Take a Tour of the Mighty Mo

Posted by Jack

This is fleet week in San Francisco so I thought it would be nice to take picture tour of our greatest battleship of all time, the “Mighty Mo”, aka the U.S.S. Missouri, now birthed in Honolulu, be cause the citizens of San Francisco did not want her.

Click here for some great pictures.

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4 Responses to Take a Tour of the Mighty Mo

  1. Libby says:

    Hey, if the citizens of this great nation wanted to pay us to maintain the boat, we might have considered it. But we are going to have to replace every foot of pipeline from the Hetch Hetchy Reservior to town. The plumbing takes priority.

    Now, maybe … if all them ferriners parking their millions in our luxury apartment buildings were assessed a little something … we could afford to do both. Something to think about.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Tell me Libby, who is paying for the care of the Mighty Mo in Honolulu? I’m pretty sure you don’t know, so I’m thinking the answer would shock you. Let me give you a hint: Ever hear of the Jerimiah Obrien Victory ship? It’s a fantastic floating WWII museum and it’s upkeep is paid for by charitable donations, just like the Chico Air Museum. In both cases good citizens, some ex-military and some not, stepped up to give freely of their time and money to preserve and promote these two patriotic endeavors for their community and I might ad, they did it especially for the children so that they might learn something important about their country. In the case of the old Victory ship, it’s one of the rare redeeming factors SF has going for it. And as for S.F. citizens prioritizing their taxpayers costs of pipeline repair verses upkeep of the battleship, geez I don’t recall that ever being an issue of “one or the other.” What I do remember was the nasty people running San Francisco didn’t want this symbol of American military anywhere near them. Your kooks saw this great ship as an icon of imperialist aggression. Yes, there were a lot of crackpot-peaceniks, who shouted down the idea Libby. Funny you don’t remember it? I clearly do. The rejection of the Mighty Mo was one of the many reasons why normal people don’t care much for the rabid lefties in your city.

  2. Jim says:

    Those photos are interesting. The radio room is available for use by amateur radio operators as KH6BB. The local ham radio club can schedule visiting radio operators.

    Likewise the USS Midway in San Diego also welcomes visiting radio operators.

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