Crude, Rude…Fascists? Get Real!

Posted by Tina

Okay…it’s time to put up or shut up. Lefty media, democrats and blog junkies are furious over the tone and content of President Trump’s remarks. They say he’s crude and authoritarian…unlike any other. Never mind Obamacare was shoved down our throats without representation from the right. Never mind their standard bearer for eight years was a man who encouraged his supporters to “get in their face.” Never mind his slams on police officers created an atmosphere for violence, property destruction, and murder. Never mind opposition party leaders are now paying people (brown shirts) to agitate in the streets with signs urging the ousting of our newly elected president, a fascist tactic employed by both Hitler and Mussolini! Isn’t all of this rage and outrage just that, a fantastically modeled game? They also feign outrage over Trumps crude unseemly rhetoric. But they know their own are, and have always been, crude, rude, nasty and therefore, “unfit to lead.” They demonstrate it all the time.

Grabien posts a quote from MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski in an article titled, , “Brzezinski: ‘Our Job’ Is to Control ‘Exactly What People Think'”:

While discussing President Trump’s entreaties to the American people to remain skeptical of the press, Bzezinski worried that if the economy turns south, Americans may end up trusting him over the media.

“And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think,” Brzezinski said. “And that, that is our job.”

SCARBOROUGH: “Exactly. That is exactly what I hear. What Yamiche said is what I hear from all the Trump supporters that I talk to who were Trump voters and are still Trump supporters. They go, ‘Yeah you guys are going crazy. He’s doing — what are you so surprised about? He is doing exactly what he said he is going to do.'”

BRZEZINSKI: “Well, I think that the dangerous, you know, edges here are that he is trying to undermine the media and trying to make up his own facts. And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that, that is our job.”

The comment failed to raise any eyebrows from her co-panelists. Instead, her co-host, Joe Scarborough, said that Trump’s media antagonism puts him on par with Mussolini and Lenin.

Rep. Maxine Waters, Democrat CA, once again MSNBC offers the platform:

Maxine Waters: I just think the American people need to know what is going on. This is a bunch of scumbags. That’s what they are. They’re all organized around making money. (video at the link)…this Kremlin Clan….

I thought about posting even more examples but I think the point here is made. The left sees in Trump what has always been there within their own ranks. Radical screamers and news agitators hated and disparaged the Tea Party…now they want to be them. This hypocrisy adds weight to the fact that the left is phony. Unfortunately they still do not get what the Tea Party was or what the people who joined up wanted. They think it was just about agitating, yelling and screaming. They see it through the lens of their own fascistic game. These games mess with our lives. They cost communities and individuals a lot of money, especially when they devolve into violence.

Civility! It’s a word. You on the left might want to chill, shut your mouths for awhile, and study it’s meaning. You are not better than others. You do not own the high road. You are as flawed as anyone else and your leaders have been as flawed as you claim Donald Trump is. You loved and promoted Clinton even after he diddled with an intern and was accused by several women of misogyny and violent rape. Your entertainment arm supports and excuses the behavior of Roman Polanski. It’s time to get real before you turn even more people against you.

Patheos, “Forget Millennials. A new generation is coming of age: Generation-Z. It’s being heralded as the most conservative generation since 1945.”

LA Times, “Millennials are more conservative than Boomers or Gen Xers were at their age, study finds”

TownHall, “The Surprising Rise of the Hispanic Millennial Libertarian”

DataLounge, “Generation Z more Conservative than Millennials on Gay Issues”

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28 Responses to Crude, Rude…Fascists? Get Real!

  1. Libby says:

    Are you nuts? You all spent the whole eight years of the OA stocking ammo and making noise.

    But we’re not allowed? Get real.

    The Orange One keeps sacking people who disagree with him, he’ll never get his administration staffed … which is actually not a bad thing … and we are not going to stop making noise. So the Trumpster is going to have to toughen up, grow some stones.

    Mitch was a riot today … “losers go home”, he says … in your dreams Mitch. Losers in your face! … pointing out the cruel inequities of your “policy”. And if you don’t like it, that is just too damned bad.

    Isn’t this fun?

    • Tina says:

      We stocked ammo…exactly what impact did that have on your life or community? We disagreed with policy…how often did we destroy property or harass anyone in the courts? I suppose you think those people who were denied equal treatment and treated badly by the IRS didn’t have a right to object. You’d be wrong! That’s the time when a citizen has the responsibility to object.

      That isn’t what we are seeing from you sore loser lefties. We see bullying, harassment, violence, property destruction, assault, name calling, objections to what you imagine “might happen”…and incredible intolerance and bad manners.

      ” Losers in your face! ”

      There’s our girl…a real sore loser jerk.

      What cruel inequities…the ones about abiding by the laws of the nation? Cruel to whom? Isn’t it cruel to shelter criminals so they can murder and rob our citizens…again? Isn’t it cruel to purposely bring in hordes of people to overwhelm local schools and other services? Isn’t it cruel to subject our citizens to diseases. Cruel could be a stamp on the last eight years…the cruelty of a poor job market…the cruelty of putting coal miners out on the streets for less than a 1% difference in air quality…the cruelty of jobs lost due to banking and manufacturing businesses dying…the cruelty of losses in health insurance and the replacement too expensive to use…plus a fine if you decline to buy what you can’t use.

      I can tolerate a difference of opinion. I enjoy debating the merits and failings of different ideas. What has become intolerable in this free nation is the sack of sleaze who see themselves as better and more deserving and who will not accept the outcome of an election graciously. The bitter, nasty, destructive crap you imagine is natural in the opposition is just that…crap! It’s no wonder you people have been rejected resoundingly.

      Go ahead scream and holler and shout names. It just makes you look like a pack of ignorant fools.

      • Libby says:

        Taking unconstitutional actions to court is not “harassment”. Why are you always feeling persecuted over the perfectly ordinary workings of our democracy?

        What’s more, and I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to explain this to you … you cannot denigrate an entire group, “the opposition”, the Muslims”, whatever, over the bad behavior of a few members. This is not a moral thing to do. The badly behaved get arrested, but the group … you have to deal with.

        We let you have your Tea Party, didn’t we? Though in my somewhat less-than-humble opinion, the blatantly racist origins of the movement were as offensive as any rock ever thrown.

        And Bryan … the dictionary … “fascism”. I work hard here, to get them to toe the line, semantically speaking. Let’s not muddy the waters.

        • Bryan H. says:

          I appreciate what you do, Libby, but I still think the term “fascism” applies to any group that uses violence to advance their agenda.

          But wow, nearly all the complaints in Tina’s comments are based on “alternative facts.” I guess if I believed hordes of immigrants were bringing in unprecedented levels of crime and diseases, I’d be mad too. But I don’t believe it, because it isn’t true. And I know it’s not true because I get my news from reliable news sources, not “alternative news.”

          • Libby says:

            An avowed communist who blows something up is not a fascist, he’s a communist. Any member of any ideological persuasion can resort to violence.

            We have a great deal of trouble with this sort of thing. And I think that in this era of alternative realities, it is extremely important to use the words correctly.

          • Dewster says:

            Fascism is mixing Business in gov The police state is the authoritarian part of it.

            Both Parties Guilty but Trump inherited it and is out of control.

            Now Arizona is about to pass a bill that amounts to being accused of organizing a protest, not even going allows the police to seize all your assets?

            First They Came
            Pastor Martin Niemoller

            “First they came for the Communists
            And I did not speak out
            Because I was not a Communist
            Then they came for the Socialists
            And I did not speak out
            Because I was not a Socialist
            Then they came for the trade unionists
            And I did not speak out
            Because I was not a trade unionist
            Then they came for the Jews
            And I did not speak out
            Because I was not a Jew
            Then they came for me
            And there was no one left
            To speak out for me.”

  2. Bryan H. says:

    That Brzezinski quote is outrageous and definitely indicates a totalitarian bent. Is she a Democrat? I know her co-host Scarborough is a Republican.

    It’s true that many in the media see it as their job to influence public opinion rather than to just report the facts. Since most of the media leans left it is fair to say this is a bigger problem on the left than it is on the right.

    I don’t agree that Trump is no worse than past leaders on both the left and right. But I do agree that anyone who uses violence to advance their agenda is a fascist, including the so-called “anti-fascists” who attacked Berkeley.

  3. J. Soden says:

    Mika slipped up and admitted what the moron media presstitutes actually believe.

    Unfortunately for them, those same media presstitutes opinions are putting them on the dislike/distrust list even WORSE than used car salespeople!

  4. Peggy says:

    Looks like CNN is going to be on the hot seat tomorrow when James O’Keefe releases his latest video exposing what’s going on inside the newsroom.

    I too am so fed up with the Dems’ and medias’ double standards it’s sickening. It was Obama who led this nation to the mess it is with a bunch of willing lemmings lapping at his heals. Now, because their queen Hillary isn’t sitting in the Oval office they believe they have the right to blame Trump for all of their wrong doings.

    The people proved Jonathan Gruber wrong when he said American were too stupid to understand, and they’ll prove him, the media and the Dems they’re all wrong in the upcoming elections.

    CNN Might Be a Little Nervous After James O’Keefe Announces He’ll Release Hours of ‘Hidden Camera Tapes’:

    “Conservative activist James O’Keefe on Wednesday teased the release of the so-called “CNN Leaks,” promising the new video footage would be available on Thursday.”

    • Bryan H. says:

      Looks like CNN is going to be on the hot seat tomorrow when James O’Keefe releases his latest video exposing what’s going on inside the newsroom.

      Come on. You can’t possibly still believe any altered videos that this cartoon rat eating out of a dumpster puts out, can you? Every single hidden camera video he’s put out has been heavily and misleadingly edited. Every single one. Why do you enjoy being lied to, mocked and insulted?

  5. Dewster says:

    LOL You want to talk Authoritarian Then let’s have the conversation.

    the 2 Party System is a sham.

    But now explain to me what Obamacare is and how it was shoved down your throat.

    Are you not on Medicare?

    • Tina says:

      I have explained many times, Dewey. You are either too stupid, or too stubborn, to get it…and also too prejudiced against me to understand the positions I hold.

      I’ve never favored Medicare. I WAS FORCED TO PAY into it. Over the last thirty years I paid both the employee portion AND the employer portion for all of my employees including my husband and I. We could have used that money to build a bigger nest egg for our retirements, a nest egg that would include enough for private insurance to cover my medical.

      If you add the amount we each pay into SS, instead of into private retirement pensions, the amount the government takes (And misuses and squanders) is ridiculous. Why shouldn’t the individual, instead of our wasteful government, benefit from his work? CATO in 2012:

      Despite recent declines in the stock market, a worker who had invested privately over the past 40 years would have still earned an average yearly return of 6.85 percent investing in the S&P 500, 3.46 percent from corporate bonds, and 2.44 percent from government bonds.

      If workers who retired in 2011 had been allowed to invest the employee half of the Social Security payroll tax over their working lifetime, they would retire with more income than if they relied on Social Security. Indeed, even in the worst-case scenario—a low-wage worker who invested entirely in bonds—the benefits from private investment would equal those from traditional Social Security.

      people think they

      2012, Time Magazine, “Social Security Now Takes More Than it Gives”

      Government programs are not a panacea. In fact they are often a sham. Wise up, Dewey. We want every American to grow in wealth and prosperity. In order to see that happen there has to be incentive to work and invest in ourselves. Government programs make us dependent and poor…poor in spirit and poor in our bank accounts.

      I am in favor of safety net programs for the TRULY NEEDY. I despise legislation that forces people to become more and more needy!

      We had Obamacare because radicals on the left wanted it and they LIED to the people about what it would mean and how much it would cost. The legislation was written with taxes kicking in in the later years so the CBO scoring would be favorable in the early years…an unscrupulous, deceitful tactic! Nancy Pelosi wagged her finger and repeated over and over and over that it would be “affordable.” Millions of Americans found that not only was it not affordable but was often too expensive to use with high deductibles. YES…it was shoved down our throats and without a single republican in support.

      Talk about CRUEL! What the radical progressives have done to this nation is an abomination. We are a free nation, proud of our strengths as free, hard working people. Immigrants came to this land to be free, to be independent, to
      have personal control in their lives…not to succumb to government control!

      Wise up Dewey…I’m one of the guys that fights for smaller government…and more freedom (and responsibility) for every individual. That’s how we AVOID fascism!!!

  6. dewster says:

    Check out this honerab.e off duty Cop. This will truly ake you proud.

    Video on tweet

    Now he did not actually shoot the 13 yr old boy but had him arrested saying he threatened to shoot the cop.

    Yep nothing wrong in America

    Racist police officers are much more likely to kill someone than any “Islamic radical” the news tells you to be afraid of

    • Tina says:

      Now tell us the rest of the story Dewey.

      Spit balls don’t fly here.

      • Dewster says:

        Ah Tina I think it is evident.

        The off duty cop did not have the right to pull a 13 year old boy over to his property.

        What did the boy do ya mean? He walked across the man’s lawn.

        Secondly the irresponsibility of pulling a weapon out? No one will ever know if it accidentally discharged or he pulled the trigger.

        What is evident is the man does not have the judgement to carry a badge at all.

        I think every one of us could have handled that better. Well we will see by your answer at least.

        How dare a Black boy walk on his grass right?

        Bringing out a gun while pulling the boy over to your property where the law allows you do do and say anything is just normal right?

  7. Peggy says:

    Off topic.

    Gov. Moonbeam snuck into Oroville to obverse the damage to the dam by his and other past governors negligence. I don’t think he had the backbone to face thousands of irate residences who were denied the opportunity to hold him accountable and to explain where the money that should have been spent on the dam went.

    California Governor Jerry Brown makes secret stop in Oroville:

    “The governor was at the Department of Water Resources Wednesday in Oroville getting a briefing on the spillway repairs.

    Action News Now reporter Sara Stinson was at the Department of Water Resources Wednesday afternoon where she saw Governor Brown. When she inquired about the governor’s presence, she was told “he was not there,” and was immediately escorted out of the tent briefing room and was informed only of spillway repairs.”

  8. Peggy says:

    Here’s another major story the biased left-wing media isn’t covering. Obama’s DHS tried to hack Indiana’s and Georgia’s election system. If Bush or Trump had done this it would be wall to wall coverage on every news channel.

    EXCLUSIVE: Obama’s Feds Tried to Hack Indiana’s Election System While Pence Was Governor:

    “Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials tried to hack Indiana’s state electoral system with at least 14,800 “scans” or hits between Nov. 1, 2016, to Dec. 16, 2016, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned.
    The attacks are the second confirmed IT scanning assault by DHS officials against states that resisted then-President Barack Obama’s attempt to increase federal involvement in state and local election systems by designating them as “critical infrastructure” for national security.

    Members of the National Association of Secretaries of State voted Saturday at their winter meeting to oppose the designation. They are asking President Donald Trump to overturn it. 

    Former Indiana Gov. Mike Pence was also Trump’s vice presidential-elect during much of the period covered by the DHS scans of the Indiana system.

    The state’s IT team traced the intruder to a DHS computer’s IP address. The same DHS unit attempted 10 times in 2016 to hack into the Georgia electoral system.
    Federal officials are barred under DHS rules from trying to penetrate a state system without the express approval of the state. Neither Georgia nor Indiana approved the DHS scanning attempts.

    The DHS inspector general has launched an official investigation into the Georgia breach attempt.

    Thomas Vessely, IT director for the Indiana secretary of state, told TheDCNF that “we kindly declined [DHS] assistance because we were very comfortable in the work we were doing in monitoring our election system.”

    Read more:

    • Peggy says:

      In other words it wasn’t Putin who tried to hack our election to influence the outcome it was Obama. No surprise there, but will anything be done? Hum, now with Trump in charge, maybe.

      • Tina says:

        All of this went on when the bummer man was in office. His vow to fundamentally transform our nation had many tentacles. It’s clear he expects it to continue even after he’s gone.

        Drain the swamp!

    • Dewster says:


      DNC stole the Primary. Well documented election irregularities.

      General Election – Kris kobac’s Interstate Crosscheck threw thousands of voters off the rolls because the had “like Names” even if middle initial was different.

      The USA is low on the list for democratic elections in the world. It is a corrupt battle of the donors.

      Clinton ‘s Third wave is an extreme corporatist party that took over the DNC The Koch tea party is an extreme Billionaire network that took over the GOP.

      People did not vote because Hillary and Donald was not a choice for the people.

      The majority of the Country wanted neither. Two party System is a Sham

      There are more people who will not claim either Party than in these parties

      reform will come

  9. RHT447 says:

    Meanwhile, in the kalifornia state senate, the ever inclusive dems carry on—

    More ammo, anyone?

  10. Peggy says:

    The lying Dems are even setting up town hall meetings on their own, without the approval or coordination with the candidate and then screaming that the candidate was a no show.

    Expect this to happen for the next four years unless they are exposed for the lying gutter slime they are.

    Marco Rubio Slammed for ‘Skipping His Own Town Hall’ — But Then the Truth Comes Out: It Wasn’t His:

    “Just a week or so ago, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) had his face plastered all over several counties — and not because he was running a campaign.

    Rather, an activist group demanding that he answer for his recent votes confirming Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos had placed hundreds of “wanted” posters on public streets, encouraging the public to call him at his Florida and Washington offices.

    The phrasing on the posters suggested that the senator was refusing to speak with his constituents.

    Now, as thousands are calling for town hall-style meetings with their representatives, Rubio is under fire again — this time because, according to Salon, he “skipped his own town hall meeting.”

    Their headline reads: “Marco Rubio says people ‘get rude and stupid’ at town hall meetings, doesn’t show up to his own” and includes an additional teaser line: “Sen. Marco Rubio for failing to appear at a town hall meeting on Thursday and lied about his whereabouts.”

    But when Independent Journal Review reached out to Senator Rubio’s staff, the story changed dramatically…

    Rubio Press Secretary Matt Wolking told IJR:

    “As part of the strategy of disruption outlined in their online activist manual, the organizers are deceiving people by falsely advertising these events, which are not connected to us in any way.

    We have been fully accessible and responsive to constituents, and our staff has already met with hundreds of these liberal activists at our offices across Florida.


    But despite the fact that Indivisible continued to push their claims about Rubio’s “failure to show up,” a post on their own website indicated that they knew well before the scheduled “town hall” that he was not going to be able to attend:

    February 19, 2017, 9:00 AM. Fort Lauderdale, FL — Indivisible South Florida will be joining as cosponsor of an upcoming Constituents Town Hall for Sen. Marco Rubio to be held Thursday, February 23, 2017 from 6:00 PM–9:00 PM at the Universalist Unitarian Church, 7701 SW 76th Avenue, Miami, 33143.  The event, created by Indivisible Miami, is also co-sponsored by the Women’s March of Miami and South Florida Against the Insanity Action Group.

    Indivisible Miami offered to co-host an event with Florida U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, who will be unable to attend the event as he is in Europe fulfilling duties as part of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee.”

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