Activist MSM, Protesters Wrong on Trumps Immigration EO

Posted by Tina

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and others involved in the roll out of Trumps Executive Order regarding immigration to the US from selected countries designated as hotbeds of terrorist activity held a press conference today to push back on the political theater created by certain media, protesters and legal activists who claimed Trumps advisors were blindsided by the executive order. Secretary Kelly assured reporters that he was aware of the EO and that his legal people had been working with the legal staff at the White House to draft the order. Asked when he first knew about the EO Kelly responded that he was first aware it would come down since Trump began his run for the presidency. He reinforced his involvement and knowledge about the EO by stating he had seen at least two initial drafts. He and the others who were gathered to respond to reporters questions carefully explained how the EO was implemented, acknowledged a few problems with confusion at the counter in airports, and explained how those problems were ameliorated swiftly and humanely. Some of the confusion resulted from the lawsuits that were filed as the order was being implemented. Those problems and questions were swiftly handled. The American people can find reassurance in the fact that Trumps appointees and their staff acted professionally.

Kelly also pushed back on allegations that President Trumps Executive Order was a ban, it is not, and that it represents a religious or racist ban, it does not!

Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates after she told prosecutors under her not to defend the EO in the courts. Trump installed prosecutor Dana Boente as her replacement. A statement issued by the White House said in part, “It is time to get serious about protecting our country. Calling for tougher vetting for individuals traveling from seven dangerous places is not extreme. It is reasonable and necessary to protect our country.”

According to Judge Napolitano, a lawsuit threatened by the AG in the state of Washington and backed by Jeff Bezos will never happen because they lack standing to bring the suit.

The uproar over this executive order is an exercise in radical leftist political theater designed to malign and undermine the new president and his new administration.

The media and activists on the left will continue to look stupid as the days go by. The majority of the American people (48%-42%) are behind the Presidents order.

As for Trump, he’s already moved on to address regulations that are strangling small business. In a meeting with small business leaders Trump signed an EO ordering the removal of onerous regulations. The order “…mandates that for every new regulation implemented by federal agencies, two existing regulations must be cut.”

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24 Responses to Activist MSM, Protesters Wrong on Trumps Immigration EO

  1. Libby says:

    Jordan has accepted just over 655,000 Syrian refugees, according to the United Nations.

    Germany has pledged to take in 1,000,000.

    Canada has accepted more than 26000 refugees, and the United States has accepted fewer than 1000 (as of 5/16).

    Don’t you think this makes us look kinda shitty?

    • Tina says:


      Germany’s (Merkle’s)” generosity” resulted in all kinds of chaos and mayhem, including terror attacks.

      Why do we have so many Syrian refugees anyway?

      You love to pretend the past eight years didn’t happen…but they did. You refuse to get that radical Islamic Muslims have declared war on us. You refuse to get that they are waging war in a cowardly, stealth fashion, lacking identifying uniforms and markings, which leaves us defending ourselves by unconventional means. It is sad indeed, and grossly unfair, but it is not our doing that innocent, peaceful Muslims are in the middle of this.

      George Bush’s strategy was to fight the terrorists where they live. He worked with Jordan and others in the region to establish safe spaces for them.

      Barack Obama’s lack of strategy has unleashed the terrorists, and the massive numbers of refugees, on the world. It is not our doing that terrorists are embedding with the refugees. Your precious CoC failed all of us and the world and that’s why we’re here.

      Given that fact, you should just shut up and give this administration a chance (As Obama was given a chance). But you are in denial and pig headed to boot. Your comrades share these inadequacies…so it’s smug protest, irrational violence, activist lawsuits and idiocy for you. Wow what a great contribution.

      We’ve been through this before…we will survive it again and come out living in improved conditions. So will millions of Muslims, by the way!

  2. Bryan H. says:

    You are right that it is not a Muslim ban, and calling it racist is a stretch.

    But it is definitely a ban, and that’s how Trump described it himself on Twitter:

    I suppose it is quite possible that Trump doesn’t understand his own executive order, but in this case, he’s right: it’s a ban. A temporary ban, but still a ban.

    Kelly didn’t say it wasn’t a ban, he said it wasn’t a ban on Muslims. He is also right.

    However, Rudy Guliani’s statements are concerning: he told a reporter that this EO came about because Trump asked him how to do a Muslim ban legally:

    Guliani could be lying, but given that Trump initially campaigned on suspending all immigration by Muslims, I don’t see any reason think he isn’t telling the truth.

    As for the charge that the uproar is “leftist political theater,” when did Dick Cheney, John McCain, six other Republican senators and ten Republican representatives become leftists? What about the dozens–count ’em–of other Republican members of Congress who have not directly opposed, but still expressed concerns about the order?

    It’s time to stop blaming those with real critiques of this law and dismissing them as “leftists.” Your own party is very divided on this issue, and that’s on Trump. Refusing to accept when Trump is responsible for bad decisions will be no cuter from Republicans than it was when Democrats did it under Obama.

    • Tina says:

      No explanation is needed. We allow disagreement in our party. Their disagreement is not the same as the histrionics, fake news, and raving idiots in the street that represent political theater.

      Also. many people believe republicans have behaved as weenies when dealing with the failures of the former administration regarding terrorists. Had they not, we might not even have a President Trump.

      • Bryan H. says:

        Fair response.

        I don’t think the Republicans opposing Trump’s order are “weenies.” They are going against their own party and president to stand up for what they believe is right. But then, I’m biased against the law and I don’t think there was any valid reason for it.

        No one from any of the banned countries has committed a terrorist attack on US soil in decades.

  3. Libby says:

    “The uproar over this executive order is an exercise in radical leftist political theater”, while the executive order, itself, is an exercise in the fascistic over-reach of executive authority, of dubious legality, which we are not prepared to tolerate.

  4. Soaps says:

    Bryan asked, when did John McCain become a leftist? Those of us who live in Arizona, and especially those who are combat veterans, can answer that question. McCain became a leftist shortly after he was elected to Congress many years ago, too many.

  5. Dewster says:

    It is Unconstitutional period. It is racist. They brag about how they tried to use the word DANGER instead of RELIGION.

    But then again 45 is right about one thing. He could shoot someone on 5th avenue and his supporters would defend him

    Are you a fascist?……….Words from a poster in the holocaust museum.

    Early Warnings of FASCISM

    Powerful and continuing Nationalism

    Disdain for Human Rights

    Identification of Enemies as a Unifying Cause

    Supremacy of the Military

    Rampant Sexism

    Controlled Mass Media

    Obsession with National Security

    Religion and Government Intertwined

    Corporate Power Protected

    Labor Power Suppressed

    Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

    Obsession with Crime and Punishment

    Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

    Fraudulent Elections

    This is a Fascist country. Those are words from history.

  6. Peggy says:

    Off topic, sorry.

    Cruz vs Sanders debate on ObamaCare next Tuesday. This should be good since Cruz is a world class debate award winner.

  7. Harold says:

    The Liberals need to start recognizing their approach to a safe America due to Illegals is not working, especially those Liberal who live in Sanctuary cities, they may be the most at risk.

    Pelosi , who seldom ever says anything relevant to the facts, was never more at a loss for words than when this mother of a slain son by a illegal asked her which of her Grandkids Pelosi would nominate as a sacrifice for a illegal to be in her city of residence.

    By Anna Giaritelli of the Washington Examiner • 1/31/17 11:20 PM

    A Texas woman whose son was murdered by an illegal alien put House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on the spot during a town hall Tuesday evening.
    CNN host Jake Tapper called on Laura for an audience question about sanctuary cities. Laura shared how her son had been “tortured,” “tied up like an animal,” and set on fire by an illegal immigrant in 2010.
    “I am not a one-story mother. This happens every day because there are no laws enforcing the border,” Laura said. “How do you reconcile in your head about allowing people to disavow the law?”

    Then the Texas woman whose son was murdered by an illegal alien put House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on the spot with this question at the a town hall Tuesday evening.

    “Mother of son murdered by illegal immigrant asks Pelosi which of her children is ‘expendable’

    “The second part of my question is this: if you need to go home tonight and line up your babies as you say, and your grandbabies, which one of them could you look in their eyes today, and tell them that they’re expendable for another foreign person to have a nicer life? Which one would you look to say, you, my child, are expendable for someone else to come over here and not follow the law.”

    Pelosi was visibly thrown off by the blunt question and expressed her condolences to Laura.
    “I commend you for sharing your story. I can’t even imagine,” Pelosi said.
    “You can’t,” Laura shot back.
    “There is, there is nothing, I’m sure that can compare to the grief that you have. And so I pray for you. I pray for you,” Pelosi said. “Again, we all pray that none of us has to experience what you have experienced. So thank you for channeling your energy to help prevent something like that from happening.

    In the video you can clearly hear Pelosi lie about the safety of sanctuary city protecting illegals from being returned to their origin and then possibly trying legally to obtain admittance to America. Guess Pelosi forgot about Kate Steinle murder.

    • Libby says:

      Pelosi is not lying, you are … or spreading lies, which is just as bad.

      This does not mean that shit does not happen. It will always happen.

      However (if this link works) …


      … or you’ll have to read the whole thing …

      Now, I have been known to hold the HuffPo in disdain (you might as well read the Enquirer), but in this national emergency, they are cleaning up their act … somewhat.

      • Harold says:

        Tell that “S&^T happens” part to your self until you are blue in the face, Then explain to her family why the Steinle daughter died in such a safe environment as your blessed Sanctuary city.

        Yes crap does happen, of late, San Bernardino, Orlando, San Francisco. And its all a result of Obamas Crappy terms in office, and those who put him in the Oval office.

        • J. Soden says:

          Well said! Thank you Harold!

        • Libby says:

          Yes, but don’t you think 3 here … pales in comparison with 2400 in Iraq? You gotta get some perspective guy (also some ….); no, I will refrain.

          But the cravenness of the average American is showing itself way too much these days. Can’t you keep it to yourself?

          • Tina says:

            You see what you want to see Libby. Your cravenness has resulted in eight years of grief, death, and suffering that could have been averted had we elected a man with a strong desire to defeat the enemy and the will to see a STRATEGY through. You will not own this suffering but we know, and the world knows, that Obama and his supporters failed to do anything to prevent the rise and spread of ISIS and the terror and grief they impose on the world!

    • Tina says:

      Pelosi, so practiced at Looney Liberal BS: “So thank you for channeling your energy to help prevent something like that from happening.”

      Could she be any more tone deaf? Or condescending!

      Liberals don’t get what we wish to accomplish because they start from the premise that anything we do or say is racist and cruel. That attitude negates anything presented as a solution to a real problem. This is the other thing that ordinary Americans all across America are fed up about. It’s risen to a comical level now and will, if they continue along these ludicrous lines, render them politically defunct!

      • Libby says:

        No, it has to be made plain: people willing to abandon principle in the face of personal tragedy are a danger to society. They have for many thousands of years been an impediment to the development of “republican” government.

        We are not going back, so you can take you fascist longings and put ’em you-know-where.

        • Bryan H. says:

          I can’t blame Pelosi for being speechless. How do you tell a grieving mother that she’s a liar?

          I mean, from anyone else, you can’t tolerate the statement “there are no laws enforcing our border.” You tell them they are either lying or stupid, to their face, and then you move on to talking to the adults. But a woman who’s child has been killed? And now she’s blaming everyone that belongs to the same group as the individual who killed her child, and using lies to do so?

          I’d be speechless too.

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