The New Democrat Party Seal

Thanks go to Pie for this one. . .


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3 Responses to The New Democrat Party Seal

  1. No Longer Deplorable J Soden says:

    Excellent work, Pie! And so very appropriate after Tuesday’s results.

  2. Tina says:

    Seriously funny.

    The party is pretty much bankrupted and there won’t be a bail out. Fitting since their ideals, as well as their attitudes, deserve to be flushed. You can’t build a strong party on the backs of crybabies…they kill their young and it ain’t just the abortions.

  3. Harold says:

    Why on earth do Liberals cry so much:

    We know that newborns come into the world unused to bright lights, loud sounds, or varying temperatures—and those things in and of themselves would probably give concern to a grown-up as well.

    But the biggest tear-inducer is this: Newborns never knew what it like to actually support themselves on their own, Life was simple and great when attached to the umbilical cord.

    If your Liberal begins to cry, it’s logical to first assume that Liberal expects something. Soon you will recognize the wiggles, squirms and mouthing movement’s that all Liberals use to signal more government dependency needs, long before you hear their wallowing cries.

    If you ignore your Liberal cry baby for too long, expect a ‘Look at me!’ cry or action. One way to avoid this is to give constant comfort through Government support, that always calms your Liberal, from Cradle to grave, realize this dependency is what they are taught to expect as they age, so accustom are they to entitlements.

    Currently Liberals may be reacting to the excitement of the new world—too many people that don’t think as they do, and now sounds of a new direction, plus the shiny bright futures to be earned—although some little ones just go into rants of rage in these circumstances. Please Liberals will react and cry if their world suddenly shrinks and they are bit more confined.

    Whatever it is that makes Liberals cry, people have to realize that there’s plenty to stress out about for them in a self-reliant world, especially if you’re unaccustomed to it.

    Once you begin to understand that crying is the only way a Liberal has to communicate their demands, you’ll understand their fear of life without their massive “Entitle-net”

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