AG Sessions, Senator Scott and the Ugly Intolerance of the Left

Posted by Tina

Jeff Sessions was confirmed as our new Attorney General by the Senate with the support of one Democrat, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV). This followed a contentious few weeks of specious allegations of racism hurled at Sessions, a man who once prosecuted a KKK member and asked for and got the death penalty. The vitriol is a perfect example of liberal intolerance. But his wasn’t the only story that illustrates the high level of intolerant bullying being displayed by the activist left. Senator Tim Scott was also targeted during the proceedings to confirm Sessions. Scott (R-SC) voted in favor of Jeff Sessions and was immediately “bombarded” with racist tweets for his support of our new AG. In response Senator Scott took to the floor of the Senate to read some of the offensive tweets he received (see video at the link):

You are an Uncle Tom, Scott. You’re for Sessions. How does a black man turn on his own,” Scott said, reading criticisms of himself on social media. “Tim Scott … doesn’t have a shred of honor. He’s a House Negro like the one in ‘Django.'”

He added, “I left out all the ones that used the ‘n-word.’ Just felt like that would not be appropriate.”

His speech is now part of the official Congressional Record and it should be! These offensive words stand as a marker in history. Let history take note, those screaming racism in 2017 are the ones who are actually intolerant racists. They are willing to act out their despicable attitudes much like those in Selma in the 1960’s. The more things change…

Intolerant left activists also attempted to block entry to a school for the new Secretary of Education today. Their violence resulted in injury to a police officer. And the beat goes on…Radical left agitators are a phony bunch, claiming to be the most tolerant, kind and compassionate of citizens. But their behaviors suggest otherwise!

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11 Responses to AG Sessions, Senator Scott and the Ugly Intolerance of the Left

  1. Peggy says:

    Tucker Carlson tonight had the poster child for the left intolerant attitude. This guy is a NYU grad. student and professor. He is a complete nut job and teaching students his vile beliefs of intolerance.

    ‘You Have No Principles!’: Tucker Carlson and College Student Engage in Insane Free Speech Debate:

  2. Dwester says:

    Tina do your homework instead of relying on RW Propaganda. Sessions was denied a federal Judgeship by the senate for racism.

    During a review by the Senate Judiciary Committee, his career in law was almost destroyed when former colleagues brought forward troubling accusations about things Sessions had said to them with regard to race.

    Sessions’s former deputy, Thomas Figures sent a letter to the Senate and reporters claiming his boss said insensitive things about black people, at times directly to him.
    There was plenty going on during that review. Sessions from Alabama is not some kind man who loves all human races. He liked the KKK til he found out they smoked Marijuana. So he went after them a bit.

    Get a Clue.

    Epic Fail!

    Sorry But there will be no White nationalism without a fight.

    • Tina says:

      Do your own homework! Quit reading LW propaganda! And quit ordering me around like a fascist dictator!

      Sessions was denied that judgeship because the left was able to smear his name and record with lies and distortions. soon after Robert Bork was denied a SC nomination in the same unethical and monstrous manner. The same had been done to Clarence Thomas, a disgraceful and shameful period in American politics. The Saul Alinsky method was an easy tactic to deploy against Republicans since the only media of substance at the time was in the democrat pocket. If you’d care to read another opinion about what happened, I recommend The Weekly Standard article, “In Alabama, Jeff Sessions Desegregated Schools and Got the Death Penalty for KKK Murderer.” It contains factual information that makes the notion that Sessions is racist absurd! It also clarifies some confusion surrounding his involvement in the death penalty case.

      The following from the article is a matter of record. I excerpted, cut and pasted, portions of different paragraphs so the corrected record would read accurately:

      As a U.S. Attorney he filed several cases to desegregate schools in Alabama.

      Sessions was instrumental in seeing a Klan murderer (Alabama Klan leader Bennie Hays) charged with the death penalty (for abducting and killing Michael Donald, a black teenager selected at random)… (He) later worked as Alabama’s attorney general to see that the death sentence was carried out swiftly, making Henry Francis Hays the first white man executed in Alabama for murdering a black person since 1913.

      The successful prosecution of Hays also led to a $7 million civil judgment against the Klan, effectively breaking the back of the KKK in Alabama.

      Sessions spent the better part of two decades going after the Klan in Alabama, and that should be kept in mind when you assess the decades old charges that he is racist.

      The charges brought against Sessions by former deputy, Thomas Figures was never substantiated. There is nor reason, given Sessions actual record to believe the charges were true. It’s equally possible that he was convinced to make the charges by those wishing to smear Sessions…we’ve seen it done before.

      David Horowitz was born into a communist family and in college participated in radical politics as a communist. He has intimate knowledge and understanding of the organizations, their founders and associations, that work to “fundamentally transform” our republic. Read about the ACLU here:

      This section of DiscoverTheNetworks examines a host of organizations that claim to promote civil liberties — i.e., freedoms that protect individuals against excessive government intrusion into their private lives — but whose true purpose is to promote radical agendas.

      The major organizations in America’s contemporary civil-liberties establishment include, among others, the Center for Constitutional Rights; the American Civil Liberties Union, the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, and the National Lawyers Guild. These groups share an ideological framework that casts the United States government as an “oppressive” regime at home and an imperialist intruder overseas; that depicts America as a nation which discriminates heavily against nonwhites, women, homosexuals, Muslims, and people with disabilities, to name just a few designated “victim” groups; and that egregiously violates the civil liberties of terrorist and criminal suspects in the name public safety and homeland security. Similar perspectives are also held by such Muslim advocacy organizations — which also profess to be defenders of civil liberties — as the American Muslim Alliance, the American Muslim Council, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Circle of North America, the Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, and the Muslim Students Association of the United States and Canada.

      And here:

      The ACLU was established in 1920 by Roger Baldwin (1884-1981), who served as its executive director until 1950. Baldwin was a socialist who counseled subterfuge as the preferable means of promoting his political agendas in the United States. In a private 1917 letter (to the journalist/activist Louis Lochner, who was affiliated with a radical organization), Baldwin wrote: “Do steer away from making it look like a Socialist enterprise. We want to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted to make of this country, and to show that we are really the folks that really stand for the spirit of our institutions.” In the ACLU’s early years, Baldwin hailed the Russia of Lenin and Stalin as “a great laboratory of social experimentation of incalculable value to the development of the world.” In 1928 Baldwin told his allies: “I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of all property, the abolition of the propertied class, and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”

      Reflective of the enduring nature of the ACLU’s radicalism is the fact that decades after its founding, the organization named the unrepentant New Left terrorist Bernardine Dohrn to its advisory board. Dohrn, a Marxist, was a 1960s-era leader of Weatherman—described by her husband Bill Ayers as “an American Red Army.”

      If Sessions claimed the ACLU was started by communists he was simply telling the truth about an organization whose founder was less than truthful in presenting his intentions.

      I repeat, Do your own homework. Quit reading LW propaganda! And quit ordering me around like a fascist dictator!

      • dewster says:

        Tina try watching the videos. that is what I did. One can not call Actual video from c-span LW Propaganda.

        Sorry the man has a history that you can not erase for convenience. Well documented.

        I know you want to use alternative facts but there is no such thing.

        remember I am down here in the god forbidden south. Some are quite proud of their racism down here.

        Sessions is racist, and it is documented. Just a Pesky little fact.

  3. Tina says:

    Off topic but related regarding civil rights, free speech, and intolerance: I’m a gay New Yorker — and I’m coming out as a conservative, by Chadwick Moore, NYP.

  4. dewster says:

    Liberty and Justice for all PERIOD.

  5. dewster says:

    Oh and Tina

    here is a link from a RW News source that may be scrubbed. ya see trump needs a crook in the senate from Florida. Rick Scott is just the guy. So before he announces for Senate 2018 ….

    here is a link. just a brief RW News article on the Medicare Fraud down in that wonderful conservative world. They will erase this and spin it.

  6. dewster says:

    Miami Times Herald already scrubbed but here is another from the tampa Bay times so when the subject comes up you can not claim it is all Lies.

  7. Dewster says:

    Here is some Klan News

    Funny you now admit they still exist……. What post was it you said otherwiae?

    KKK imperial wizard Frank Ancona is found dead in Missouri

    Who will replace him? Wilson?

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