US Vulnerable – Visa Program Reform a Must

Inspired by a link Pie posted in comments

Sunday is the 15th anniversary of 911…fifteen years later we are more vulnerable and dumb as posts!

Donald Trump is not just right about needed reforms to our immigration and border controls, he is out in front of the level of vulnerability that our nation faces. An article in FrontPage Magazine, “Reflections on 9/11’s Vulnerabilities – The failures that proved key factors in the attacks — and how Obama has exacerbated them,” is a shocker. I have to ask, rhetorically, “What the he77 is wrong with our leaders!”

The article takes a look back to the start of the Clinton administration in 1991 and the going on UN weapons inspections taking place in Iraq. An article in the WaPo at the time noted that inspectors had found a document detailing a plan to send students to the US and other countries to “specifically study nuclear-related subjects to develop their own program.” One of those students Samir AJ-Araji, graduated and returned to Iraq run it’s nuclear program. In 1997 the Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy reported that “terrorist-supporting states are sending their students to the United States to get training in chemistry, physics, and engineering which could potentially contribute to their home country’s missile and nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons programs.”

During the 1996 election cycle Bill Clinton Introduced a program Citizenship USA (CUSA)”

“What we need to do is to have a sensible approach to immigration. It needs to be open. It needs to be nondogmatic and nonbigoted. We need to be firm but reasonable in the way we deal with the problem of illegal immigration. And we need to try to get as many of our immigrants who want to do so to become citizens as quickly as possible so that the American people will all see that this is a part of the process of American history which, is a good one for our country.” – President Bill Clinton

This program “enabled an estimated 1.2 million aliens to acquire U.S. citizenship via the naturalization process.” The manner in which our government implemented the new policy is mind boggling:

process required that the applications be moved so quickly that thousands of aliens were granted citizenship before their fingerprints were run through the system.  Moreover, to make certain that the bureaucratic machinery was able to move at “warp speed,” Doris Meissner, the Commissioner of the INS back then, decided to streamline the process for conferring citizenship to the point that many applications were adjudicated without even a face-to-face interview. … he failures of the Clinton administration to address the vulnerabilities of the immigration system literally and figuratively left the door wide open for the terror attacks of 9/11.

People may disagree and criticize George Bush for his strategy to defeat terrorists but they cannot say he did nothing to keep us safe.

Fast forward to the Obama administration. His approach to terrorism has been ineffective, indeed it’s exacerbated the problem through the rise and spread of ISIS. In addition his open borders approach to immigration has brought terrorist attacks back to our shores. His approach makes us more vulnerable than ever before. Various newspaper reports illustrate the point:

November 20, 2013, ABC News reported, “Exclusive: US May Have Let ‘Dozens’ of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees.”  This is not a new problem. On July 13, 2011 the Washington Times published a truly disturbing article, “Visas reviewed to find those who overstayed / Aim is to find any would-be terrorists.”
…September 2, 2014 ABC News reported, “Lost in America: Visa Program Struggles to “Track Missing Foreign Students.” … The Department of Homeland Security has lost track of more than 6,000 foreign nationals who entered the United States on student visas, overstayed their welcome, and essentially vanished — exploiting a security gap that was supposed to be fixed after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.
…December 6, 2014 Fox News published a report, “Saudi-born US naval engineer allegedly gave undercover agent info on how to sink carrier” that focused on how Mostafa Ahmed Awwad was educated in the United States, became a resident alien and then acquired U.S. citizenship, and later agreed to provide an FBI undercover agent with the plans of the Gerald R. Ford, a 13-billion-dollar aircraft carrier that is still under construction and has brand-new unique innovations. Allegedly Awwad even told the undercover agent where the ship would be most vulnerable to being sunk by a missile strike.

It’s time to take serious steps to secure our borders, to limit immigration, to find and deport those who overstay their visas, and to quickly develop a strategy to defeat the terrorist enemy. Donald Trump is prepared to address this problem head on.

Please read the FrontPage Magazine article and consider the informed plan Donald Trump has to secure our nation as you prepare to cast your vote in November.

Related: This weekend would be a good time to read a report, “The Flight 93 Election”, which begins: “2016 is the Flight 93 election: charge the cockpit or you die. You may die anyway. You—or the leader of your party—may make it into the cockpit and not know how to fly or land the plane. There are no guarantees.
Except one: if you don’t try, death is certain. To compound the metaphor: a Hillary Clinton presidency is Russian Roulette with a semi-auto. With Trump, at least you can spin the cylinder and take your chances.”

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10 Responses to US Vulnerable – Visa Program Reform a Must

    • Tina says:

      Can you imagine the delight in discovering a new parasitic worm and then having the honor of naming it?

      Some of those nerdy guys really admire things like parasitic worms and creepy spiders. Are you betting that he giggled…or did he think this was a real compliment?

      I know I giggled!

  1. Jarem says:

    “2016 is the Flight 93 election: charge the cockpit or you die. You may die anyway. You—or the leader of your party—may make it into the cockpit and not know how to fly or land the plane. There are no guarantees. Except one: if you don’t try, death is certain.”

    So, in this metaphor, Trump voters are the brave heroes who rushed the cockpit in Flight 93 to save their fellow Americans on 9/11, and Hillary Clinton represents the terrorists trying to fly into the White House?

    That’s an incredibly offensive and ill-timed analogy.

    It’s also not relevant, as Mona Charen of Townhall explains:

    • Tina says:

      Mona Charen can apparently tolerate Hillary and the prospect of a Hillary presidency. I find that extremely offensive, especially since she then deigns to lecture others about ethics and morality.


      The passengers on Flight 93 were pretty sure they were going to die. The only question was whether to go down fighting and possibly disrupt the terrorists’ plans, or to die passively. Those passengers ought to remind us that a lot remains right with America, because the voices crying doom are particularly piercing just now.

      Staying home on election day is a passive vote. Voting for some “other” is a passive vote. Verbally dumping all over Trump and his supporters helps Hillary. (Even the most radical lefty knows enough to keep his mouth shut). A vote for Hillary is a vote to join with the terrorists in taking the good ship America down. The “voices crying doom” are justified in their concerns. Old Mona must be a bit addled or confused since she then goes on to explain how they are justified:

      There is much decay in America. Government, best represented by an IRS that targets Americans for their political activism and an FBI that declines to hold high officials to the same standards as ordinary ones, is corrupt. Government is also sclerotic and headed for insolvency — with the approval of both major-party candidates. The courts are making social policy without even a pretense of constitutionality. Race relations are getting worse. The press is dominated by mindless infotainment. Men are dropping out of the labor force. The internet has unleashed the most feral appetites of the human soul — from child porn to anti-Semitism. Manners are fraying. … So, yes, it may be that we cannot pull out of this dive.

      Except for “men dropping out of the labor force” she is apparently completely oblivious to the deeply troubling economic situation! Perhaps Mona lives in that elitist bubble?

      Her main complaint is that the “moral/ethical” right didn’t choose a different candidate…as if we all walk in lock step and as if a good number of independents and people that have never voted didn’t help to choose Trump. But in any case the primary is over…fini…fertig…acabado! Trump IS our candidate.

      Charen is pouting and attempting to shame those of us who are not pouting. I have news for Ms Charen. Pouting is a childish trait. Wishing for something that isn’t going to happen is a childish trait. Talking against the candidate of your party, chosen fair and square, is giving aid and comfort to the opposition party and their candidate a woman so deeply flawed there are not enough words to sufficiently describe her. As Sean Hannity has said, all of these elitists (on the right) will OWN the radical left Supreme Court choices that Hillary will make, the hit our economy will take, another four years of less than 2% growth, continued unemployment, open borders, AND every corrupt thing she and Bill manage to do while holding that powerful office.

      Yes (Chris?), Hillary is JUST THAT BAD!!!! And Mona Charen needs to open her skull to the extreme and dire state of the world that Hillary and Obama have created with their policies and actions.

      Losing with grace and then getting on board to make sure the absolutely corrupted alternative doesn’t get elected is ADULT!

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Off Topic

    Schadenfreude. I love it when they eat their own. Super obnoxious, super liberal MSM twit Matt Lauer is under attack.

    Media Freak-out

    Actually, I was impressed by Lauer. I thought he did a pretty good job except for not pressing Trump on his against-the-Iraq-war lie. Why does Trump feel it necessary to lie about this? Is he cut from the same cloth as Hillary? The truth would not harm him. When asked if he was for the war he said at first he said, “Yeah, I guess so.”

    Shortly thereafter he came out against the war. Why be a Clinton and lie?

    Frankly I am fed up with liars running for office. This November my choice is for who lies least? Well yes, but the choice is more than that. I am going to vote against —

    1) A compulsive serial liar.
    2) A one woman national security disaster.
    3) An inept fool who turned a deaf ear to the 200+ pleas for help from the Benghazi embassy.
    4) A person who lied to the families of the victims of the Benghazi.
    5) An inept fool who crowed about assassinating Muammar Gaddafi and then left Libya to turn into an ISIS cesspool.
    6) An inept fool who lied about the expansion of ISIS under her auspices.
    7) A person who wiped 33,000 + emails from her personal server after being ordered by congress under subpoena to turn them over. (Left wing Hillary liar supporters, do not waste your time contesting this fact, you goose stepping morons)
    8) A corrupt a pay-to-play con artist who uses a charity to funnel funds, only 10% of which are ever used for charitable causes.
    9) An evil person who laughed about getting off the pedophile child rapist of a 12 year old girl.

    I could go on, but 9 reasons should be sufficient. It is true, I despise Donald Trump, but Hillary is just plain evil.

    • Tina says:

      The only explanation (not excuse) I have for Trump is that he’s no different than a lot of other people in America who were for America after 911, for the troops and for defeating the terrorist menace…and then when things got messy in Iraq and success didn’t happen 1,2,3 like it did in Kuwait, he turned sour on the whole deal. It’s war and mistakes were made but there was a strategy, it just wasn’t articulated clearly enough. (It would help a lot if the American people were as loyal as the WWII generation.)

      I blame Bush for the change of mood in America. He explained his strategy but not often enough. I don’t think he understood how important winning the war at home was. He didn’t fight the left anti-war machine or the media. (Hard for me to hold it against him, he had enough on his plate).

      Trump has a talent for talking past the talking heads. That alone puts him in a better position to finally get a handle on this war. Hopefully his military advisors have good plans in place and are ready to move day one if he wins. If he doesn’t, we’re crashing into the capitol and America, if she survives, will never be the same again.

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