Gas Bags for Cows

Posted by Jack

In yet another attack on California businesses, yesterday Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a bill (SB 1383) that requires the state to cut methane emissions from dairy cows and other animals by 40% by 2030.  The bill is yet another massive blow to the agricultural industry in the state of California that has already suffered from the Governor’s passage of a $15 minimum wage and a recent bill that makes California literally the only state in the entire country to provide overtime pay to seasonal agricultural workers after working 40 hours per week or 8 hours per day (see “California Just Passed A $1.7 Billion Tax On The Whole Country That No One Noticed“).

According to a statement from Western United Dairymen CEO, Anja Raudabaugh, California’s Air Resources Board wants to regulate animal methane emissions even though it admits there is no known method for achieving the the type of reduction sought by SB 1383.

“The California Air Resources Board wants to regulate cow emissions, even though its Short-Lived Climate Pollutant (SLCP) reduction strategy acknowledges that there’s no known way to achieve this reduction.



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12 Responses to Gas Bags for Cows

  1. RHT447 says:

    THAT’S B.S.!
    No, those bags have cow s. in them. The b.s. bags are over there.
    (Sorry. Soft ball over the plate.)

    Recent clip from Gov. Brown’s office?

  2. Harold says:

    Yea C.A.R.B., so what’s next as you idle away , Cat-a-litter devices on felines?

  3. Libby says:

    2030 is a ways off. You got something against goals?

    In case you thought it was going to be different (and how could you think that?), the election of the Troglodyte in no way impinges on our environmental agenda here in California.

    Now, I’m not sure how much sense it makes to fuss about the cows when that humongous arctic methane leak is probably gonna kill us all anyway … but … we do what we can.

    • Tina says:

      Radical government overreach is destroying the Democrat Party nationwide. If this keeps up the Democrats will also fall in California. Democrats always go to far.

      Goals are great when they are achievable and offer positive benefit. The problem with the goals Democrats propose today is they exist only within the realm of fairy tales. Obamacare did not deliver as promised and added more burden than benefit. Those of us who work and live in the real world knew and predicted it would fail. The obscenely impossible goals (mandates) made on the healthcare and HC insurance industries, the coal companies, an now on the dairy farmers are too expensive and destructive for the minuscule gains they promise. Democrat goals do more harm than good, it’s as simple as that!

      Scare tactics have been found to be bogus as well. As can be seen by contrasting what we have done for many decades in America, as opposed to more progressive nations around the world, including China, We are already way ahead of the environmental curve. When reasonable and workable regulations are placed on business and the population a sense of cooperation and progress is made. When radical progressive mandates punish businesses and workers unnecessarily the end result is oppression and loss.

      You Democrats have lost your way. You’ve become zealots, obnoxious, destructive zealots. Get a clue.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Do your part to save the planet today, Lippy, and stop exhaling C02.

      This law is so ridiculous, no wonder you support it.

  4. J. Soden says:

    It’s more like the Hot Air Resources Board.
    Time to “head ’em up and move ’em out” of Taxifornia!

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    An impervious dome over Sacramento would go far to relive the earth of noxious gas.

  6. Tina says:

    Good article on the faulty reasoning that has resulted in this type of ignorant, expensive regulation.

    I’d like to see the calculation on how much these onerous regs cost the average family each year.

  7. Libby says:

    Such a collection of twisted knickers I never saw. I swear you people live for your political aggravations.

    Here, check this out:

    How come you can’t do reasoned considerations?

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