Pre-Debate Presser and Debate II

trump-rape-victims-debate2Posted by Tina

The pre-debate presser Trump arranged apparently was a surprise to the media. They expected a photo op (and may have expected…or wished for…an announcement that he would step down). Instead, they found Trump sitting at a table flanked by four of the women that have accused Bill Clinton of assault and/or rape and Hillary Clinton of intimidation. Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Kathy Shelton were Trumps guests for the evening and would be seated in the audience.

The mud that taints the biased media was also slung at last when these women had the opportunity reporters for their choice of language and their choices in what is reported:

When asked about the counter-argument that their allegations toward Bill Clinton only dig up past “infidelities,” all three women attacked establishment media figures for using this language.

“We were not willing participants,” Broaddrick said. “These were crimes.” In a separate interview, Broaddrick shared her own story of brutal sexual assault which she says Bill Clinton perpetrated against her.

Willey called out NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell and CNN’s Jake Tapper by name, challenging them: “These are not infidelities. A rape is not an infidelity. These are crimes. Any other people would be in jail…

“This is no longer about infidelities, indiscretions, girlfriends, sex, interns — none of those. This is about a serial rapist, a predator, and his wife who has enabled his behavior all of these years.”

Later in this interview, Jones, Willey, and Broaddrick expressed fear at how a potential President Hillary Clinton would use the power of her office.

“It terrifies me and it should terrify all women,” Jones stated about Hillary’s presidential ambitions.

“It should terrify all men and women,” Willey added. “She will annihilate any enemy. All of her enemies. Anybody who has spoken against her. Across the board for I don’t know how many years. She will get rid of them.”

“No woman who advocates for women attacks the victims of sexual assault be it by her husband or anybody else,” said Willey.

The women argued that the term “enabler” best describes Hillary Clinton’s role in her husband’s alleged sexual crimes.

“There is not a better word for any of this,” stated Broaddrick. “Especially when she threatened me personally.”

Willey added, “She is complicit in everything that he has done.”

Had the media done their jobs and fully vetted Bill Clinton when he first ran for President we probably wouldn’t be here, in the filth and mud, today. We’re like a huge dysfunctional family participating in a reality show. It’s disgusting and the media is largely to blame.

As for the Debate Donald Trump performed much better than he did in the first debate. The best one liner of the night came when Clinton said: “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.”

And Trump replied: “Because you’d be in jail.”

Finally it’s laid out on the table…our media and our justice system have failed the American people. Our election has turned into a daytime drama and as expected the debate was a hot, disjointed mess. How I ask you, could it be anything else?

In my opinion Trump out performed Hillary. He may not be as worthy to hold this office as some of our most distinguished presidents but he isn’t someone who has already disgraced both herself and her office.

America may one day put this chapter behind us and rise again to a place of distinction and honor in the world. Right now we seem to be at rock bottom. I have to say it, these candidates reflect everything that the boomer generation brought to our culture…vulgar, ugly, crass, language and behavior. One candidate is upfront about it and is prepared to rise above it. The other wears a phony mask.

The evening ended with one of the town hall attendees asking if the candidates could say something positive about each other. They did, and so what?

Your thoughts?

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6 Responses to Pre-Debate Presser and Debate II

  1. Tina says:

    Breitbart Fact Check – Real information that might actually be useful.

  2. Deplorable J Soden says:

    TheDonald trumped the moron media with the pre-debate presser. In spades!

    Did pretty well in the debate as well, even though Leslie Raddatz is now tied with Elaine Whatshername for the Worst Moderator award.

    There’s a GREAT pix of Bubba on the main page of the Really worth a look.

  3. Libby says:

    God, those poor women. How’s that for a thought?

    Apparently, eight years of “The Apprentice” has destroyed anything like sensibility you may ever have had. This stunt is too slimy to be discussed, even.

  4. Peggy says:

    The news conference with the four women the Clintons attacked, raped, victimized and vilified was ingenious. Willey yelling at the reporters to go ask Bill Clinton the same question they asked Trump brought applause from the reporters.

    There is a picture of Bill before the debate that is priceless. He’s looking over his left shoulder like he can feel the daggers from the four women sitting behind him and he’s checking to see if one of them is standing behind him with dagger in hand. He also, looks sick and wishing he was home or any place but there.

    Trump did better than I thought. His opening 10 minutes was so bad I had to pause the DVR and walk outside. He was blowing it and I thought it’s over. Hillary will be our next president. He held his own for most of the remaining time. Some good, some not. He was down and out before the debate, but got up and fought his was back.

    Hillary lied her way through as usual. Some she got away with and others she didn’t. The red line in Syria did happened on her watch.

    Trump was walking a fine line going up against a woman. He played it right. He didn’t attack her first risking being accused of being mean to a poor defenseless, sick woman. Instead he let her take the first verbal swing and responded with targeted counter punches.

    Noted she was on her plane and out of there with reporters on board shortly after. One of her staffers tweeted a comment that was so inappropriate toward Trump the campaign had to disavow it. Frustration level was high on the Clinton team because they felt their easy ride to the WH had hit a major bump in the road.

    The next debate with Chris Wallace, who is an independent, should be interesting. Hopefully, he’s learned from the mistakes made by previous moderators and will have a debate that will provide the information voters need prior to election day.

    Between WikiLeaks and the liberal media this battle is far from over. What is coming, how bad is it and who will it hurt the most?

  5. Deplorable J Soden says:

    Only thing missing in last night’s debate was “I’m With Her” t-shirts on both moderators.

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