President Trump’s Speech to Congress

by Jack

“To any in Congress who do not believe we should enforce our laws, I would ask you this question: what would you say to the American family that loses their jobs, their income, or a loved one, because America refused to uphold its laws and defend its borders?

Our obligation is to serve, protect, and defend the citizens of the United States. We are also taking strong measures to protect our Nation from Radical Islamic Terrorism.”

It was his finest hour and perhaps one of the best speeches by any president ever given to Congress. Yes, it was that good. However, if you were one of the lefty nay-sayers on a scavenger hunt looking for flaws, hoping that President Trump would somehow fail, then you must be extremely disappointed. The President reached out to all Americans tonight and offer a plan for American success, one that is reasonable, believable and doable.

“We have begun to drain the swamp of government corruption by imposing a 5 year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials — and a lifetime ban on becoming lobbyists for a foreign government.”

There were many times that democrats, who sat across the isle from the republicans, found it difficult to stay in their seats, surrounded by a resounding applause for school choice, backing up our law enforcement community, honoring our veterans, regulatory reform, tax reform, keeping jobs at home, wiping ISIS the murderers of so many innocent men, women and children, off the face of the earth. He spoke of rebuilding our infrastructure, and fair merit-based immigration reform and so much more. This was truly a great time for those of us who have previously only seen one side of Donald Trump. Tonight we saw a leader who reached across party lines and spoke about core American issues and core American values, this what we can all support and should support.

The republican party has been berated, vilified and beaten down for years. They (GOP) are not used to this kind victory and they’re still in shock, still making adjustments and acclimating. For many of those in Congress who are true patriots, who may have become disillusioned with the division, bickering and unending roadblocks, this speech is just what they needed to hear to get back in the game. Their mission has never been made more clear, do it for America, put America first, leave partisan politics behind and lets get America back on track. These are my words, but it’s what I took away from the president’s message.

Let me make this absolutely clear, Trump was more bi-partisan than ever before and he delivered exactly what the left and the right needed to hear. He was eloquent, succinct and reassuring to all. If you missed this speech I urge you to do yourself a favor, seek it out and read or listen for yourself. For the full context of his speech click the following link.

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28 Responses to President Trump’s Speech to Congress

  1. Peggy says:

    Democrats Chris Wallace and Van Jones are even praising Trump, saying he became president tonight. It will be interesting to see what other Dems and the biased media has to say tomorrow.

    Can’t help wonder how all of those Dem women who wore white to protest Trump, giving him the thumb down sign on several occasions, felt when he talked about working with Canada to establish programs for women entrepreneurs and also to set up a national maternity/parenting leave.

    Didn’t vote for him, but am very impressed with what he’s accomplished in just 40 days and his speech tonight has given me and several others on Facebook hope for our country.

  2. Libby says:

    Alas, I listen only to five words … then switched it off quick, so’s I wouldn’t scream.

    It’s a shame. This was his chance to abandon the immigrant-bashing demagoguery and talk like a statesman. He chose not to take it.

  3. Peggy says:

    Here is what many of us saw the Dems do last night. While many of his critics in the media, like Van Jones, Chris Wallace and Rachel Maddow, reached a pivotal point and accepted that Trump IS our president.

    “On the other hand, while Trump’s messaging was on point, Democrat messaging was somewhat less inspiring. Of course, we’re all familiar with how the Clapping Game is played during these speeches: The president’s party gives a standing ovation after every third syllable while the opposition party chooses its applause spots more carefully, usually electing to clap only when bipartisan platitudes are offered. But that changed last night.

    Democrats remained seated with their hands in their laps even as Trump uttered the most non-controversial and universal of sentiments. They refused to applaud when Trump said we should put Americans first. The refused to applaud when Trump talked about fighting drug addiction in the inner city and corruption in Washington. They refused to applaud when Trump discussed the need to make sure certain blue collar Americans, like coal miners, still have jobs. They refused to applaud Trump’s vow to fight Islamic terrorism. They refused to applaud when Trump movingly stated that “we all salute the same flag and are made by the same God.” When the president highlighted the victims of illegal immigrant crime, many Democrats let out audible groans of disgust. And, most shameful of all, a number of top Democrats refused to stand and clap as the president honored the widow of a fallen Navy SEAL.

    Disgusting. Truly disgusting.”

    • Libby says:

      “When the president highlighted the victims of illegal immigrant crime, many Democrats let out audible groans of disgust.”

      You bet they did. That was the bit I caught … and it was disgusting, the very last word in demonizing demagoguery. Bashing the nation’s entire immigrant community with the actions of a single individual is beyond slimey.

      What’s more, and we’ve been over these statistics before … if the mean murder rate in the US is 16,000 per annum, then on the day that the unaccountably paroled gang-banger killed his cousin and a police officer, 40 other people also got murdered by good old-fashioned, upright Americans. To make any sort of distinction between said murderers makes no sense at all … unless you are a racist and a xenophobe … in which case, actually, it makes perfect sense.

      God, I’m glad I didn’t listen to the whole thing.

      • Tina says:

        Trump didn’t bash the entire immigrant community. Once again your own wicked mean-spirited mind finds fault where there is NONE! No wonder you have so much hatred and prejudice in your comments.

        • Libby says:

          Yes, he did. You can deny it all you like … but that is what he did, and not for the first time. As I am informed, his entire speech was the same old, same old, in a more somber tone.

          Tell me, did he lay out any plans for how he was gonna accomplish this, that, and the other?

          Never mind, I am informed that he did not. And I will be checking in with you, two years from now, about this.

      • Tina says:

        A few comments back you said you only listened to “five words” and then “switched it off quick. These remarks didn’t happen within the first five words. Guess you watched more than you at first would admit to watching. Why all the histrionics?

        • Libby says:

          I didn’t come in on the beginning. The last time I listened to Trump doings while driving, I ran off the road and blew a tire … so I don’t do that anymore.

      • Peggy says:

        Libby – “You bet they did. That was the bit I caught … and it was disgusting,”

        No, Libs you are the degusting one. Do you not comprehend the word “victim?” What has so many people pissed off today is your party fails to recognize victims unless they are on your party’s approved list. Being in this county ILLEGALLY and killing another person is at the top apparently of those who are the real victims.

        Programs for victims of violent crimes already exist to help those who have been victimized. But, you heartless creations object to a similar program being set up for those killed by one of your protected special species on their way to becoming a future voter, if they aren’t already.

        I’ll bet you laughed at the widows tears and the young woman in the wheelchair too. I’ll double down and bet you went into hysterics when the camera was on the slain officers wives and the daughter. Or how about the father whose son had a full football scholarship, did you just chuckle a little for his loss?

        What doesn’t make sense is knowing people like you walk amongst us. Very scary. I hope we never meet in person. You are truly degusting.

        • Libby says:

          Well, I would let this go … if I never again had to hear the phrase “victim card”. But there is small chance of that. It’s one of your favorites. So, as to the widow …

          Some of you may have gleaned that I am a big Jane Austen fan … not just the prose, but the worldview. Decorum, public and private, was a big deal in the early 19th century. Jane describes it and on occasion skewers it, but, once upon a time, you just didn’t make a scene in public. I know it’s terribly Waspy of me, but I admire restraint.

          Jane is also very good with, umm, we could call them “social engineers”, the manipulators in any given social group. And I despise them. I truly despise the Trumpsters who invited that poor woman to the speech, to be exploited and humiliated in public. They made use of a widow in her grief to provide an emotional sop to you … and you should be ashamed to have clutched it to your bosom like you did.

          This country is going to the dogs.

        • Bryan H. says:

          Every time someone is a victim of a crime it is a tragedy.

          But singling out one class of people as uniquely dangerous–when the exact opposite is true–is just propaganda. I didn’t laugh at any of the victims, but I did shake my head that Trump was using them to further the lie that illegal immigrants are bringing in a crime wave. This has been the message from the beginning, and it has never been true.

          Illegal immigration is wrong. So make that argument on its merits. Don’t invent and misrepresent statistics to make them look like supercriminals, the way Trump did. Even the study he cited to back up his claims of the costs of immigration doesn’t say what he claims it does–it says the economic benefits outweigh the costs.

          We can respect victims without using their tragedies to further political agendas and scapegoat communities.

          • Peggy says:

            Oh but Chris and Libby I don’t remember you accusing Obama of using his and Michelle’s guest as propaganda pieces. Correct me if I’m wrong but did you object when survivors and victims of the Boston bombing were invited? How about the single veteran mom Sabrina Jenkins who had $90,000 in student loans? No? How about one or two of these, like the former Cuban prisoner or the wounded veteran who fought in Afghanistan. Note the article says they were invited as props for his speech.

            So spare us all the Trump is doing the unthinkable, because from what I read, during a private meeting between him and the widow she gave him permission to speak about her husband. Remember Trump flew to be there when his body landed on US soil without any press just to be there for the family. Obama and Hillary on the other had met the four men of Benghazi’s bodies with every camera and newscaster assigned to record the lies they repeated over their caskets and to the family members.

            Please drop the hypocritical unrighteous indignation. It’s really getting old.

            “Former Cuba prisoner Alan Gross and astronaut Scott Kelly will be among first lady Michelle Obama’s guests at Tuesday night’s State of the Union Address, the White House announced Monday.

            The 22 guests also include students and educators, health care officials and recipients, government officials, and a wounded veteran who fought in Afghanistan. Some of the guests wrote letters to Obama about various issues.”

            How about a little history on invited guest?

            These Are The Most Memorable State Of The Union Guests:
            “On Jan. 26, 1982, President Ronald Reagan began the tradition of honoring extraordinary Americans during the annual State of the Union address.

            These presidential guests have been called “Skutniks” after Lenny Skutnik, a Congressional Budget Office employee who dove into the icy Potomac River in 1982 to drag a woman to safety after a plane crash.

            Reagan invited Skutnik to sit with first lady Nancy Reagan, and during his speech hailed Skutnik for exemplifying “the spirit of American heroism at its finest.”

            In the following years, invited guests have included teachers, war heroes, athletes and celebrities.

            The White House usually invites guests whose stories “illustrate themes in the president’s speech,” the Boston Globe notes.

            During the 1990s, President Bill Clinton invited baseball player Sammy Sosa in recognition for his relief efforts in the Dominican Republic.
            Later, President George W. Bush invited two flight attendants who helped stop a shoe bomb from detonating. President Barack Obama has invited the parents of Christina Taylor Green and Hadiya Pendleton, two victims of gun violence.

            We’ve highlighted the most memorable invited SOTU guests from the past 33 years. Watch the video above.

            For a full list of past invited presidential guests, click here.”


          • Peggy says:

            Enough said, by another SEAL’s widow.

            There’s Another Widow of Fallen Navy SEAL — and She’s Not Holding Back on Trump’s Tribute at Speech:
            “Taya Kyle said Wednesday that watching people politicize President Donald Trump’s tribute to fallen SEAL William “Ryan” Owens and his widow makes her “sick” to her stomach.

            And Kyle has much more authority to speak on the issue than any of the political pundits who have accused Trump of using Carryn Owens, a grieving widow, as a “prop.”

            Kyle is the widow of legendary Navy SEAL Chris Kyle. She knows Carryn Owens’ pain all too well.

            Responding to filmmaker Michael Moore’s claim that Owens was exploited to give an “f-you to the people who are criticizing Trump,” Kyle said forcefully:

            “It makes me sick to my stomach, it makes me angry. Because he is saying two things when he says that to me, that…she’s a fool and doesn’t know she’s being used — and that’s ridiculous. It couldn’t be farther from the truth. It’s also saying that this wasn’t warranted and in some way this always has to be political.”

            Kyle then sent a clear message to everyone trying to make the Owens’ tribute about politics:

            “It totally negates the meaning behind this. And the meaning of it – for all the people watching who cried with her – is that some valiant people are out there fighting, not for Republicans, not for Democrats. They’re fighting for this country. And God bless them for doing it.”

            Carryn Owens is not a “poor widow.” She is “strong” and her husband is a hero, Kyle added.

            “She has more strength in her little finger than most people would have in their lifetime,” she said. “She’s lived a life where she had to be strong. And this is another step in her journey of being stronger than she wants to be.”


        • Peggy says:

          The polls are showing that people are getting sick and tired of the Dem’s games Libby. Pelosi’s approval rating is in the toilet along with the radical left’s prospect of gaining more seats in Congress next election.

          Your problem is you think people who don’t have BA, BS, Masters, PhD or live in Hollywood, SF or NY are too stupid to see what you all are up to.

          Since the majority of people don’t have high level degrees, but instead work very hard to ink out a living have developed a very high level of common sense and know when someone is lying to them. Their conclusions were based on the Dem’s long history of doing so. “You can keep your doctor…. You can keep your plan…. You will save $2500 a year” ….. “We have to pass the bill before you can find out what’s in it.”

          Have a good day Libs. Looking forward to the next election when more of your party looses again.

  4. J. Soden says:

    Too many highlights to list here!

    But lowlight of the evening was when Debbie Blabbermouth-Schultz and Assistant DNC Chair Ellison remained seated when the wife of deceased SEAL was honored. ‘Nuff said.

    • Tina says:

      A cheesy act on the part of the blabbermouth and Ellison.

      But the 2 minute standing O to honor the SEAL more than made up for the slice of Limburger.

    • Peggy says:

      Dems, media and fake fact checkers are trying to claim that the Dems did stand during the deceased SEAL’s wife recognition. Here are pictures of the House floor clearly showing and naming all of the Dems who remained seated, including Pelosi, Sanders, Murray, etc.

      FACT CHECK: What Really Happened During Standing Ovation for Navy SEAL’s Widow at Trump Speech:

      “Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Al Franken (D-MN), and other Democratic members of Congress did rise and applaud, especially on the second round of ovation. Even justices on the Supreme Court joined in to show their gratitude.

      Former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and other top Democrats, however, remained seated. As pointed out earlier by Independent Journal Review’s Benny Johnson, other key members of party leadership refused to stand. Namely, former DNC Chair and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), who just lost his bid for DNC Chair.

      The fact-check of the “fact checkers”?

  5. Dewster says:

    OK So I turned him off 5 times. Felt guilty so I tried.

    He gave more false facts than true…..

    So how can there be any conversation.

    no different than GW or Obama


    #danger to all

  6. Tina says:

    Boogie men n the closet.

    You have all the answers…what are they?

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