see.”

      “Euros killed the natives and took over their land.”

      Their land? They traveled to these lands from elsewhere just as the Europeans did. Indians I know don’t think of the land as “their” land or anyone else’s. Most tribes were just as likely to overrun, kill and displace other tribes as the Europeans were. Once again you can’t let history remain in the past where it belongs.

      “Maybe it’s time for them to leave, go back to their homeland”

      America is my homeland.

      Is it yours? And if you don’t like living among whites maybe you should go elsewhere where you feel more comfortable. Why are you here? What do you want? Just how abused are you anyway?

      This is my country and I care about what happens here. Do you?

  3. Rick Clements says:

    Oh darn Tina, you hit Dumpster right between the eyes with common sense. No wonder he left the arena, his ignorance was unable to process your educated mindset!

  4. Tina says:

    Thanks Rick.

    You made me smile…that’s always a good thing after dealing with the dumpster types.

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