Major Terrorist Increase on Obama’s Watch

Posted by Jack

The worldwide number of annual terrorist deaths has more than quadrupled since President Barack Obama was inaugurated in January 2009.

Deaths from terrorism increased 80 percent last year to an all-time-record of 32,658 people killed, compared to 18,111 in 2013. The number is up about 426 percent from the 7,654 killed by terrorists in 2008 under President Bush, according to the latest report from ‘Vision of Humanity.’

Obama yuks it up Munich terrorThe 2014 economic cost of 13,370 terrorist attacks in 93 countries included property damage, medical costs, lost income for victims, and the indirect costs of preventing and responding to terrorist acts. The annual “Global Terrorism Index” report estimated those costs hit an all-time-high in 2014 of $52.9 billion.

Boko Haram and Islamic State of Iraq and Levant were jointly responsible for 51 percent of all claimed global terrorist fatalities in 2014. About 57 percent of all the attacks and 78 percent of all the deaths occurred in the five nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria.

But the number of nations suffering over 500 or more deaths from terrorism increased in 2014 by approximately 120 percent, to 11 countries.

Nigeria experienced the largest increase in terrorist activity with 7,512 deaths in 2014, a jump of over 300 percent over the prior year. But Iraq continued as the worst place for terrorist attacks in 2014, with 9,929 killed, setting another new all-time-record for a single nation.

The number of countries suffering at least one terrorist fatality spread significantly last year, from 59 in 2013 to 67 in 2014. Advanced Western nations suffering at least one terrorist death included Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada and France.

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23 Responses to Major Terrorist Increase on Obama’s Watch

  1. Libby says:

    Well, the O-man is not President of the world, just this country, wherein the 9/11 tally has yet to be exceeded. I believe the Boston bombers (the nastiest incident since) killed only three. Many limbs were lost, but only three lives, as I recall.

    And Rhamani was … is … a flaming incompetent.

    If this is the cream of ISIS’s crop, we can cope.

    Well … we can cope; you are plainly falling to pieces.

  2. Dewster says:

    How any people have the US Police killed this year compared to Terrorists? Get that number.

    Last I looked was about 512 collected from news reports. Surely there are more.

    So people in the USA are just bad seeds? We are a nation of criminals? Yea Right.

    Profit prisons and slave labor in them has nothing to do with this? We are just bad people? We need to kill Muslims right? Sad sad sad narrative

    Stop Fear Mongering while feeding the Beast

    We have no freedom or rights. We must fix both the patriot Act and the NDAA which was no different under Obama than it was when Bush created it. They both have kept the clauses that take away our freedom.

    They take pictures of us all day long on cameras yet if you film a Police Officer they try to take away your right to do so?

    Go to major Urban city and look at the cameras everywhere. Look at the Cessna’s hired by a Private company to record the city all day. Yet they never catch a terrorist. Our local forces do that job. WHo caught the NY Bomber?

    They collect so much data on citizens they do not need they can not fight terrorism. We are a Police State.

    Chico may not see that because you are not out here in the East but it is coming to your neighborhood soon.

    • Libby says:

      Eeeewww. That’s a nasty thought, and probably factual, that since 9/11 more citizens have been killed by cops than by terrorists.

      • Post Scripts says:

        Libby, the better question, the more honest question that you should be asking is how many cops and innocent citizens are killed each year by criminals? Then compare that statistics to how many bad guys the cops kill each year defending people like yourself and Dewey. You might also want to ask, how many radical muslim terrorist attacks have there been in the United States in the last 20 years and are they increasing in frequency since Obama took office?

        • Libby says:

          Alas, we already know that the cop to citizen ratio … way favors the cops.

          I know how much you cherish your supposed victimhood … and yet alas, it does not exist.

  3. Deplorable J Soden says:

    Thanx for the invite! Difference between Hotkeys and Programmable Keys.

    Regarding creating Hotkeys, I only work with Windows (and staying with Win7 for as long as possible!) Here’s a good link for creating Hotkeys for Windows

    And here’s a link for those who use a Mac:

    And for those who have been suckered into Windows 10:

    • Post Scripts says:

      J. Soden, I am not aware that Tina or I invited you to use any program? Beware of spam attacks or hacking. This does not sound like anything Tina would have sent.

      • Deplorable J Soden says:

        In a reply to one of my posts on a past thread, she asked if I would be interested in writing an article regarding Hotkeys. Since others have said it much better than I could, I posted the above. Sorry if I overstepped.

  4. Harold says:

    Simply put, the world is a dangerous place and mostly because of Jihadist terrorist themselves and the propaganda they pedal on the internet.

    America is no more safe then the rest of the world these days, and clearly a lot of that is due to the feckless direction of Obama, a lot those attack’s under his term in office Jack you covered in the post preceding this one. Obama is the worst we have had, but he could easily be the next to the worst if Hillary sneaks in on lies and deceit, which are her only true strengths.

    And to you Hillary supporters, do not believe for one minute she will be any more protective of Americans on our soil than she was of America citizens in Benghazi.

    You liberals vote for her and you lose the primary purpose of Government, ours/your Protection!

    “I am a supporter of a safe America and I approve this message”

    • Libby says:

      Good heavens, Harold. What exactly is going to happen to you, there, in Chico?

      If I can brave the pipe bomb on the BART car … knowing it’s that or not get to work … you should probably just shut the eff up.

      And if I would rather risk death than incarcerate all the swarthy gentlemen on the train, you need to own that you are where you are fit to be … and should just not meddle in other people’s business.

      Not you, and not The Donald.

      • Pie Guevara says:

        “Brave” a pipe bomb? “Brave” a pipe bomb??? How does one “brave” a pipe bomb? That is completely nuts. It makes no sense at all (no surprises here with Libby).

        Libby, all you need to know about pipe bombs is to be close enough to one when it goes off. If you survive, you will learn there is no bravery involved in claiming, nonsensically, to “brave” a pipe bomb, you nitwit. Next time you hear of a potential pipe bomb threat RUN TO IT and show your “bravery”, PUUHLEES!

        Your form of “bravery” is a foolish assumption you will beat the odds while others are maimed or killed. Herd mentality fits you.

      • Tina says:

        Libby you are a phony. If a republican were president you would be hyper critical and complaining about this mess.

        “…we already know that the cop to citizen ratio … way favors the cops.”

        Tell that to the loved ones of the Dallas five.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Succinctly put Harold. That is the government’s PRIMARY job. I note that Lunatic Libby scorns your assertion. Left-wing idiots say what left wing idiots think.

  5. Harold says:

    LOL, should you wake up and realize that braving the pipe bomb and even avoiding the Illegal murderers of your sanctuary City need not be a concern if you voted for Trump.

    Otherwise if it happens to you I hope at least your last thoughts would be of the pain your vote caused others as well as where you screwed up politically.

    By the way helping protect AMERICA is my business, so get on board the Trump train and you will stop concerning yourself about about riding the bay area Liberal body count train…..

    • Libby says:

      But our city is a lively, vibrant and fundamentally safe place. Only in your head is it otherwise.

      Why won’t your candidate release his tax returns? The information in them would, theoretically, only lend support to what he says he proposes to do, job-creation-wise, civic-safety-wise, foreign-policy-wise … unless, of course, it doesn’t.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Off Topic —

    Even left-wing idiots will work at WalMart, but should WalMart bother hiring them?

    Walmart apologizes for refusing to make police officer’s cake

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Revisit another reason why Loretta Lynch is an inept, corrupt fool and why the FBI has become the same under Obama —

    Duh, TWO terrorist jihadists came from the 130 member mosque Islamic Center of Fort Pierce.

    Loretta Lynch: We May Never Know Orlando Shooter’s True Motivation

    Coincidence? Orlando killer, Syria bomber shared mosque, hometown

  8. Peggy says:

    Must see Jordan’s King Abdullah on “60 Minutes” discuss fighting ISIS.

    Keeping Jordan’s balance amid crisis:

    “Terrorism. Civil war. A refugee crisis. Geopolitics. That’s the situation in the Middle East and right on Jordan’s doorstep. Scott Pelley interviews King Abdullah II”

  9. Pie Guevara says:

    Off Topic Again …

    Truth is often simultaneously hilarious and depressing —

    If you’ve ever suspected nothing is more annoying than prissy, sanctimonious vegans, it turns out you have company: Nature wants to punch them in the face, too.

    As is often the case with virtue-signaling lifestyles, number-crunching doesn’t quite justify the supposed benefits of granola-crunching. “When applied to an entire global population, the vegan diet wastes available land that could otherwise feed more people,” concluded news site Quartz in a review of a scientific study published in the journal Elementa that compares the sustainability of various eating patterns.

    Just as global-warming hysteria leads to draconian restrictions and taxes that devastate the poor in order to provide conscience relief to progressives, totalitarian eating habits aren’t as sustainable as more moderate ones. For instance, trying to grow crops on land best suited for use as grazing land for cattle means wasting resources.

    Selfish vegans are ruining the environment

  10. Post Scripts says:

    J. Soden, okay, then all is well. Sorry for my confusion re “hot keys”.

  11. Libby says:

    “How does one “brave” a pipe bomb.”

    One gets on the BART car.

    Neither you nor Pie are making any sense at all.

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