Student Group, “Knights for Socialism,” Holds Fight Club Style Workshop

Posted by Tina

Ignorant students flying high on emotion and calling themselves Knights for Socialism at the University of Central Florida are holding what is billed as self defense workshops where they are taught how to “bash the fash.” (“fash,” that’s college kid speak for fascists). Promotional material features the swaztika on a field of red and white. A local amateur boxer will be on hand to instruct the attendees. They encourage women to attend because women will be subjected more to rape and assault now that Trump has been elected. Everyone is invited to attend…everyone except Republicans who are accused of a “… record number of hate crimes against Latinxs, Immigrants, Muslims, Women, the LGBTQIA+ community, Jews, African Americans and other minorities since the rise of Donald Trump and other Alt-Right Neo-Nazis.”

Really? Record numbers of assaults from republicans? In what universe? Sounds like someone wants these already charged up kids to be like the KKK…more violent and more combative. Self defense my a$$!

How is it that these kids got all the way to college and yet don’t understand that socialism is fascist? (NAZI: National Socialist German Workers’ Party.) Could it be our schools are failing them?

Republicans in the Senate, engaging in the process, just made Betsey Devos our new education Secretary. It’s a start.

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16 Responses to Student Group, “Knights for Socialism,” Holds Fight Club Style Workshop

  1. J. Soden says:

    The Brown Shirts raise their ugly heads once again.

    • RHT447 says:

      Brown Shirts, indeed. If they keep it up, they will wind up just like the first batch. However, this this time we won’t have to travel so far.

    • Tina says:

      Yep, that’s exactly how the Nazi’s and the commies got it done. Stir up the ignorant, emotional youth…feed them distortions and lies and turn them against the establishment.

      • Libby says:

        The Nazis, the Commies, Fox News and Breitbart … you mean.

        The children … they are reacting to Trump.

        • Tina says:

          Excuses, excuses. Reacting is a bit mild.

          Over-reacting would be closer. Determining to act like hoodlums would be more to the point.

          What they are is little pawns in a game with stakes they really don’t understand that are higher than they can imagine being ignorant. Someone put these violent radical ideas in their pointy little heads. Gee, I wonder who? Bill Ayers comes to mind. He was out talking to groups of young people during the Occupy mess, talking strategy. Word of mouth is a wonderful tool. There’s also any number of professors who are themselves nothing more than political activists doing their bit for the cause.

      • Post Scripts says:

        I sure don’t like where this country is heading and this story (Knights for Socialism) is but one of many that says we’re on a path to major violence.

  2. Bryan H. says:

    Among the many other problems with this idiotic group, idiotic event and idiotic invite, I’d like to point out that I have many Republican friends and most of them don’t support Donald Trump. I guess these “anti-fascists” don’t want the help of moderate Republicans in their resistance. They don’t seem to want to do anything constructive, they just want to further divide people.

    People like this make us all look bad.

  3. Tina says:

    And apparently learn how to beat people up when bullying them doesn’t quite cut it.

    I’ve said it before, a lot of people don’t have any idea whose taken control in the Democrat Party. The power that be in the background are professional agitators, well funded and determined to undermine our republic. This is the sort of group they encourage and fund.

    They only make America look bad if we tolerate them. If these kids go out and beat people up they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Long term they should grow up and expand their knowledge…learn a few things that obviously they do not know.

  4. Bryan H. says:

    “Republicans in the Senate, engaging in the process, just made Betsey Devos our new education Secretary. It’s a start.”

    A start for what? Contra Devos, students do not actually need to bring guns to school to defend themselves from grizzly bears.

    • Peggy says:

      Not students Chris, but teachers in the mountains of Alaska, Montana and Colorado should is who DeVos was referring to. Common sense Chris, common sense.

      • Tina says:

        My sons best friend lived in Bear Canyon in Bozeman. It was called that for a reason. Many a cabin had a bear hide slung over the front porch. Common sense is right…but also knowledge about states other than the one you live in. We are not a one size fits all nation, which is why states and parents need more control over their schools.

        • Bryan H. says:

          Except representatives from the region Devos was referring to have already said that her comments were ridiculous, and that shooting bears is not how they deal with the problem. How do you not know this?

  5. Tina says:

    Lame, Chris, really lame, particularly in light of the fact that liberals have run our schools for 45 -.50 years and our students just keep getting dumber. We have more administrators than we have teachers. Most of the money we spend on education goes to pay the salaries and benefits to people who do nothing to educate the kids. This is a failed model and it needs to be broken up. If Devos can move us in that direction I’m all for it. She at least deserves a chance to improve conditions, especially for kids in the inner cities.

    Would it be such a tragedy to put more money directly toward the education of the kids? Or have you become a defender of the union above all else?

  6. Peggy says:

    Yes, our schools are failing in every measurable way. How many know who Hiram Rhodes Revels and Joseph Hayne Rainey were and that they were the first Black members of Congress. Rainey went on to become Speaker of the House.

    The saying, “You don’t know what you don’t know,” couldn’t be more relevant today. We will repeat our history because so few know what our real history is.

    Hiram Rhodes Revels: First Black member of Congress 1869-1871,-Hiram-Rhodes-%28R000166%29/

    Joseph Hayne Rainey: First Black ‘Speaker of the House’ 1869-1879,-Joseph-Hayne-(R000016)/

  7. RHT447 says:

    Just so we keep things in perspective—

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