Pointed Response to Allegations that Trump is Like Hitler

Posted by Tina

Agitators across the country insist that President Trump is a fascist. They compare him to Hitler. But a woman who was born in Germany and lived through that war, Inga Andrews, has a few words of advice for them and the professors who encourage this slop:

“What is going on in this country is giving me chills. Trump is not like Hitler. Just because a leader wants order doesn’t mean they’re like a dictator.

What reminds me more of Hitler than anything else isn’t Trump, it’s the destruction of freedom of speech on the college campuses — the agendas fueled by the professors.

That’s how Hitler started, he pulled in the youth to miseducate them, to brainwash them, it’s happening today.”

“It saddens me that we are teaching garbage in the schools and in the college. We don’t teach history anymore. History repeats itself over and over.

Propaganda distorts and confounds. The behaviors we are witnessing are a testament to the propaganda machine that has brainwashed too many of our young citizens. It is our responsibility to speak up in times like these. I’d like to say how much I appreciate a voice of experience from a woman who is taking the risk to express herself, especially when she knows first hand what the violent protesters are capable of promoting and doing.

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15 Responses to Pointed Response to Allegations that Trump is Like Hitler

  1. Dwester says:

    We are a fascist country. Bottom Line the mixing of Business with Gov is fascism. The fact that profits come before life itself is ridicules.. All Modern US Presidents Like Reagan, Clinton, Bush 1 & 2 and Obama have contributed. But it is Trump who has hired White Nationalists.

    The Hired Paramilitary anarchists do not speak for the students of UC Berkley. So Epic Fail!

    Hitler comparisons actually are coming from the take down of Democracy. Both parties are guilty, however the German playbook and what is happening under trump is insane.

    The Muslim ban vs Jews? Try to Control the Media? Militarization of local police?

    Make no mistake the US Gov has been going down this path but Trump is the nail in the coffin. Bannon = Goebbels

    “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933 – 1945…but then it was too late”

    “What no one seemed to notice,” said a colleague of mine, a philologist, “was the ever widening gap, after 1933, between the government and the people. Just think how very wide this gap was to begin with, here in Germany. And it became always wider. You know, it doesn’t make people close to their government to be told that this is a people’s government, a true democracy, or to be enrolled in civilian defense, or even to vote. All this has little, really nothing, to do with knowing one is governing.

    “What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could not understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it.

    “This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.

    They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933 – 1945…but then it was too late


    • Tina says:

      “But it is Trump who has hired White Nationalists.”

      You are fond of posting specious accusations without evidence. In other words you are an absurd spit baller.

      There is a difference between “doing business with” and “controlling.” When you know the difference get back to me.

      Perhaps you should look into who inspired and/or hired the anarchists and the purpose for doing so.

      “Both parties are guilty, however the German playbook and what is happening under trump is insane.”

      Evidence? Your stupid opinion is not enough, sorry.

      “The Muslim ban vs Jews? ”

      Ignorant tripe. The ban is for any person coming from seven countries where terrorist activity is rampant and the ability to vet is nearly impossible…and it’ is temporary.

      What do Jews have to do with it? (Are you a Jew hater?)

      Control the Media?

      You mean refusing to put up with a media that is politicized and determined to undermine and destroy the presidency of Trump? There’s no reason the leader of our nation (any leader) has to put up with “so-called” reporters who purposely get the story wrong, run with fake news, or decline to print important information to the American people. That isn’t control, it is protecting the people’s right to know and supporting reporters in doing their jobs responsibly!

      “Militarization of local police?”

      See above regarding reporters! Under Obama local police were targeted, shamed, and set up for violence toward them with LIES and posturing! The border patrol was ordered not to enforce our laws. Bringing law and order and respect for our laws and nation back will take an herculean effort. Local law enforcement is getting the support they need to deal with the chaotic mess in the bureaucracy and the sadly dangerous situation on the streets. CRIMINALS are the only ones who need to fear Trump and if those who are here without papers can be patient, I think they will be surprised with what will follow. plan to update and improve our immigration laws can follow. The only fly in the ointment is the radicals on the left who are more interested in protecting criminals than they are in keeping our streets safe or seeing our nation’s laws respected once again. They are more interested in furthering the notion that conservatives/republicans are racist for political reasons than in fixing an ongoing problem. (If your record of pigheadedness is any indication, you will continue to buy the racist garbage.)

      Nice bit of German history…and so what? You have not suggested a single thing that Bannon or Trump has done that puts them in the same box with Hitler. Your hyperbole is way over the top, which is why I posted the German woman’s warning. For heavens sake man, Trump has not been in power for more than a few weeks.

      Support of a president that made certain promises DOES NOT translate to an irrational “sense of identification.” If Trump disappoints us he will hear from conservatives. The feverish masses that elected Obama no matter what and the fawning press that drooled over his every act for eight years more explicitly fits your quoted scenario.

      Your idiotic notions about conservatives cloud your thought processes. We are for less government control, not more! We call rebuke our leaders when they don’t perform according to promises, especially promises to downsize government and pay off debt. We also realize this nation has spent at least eight decades making this big government footprint a reality and with the deviousness of the opposition working against all efforts to downsize and return power to the people it won’t be easy to downsize…witness the violent masses in the street blocking DeVos from entering a school to TALK and OBSERVE to see what is going wrong. Lefties and anarchists protect the teachers unions at the expense of America’s most needy and under-served students! It’s INSANE! (Democrats stick together no matter what, never criticize their own, and always vote for more federal control)

      Dewey your level of “homework” isn’t getting the job done for you. You don’t have any idea what conservatives are like or what they want to accomplish. Odd since you seem to want some of the same things.

  2. Harold says:

    Balder von Shirach, it is a interesting read worth understanding how there is a parallel between war time Germany educators and those currently that exhibit “over the top” bias educators with strong political activism in America.

    Papers and assignments in schools (especially higher education) are designed to slant the thinking of todays impressionable youth toward a left leaning ideology, it is the parents responsibility to interact with their children about what studies they are being taught and those they are not exposed to as well.

    Educators like the media are starting to be exposed, possibly that is more the reason Betsy DeVos was challenged by the liberals as hard as she was. She has a understanding of the current structure of U.S. education, and frankly may have the answers to a better curriculum, verse the waste and tenure of todays primary and middle schools in their dealing with formidable minds of our youth.

    Parents often seek out better school districts as their choice of residence and when involved with their children’s schools will seek out the best education for their children.

    The protests exhibited on campus today, are a example of administration and faculty not taking control of preventing violent protests, such as the resent examples like Berkley, whom it has been reported were just telling campus police to stand-down, absolutely disgusting, but the reality is so typical of current liberal pandering you wonder if they got their degrees in a prison setting.

    • Tina says:

      Harold your observations on the damage done though poor education are on the mark. In particular our colleges are not serving our nations young people well. But there’s good news on the K-12 front. Government sponsored charter schools in some of Americans poorest cities is increasing dramatically. Fox Business reported on the updated statistics this week. I don’t recall all of them but New Orleans is at 98%…don’t know where the statistics came from but they follow a trend. This report is fro 2012:

      The most misleading statistic in American education is the fact that just 4 percent of American children attend charter schools. A blip, this is! A rounding error! Totally insignificant!

      What the national figure hides is the immense variation in charter school “market share” (or “penetration,” if you prefer) in cities around the nation—ranging from 0 percent in Seattle to 76 percent in New Orleans.

      But a picture is worth a thousand words. (See chart at link) Here, courtesy of a recent report from the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, is charter-school enrollment as a percentage of total public school enrollment, calculated by district. (The bigger the dot, the bigger the charter-school market share.)

      A few things are noteworthy:

      *At least when it comes to market share, charter schools are only a big deal in the Eastern half of the country. That’s surprising, as so much of the “entrepreneurial” charter-school energy comes from the West Coast. California, Arizona, and Texas may have big numbers of charter students, but they are dwarfed by even larger student populations overall.

      *The Rust Belt is Ground Zero for charter-school competition. Notice the large, overlapping blobs for Cleveland, Detroit, Flint, Toledo, and Youngstown. What is it about car country that seems to attract charter schools? Surprisingly, considering the region’s labor history, Michigan and Ohio are among the friendliest states for charter start-ups, especially those run by for-profit chains. It shows.

      Progress is often gradual in any endeavor worth pursuing, especially an endeavor as big as this. I’m proud to be among those who are pressing for better education for our young people, the future of our nation. It’s unacceptable that our educators have witnessed declining results without taking steps to positively change the situation. It’s unacceptable that their union protects bad teachers at the expense of (especially poor) children in support of democrats.

  3. dewster says:

    LOL Tina Another thing, There are peaceful protestors. Violence comes from small groups some hired.

    I can just imagine what you would have written about those “Thugs” That threw the Tea over Board in 1773.

    Those horrible Thugs who took up Arms against the Kings Army.

    Also you are out of touch with our youth. They are becoming well informed and have their own news sites. They know that they are oppressed. They do not want heavy student loan burdens subject to high interest, swat teams, and low wages.

    Corporations make money filing Bankruptcy as the current President has yet they are somehow slaves to out of hand student loan interest.

    You my friend sit in Chico and try to tell others what to think.

    If you think appointing a cabinet of unqualified millionaires who’s sole purpose is to destroy the agencies they are to run will win over the next gen? Then you are about to see what real dissent looks like.

    • Tina says:

      “Violence comes from small groups some hired. ”

      Agreed. Who encouraged the violence if not our former president and his thuggish AG Holder? Who sponsors the violent protesters? There is evidence that George Soros through leftist “non-profits” fund them. Good news…they will be prosecuted under Trump whenever possible. Unfortunately cities held by liberals will continue to be trashed and burned without consequence unless they break federal laws.

      “I can just imagine what you would have written about those “Thugs” That threw the Tea over Board in 1773.”

      You wouldn’t have to imagine had you been with PS from the start. I did write positively about our historic beginnings, including the Boston Tea Party. Your error is in thinking that the thugs in our streets have a similarly noble cause. We already live in a free republic. We have representation. Before going off half cocked it’s imperative to know not only our history but the actual positions of those we choose to protest. You have called conservatives fascist when nothing could be further from the truth. People in favor of less government, a smaller federal footprint, cutting spending and bringing down the debt are NOT fascist. They are FOR freedom…just like the patriots who founded our nation. We are also absolutely behind civil rights and part of the party of Lincoln that fought racism and discrimination for decades following the civil war.

      I’m not “out of touch” with our youth. I have two grandchildren. I hope they are becoming “well informed” but if the protesters are your evidence you are not informed. these people are irrational. Most cannot answer the simplest questions when interviewed. They participate based on what they believe from media and activist educator influence and hype and raw emotion. Most of the “oppression” they experience comes from leftist unions, educators, and policy. If they want freedom they must also accept personal responsibility and embrace the idea of individual, rather than group, rights per our founding principles. We do not want high interest student loan, unnecessary swat teams, or low wages. The very idea that we do is tripe!

      I’ve explained bankruptcy laws to you before…you stil do not get that the laws protect the subcontractors and others BEFORE the corporate owners and stockholders…it is a way to prevent TOTAL loss to those involved. NO endeavor is free of risk and the idea of a risk-less society is an impossible dream usually promised by a fascist type. The world will always have rich people. Sometimes their endeavors don’t work. Be grateful that MOST of what they do increased opportunity for others. Be thankful that our bankruptcy laws lesson the risk for contractors and other who also assume the risk when they accept the job.

      Think whatever you like. I am for freedom of thought. You aren’t attempting to silence me with intimidation are you?

      What exactly makes a millionaire “unqualified?”

      I think if we are successful in downsizing an out of control powerful and expensive federal bureaucracy that wields excessive control over young people’s lives, blunts their progress and eliminates choices they will be pleasantly surprised. Once again, they have to be willing to observe without bias to make that determination. If they simply follow the lefts propaganda machine they will remain ignorant and controlled.

      Dewey there is so much that you do not know and perhaps even more you believe that just isn’t so.

  4. RHT447 says:

    Quote of the day—

    “In order to have a world run by Senator Ranse Stoddard, you first need a Tom Doniphon to do the dirty work of clearing out Liberty Valance.”

  5. Peggy says:

    Off topic.

    Wondering how much crow Moonbeam is willing to eat? And if he’s willing to use the funds for the “climate-reading satellites” he was going to use Calif. tax money on for the flood damage instead?

    Gov. Jerry Brown Asks Trump For Fed Funds To Cleanup Storm Damage

    “Gov. Jerry Brown asked President Donald Trump for federal funds Friday night to clean up damage a series of deadly storms caused last month that helped end California’s long drought.

    Brown is asking the White House for $162 million in federal aid  to contend with storms that caused flash floods, power outages, and damage to various state-funded projects.

    The governor’s prickly relationship with the new commander-in-chief could hamper the funds. Their disagreements stem mostly from Trump’s temporary immigration ban and from his stance on global warming. The governor vowed to maintain California’s sanctuary state status.

    “Let me be clear: We will defend everybody — every man, woman and child — who has come here for a better life and has contributed to the well-being of our state,” Brown said in his State of the State address.

    Their position on global warming is just as acrimonious. He told reporters in December – before the floods – that he would work directly with other countries to strengthen some of the most stringent environmental policies in the world.

    “California can make a significant contribution to advancing the cause of dealing with climate change, irrespective of what goes on in Washington,” Brown said at the time.
    Brown has been working to position California, which voted for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by a wide margin, as the anti-Trump state ever since the real estate tycoon won the presidency.

    The governor made similar comments in earlier that month when he said California would launch its own climate-reading satellites if President-elect Donald Trump pulled funding for NASA’s climate research program.


  6. RHT447 says:

    Here is the face of the enemy within. Kristallnacht, anyone?


  7. RHT447 says:

    Trump is like Hitler. Sure. And Jerry Brown is like Jefferson Davis?

    California Goes Confederate.

    “Instead, California is becoming a reactionary two-tier state of masters and serfs whose culture is as peculiar and out of step with the rest of the country as was the antebellum South’s. No wonder the state lashes out at the rest of the nation with threatened updated versions of the Old Confederacy’s secession and nullification.”

    Read the rest here:


  8. J. Soden says:

    Anyone wanting to compare TheDonald to Hitler should first visit Dachau outside Munich, Aushweitz outside Berlin (only open in the summer) and the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. to see the REALITY of a butcher!

    • RHT447 says:

      From your lips to God’s ears. I have been to Dachau, as I mentioned awhile back. The loony left like the woman in my post above have no idea of the fire they are playing with. There is a lot of able-bodied gray hair still kicking who were trained by the generation that fought the real Nazis. They can only be pushed so far.

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