President Obama and Clinton Lecture Trump on Immigration

Thanks go to Peggy for the wonderful find, watch it and enjoy!

“We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws…”


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15 Responses to President Obama and Clinton Lecture Trump on Immigration

  1. Harold says:

    Yada yada yada, all talk no action, until Trump

  2. J. Soden says:

    Absolutely hilarious for a Clinton or an Obumble to be lecturing us on laws!!!!!!

  3. Libby says:

    Don’t you just love that pissy face he makes, with his little pouty mouth? How many three-year-olds have you seen that on?

  4. Tina says:

    Like I keep saying, the left is phony as he77. Power hungry and totally without scruples are they.

    • Harold says:

      And apparently tone-deaf as well…………..

      • Libby says:

        I’m sorry, but the current events are way more engaging, and relevant. Guess who hit the golf course two weeks into his administration? As I recall, that was a big complaint of yours about our previous Prezzy. Well, the O-man did have the decency to give it four months before he hit the course. The Shrub, five!

        And Trump missed the end of the Super Bowl game! 28-3, and he takes his pouty face off to the limo and leaves … so all the pool reporters had to miss it too. Is that the dedication, discipline, drive and determination … not to mention faith … we want in a President? It is not.

        • Tina says:

          Oh my he hit the golf course…after working 19 hour days, meeting with various groups of people, signing executive orders, and accomplishing more in two weeks than Obama thought of doing in a year! If he starts falling down on the job I’ll consider complaining.

          Trump left early so the fans would have an easier time leaving. Republican presidents actually put others ahead of themselves. Bush did it too. A presidential entourage tends to make for lousy traffic. And yes, that is exactly the kind of president we want.

          Clinton kept people waiting for hours on a tarmac so he could get a haircut in LA…Obama was also a Me, I, My president.

          Poor pool reporters…do they not get this is the job they signed on to do?

          • Bryan H. says:

            What exactly has Trump accomplished, Tina? His biggest decision so far is the immigration ban, which has been suspended by a federal judge. That’s an accomplishment? What are you talking about?

            And do you really not think Trump is a “Me, I, My” president? Even his most vigorous supporters acknowledge he’s self-obsessed. You can’t not know this.

          • Libby says:

            Tina, he left his own Super Bowl party, and he left in a snit.

            Will you stop making things up.

          • Bryan H. says:

            I could care less how much time Trump spent at the Super Bowl. But you’re right that she is making things up when she says he’s accomplished more than Obama. It was a good laugh, though.

            (Prediction: Tina’s next comment will be a rant against Obama, and include no documented accomplishments from Trump’s presidency.)

  5. J. Soden says:

    To answer Bryan’s question of “What has he accomplished?” we can look at
    Betsy Devos as Education Secretary – a proponent of school vouchers, a foe of the Teachers Union and hopefully abolishing tenure
    And with Jeff Sessions, our DOJ will go from the Dept of Jerks as it was under Obumble back to the Dept of Justice.
    Two accomplishments with 2 “thumbs-up.” And it’s just the beginning!

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