Final Debate

Posted by Tina

The two on stage looked as thought they’d rather be anywhere but there. Hillary with her practiced responses and plastic smile and Trump with his frowning. There was an effort to make it a real debate but it crumbled and crashed at the end.

The candidates reflect the mood of the people and the people are tired and disgusted. We are warn out! Many of us are tuning out. Many of us are wondering how OUR LIVES will work when this is over and whether America will survive. It’s difficult to get a clear picture with all the garbage floating around. Our nation hasn’t been this divided and contentious since the civil war. Our nation has never been so weakened internally.

From my perspective poor leadership, straying from Constitutional principles, corruption, scandals, and an elitist sense of self-importance in DC have brought us to this. Hello! Do they even know we are here?

Set DT and HC aside…

Who in their camps would you trust to watch your children or your home for a month? Who among their advisors and staff would you trust to be in charge?

It may be that it comes down to picking the team rather than the individual running for President.

I watched the debate but I’m dog tired tonight. Your thoughts?

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17 Responses to Final Debate

  1. Harold says:

    Watch a little of it, then thought better, I have already decided which team to support this year, and based on current and prior actions, it isn’t Hillary.

    I want a constitutional Supreme court, not a circus of Liberal law hacks.

    I want a healthy POTUS so I don’t have to concern my self with the unknown of the VP.

    What I really want is someone that isn’t running for office now, but will accept the choices given and vote for Trump, as he is clearly the more acceptable candidate to me.

    Then there’s Clinton, what a sad state of affairs for the party of blind voters to have to accept her as their choice for the office, has corruption so permeated the ranks liberal politics that she is the only one that could survive their selection process. Trump got there based on GOP ineptitude, but with his drive and goal of a better working America, at least his supporters have a better choice.

    We at the same cross roads of a divided country that Lincoln faced, only this time the government maintained players have a vote, and will accept anything to maintain their status quo, which is based on the backs of others who actually are part of a self reliant working society. A prosperous America can not sustain that mindset much longer.

    150 years after Lincoln and we are readdressing the issue of how to unite this country, again.

  2. Deplorable J Soden says:

    The winner of the 3rd debate was Mike Wallace.

    • Libby says:

      It’s Chris, actually, but I think you’re right. He think he was totally on top of the situation, and totally cleansed himself of the “Fox” taint, and will be able to move on to better things.

  3. Libby says:

    My condolences. Not even a healthy dose of Ativan could keep him from making an ass of himself.

  4. Tina says:

    Not blinders, nor ear plugs, nor lobotomy could destroy the reality of Hillary Clinton, a plastic, phony, scripted politician with a soiled record of failure and corruption whose party is a despicable underhanded force working against the people.

    Hillary made an ass of herself when she stood by her horn dog man. Hillary is an ass for riding her disgusting husbands coat tails to get where she is. Hillary makes an ass of herself every time she opens her lying pie hole.

    Libby you can keep your condolences.

    • Tommy says:

      “Hillary made an ass of herself when she stood by her horn dog man.”

      Is the same true of Melania?

      • Tina says:

        The charges against Trump are all “he said she said”…not a drop of proof. In fact, Trump has a witness and evidence to prove the airline woman is lying.

        Melania has not said these women are wrong (how would she know). She has only said that these women don’t describe the man she knows and respects. (Other women that have worked with and for Trump have cone forward to say he was always a gentleman and he went out of his way to help them in their careers)

        Bill Clinton’s own body part proved to be sufficient evidence in the Paula Jones case. Juanita Broadderick was seen right after the rape by a woman who noted her disheveled clothing, and cut, swollen lip. Juanitta’s testimony on national television was very believable, so much so that the corrupt media withheld the tapes until after the election. This rape happened when Bill Clinton was the attorney general of Arkansas. Broadderick asked the significant question, “How does a woman make a complaint against the top law enforcement person in the state?”

        The latest woman to tell her story, Leslie Millwee is a former local television news reporter from Arkansas “who claims she was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton in 1980 (see the video)

        There are many other women whose stories cover decades, including a student in England when Clinton was attending college there.

        Hillary Clinton targeted, maligned and intimidated the women her husband assaulted and abused to frighten them and keep them quiet. Standing by her man involved more than refusing to divorce the creep.

        So the answer to your question is a resounding no. Melania supports the man she knows without accusing his accusers, maligning their character, or intimidating them. Melania is a strong woman with a gracious demeanor.

        • Tommy says:

          The charges against Trump are not “he said, she said.” They are “he said, then she said, then she said, then she said, then she said, the she said, then he denied.”

          Trump is on tape admitting he assaults women in exactly the same way many of these women have alleged.

          His behavior toward women on camera over the past few decades is undeniable so don’t tell me he is a “gentleman.” That is laughable. He constantly attacks women on their looks, including Republican women like Carly Fiorina and Megyn Kelly. That you side with Trump over them does not speak well of your character.

          You are wrong to say Melania Trump has not said her husband’s accusers are wrong. She has.

          The witness on Trump’s plane whom you claim “proves” that accuser was lying has himself been embroiled in a pimping scandal, claiming that he procured young boys for British politicians decades ago.

          This is who Trump (and you) find a credible witness? You think his word “proves” this woman is lying?

          There is no evidence that Hillary Clinton intimidated or “abused” any of Bill’s alleged victims into silence. Trump, on the other hand, is threatening to sue not only his accusers but also any newspaper that reports on them! That is a yuuuuge threat to free speech. He claimed that the NYT committed “libel” by publishing the allegations showing that he doesn’t understand the first amendment at all. And you want to make him president!

  5. Peggy says:

    Agree with Soden, Wallace did a fantastic job. Hopefully, future moderators will take note and strive for his standards.

    Hillary spent the night lying as expected. She’s also a master of side stepping questions she doesn’t want to answer, like the one about her foundation.

    Trump’s brain needs to kick in instead of going blank. He missed several opportunities to give great responses, instead he repeats his same talking points. Very maddening. When Hillary accused him of buying the steel for his construction jobs from China, he should have responded he would have if it was being produced here if the factories hadn’t been shut down. You can’t buy American made steel or Ford’s compact cars if they’re only made in other countries.

    Resigning myself that Hillary will win because the Democrat’s machine works, while the Republicans don’t even have one to plug in. Dems are in lock step united. Repubs are running for the nearest exit.

    If Evan McMillin was on the approved list for Calif. I’d be voting for him, but since he isn’t I’ll vote for Trump to do my part to vote against Hillary. Hopefully, McMillin will be an option in four years.

    Utah Poll: McMullin 31%, Trump 27%, Hillary 24%:

    “Independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin topped both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a new Utah poll released Wednesday. The survey, from Emerson College, showed that McMullin had 31 percent of support — while Trump had 27 percent and Clinton had 24 percent in the state. The margin of error for the poll was 3.6 percent, according to a release detailing the results. McMullin, a Mormon businessman who was formerly a CIA operative, had been climbing in recent Utah polls as Trump struggled in the state.”

    • Libby says:

      “… he should have responded he would have if it was being produced here if the factories hadn’t been shut down.”

      He’s not the only one going a little dim. Why did the American steel industry tank? Because Trump and his ilk would rather buy steel produced by workers who make a dollar an hour and no bennies. Get a clue, would you please! Everything he tells you about his plans for the American economy is belied by his entire life!

      How many times are you going to fall for the rhetoric of any and every plausible or implausible scoundrel? It is madly annoying.

      • Tina says:

        ” Why did the American steel industry tank?”

        The short answer is government intervention.

        Read the early history here:Investopedia

        Later history here: Heritage, “The Ailing Steel Industry Needs Less Government Intervention, Not More”:

        Overall, since 1998, steel imports have been declining and the market share claimed by steel importers has fallen. Meanwhile, policies to protect the industry from competition over the past few decades have led to a glut of steel; production worldwide has exceeded demand, and costs connected with labor in the United States have become a burden.

        Add Obamacare and the price of steel in America becomes prohibitive.

        • Libby says:

          You are a very strange girl. You are, in essence, asserting that American steel workers should be making a dollar an hour with no bennies. Who’s gonna put a kid through college on that kind of money?

          If we had publicly funded universities, like in China, maybe. As it is, you is a very weird girl.

  6. Tina says:

    Amazing…the Brits for Brexit think Trump won and are cheering us on to follow their lead! I concur.

    Donald Trump has not lost. What we hear this morning is the talking heads and they always can be counted on to focus like a laser on Trumps common man way of speaking and ignore completely the poor performance of their plastic queen. She bragged about being in the room the night they killed bin Laden…where was she the night Chris Stevens was fighting for his life? In fact where was she when he was pleading for better security? This woman does not care UNLESS she can find an angle to promote herself!

    The process for replacing our corrupt government is not going to hang on a single election. One things is certaint, if this nation doesn’t reject Hillary and the Chicago inspired corrupt politics of the Democrat leadership, which includes activists and operatives at every level of government, we will suffer 4-8 years of economic stagnation and decline, further erosion of our Constitutional rights of speech, religion, and arms, an ever more dangerous world, ISIS spreading it’s evil, Iran funding terrorists and building nuclear weapons that they WILL USE, the further invasion into our nation of drugs, and border crossing terrorists, murderers, rapists, and traffickers, the further explosion of our debt, added expensive dependency programs, the continued erosion of energy choices, and increased elitist power over the people. The scandals will continue, the lies will continue, the ineptitude will continue, the pretense of service to the people will continue.

    The corrupt, duplicitous, in-the-tank criminal journalists will also continue. They will work with Hillary to change the FCC regulations to deny and censor speech. They will work with Hillary and cover for her no matter what she does.

    This election offers relief from this criminal gang. This election offers jobs and opportunity. This election offers a change from the contrived divisions and contentions that come from an activist administration. I think the people are fed up and will votefor change…I think the people behind Trump can be counted on to follow the law and represent the interests of the people.

    • Tommy says:

      “She bragged about being in the room the night they killed bin Laden…where was she the night Chris Stevens was fighting for his life?”

      This question can be answered simply by typing it into Google.

      Hillary was exactly where she was supposed to be.

      • Tina says:

        She was not “supposed to be” at home talking to Chelsea on the phone and emailing to tell her it was terrorists that attacked the compound but she was.

        She should have been in the situation room all night…as Obama should have. Any decent respectable leader would fell a sense of responsibility in such a crisis, especially since requests had been made (and denied) for increased security!

        See information here and here, where Hillary laughs when asked if she was alone at home all night. (Not briefed by anyone)

        Panetta said Obama was also absent that night.

        Shameful! Irresponsible and unpatriotic!

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