Fantasy Games

Posted by Tina

This is article meant for mature eyes only.

People have creative minds and fantasize about many things. When the subject is sex, people usually keep their thoughts to themselves. Well, except in Hollywood, where such details are simply dramatic story elements (Basic Instinct, Wolf, Fifty Shades of Grey). The darker they are the more they are considered “cutting edge” and “daring.” Hollywood has been pushing this envelope for decades, including dipping into the exploitation and abuse of young actors. Novelists have included sex scenes and themes in their stories as well? Sex is a significant part of life. Including romantic or more explicit scenes in a story is a way to make characters real. The male female dance is often depicted in such a way as to appeal to our most explicit fantasies. Since the sixties what was once relatively hidden in “adult” novels has been splashed across that big bright movie screen in ever more lurid detail.

It’s no accident that the hero in every action adventure novel or movie has a love interest. Traditionally she remains in the background. 007 and others had their conquests but the scenes never derail the action…most often, man against evil man. The new feminism dictates that women must be depicted as equals in the fight and so now we see men and women in action movies fighting evil together. Men prefer the action adventure genre, hands down. Do you know what has always been the number one seller in women’s fiction? Romance novels. You might assume that women are attracted to these stories because women are the main characters. You’d be wrong. Women are attracted to these novels because of the steamy “love” scenes, most often depicted in the style of the strong, confident male overtaking the female claiming her as his prize…the steamier the better.

Phony shock and dismay over the Trump tape, which was fantasy spoken aloud in a Hollywood setting, is absurd and hypocritical. It’s hysterical when you consider how those in media and entertainment behave themselves.

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12 Responses to Fantasy Games

  1. Libby says:

    You capacity for delusion boggles. The Donald was describing something he did, not something he wanted to do.

    • Tina says:

      Donald has a different way of communicating. You don’t know he was describing something he did, you just want to think it is.

      • Joey says:

        Yes, he communicates like a misogynistic pig. I can see the problem.

        Even if Trump was simply describing fantasy (he wasn’t–he said this was something he did), he was fantasizing about sexual assault. Why can’t you call it what it is?

        Here’s a tip: Imagine Bill Clinton said it. Now do you see why it’s wrong?

      • Libby says:

        Different way of communicating ??? You’ve been doing this all along … seeing clothes on a nekked emperor … which is delusional.

  2. Libby says:

    Come on, Tina. He, of the three wives, the “hot” daughter, and the first of many locker room tapes … this is your President?

    What exactly are your values?

  3. Tina says:

    Oh come on Libby. Don’t play cute with me.

    Hillary Clinton deceived the American people. She worked in secret, destroyed evidence, lied to the American people, the FBI, and Congress. Her failures before, during, and after Benghazi alone disqualify her to be a candidate for the Oval Office. Her behavior in her professional life, in service to the people, is deplorable…and yes I used that word intentionally. Your party knows all of this and still hold her up as an shining example…such a farce!

    Bill Clinton is a serial rapist and abuser and his wife an abuser of the women who were his accusers. YOUR ENTIRE party defended this couple. Your party, and the complicit media, were not, and are not, interested in the truth. our party claims to value women, yet when Bill Clinton abused women he was a stud. He was someone you admired and reelected. You call people who talk about values as old fashioned, not with it…you laugh and make fun of them.

    While we’re at it, Barack Obama has been the most divisive president ever in American history. He has been an activist not a president. His record has put us in danger, our troops in greater danger, cops in danger, and the world in danger.

    And NOW you think you can take the “high road”… claim that moral mantle for yourselves? Hilarious! Standards are something we all strive for and, as individuals, often fail to meet. Ever heard of them?

    Where exactly do you stand?

    • Joey says:

      Question: Was Reagan’s failure to protect Marines in Beirut as disqualifying for him as Benghazi is for Clinton? If not, why not?

      You do not know if Bill Clinton is a serial rapist or abuser. The allegations against him were never proven. (Also, only one woman has publicly accused Clinton of rape.) Trump has also been accused of rape and abuse.

      Only one of these men is on camera admitting to assaulting women.

      Why don’t you believe Trump when he SAYS he assaults women, yet you believe the allegations against Bill?

      I already know the answer: because you disagree with Bill politically.

      Your claim that Hillary Clinton abused Bill’s accusers is simply false:

    • Joey says:

      You also don’t seem to care that Trump is even more divisive than Obama. He’s attacked women, Muslims, POWs, the disabled, Mexican immigrants, and journalists.

      But that’s OK, because you don’t identify personally with those groups.

    • Libby says:

      “You call people who talk about values as old fashioned, not with it…you laugh and make fun of them.”

      You … are operating on auto-pilot. I told you … I thought Bill should have been sacked for taking sexual advantage of a rather young subordinate, just like any other exec caught with his drawers down. Unhappily, there was not a single person in the bloody Congress willing to back me up.

      And there ain’t diddly to be done about it now. So how about we move on? You should get Hils’s book out of the library, that’s what you should do. Then, at least, you’d have some solid, factual basis for a dislike that becomes more rabidly irrational with every passing day.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Trump’s horrid and juvenile remarks could have easily been bad boy lie-brag, and probably were. Which in itself is disgusting enough. He has been embarrassed and has apologized, for whatever little that is worth.

    Has horrid Hillary ever apologized for laughing about getting the rapist of a 12 year old girl? Has she ever apologized for creating a tissue of lies about this same 12 year old girl in court?

    Has Bill ever apologized to the victims of his sexual predation including his rape victims and Lolita Island victims?

    Has Hillary ever apologized for viciously attacking Bill’s rape and sexual predation victims? Has Hillary ever apologized for enabling her sexual predator husband?

    Libby’s comments are interesting given how the left as a whole has given both Hillary and Bill a pass for degrading women and girls. Still waiting in line for a personal interview with Bill, Libby?

    • Libby says:

      “Trump’s horrid and juvenile remarks could have easily been bad boy lie-brag, ….”

      He was 59 years old, fer Pete’s sake. Don’t you clowns ever have to grow up? … ever have to accept responsibility for your groady selves?

    • Joey says:

      “Trump’s horrid and juvenile remarks could have easily been bad boy lie-brag, and probably were. Which in itself is disgusting enough. He has been embarrassed and has apologized, for whatever little that is worth.”

      His apology is worthless because he never said what he was apologizing for, nor did he even apologize to the woman he had demeaned, Nancy O’Dell. He spent most of the apology video on the attack and saying that the other guy is worse. That’s not an apology.

      “Has horrid Hillary ever apologized for laughing about getting the rapist of a 12 year old girl?”

      She didn’t laugh about getting him off, and she was doing her job.

      “Has she ever apologized for creating a tissue of lies about this same 12 year old girl in court?”

      She didn’t.

      “Has Bill ever apologized to the victims of his sexual predation including his rape victims and Lolita Island victims?”

      Well, see–and maybe this concept is difficult for you–we have this concept in America of “innocent until proven guilty.” You don’t know if Bill is a rapist, and neither do I. There is no evidence of multiple “victims”–only one woman, Juanita Broaddrick, has publicly accused Clinton of rape. There are second-hand rumors that Clinton raped an “Eileen Wellstone” in college. This woman has never come forward and there is no evidence she exists.

      Why you portray these accusations as fact, while ignoring the allegations of rape and sexual assault against Trump, is obvious.

      “Has Hillary ever apologized for viciously attacking Bill’s rape and sexual predation victims? Has Hillary ever apologized for enabling her sexual predator husband?”

      Again, assuming guilt on Bill’s part. And Hillary didn’t “attack” the women who accused him:

      “Libby’s comments are interesting given how the left as a whole has given both Hillary and Bill a pass for degrading women and girls.”

      We’ve given them a pass because you can’t prove your allegations against them. By your logic, you’re giving Trump a pass for the rape and sexual assault allegations against him.

      Again: I don’t know if Bill or Trump are guilty of rape. I do know that only one of these men bragged about sexual assault on tape.

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