This is Gun Control

l46Any questions…. ?

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19 Responses to This is Gun Control

  1. Libby says:

    That is a boy and his toy.

  2. Dewster says:

    Ah Yen can shoot? So can I! And?

    Guns are a tool not my religion

    #Only a fool worships Guns

    #Only A fool wants A Ban
    #The Biggest Fools follows media on the subject

    United we Stand Divided We fall

    #GOP Propaganda

    NRA Propaganda will end up taking our guns #Fools

  3. Deplorable J Soden says:

    You KNEW what kind of response you’d get from the Loony Lefties like Libby and Dewster. Predictable.
    There was a reason why our Founding Fathers created the 2nd Amendment, and is demonstrated today why it was needed in countries all across the world where people have to depend on OTHERS to protect or defend them. And that same 2nd Amendment helps protect those Lefty Loons’ free speech moaning and crying over the ability we have to carry weapons.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Disgusting. Dewey and Libby can spit all the asinine and idiotic contempt, ridicule, and insults they like, it won’t change the hearts of their fellow citizens — whom they hate — to exercise their right to bear arms, including and especially women.

    If you support the 2nd amendment and you exercise the right to bear arms, this is the sort of mindless **** you can expect from hate-filled sociopathic creeps like these two. Their contempt for the Bill of Rights and people who exercise those rights is exactly why I am a contributing member of the NRA, Gun Owners of America, and Disabled Americans for Firearms Rights.

    • Libby says:

      Nobody hates you, Pie. Contempt is really more the thing. The day you learn to be insulting sans the silly name-calling, I may reconsider.

      And the unhappy fact is that armed and fearful paranoids, armed and sexually frustrated young men, are a much greater danger to us citizens than any foreign power.

      • Tina says:

        Sorry Libby but your assertion is (intentionally?) vague and off the mark. While it’s true that “armed” young men and fearful paranoids represent a danger to citizens, it is not true that they are among the “legally” armed. You are speaking of criminals and the mentally ill and conflating them with honest, law abiding, trustworthy, trained citizens.

        Once again your own paranoid assumptions about men color your opinions. You think men are all like the nefarious backwoods characters in Deliverance.

        It’s also a silly, childish assertion that a nuclear Iran, for instance, presents a less dangerous threat to citizens. Especially when you consider the one is a national/international concern and the other a local concern.

        • Libby says:

          “Sorry Libby but your assertion is (intentionally?) vague ….”

          It most certainly is not. Contrary to the NRA propaganda you are inclined to swallow whole, nobody it going to take Jack’s guns away … as long as he behaves himself.

          However, these other fellows, who evidence tinges of the mindsets described above, to deal with these we want real back-grounding, carried out by all gun dealers, on all their customers, from now on. And if this bothers you, then you must have something you don’t want revealed.

          You know, your whole approach to the subject seems to originate in a truly childish notion that anybody should be able to do just anything they want. No. And you should have been cured of this in Kindergarten. I don’t know why you weren’t.

          If you’ve been on Lithium for any length of time, you may not own a gun.

        • Libby says:

          P. S.: Tina, Chris must have tried half a hundred times to explain the “Straw Man” strategy of fallacious argument to you, which you use constantly. Half a hundred times. Why don’t you learn?

    • Tina says:

      Looks like they’re having a lot of fun and unlike bowling, for instance, they are also learning a useful skill and gaining in confidence about their ability to defend themselves and others.

      • RHT447 says:

        Indeed. Marksmanship is open to all races, genders, colors, any physical stature, almost any age, and the physically handicapped (more on this below).

        Marksmanship teaches:
        Self discipline
        Self confidence
        Self respect
        Respect for others
        Team work

        Thinking about the handicapped reminded me of something. Every summer, the National Matches are held at Camp Perry, Ohio. There is also an organization called M1 for Vets—

        The following speaks for itself—

        Sunday, August 9, 2009

        The week is full of moments. Had one yesterday after the Garand and Vintage matches. As soon as we quit shooting the sun came out, the wind stopped blowing, (hmmmmm…maybe SHOOTING causes this…) and we gathered at Petrarca Range house for the awards. Gary Anderson, the Director of Civilian Marksmanship presided and gave away Garand, Springfield, Carbine and Vintage trophies. Justin Utley won the Vintage Match with one of the K31s we bought. 290. When Justin was shooting his 290 I was on the next firing point shooting a 289 for fourth place in the Springfield match and Rick Crawford was on the NEXT firing point shooting a 287….with a saved round (minus ten points). If Rick hadn’t saved a round he would have easily set a new National Springfield record. 293 won the match.
        At the end of the awards they brought out the M1s-for-Vets group. This group tries to match donated M1 Garands with disabled vets. About 12 of them came and shot this year at the matches. They got up front, two in wheelchairs, a couple with canes, one guy missing a hand. Young men in their 20s. They introduced them and the crowd stood up whooping and hollering and clapping and WOULDN’T sit down or stop. It rolled on and on and on. Nearly everyone had tears rolling down their cheeks, both the young men and the crowd.
        These young men belong to the American gun culture. Think about Henry Gates and Officer Crowley. You think Gates, the highly paid Harvard professor KNOWS a soldier, or anyone with a soldier in the family? I doubt it. Officer Crowley on the other hand probably doesn’t know anyone who wasn’t a soldier, has a kid in the Marines or Army. I’ll go a little farther: Gates knows victims. And he knows the rest of us are racists.
        These young men who have all suffered as only soldiers suffer and lost things important to any human, THEY aren’t victims. Or racists, I would bet.
        These young men got it yesterday. Some of them looked embarrassed or confused, many were having trouble controlling their faces as the crowd poured out their love for them cheering and clapping. On and on and on. I think they got it.
        There’s a Camp Perry moment for you.


  5. RHT447 says:

    Some numbers.

    Gun control? Good luck with that.

    The violence in our society is just one symptom of much deeper problems. You do not cure an illness by just treating the symptoms. And you sure as he77 don’t cure it by setting the patients against each other.

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