Trumps Remarkable Rise a Strong Indicator of His Leadership Abilities

Posted by Tina

America needs a strong leader. Trump is the better choice.

Conrad Black at National Review is a appalled at the candidacy of Donald Trump as many of his NR colleagues are. However, he produced an article today in which he shares an interesting perspective on Trump. The article revisits old complaints but one paragraph stood out in terms of the false narrative that Trump isn’t smart capable or prepared to be president. Trump has shown over the past month that he can speak to the people and negotiate with leaders in presidential fashion. But he has also shown throughout this election process that he can get things done even when the smart folks contemptuosly give him no chance in he77…and boy does our nation need someone who can get things done:

Any campaign for the presidency, even one that proves to be very one-sided, such as the reelections of FDR (1936), Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan (all defeated their opponents by between 15 and 23 percentage points in the popular vote), requires some strategy. Donald Trump astounded the entire political class of America by becoming only the third person ever to gain the presidential nomination of a major American political party without having first been an elected official, a prominent military officer, or a cabinet member, and the first to do so in 76 years. (Wendell Willkie, in 1940, never had control of the Republicans and had little chance against Roosevelt.) Senator Rubio was correct to call it “a tsunami that only Mr. Trump saw coming,” but it was also a tsunami that he largely conjured up out of less turbulent air and intensified. He raised the Republican primary vote by 60 percent over 2012, and whatever happens from now on, his achievement is historic and there must have been some astute strategic calculations behind it. (emphasis mine)

In addition to his wise choice for VP in Mike Pence, Mr. Trump’s demonstrated ability to get things done is clear. Donald Trump may be a bit unconventional but he is also a man who cares about America, who is as appalled by the corruption and failures of the last eight years, and who has years of experience in strategic planning and in seeing those plans to fruition. As Mike Pence said just now on the radio, “This nation is in a lot of trouble.” It could be said that this is a gross understatement. The alternative for president represents more troubling times. Mr. Trump is the only choice for president who will meet this trouble head on and see his strategic plans through to fruition.

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9 Responses to Trumps Remarkable Rise a Strong Indicator of His Leadership Abilities

  1. dewster says:

    You can read and repeat media propaganda but that is all it is.

    Trump is a con man. You buy what he claims? He undermines America for profit every chance e gets.

    The latest? he went to great lengths to hide he uses cheap Chinese steel when he builds here. He is always asking for more foreign visas. His foundation was totally illegal no paperwork filed. He does not pay taxes by claiming that huge loss years ago. Bankruptcies are US!

    This election is a farse.

    Have you even figured out we are being lied to about Syria? All that maters is a person’s party wins? Both Dems and Reps will take this country down.

    Take Heed the worlds markets are wobbly, Russian has warned the US, we have 2 crooks running for president, a CIA and hired mercenaries starting wars around the world, and drastic weather storms tearing up peoples lives.

    Trump is no leader to handle any of that. He has not the IQ, experience nor temperament. He can and is profiting off this election and will off the title of Prez too.

    Pence is hated in IN for a reason. You believe media and that keeps you in the dark.

    Pence tries to force his religion on all.

    Newsflash! western Propaganda is as bad as Russian Propaganda.

    • Deplorable J Soden says:

      Try Spellcheck, Dewster. Won’t help ignorance, but it’ll be easier to read.

    • Tina says:

      Newsflash back at you, Dewey. I have asked you repeatedly to suggest an better alternative to our current system. You have nothing to say.

      The man you are accusing of writing propaganda writes for a conservative publication. Most of his article is not favorable or flattering to Trump. The paragraph I quoted includes two factual points:

      1. Trump is “…the third person ever to gain the presidential nomination of a major American political party without having first been an elected official, a prominent military officer, or a cabinet member, and the first to do so in 76 years.

      2. Trump “…raised the Republican primary vote by 60 percent over 2012” which is an historic achievement.

      That isn’t propaganda my friend, it is just the accurate and factual truth.

      You demonstrates an inability to recognize propaganda or a fact for that matter. In fact you’re apparently willing to accept the opinion of Vladimir Putin regarding our candidates instead of thinking he spouts propaganda or, more likely, is simply taking the occasion to again poke a weakened America in the eye.

      You are right about one thing, the worlds economy is in deep trouble. Why wouldn’t it be? Nothing has been done to incentivize entrepreneurs, investment, or even everyday spending by citizens. The middle class has be decimated. I don’t think it’s an accident since the people in charge are lawyers and Keynesian progressives. Their agenda doesn’t include things like broad economic growth, the wise use of government funds, staying on budget, or creating an atmosphere that promotes individual wealth building. Instead they focus on redistribution, increasing the power of government, and control, control, control…everything that stifles the creativity and energy of individuals. There are ideological differences in those who aspire to lead our nation. One represents more of the same policies that are killing economies around the world. The other is a businessman that understands intimately what it takes to grow a business and create opportunity for others. He understands that when government have too much control the people are stifled and blunted.

      Our nation was founded on the notion that every individual has the right to freely pursue his dreams and their government should have only a few powers. Democrats have moved far away from that ideal.

      For some reason you also find it necessary to smear the character of Mike Pence regarding his religion. I ask you to post any evidence you may have that would indicate Pence would try to “force his religion on all.”

      Without knowing your objection it’s difficult to respond but it seems to me that it’s more likely you just don’t agree with his opinion on some issues.

  2. Deplorable J Soden says:

    Don’t EVER again want to hear a Leftie claim that $hrilLIARy doesn’t get questions she’ll be asked in advance!

    The town hall format this Sunday means all questions will be reviewed in advance and that some debaters might “accidentally” get the questions ahead of time. That happened when Bubba was running for re-election as prez at an event in one of the Southern states. Worked fine until a black man asked a different question than the one approved – and the media went nuts!
    One could only hope that a similar action will happen on Sunday.

    • Free Speech Defender says:

      It’s…The Steve Harvey Show. People are mad about this? You think Steve Harvey is a journalist who must abide by a strict code of ethics? I wouldn’t be surprised if he gave Trump the questions beforehand too. That’s what happens on a talk show.

  3. Free Speech Defender says:

    “a bit unconventional”

    Wow! That’s what you call a Republican candidate who:

    –Defames POWs as “not really heroes”
    –Says he doesn’t like the term “American exceptionalism”
    –Baselessly suggested his more conservative opponent’s father may have helped kill JFK
    –Tweets at 3am telling Americans to “check out sex tape” of a woman who criticized him
    *Note: This was how Trump defended himself from a charge of misogyny from that same woman
    –Tweets that he will be a really great president BECAUSE he is up at 3AM tweeting about a woman’s sex tape
    –Mocks a reporter’s disability
    –Threatens to sue every newspaper who publishes negative stories about him (so much for free speech!)
    –Personally harasses other private citizens who criticize him, including the parents of a dead soldier
    *Uses religious stereotypes to target them, saying that the soldier’s mother “maybe wasn’t allowed to speak”
    –Doesn’t know how to pick his battles
    –Praises dictators such as Vladimir Putin, Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong-Il
    –Falsely claims that he was against the Iraq War, and when called on it, pathetically whines “Why won’t anyone call Sean Hannity?”
    –Advocates a religious test for immigrants (so much for freedom of religion!)
    –Has said that Muslim Americans who travel abroad may not be let in
    –Has suggested putting all Muslim Americans in a national database
    –Has said of women, “You have to treat ’em like shit”
    –Has advocated war crimes such as killing the family members of terrorists
    –Has changed every policy position at least once
    –Picked a vehement opponent of gay rights who tried to use state money to fund harmful “conversion therapy” to brainwash gay people into turning straight as his VP
    –Has proposed a de facto ethnic test for judges (his statement that Curiel should recuse himself due to being Hispanic was called “the textbook definition of a racist comment” by Paul Ryan)
    –Literally opened his campaign by telling Americans to be afraid of Mexicans crossing the border to rape them
    –Claims that we can make Mexico build a wall for us
    –Is the first candidate for president in 40 years to refuse to release his tax returns
    *Note: He promised to do this in 2015
    –Baselessly claimed that his opponent may not be loyal to her husband, with no evidence
    *Note: Trump has cheated on his wives multiple times, and bragged about it
    –Makes creepy sexual comments about his own daughter
    –Has been caught multiple times using money from his charity for his own benefit
    –Has been caught multiple times lying about how much he has donated to charity
    –Has flip-flopped on every single policy, including whether abortion should be allowed, whether women who have abortions should be punished, whether there should be a wall, whether we should let Muslims into the US, whether taxes on the rich should be lower or higher, whether we should invade Iraq and Libya or not, whether gays should be allowed to get married–and all of these flip-flops were in the last year, some in the same day
    –Has claimed climate change is a hoax started by the Chinese, then lied about saying it
    –Has the longest record of lying of any candidate–even more than Hillary–according to every trusted fact-checker
    –Baselessly promised that he had dirt on Obama’s birth certificate for months, refused to ever apologize when nothing turned up, then somehow simultaneously claimed he did Obama a favor AND blamed Hillary Clinton for it
    –Lied about seeing footage of “thousands and thousands” of Muslims cheering in New Jersey after 9/11
    –Invited Russia to leak hacked e-mails of his opponent
    –Surrounds himself with racist idiots like Katrina Pierson and Roger Stone
    –Surrounds himself with Russian stooges such as Paul Manafort and Carter Page
    –Surrounds himself with idiot lawyers who threaten critics and say that it’s legal for a husband to rape his wife
    –Won’t pledge to support our allies in NATO
    –Won’t repudiate his racist and anti-Semitic fans on the “alt right”
    –Retweets self-identified racists, fascists and anti-Semites frequently
    –Has stirred up a movement of nationalists similar to the far right, explicitly “whites-only” parties of Europe
    –Has lowered standards of public decency
    –Has mainstreamed bullying and potty-mouth language by his public behavior, such as attacking all critics and talking about the size of his penis in a debate
    –Threw a fit after one debate because a journalist asked him a tough question, and refused to go to the next debate
    –Continues to bash Hillary Clinton for her husband’s affairs while showing no remorse for his own

    And what’s sad is that this isn’t even the whole list.

    This man is not a conservative. He’s a scam artist. Don’t be scammed.

  4. Peggy says:

    Another off topic. Sorry, but had to share.

    Official proposals of the Simulated Convention of States:

    “Adopted September 23, 2016 in Williamsburg, VA
    Statement of Convention:
    “The Convention respectfully submits these proposals to the American people with the
    conviction that they are a sound beginning to a critically-needed national discussion about restoring the balance of power between the federal government and the states.

    Further, it is the conviction of this body that the states must deliberate and adopt appropriate proposals for a balanced budget amendment and an amendment to provide the states a means to serve as a check on judicial overreach by the federal judiciary of the United States.”


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