“Irresponsibly” and “Unpatriotically” Obamacare Adds to the Growing $9,000,000,000,000.00 Debt

Posted by Tina

October third marked the start of a new fiscal year for our government. It also marked a milestone that should make the Obama administration and the Democrat Party hang their heads in shame. Instead they talk it up as a great success that just requires a bit of tweeking. The truth is it isn’t working well for most Americans and it’s adding to our national debt…promises broken, big time!

In 2008 Obama stood in front of the American people in Fargo North Dakota and slammed George Bush for the accumulated debt over his eight years of service:

“The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents – #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.”

US Debt Clock:

Debt: $19.64 Trillion

Debt, per man, woman, and child: $60,525.00

Debt per taxpayer: $164,602.00

Deficit spending over a $3.86 trillion budget: $590 billion

Obama has doubled the debt he found so deplorable in 2008.

The main drivers of our debt are the two progressive programs, Social Security and Medicare. Obama irresponsibly ADDED another program, the ACA (Obamacare), that will add to these yearly increases in the debt. Not only was Obama deceitful when he blamed Bush for the increasing debt, he was unconcerned and deceitful when he pushed Obamacare down our throats claiming it would not add to the debt. He was able to make that fallacious claim because the legislation was intentionally written to deceive. The law included delayed tax increases so that when the CBO scored (projected) the law it did not add to the debt. Some skeptical Democrat lawmakers voted in favor of the law based on this scoring. Four years after the law passed, the CBO relayed a much different projection:

…four years later, the CBO now says it can no longer stand by its 2010 projections. Roll Call, the publication that covers Congress, writes: “In its latest report on the law, the Congressional Budget Office said it is no longer possible to assess the overall fiscal impact of the law. That conclusion came as a surprise to some fiscal experts in Washington and is drawing concern. And without a clear picture of the law’s overall financing, it could make it politically easier to continue delaying pieces of it, including revenue raisers, because any resulting cost increases might be hidden.”


Again, how important was the 2010 CBO “score,” delivered on the eve of the Obamacare vote? Vital. Critical.
Indispensable. Roll Call reminds us, “For Democratic lawmakers who were hesitant to sign onto the sweeping 2010 healthcare law, one of the most powerful selling points (emphasis added) was that the Affordable Care Act would actually reduce the federal budget deficit, despite the additional costs of extending health insurance coverage to the uninsured.”

To the pile of broken Obamacare promises, we now add another. It is not true if you like you doctor you can keep your doctor. It is not true that if you like your plan you can keep your plan. It will not save the average household $2,500. It will not bend the cost curve down. And now we know that Obamacare cannot promise, as advertised, to shrink the deficit.

January 2015, Center for Individual Freedom:

After barely more than a year in operation, ObamaCare is now projected to require more than a trillion dollars in deficit spending over the next decade, according to the new CBO report.

Over the next ten years, the federal government will likely have to spend $1.933 trillion via ObamaCare, while taking in only $643 billion in related taxes, penalties and fines.

That leaves cost overruns that – you guessed it – will add $1.35 trillion to the federal deficit thanks to President Obama’s signature domestic initiative.

In other words, the man who publicly chastised George W. Bush for leaving a trillion dollar deficit more than doubled it with a single piece of legislation.

If that were the only bad news it would be bad enough. Unfortunately, as we’ve learned in recent weeks, many of the nations top insurers that signed on to Obamacare are leaving, the cost for premiums have gone up as much as 400% in some places and co-pays and deductibles are so high people can’t afford the healthcare they’re paying for with those big premiums.

Everyone knew that changes needed to be made to bring the cost of healthcare down. The leadership of the Democrat Party used lies and deceit to get Obamacare passed and the result is more power and control in Washington, increased debt, higher premiums, higher deductibles and co-pays, doctors retiring early, doctors working longer hours to do paperwork, time once used to talk with the doctor spent updating records, people losing their insurance provider…and a few more people covered on the taxpayers dime, many of whom continue to go to emergency because the doctors are not taking patients.

In short the debt, that was unpatriotic and irresponsible for Bush, has doubled under Obama with the addition of another debt making program…but you will find not a drop of shame, not a smidgen of regret, and not a single prominent leader who will admit that this has severely harmed the American people and added significantly to our debt.

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13 Responses to “Irresponsibly” and “Unpatriotically” Obamacare Adds to the Growing $9,000,000,000,000.00 Debt

  1. Deplorable J Soden says:

    I recall all those warnings by those that study the economy that Obumblecare would NOT cost less, work better, and cover more.
    But Obumble and the Demwits refused to listen or even TRY to address those concerns and infected the best healthcare system in the world with Obumblecare without a single GOP vote.
    Obumble doesn’t have to worry about his “legacy” anymore as his Obumblecare albatross is firmly around his neck. And that doesn’t even include his corruption of our law enforcement, his contribution to racial division or his fantasy foreign policy.

  2. Peggy says:

    2017 could be a very productive year financially, if Republicans retain control of Congress and gain the Oval Office.

    Ryan plans to steamroll Democrats with budget tool:

    “While GOP leaders have made threats in the past to use reconciliation to repeal Obamacare, Ryan is making it clear he plans to use it when it counts.

    If Donald Trump is elected president and Republicans hold onto Congress, House Speaker Paul Ryan is bluntly promising to ram a partisan agenda through Capitol Hill next year, with Obamacare repeal and trillion-dollar tax cuts likely at the top of the list. And Democrats would be utterly defenseless to stop them.

    Typically, party leaders offer at least the pretense of seeking bipartisanship when discussing their policy plans. But Ryan is saying frankly that Republicans would use budget reconciliation — a powerful procedural tool — to bypass Democrats entirely. It’s the same tool Republicans slammed Democrats for using to pass the 2010 health care law over their objections.

    While GOP leaders have made empty threats to use reconciliation to repeal Obamacare in the past, Ryan is making it clear that this time he plans to use it when it counts. And he would likely have support from a Trump White House. Larry Kudlow, an economic adviser to the GOP presidential nominee, said he is also strongly urging Trump to embrace reconciliation in order to pass sweeping tax cuts.

    “This is our plan for 2017,” Ryan said, waving a copy of his “Better Way” policy agenda. “Much of this you can do through budget reconciliation.” He explained that key pieces are “fiscal in nature,” meaning they can be moved quickly through a budget maneuver that requires a simple majority in the Senate and House. “This is our game plan for 2017,” Ryan said again to the seemingly unconvinced press.

    Here’s how the process works: If the House and Senate pass identical budgets, they can include broad instructions for Congress to pass reconciliation legislation that has privileged status and cannot be filibustered in the Senate. The bill is intended to change current law to comply with the budget’s directives and must abide by certain parliamentary rules, such as having some effect on spending or tax levels. But ultimately a broad swath of policy changes can be made. “There’s an enormous amount you can do under reconciliation,” Stein said.
    Anti-tax activist Grover Norquist agreed. “I think you can do everything that’s in the Paul Ryan budget plan in reconciliation,” he said. “That’s the model. It’s not some secret, it’s the obvious thing to do.”
    Both parties have used budget reconciliation in the past. George W. Bush’s trillion-dollar tax cuts were passed under the procedure in 2001 and 2003; Democrats used it in 2010 to finish passing Obamacare, with Republicans rebuking Democrats for running roughshod over the GOP. ”


  3. Peggy says:

    Oops, forgot this in my above comment.

    “But Republicans have already done a dry run on targeting Obamacare.
    The GOP-controlled Congress passed a reconciliation bill last year that would repeal key parts of the health law, including effectively eliminating the individual and employer mandates and scrapping the Medicaid expansion, insurance subsidies for consumers and the medical device and Cadillac taxes. The bill was promptly vetoed by President Barack Obama, but it would serve as a road map to Republicans in 2017. The reconciliation process relies heavily on precedent, so now opponents of Obamacare already know what can pass muster with the Senate parliamentarian. Notably, the bill also defunded Planned Parenthood for one year, in a sign of how expansive a reconciliation bill can be.

    Other pieces of Ryan’s “Better Way” policy agenda that could find their way into a reconciliation measure are controversial proposals to bring down the costs of Medicare and Medicaid or overhaul the food stamp program and housing assistance for low-income renters. Every line of the bill would face scrutiny from Democrats, but a skilled procedural tactician could overcome most parliamentary challenges.”


    • Tina says:

      Peggy do you suppose they’ve been “holding…till they see the whites of their eyes?”

      Sure hope so. This country will not have a chance as a republic after another four years. The greatest system to champion individual freedom and justice for all to ever come down the pike will have murdered itself from within, just as predicted.

  4. Free Speech Defender says:

    Yeah, that’s bad.

    What’s worse is a candidate being caught on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women.

    This will be the death blow to Trump’s disgusting campaign.

    He is exactly what we always told you he was, and you didn’t listen. He’s done. And if Republicans don’t reject this man, your party is done too.

    • Tina says:

      Ho hum….

      FSD (Chris) you are delusional, as Hillary and Bubba have made countless vile distasteful statements in private conversations…and Bubba is accused of rough sexual assault by a very credible woman. Not to mention his accusers keep coming forward and he continues to have a woman on the side.

      Besides, you libs can’t complain. This is the world you’ve created with your embrace of free love, open sex, abortion as birth control, gross language, porn in full view, sexual exploitation of teens in movies, free use of recreational drugs, and your smug, endless disdain for authority, decency and religion.

    • Deplorable J Soden says:

      If given a choice between a candidate who made some some off-color remarks and a candidate that is a proven serial liar, a cheat, a thief, a sexual predator enabler and who would sell herself or her country for a bag of ca$h, I’ll take TheDonald ANY day!

  5. Libby says:

    “Debt per taxpayer: $164,602.00″

    Ya know, in the affluent American scheme of things, that”s not a whole lot of money. I’ll bet that a goodly portion of the 20% … Trump most certainly included … could simply write a check. But they won’t. And they ARE the death of the republic.

    • Tina says:

      Nice try Libby. If that was something the Democrat party wanted they could have demanded it when Obama was first elected and they had that super majority. The truth is it wouldn’t work.

      We both know that the politicians all count on those wealthy people for donations. Worse, they all know that when the artificially suppressed interest rates rise the interest on the debt alone will drown us.

      Remember, if all of the assets and cash were taken from the wealthy and the wealthy corporations tomorrow it would only be enough to run the government for about one year…that’s how much money they spend every year even before they overspend us into poverty and all of this debt!

      But what an obscene suggestion! You really do have a warped notion of equality under the law.

      The wealthy did not do this to us. We did it to ourselves by being uninformed and ignorant and by sending people to Washington that found pandering for their own survival more important (and personally lucrative) than the survival, and economic health, of our nation!

      We have this debt as a nation and it is our individual obligation to right it. It is our obligation as citizens to send people to Congress and the White House who will do something about it. Hint, the underfunded social programs are creating most of the debt. the politicians have known it for several decades. They keep convincing themselves, as they did before the financial meltdown, that we can manage it. Can you imagine what’s happening now. The huge boomer generation is retiring. A large portion of the not so huge gen-x-ers and the larger millennials haven’t been able to find good jobs or realize good pay for a decade. Do the math Libs…our SS and MC systems are unsustainable even without the debt we’ve already incurred.

      Progressives want to make our government the big monopoly by extorting all of the wealth out of the private sector. In the last eight years the middle class has all but been destroyed. Isn’t a wealthy governing monopoly (Monarchy) the very condition that caused our founders to flee and to create a nation of free individuals?

      Progressive thinking is backward thinking…not progressive at all. And not at all liberal either, in the classic sense.

  6. Tina says:

    As a nation is exactly what it says…”We the people,” nimrod! I am one of those people. You are one of those people! Warren Buffet is one of those people as is the homeless guy on the street. (We have lots and lots of them by the way) Pull your head out of that communal cloud. Reread the founding docs. It will all come back to you.

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