Machiavelli [1] is Alive and Well in 2016 Election

by Jack

It’s such a shame the election has been hijacked by scandals, we deserve to be informed about the issues and to hear both pro and con.   The, “he said she said” stuff, coming out now by several woman, alleging Trump was groping them is so unfair.

trump2It’s unfair because Trump has been both accused and convicted at the same time.  The women accusers are supposed to held as honest and truthful until proven otherwise, despite their incredible stories and the suspicious timing that they chose to make their accusations.  And the left wants you to assign guilt to  Trump without asking any questions about these so-called victims.

It’s unfair because the media is all over this because it sells and it helps Hillary, who is their candidate of choice.  Yes, (gasp) the leftwing media does help democrats.  There is a provable bias.  There is a long, documented history of dems being helped by the leftwing media and if you don’t believe it, why don’t you invest in some research?  I did.

If Trump is guilty of being a “groper” then he ought to held accountable for his actions.  I’m fine with that.  I support a woman’s right not to be groped or in any way sexually harassed! But, I also realize that it is quite possible these woman came forward only now to be agent provocateurs for a tight political race.

We know those things happen, and they happen quite frequently when Clintons are involved in the race.

I would have to a total idiot if I did not acknowledge that it is quite possible that their mission was to embarrass Trump, damage his election and get their 15 minutes.  That is a power motive that should not be dismissed easily, especially when one of the stories borders on the absurd.  Check this out:

One of the accusers claims she seated next to Trump on an airplane 30 years ago.  And for 15 minutes while Trump (a total stranger) fondled her breasts without objection, then he started under her skirt.  Well, that was too much so she got up and changed seats.   C’mon, do you think this story passes the smell test?

But, for thousands of women who may have been  traumatized 40 years ago because they were pinched on the bottom by a nasty old man, Trump now is automatically guilty as accused!  And the worst part is, these foolish people vote!   God help us.

1.  Machiavellianism is “the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct”.[1] The word comes from the Italian Renaissance diplomat and writerNiccolò Machiavelli, who wrote Il Principe (The Prince), among other works.

In modern psychology, Machiavellianism is one of the dark triad personalities, characterized by a duplicitous interpersonal style, a cynical disregard for morality and a focus on self-interest and personal gain.




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24 Responses to Machiavelli [1] is Alive and Well in 2016 Election

  1. Dewster says:


    The media is owned by 6 guys. What do you think Fox is? The GOP channel!

    BTW what is Liberal Media? There is no mainstream Liberal Media. The are all corporate media.

    MSNBC fired anybody who spoke out on TPP. They are corporate Clinton at Night and Trump in the morning.

    CNN is the Clinton News Network.

    Fox was the Trump network than they did not do as Trump said and a few battles pursued. Trump is an authoritarian. He is a dictator. Fox must Obey!

    But the level of collusion is on steroids this election. Blatant!

    Elections are Theater a very profitable one. The People are being scammed. Bar None

    WHen Karl Rove is hanging out with the DNC it says it all.

    The DNC is the Establishment choice this round as Trump is spewing unconstitutional crap daily and has no qualifications. He is scary to even the establishment.

    yet you do nothing to help us reform these elections and over turn Citizens United.

    You all defended the dark money in these elections. Well this is the result! And this time it is a Democrat they picked…Only she is not really a Democrat!

    • Tina says:

      “The media is owned by 6 guys.”

      And those six guys have one concern…money. The producers make decisions about content and slant.

      “What do you think Fox is? The GOP channel!”

      The “GOP” channel, as you call it, was created in order to counter the liberal media and create a little balance…that’s a good thing!

      And you are nuts if you think all programming on FOX is friendly to the GOP. Quite a bit of it aligns with the GOPe and they don’t run away from reporting negatively on Trump.

      “There is no mainstream Liberal Media.”

      How would you know? You don’t even make a distinction between the two ideologies!

      “The are all corporate media.”

      Your comment is meaningless. Something as big as a network will be structured as a corporation. However, the long established cadre of liberal media tied to the Democrat Party goes back to the seventies. It’s tied directly to the left through marriages, employment, and favors, and the narrative shows it. Examples of direct ties:

      George Sephanopolis is “the Chief Anchor and the Chief Political Correspondent for ABC News, a co-anchor of Good Morning America, and the host of ABC’s Sunday Morning This Week … a regular substitute anchor for ABC World News Tonight … a former United States Democratic Party political advisor. Stephanopoulos rose to early prominence as a Communications Director for the 1992 U.S. Presidential Campaign of Bill Clinton, subsequently becoming White House Communications Director, then Senior Advisor for Policy and Strategy before departing in December 1996”

      Donna Brazile, a former CNN contributor is now acting head of the Democratic National Committee. She tipped off the Clinton campaign about a question (or 2) that would be asked during Clinton’s debate against opponent Bernie Sanders. Before she went to work at CNN she was the “campaign manager for Vice President Al Gore in 2000 … worked on several presidential campaigns for Democratic candidates, including Jesse Jackson in 1984, Walter Mondale–Geraldine Ferraro in 1984, and for Dick Gephardt in the 1988 Democratic primary.

      A NewsBusters story contained a notable headline, “Presidents of ABC and CBS News Have Siblings Working at White House With Ties to Benghazi”:

      “CBS News President David Rhodes and ABC News President Ben Sherwood, both of them have siblings that not only work at the White House, that not only work for President Obama, but they work at the NSC on foreign policy issues directly related to Benghazi.”

      So stated political consultant and media commentator Richard Grenell on Saturday’s Fox News Watch (video follows with transcript and commentary)

      NewsBusters also noted information discovered in the wikileaks emails:

      There is an unquestionable collusion between “objective” journalists and the Clinton campaign. Leaked e-mails show her operatives discuss which reporters were the most pliant recyclers of their narratives (they picked Maggie Haberman of The New York Times), but reporter Mark Leibovich – also from the Times – gave Hillary’s communications director Jen Palmieri veto power over what quotes were included in a Hillary profile in July.

      It’s not just WikiLeaks which has provided numerous other examples documenting the inseparable nature of the Clinton-media relationship. What TMZ has reported on the Trump tape with the shameless sex banter is far more telling. “Multiple sources connected with NBC tell us … top network execs knew about the video long before they publicly said they did, but wanted to hold it because it was too early in the election. The sources say many NBC execs have open disdain for Trump and their plan was to roll out the tape 48 hours before the debate so it would dominate the news cycle leading up to the face-off.”

      In this election, it’s now documented fact that “news gathering” was not the goal of the architects of our top newspapers and newscasts. It was victory for the Democrats.

      “…you do nothing to help us reform these elections…”

      Wh0 is us? And what are you doing?

      “…and over turn Citizens United.”

      Please tell us how imposing limits on speech for some groups and not others is constitutional.

      Radical Elite Democrats oppose corporate donations because they no longer enjoy the advantage they once had.

      The problem isn’t money; the problem is corrupt politicians.

      “You all defended the dark money in these elections. ”

      Well enlighten us Dewey. What is the “dark money?” What are you doing about it?

      “Well this is the result!”

      What is the result? The candidate you supported lost?

      The election is looney and sick not because Trump won but because the Clintons, and their elitists globalist support groups, operate this way. Any Republican nominee would be dealing with this crap regardless who in the field of 17 won. Bernie was targeted too. Dirty politics and the politics of personal destruction is all the Clintons know…that and pandering to their groups.

      From my perspective it’s a a good thing that Uncle Bernie lost; he is a dyed-in-the-wool socialist!

      “Only she is not really a Democrat!

      Oh really, what is she?

      • Dewster says:

        You forget I am not a Clinton voter, nor a Mainstream Media watcher. I have said for years they are all paid Propaganda for profit.

        I have put Les Moonves, executive chairman and CEO of CBS quote here many Times:

        “I’ve never seen anything like this, and this going to be a very good year for us,” he said at the event. “Sorry. It’s a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going.” “It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS,”

        To you as long as an Oligarch is getting rich all is good. You mix Business with gov. That is Fascism! ya can not eat or drink Money my friend.

        You just have to open your mind. You can not deal with the fact American Elections are a sham. You pick a side and stick up for them no matter what they do!

        I will help those who want to clean out either of these parties but will not join either if they remain corporations that rule American Elections.

        Yes Both Campaigns colluded with media I think the emails prove that!

        You forget who Podesta is! HE IS A LOBBYIST TO START WITH!

        2) Well enlighten us Dewey. What is the “dark money?” What are you doing about it?

        Seriously Tina? really? You are saying you have no clue on the level of foreign and domestic dark money? If that is true than you need to hang up your political hat.

        There is a rather good book out there called Dark Money. Start there!

        What are we doing about it? Really? Seriously? GET OUT OF CHICO! see what is going on. I am active. I have told you that for over a year now I am traveling and working on these issues. I will work every last day of my life fighting for the citizens.

        If you are this clueless than I fear you will remain in your bubble. People are working hard. We are the reason the Citizens United and election reform Issues are even starting to show up on state ballots.

        We go state by state. There are no fairies and unicorns my friend. I takes the people united and a lot of hard work and time.

        I do not care you do not like Bernie. It is funny you use these big words like a Kindergartner.

        Democratic Socialism? Like public schools, Libraries, Social Security , Veterans Hospitals I know are against your wishes. That will be the difference between us.

        For the life of me I can not understand why you think for profit entities where people are ripped off for investor profits is the way But I acknowledge that is your way. I acknowledge you read all that Heritage Foundation Koch Bot crap. But ya might take a look at Kansas and how well those policies worked there in Koch Country. The state is Broke!

        Cut revenue spend more is a Failed GOP Playbook. But understand they want to bankrupt us and sell off all assets to the Oligarchy. You do not even listen to your own politicians! They want a one world gov corporate ruled. Dem and Rep every President has said it. ON VIDEO

        What is she? A conservative of past. A Neoliberal War hawk, a wall street puppet, A politician who is so removed from the people she admits she does not understand us.

        The Clinton and Bush families are crime families however to them, it is just business. And Trump wants in!

        Bill Clinton announced they were taking over the party much like Baggers did to GOP.

        They are “Third Wave Democrats” “New Democrats” basically corporatist’s who want to change Gov to work for business. They want to completely change the world. They are in line with the corporate establishment Republicans.

        The Establishment may have a few different ideas on how to get to the corporate ruled Gov but they remain in sync both DNC and GOP.

        Obama is one too. He just said we are under the TPP even if Congress never passes it! Obama, Bush, Clinton, Ryan and all the little tools in congress are for a One World Gov corporate ruled.

        Their words not mine!

        They say corporate Tribunal Court not corporate ruled though. SAME THING!

        Wake UP!

        We need to stop this election. We need some new parties to stop this 2 party rule.

        I am after Clinton, I will take out Trump. I will help take out any corrupt politician regardless of Party. The day the winner enters the WH it is on! No matter which one it is.

        We will be hawks on the next President!

        Where are you when we talk about the Primary fraud? We are busting it wide open!

        They are hiding everything because as I said the house of cards is crumbling and it affects all of these people in high places. Both parties!

        A true patriot fights for justice for everybody not their team only!

        We do not forget. We do not stop. We will be fighting for the soul of this country for everybody regardless of their political alignment. Regardless if we agree with all their political speak.

        You? Shelter any Republican good or bad cause……. “They are Republican”

        Corruption is all around us. You accept it.
        That is part of the problem

        Freedom is not free or easy


        The Gaslighting will not stop us!

        • Tina says:

          ” I am active. I have told you that for over a year now I am traveling and working on these issues.”

          Those are empty words…empty! They tell us nothing. And that’s the trouble with most of your comments. They do not inform. You rant and deride. You make accusations without evidence or even an explanation.

          Actually I’m nits to even bother responding.

          Have a nice whatever!

  2. Libby says:

    Your compassion astounds.

    That was sarcasm.

    We are not yours to grope, you dirty old man. And if you want to quit losing elections, you can quit doing it.

    • Post Scripts says:

      Libby, I have no doubt that if you were to be on the side and see this thru my eyes, you would be defending my position just as vigorously. I know women are not objects to be toyed with and I would never, but I also know women are not all saints and some of them can be downright sneaky and manipulative. To not acknowledge this truism is to not be fair and balanced.

      • Tina says:

        Jack it seems Libby is a man hater. She won’t give an inch. In her world the man is ALWAYS guilty. But there have been several big cases of rape that turned out to be false in the last few years. Seems men are there to be exploited and demeaned.

        None of these cases are panning out.

        They’re just like Anita Hills accusations and the case against the Duke University students. a little investigating and the truth comes out:

        …the “rape” accusations against Duke University students last year and, before that, a similar hoax in the Tawana Brawley case, have belatedly demonstrated how mindless it is to automatically accept accusations, as many in the media did with Anita Hill. … The time is long overdue to take a hard look at hard facts, so that we can put those accusations in the garbage can, where they belong.

        The first of these hard facts is that, contrary to what has been repeated so often in the media, it was not just a question of what “he said” versus what “she said.”

        A whole phalanx of female witnesses who had worked with both Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill came out in support of him at his confirmation hearings.

        One of those witnesses went out of her way to point out that the image that Anita Hill projected on television bore no resemblance to the behavior and attitudes of either Anita Hill or Clarence Thomas that she had seen with her own eyes. …

        … According to Clarence Thomas, he hired Anita Hill at the urging of a friend because an official of the law firm at which she worked had advised her to leave.

        According to Ms. Hill — both then and now — she was not “asked to leave” the law firm but was “in good standing” at the time.

        This too was not just a question of “he said” and “she said. An affidavit sworn by a former partner in that law firm supported Clarence Thomas’ version. That was ignored by most of the media.

        Since the Senate has the power of subpoena, it was suggested that they issue a subpoena to get the law firm’s records, since that could provide a clue as to the credibility of the two people.

        Senators opposed to the nomination of Judge Thomas voted down that request for the issuance of a subpoena.

        After Anita Hill’s accusations, a group of female members of Congress staged a melodramatic march up the Capitol steps, with the TV cameras rolling, demanding that the Senate “get to the bottom of this.”

        But “getting to the bottom of this” apparently did not include issuing a subpoena that could have shown conclusively who was truthful and who was not.

        In another instance, there was already hard evidence but it too was ignored. Clarence Thomas said that Anita Hill had initiated a number of phone calls to him, over the years, after she had left the agency where they both worked. She said otherwise. But a phone log from the agency showed that he was right.

        Unfortunately a lot of people have the same attitude as Libby. Men are guilty because they’re men…that’s ignorant.

        • Dewster says:

          Trump is a pig to women, That does not mean one is a Man hater.

          Ask a New Yorker what trump is! it’s like you never watched Trump over the years! Bill is a Pig too but he is not running.

          What is fair game against Bill is his economic policies since HRC opened that door saying she would put him in charge of economy.

          Also the foundation, money laundering ect is fair game.

          Notice the emails released are mostly to vindicate those of us calling foul on the election? We are out here. We are telling the truth! The emails only show you guys we are real not Bots!

          This Blame Russia campaign is dangerous and the Politicians who are doing this are putting us in danger.

          Enough of the sex crap from both sides.

          They use sex every time? WHy? Because we allow it. Ignore the sex crap! many of these politicians are pigs!

          Trump has real stuff to rail him on. Stop the sex crap! do not follow media for their profits!

      • Libby says:

        No, Jack. It was this obscenely patronizing little bit that set me off:

        “But, for thousands of women who may have been traumatized 40 years ago because they were pinched on the bottom by a nasty old man, Trump now is automatically guilty as accused! And the worst part is, these foolish people vote! God help us.”

        First, hyperbole. Then, disdain. And finally, dismissal.

        Up yours … as the saying goes.

        You know what I want to see happen? There you are, standing in the supermarket line, minding your own business, and a rather large woman, with a great big grin of self satisfaction on her face walks right up to you, grabs … twists … and says: “Like that, big boy?”

        But it never will. Generalizing shamelessly, because we are nice people, and you are not.

        Howsoever, we’re not putting anybody with so little respect for his fellow beings in the Oval Office. Seriously … a pig like that should have the power to declare war?

        If Hillary should decide to declare war on, at this point, most likely, Russia, it WILL NOT be because she considers Russians to be non-entities to be abused and disposed with as she pleases.

        • Post Scripts says:

          “If Hillary should decide to declare war on, at this point, most likely, Russia, it WILL NOT be because she considers Russians to be non-entities to be abused and disposed with as she pleases.”

          Libby, based on the above the first thought that comes to mind is, when that Russian warhead is falling out of the sky like a blazing comet headed right for us, will the reason for the launch make any difference?

        • Post Scripts says:

          Dear Libby, perhaps I was being too sarcastic when I replied to Mary’s comment. She said some high school coach pinched her bottom over 40 years and it left this indelible stain on her psyche’ these many years later and so she see’s men as more or less as troglodytes today. I don’t have a lot of patience with such people because I’ve seen what real trauma is and its not a pinch on the bottom.

          • Libby says:

            “She said some high school coach pinched her bottom over 40 years and it left this indelible stain on her psyche’ these many years later and so she see’s men as more or less as troglodytes today.”

            She said no such thing. This is what you heard … which, I am trying to get you to understand, is the problem.

            What you need to hear, if you possibly can, is that virtually every woman in the country (hell, on the planet) has a tale to tell … we’d just as soon not … and we are most certainly not putting no perpetrator into the Presidency.

            Are you getting it yet? This “boys will be boys (and aren’t we so cute?)” … Lord knows it won’t be irradicated any time soon, but we’re bloody well having no more of it in the White House.

        • Tina says:

          “…we’re not putting anybody with so little respect for his fellow beings in the Oval Office”

          BS you’re not! Ask the people in Haiti. Or ask the people in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran…and all across Europe! Hillary has been a disaster for the world as a diplomat and through her fake charity foundation.

          • Tina says:

            Also, girls will be girls. It’s time they were exposed as well. the covert b*#che$ that flirt and play and then act dumb so they can sue for cash (or politics)…or bragging rights with those types that would “stand in line” to give Billy Boy a BJ.

            Women who are assaulted and raped must be defended and the perpetrators jailed. It’s also important (for women) to keep the integrity of these cases intact by being responsible themselves and not bringing false, specious charges.

            The natural dance between men and women must be respected. Decent men follow a woman’s lead. Women aren’t being taught that anymore. They are being taught that they can do whatever they want…and get away with it! Then if they find some convenience or opportunity they can turn on the guy. It’s downright embarrassing!

            Where do men go to get relief from these covert women who accuse unjustly?

          • Libby says:

            How can Bill’s ladies be victims and Trump’s bimbos? You have to be consistent.

            Partisanitis strikes again? Girl, we need to find some clinical trial for you to participate in. Somebody, somewhere, has to be working toward a cure.

          • Tommy says:

            It’s Clinton who has a fake charity? That’s hilarious. What do you call Trump’s?

  3. Deplorable J Soden says:

    TheDonald has been campaigning for over a year, and suddenly there are women coming outta the woodwork flinging accusations in all directions.
    Funny how that happened about the same time that Wikileaks started posting damaging emails from Clinton campaign and paid $hrilLIARy $peeche$ she refused to disclose. And the media presstitutes conveniently ignore the Wikileaks exposures.
    Coincidence – I think NOT!

    • Dewster says:


      The campaigns time the release of this crap for sure. Every election there is a sex scandal. Anything to avoid talking real issues. Does not mean it is not true.

      Look the podesta emails prove they wanted Trump to win. They imply Clinton is so bad as a candidate they need a clown for her to run against. They even put in to change some primary dates to knock out moderate Republican candidates.

      Look These 2 parties are no more than 2 companies controlling US elections.

      Trump was created by media. They gave him free air time because he was good for ratings. The Clinton campaign also colluded with Media. The Clinton campaign in this cycle has been the most evil of the 2.

      but this is the kind of Politics Republicans have always supported. This Time all the Republican Ops Clinton hired has turned it against the GOP candidate.

      Yet no call for election reform from either camp?

      I say Stop complaining. Or help us do something.

      Your choice.

      • Deplorable J Soden says:

        You’ve ignored the numbers of voters – not the moron media presstitutes – who chose TheDonald over the GOP Establishment Ruling Class candidates, one by one.
        And those same media presstitutes are up in arms because voters are ignoring their Trump-ed up “scandals.” And it’s about time!

      • Tina says:

        “this is the kind of Politics Republicans have always supported.”

        I demand evidence! Please provide examples from actual elections.

        There is no way to “help you” do something since you never define what you do.

  4. Peggy says:

    The Democrats pull this mode of operation every election. Remember Herman Cain was accused by two women for “inappropriate behavior,” which ended his presidential campaign. Once he was eliminated not a word was heard from them again.

    Same with Clarence Thomas and it will be used on the next republican justice nomination.

    Exclusive: 2 women accused Cain of inappropriate behavior

    You’re right Jack, I don’t believe a word these women are saying. The one on the plane who said feeling her breast was ok, but not under her skirt, when a witness said she was wearing a white pantsuit, is completely unbelievable. First question is why would any respectable woman LET a complete stranger touch her in the first place, anywhere?

    Noticed a lot of my comments aren’t being posted. Wonder why?

    • Tina says:

      Peggy we post ALL of your comments that come through…I wonder why also! I looked in trash and spam folders to see if we had inadvertently handled your comments inelegantly (smile), but there were none in those files.

      • Peggy says:

        Thanks for checking it out. It’s a mystery. Some disappear when I hit the “post” button and others appear with the message waiting approval, but don’t appear as an approved comment. It must be something going on at my end of the connection.

        The one I tried yesterday to post several times I emailed to Jack with a note asking if he would post it.

        Sorry for not contributing articles. I lack the computer skills to figure out how to do all of that coding to include links, etc.

        • Tina says:

          Hey no worries. I think you’re selling yourself short! The hardest part about learning new computer skills is sticking it out and hoping you don’t go bald in the process!

          Anyway, the offer still stands for you, or anyone else, to write an article and submit it in comments to Jack or my attention:

          ATTN JACK OR TINA (Links)

          by …

          Body of article.

          (Include URL if you wish and I will create as a link)

          If you want a section of an article from the link block quoted just place capital B’s at the beginning and end of the quoted portion

          There’s so much going on it’s hard to keep up so any help will be greatly appreciated…Pie, Deplorable J., Steve, Rick…Libby…

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