Angry, Violent, Sore Loser Crybabies

Posted by Tina

The radical Democrat Party sent it’s sore loser crybabies out to protest following the election. They’re out in force stomping their little feet and creating havoc. Today we can see, once again, which party is the party of violence, discord, and intolerance. Some of it is silly, some of it criminal…and some of it is violent and crazy.

We can begin with the petulant President who met with Trump today but refused to participate in the traditional photo session.

angry-baby1Justice Ginsberg quoted her husband, “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.” I hope she doesn’t let the door smack her on the backside as she leaves.

In LA and the Bay Area loser students walked out of class…”I expected better of my electorate,”…poor babies, they bought the rhetoric that republicans are mean and bigoted and will throw them in chains…a shameful Obama legacy.

crybaby2In Oakland protest turned violent…rallies in cities across America mirrored Oakland in barbaric fashion…burning Trump in effigy, burning police cars and city blocks, Trump heads held up on sticks…nasty nasty people!

In Chicago a older white man was viciously attacked: “You voted Trump? You gonna pay for that shit!”

Again in crazy California, ‘People Have to Die’

In Seattle: 5 Shot, 2 Life-Threatening Injuries During Anti-Trump Protest

Trump Tower “besieged” by Soros funded activist after a press release…burning flags…stirring up fear. sent out rioters but also convened a cadre of lawyers. A signed petition is sent to the electoral college deploring them to vote for Hillary instead of Trump, against the will of the people in states across the land. Mob rule (democracy) is what they push for and the electoral college will be one of the targets for destruction in the coming years…just watch.

The election is over but the fight for liberty is never ending. Take comfort my fellow patriots in the knowledge that in contests across the country it was the right that gained seats.The left is the radical fringe…they’re loud, they’re arrogant, and like a bunch of screaming babies, they make a lot of noise and that makes them appear powerful. My advice after this election…step over them as we move forward to finally Make America Great Again.

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10 Responses to Angry, Violent, Sore Loser Crybabies

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Attack of the Snowflakes

    James Taranto — Zombie Apocalypse

    “It’s surreal in NYC,” tweeted Katy Tur of NBC Wednesday evening. “People are walking around like zombies with thousand yard stares.”

    In Oakland, Calif., they “hurled Molotov cocktails, rocks and fireworks at police,” wounding three officers. “Trash fires smoldered on a highway, and a downtown business was set ablaze. By Thursday morning, emergency workers extinguished about 40 fires.”

    “A few miles away [from Oakland] at Berkeley High School, about 1,500 students walked out of classes Wednesday—one of numerous high school walkouts that occurred nationwide after the election.”

    “If we don’t fight, who is going to fight for us? People had to die for your freedom where we’re at today. We can’t just do rallies, we have to fight back,” said Lily, a Latina woman from Los Angeles.

    “There will be casualties on both sides. There will be, because people have to die to make a change in this world,”

    Photo of Lippy

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    I love Slate magazine —

    “Donald Trump’s Victory Proves That America Hates Women”—headline, Slate, Nov. 9

    “More Americans Voted for Hillary Clinton Than Donald Trump”—headline, Slate, Nov. 9

  3. No Longer Deplorable J Soden says:

    New motto for the Demwit Party: Crybabies R Us!

  4. Libby says:

    This … from folk who were threatening to break out the firearms day before yesterday?

    You are despised. Get used to it.

    • Tina says:

      Sorry but talking is not the same thing as taking to the streets to beat an older man, destroying property, defacing property, and throwing bottles and rocks. YOU GUYS are where the violence and intolerance lives! In fact you are breeding barbarians with your divisive lying rhetoric…and all to hang on to power. Truly deplorable!

      Libby, you just aren’t as big a thang as you imagine…get over your self!

      • Libby says:

        So … R? … was it all talk?

        And Tina, grow some sense, will you please. None of these rioters voted, and all of them will take any opportunity they are offered to loot the Radio Shack.

        Trump offered.

    • Dewster says:

      They are just childish do they remember 2008 or 12?

      wait they still have guns? I thought Obama gonna git ther guns!

  5. Dewster says:

    Tina lol you have not a clue.

    The protestors are protesting his racism. The Nazis are flying the confed flag down here. The Blue Dog Dems refuse to look at why the lost and why we let them loose.

    And this is your contribution?

    We voted to wedge the TPP and show the DNC that you can not run a corrupt Republican against A corrupt Republican.

    Now on the the battles. The privatization of all taxpayers assets to the robber barons. All land will be for sale. Destroy the middle class and get rid of democracy.

    First things first.. Ryan wants to privatize medicare and phase it out.

    I say no do not phase it out. Take it away now! That socialized healthcare has to be taken away from all now! not us later.

    So help me rally to end it now or not at all. I say end it for those who want to take it from my future! Now no more medicare they get a 15K voucher and when it runs out? oh well! That is the Republican Way!

    you can thank us later for the election win, but remember we are a fascist country now and your social welfare has to stop immediately. I pay taxes for that crap and there will be none for me.

    Get off medicare!

  6. Dewster says:

    oh and let us start keeping track of Trump’s campaign promises now,
    Cause we have been Trumped! and need Luck to make it through this together!

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