Sweden’s Immigration Problem

by Jack

“For years Sweden has regarded itself as a “humanitarian superpower” – making its mark by offering refugee to those fleeing war and persecution.

But people’s patience with their visitors is wearing thin following a year of violence, sickening sex assaults and the death of social worker Alexandra Mezher, 22, who was knifed to death at an asylum center for unaccompanied children at the hands of a Somalian migrant who claimed he was 15.

At the time, her grieving mother, an immigrant herself from the Middle East said: “Immigration has destroyed Sweden.”

Sweden, a country of 9.8million, took 163,000 asylum seekers in 2015, in 2016 it was more and currently 16% of Sweden’s population is due to immigration from middle eastern countries and from other Muslim war zones. Why? Because Swedish people are warm, caring, generous and liberal to a fault.

Ask your average Swede about the spike in sexual assaults, shootings, robbery and thefts and they will likely say it’s not a Muslim problem, it’s just a problem that coincidentally arrived at the same time the mass immigration arrived.

They prefer to be in denial than to admit these ills came with the hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants. Swedes are very sensitive about not being called racist. This is why they won’t even record the offenders race on crime reports, this is how they bend over backwards to avoid any hint of bias towards anyone for any reason.

But, the times are changing. They are beginning to realize what they have brought into their country. They are beginning to fear that more than they fear being called an Islamophobe. The anger and resistance is growing among the Swedes and that is saying something. Swedes are so slow to anger over anything, they would rather just roll with the punches…but, as we are seeing, they do have limits.

Sweden’s socialist system worked well enough for their indigenous population, even though they had to pay taxes of up to 80% of their income, but now that system is being overwhelmed. They’ve brought in so many people asking for asylum without any thought of if they had jobs for them or not? This has further burdened their system to the point of exhaustion.

As one Swedish critic put it, “We brought people in from countries that have a medieval understanding of human rights, science, and religion and somehow we expected them to just blend in to an advanced and enlightened Swedish society. Of course, we hoped they would, but what did we base that on? Nothing. We just had hope. Now we have Muslims trying to assimilate us and our country, this is crazy!”

Yep, it is. I feel sorry for Sweden with your “no go” zones for police. Seems like you have lost control over parts of your country. But, if its any consolation, America is trying very hard not to learn from your mistakes.

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19 Responses to Sweden’s Immigration Problem

  1. Libby says:

    Jack, you’ve used that graphic before. A preoccupation of yours? If so, it’s an irrational one.

    Unemployed immigrants in Sweden did decide to riot Monday night. Where do you suppose they got that idea?

    If the Swedes sent us a bill, I wouldn’t blame them.

    • Joe says:

      If the Swedes sent us a bill, I wouldn’t blame them.

      And if you had your way you’d make Mr. Jack pay it, no doubt.

      Why don’t you house a few illegal aliens…er…immigrants yourself? I bet you have an extra room or two in your house. And when those are full you could pitch some tents in your back yard.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    The United States should take a hard, realistic look at the myriad of problems, social ills, crime and terrorism mass Islamic immigration has brought to Europe. We should not follow in the same path. If some noxious left-wing politically correct twit wants to call me a racist Islamophobic xenophobe, so be it. (*YAWN*) If Islamophobia means I reject the intolerance, sexism, homophobia, repression and abject brutality practiced in all Islamic regimes, then I embrace “Islamophobia.” But I am not “Islamophobic” and people who use such slurs as a counter argument are contemptible and despicable fools playing a dysfunctional, juvenile, politically correct moral authoritarian game.

    Sweden, by the way, has a political/social culture that is completely foreign to our concept of free speech and an authoritarian government which enforces a politically correct denial of the problems associated with mass Islamic immigration.

    Facts are facts. Islam has some real problems integrating into western democracies despite the fact some Muslims are Islamic reformists who embrace the precepts of human rights, tolerance, democracy and western values and laws.

    Tucker Carlson had an outstanding guest today from “Refuse Fascism” who emphatically, passionately and rudely asserts that Trump is a fascist attempting to establish a fascist dictatorship. (Her manifesto hilariously states “no insult or exaggeration” but does exactly that and then she goes on to use insult and exaggeration in to argue her views the interview.) I would like to see such people go to North Korea, Iran, or even Saudi Arabia, shoot their mouths off and try and survive. They might learn something about true fascistic authoritarianism since looking in the mirror obviously doesn’t do any good.

    The interview segment begins about 18:40 but the whole show is worth watching. View it right away before it gets yanked or search for it if it does. —
    Tucker Carlson 02/21/2017

    • J. Soden says:

      Well said, Pie!
      Being called an islamophobe means nothing other than that the name-caller can’t come up with a reasonable argument. Same for being called “racist” or “fascist.”

      • Bryan H. says:

        In some cases, you’re right. Believe it or not, I’ve been called a racist too. I’ve been called a transphobe for asking a question about whether cis authors should write trans characters. Sometimes people use insults they don’t know the meaning of.

        Judging from Pie’s comment it doesn’t seem to me that he’s an Islamophobe. There are real problems in the religion that need to be addressed for the sake of the people within the religion and the world at large. Immigration also has to be handled carefully.

        I think it’s fair to call Trump an Islamophobe because he has spread actual lies about Muslims (claiming he saw thousands cheer 9/11 in NJ) and used ethnic stereotypes in personal arguments against them (maybe she wasn’t allowed to speak). He also has gone as far as claiming some attacks were acts of Islamic terror even when they weren’t (a double murder of Americans in Australia). His whole campaign was based on fear of Muslims and other immigrants.

        Pie’s argument above is much more nuanced than Trump’s and from the looks of it I wouldn’t mind seeing him write his speeches and/or tweets.

  3. Tina says:

    I doubt it will get yanked. This woman is exactly the type of ignorant zealot the left loves to throw out into the street. What a silly freak!

    She and others like her should be required to put up a bond for all the crazy violence that tags along. And this chic better watch herself…she claims peaceful protest but she is a drama queen and given the right circumstances she may not be able to control herself: “We must drive them out…we must stay in the streets…we must drive them out”

    ” Nigel Farage Drops Truth Bomb: The Younger Generation Screaming ‘Fascist’ Have Become the Thing They Loathe the Most ”

    An understatement perhaps?

    Disorderly conduct laws:

    What is Inciting a Riot?

    A riot is essentially thought of as mob mentality. A riot can occur as the direct result of many things, and can certainly be blamed on one individual. Noted historical psychological authority, Sigmund Freud viewed crowds as crazed, criminal, unanimous masses of anonymous individuals who had ceded psychological control of themselves to the group mind and whose behavior was being directly controlled by the mob.

    The notion of mob psychology and riots, still lives on. But in general, riots, and race riots specifically, are incidents in which all those involved have a motive for participating. Everyone involved in rioting makes purposeful choices about their own behavior, but they are sometimes coordinated by an individual or group of individuals, and those are the people who are usually charged with inciting a riot.

    A typical inciting a riot charge is nowhere near as dramatic as it sounds. Being rowdy and angry within a group could be enough to get you arrested and accused of this criminal offense.

    Better check those shoes….

  4. Bryan H. says:

    As one Swedish critic put it“We brought people in from countries that have a medieval understanding of human rights, science, and religion and somehow we expected them to just blend in to an advanced and enlightened Swedish society. Of course, we hoped they would, but what did we base that on? Nothing. We just had hope. Now we have Muslims trying to assimilate us and our country, this is crazy!”

    This quote does not seem to exist. I Googled it and the only result that turned up was this blog post. Where did you get it from?

    Sweden changed their definition of rape in the early 2000s and now has the broadest legal definition in the world. Coupled with the higher rate of prosecution and a culture where women’s accusations are more strongly believed, couldn’t that account for the increase in the rape rate?

    Also, any discussion of Muslim refugees and violence in Sweden is incomplete without mentioning the violence perpetrated against them by white supremacists. Last month a bomb was detonated in a refugee center, injuring one person. In October police arrested three white supremacists for attempting to blow up a mosque. I have no data on who is committing more violence, refugees or the people who hate them, but I’m sure the white supremacists would agree that “Immigration has destroyed Sweden.”

    • Joe says:

      You implying Mr. Jack is a white supremacist?

      • Bryan H. says:

        No, and I’m sorry. I phrased that poorly and ended up making a guilt-by-association argument that I should not have.

        I am saying that white supremacists are motivated by the belief that immigration is ruining their country. But of course someone can believe that and not be a white supremacist. I just think it’s an irrational belief.

        • Tina says:

          What would it take for you to begin to believe otherwise. How bad does it have to get?

          • Libby says:

            What on earth do you mean by “bad”?

            If the coal miners could be persuaded to go work in this country’s downright toxic meat processing facilities (as the previous labor force has been deported), all well and good. But I do not think that is going to happen. I think, white boys that they are, they’re gonna sit on their Appalachian keisters and snivel.

            And you’re gonna be paying a whole lot of money for chicken, while assorted growers and processors go broke.

          • Bryan H. says:

            Immigration isn’t making our country “bad” now.

    • Pie Guevara says:

      Re: I have no data on who is committing more violence, refugees or the people who hate them, but I’m sure the white supremacists would agree that “Immigration has destroyed Sweden.”

      Of course you have no data. Of course you are sure that white supremacists would agree that “Immigration has destroyed Sweden” and by saying so imply that anyone who has the same or similar view is a white supremacist.

      **** you Chris. You are not a clever as you think you are.

      • Bryan H. says:

        “Of course you are sure that white supremacists would agree that “Immigration has destroyed Sweden””

        Of course I am. This is what white supremacists say. It’s what Anders Breivik said. How can you not know this?

        “and by saying so imply that anyone who has the same or similar view is a white supremacist.”

        I already apologized for that. No, this view doesn’t make someone a white supremacist. But it is often based on unquestioned racist and xenophobic beliefs.

        • Tina says:

          “… it is often based on unquestioned racist and xenophobic beliefs.”

          Often by a forest of arrogant toddler adults who think they have what it takes to decide whether whites have “unquestioned racist and xenophobic beliefs.”

          How many of these come from other nations? How many have been raised in households with such bigoted notions?

          Most of them, under the guidance of their bigoted and corrupted instructors, are too young to know that their elders (White, black, brown, yellow and red) already went through this soul searching and we spent the next 30-40 decades making amends and reaching across fences to rid our nation of such hatred, racism, and bigotry. We believed in equal justice and equal rights and we walked those beliefs out. This is something that will never be completely eradicated but we sure pushed the malingering few into a hidey-hole. What the heck happened? Who or what is behind this hateful, uncalled for mis-labeling of (certain) white people?

          I am so sick of the these thought police children from hell who spend their days monitoring for imagined slights after spending two minutes on the planet. They seem to be too stupid to realize they are being used as pawns in a devious game to divide and concur.

          The really sad thing is they’ve killed all ability and desire to consider and discuss problems or to work to create solutions. Hate and exclusion, along with moronic, backwards PC rules, drive their passions.

          Assimilation is an important aspect of immigration policy. The left seems to have thrown that out the window. I have a feeling that this shift is at least part of the reason we are seeing so much anti-white (and antisemitic) hatred and derision among our young.

          And the Democrats are about to make a Louis Farrakhan, Muslim Brotherhood supporter, Keith Ellison, the head of their party. This will drive militant hatred and divisions hard.

          • Bryan H. says:

            “Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, publicly renounced his association with the Nation of Islam in 2006 after it became an issue during his run for Congress, when local Republican bloggers began publishing his old law school columns and photos connecting him to the organization.
            “I have long since distanced myself from and rejected the Nation of Islam due to its propagation of bigoted and anti-Semitic ideas and statements, as well as other issues,” Ellison wrote at the time.”


          • Peggy says:

            You nailed it Tina. Those of us who lived through the 50s-60s with the civil rights movement, MLK, Rosa Parks are shaking our heads because we already went down this road in the hopes we had resolved what divided us and had come together for the betterment of everyone.

            Those young enough to have not lived during those times believe they’re dealing with all of this for the first time. Even though they’ve read about it in history books they have no personal connection and believe we failed.

            We didn’t fail, we all took giant steps forward. While we didn’t resolve all problems we, with MLKs leadership and example, came together.
            Did we resolve all of the issues? No, but no one can deny great accomplishments were made.

            Not going to place blame on any one person, but many of Obama’s statements did have a direct impact. Telling Republicans ‘they had to sit in the back of the bus’ was divisive and completely uncalled for.

            Arguing with Chris/Brian is like talking to a wall. He knows not of what he speaks since he’s relying on what he reads and without real life experience.

            My attitude is, “Been there, done that.” Not going back down that road again. Call me a racist, a bigot or whatever you feel like. Doing so only shows the person’s own lack of knowledge, bigotry and racism tendencies.

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