Democrat’s Response to President Trump’s Address to Congress

by Jack

Here’s the democrat response to President Trumps Speech by ex- Gov. Peashears of Kentucky. This guy sounds like Ross Perot with an even thicker southern drawl.

“I’m a proud Democrat, but first and foremost, I’m a proud Republican, and mostly I’m an American,” said Peashears in a telecast from a small diner in his home state.

It was not clear why Gov. Peashear called himself a “proud Republican,” but he continued without pause….

“Now, I used to be the dimmie-crat governor of this here state and then I was replaced by a republican, only because of one thing, Obamie was like a boat anchor around my neck, but that’s another story.

Now let’s talk about President Trump.  Oh, sure he said all the right things and I cain’t find much wrong with his speech, but what I want to know is, if he’s so dern good, why then after a 100 long days in office hasn’t he fixed what President Obama screwed up in the last 8 years, huh? Y’all answer me that one!

Now my fellow American’s, let’s talk about what’s on this president’s agenda and I warn you, it sure ain’t good. He wants to deny federal funding to sanctuary cities just cause they are breakin the law by aidin and abettin a few tens of thousands of illegal aliens. Well, la dee dah, aidin and abettin, aren’t we bein a little uppidy here? I think so, and so do every illegal alien voter in this great country and that includes the 11% of illegals in the democrat party.  President Trump seems to think the rule of law is more important than votin.  And besides, who’s goin ta pick our cotton or shuck our corn. Think about that one.

Next, President Trump wants to reform Obamie-care.  He want’s to reduce the cost of healthcare so health insurance will be more affordable.  Reduce costs, since when is that something government does?  That would mean less regulatin, less gubernment control and bringin in more competition in from across state borders.  If that ain’t crazy, I don’t know what is! lol

President Trump was talkin about school choice and I thought, well… alright, until I heard he wasn’t talkin about schools for whites and schools for blacks.  See, that was the choice I had when I was growin up.  I rose up to be a state gobernor.   I was doing jes fine, until Obamie came along.  But, this guy Trump, he was talking about lettin folks choose what school they think is best for their lil children.   Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous? Given parents a choice where they send their kids for schoolin? It’s a proven fact, wherever that’s been tried the good schools get all the good kids that want to learn and the bad schools have to close their doors, that ain’t fair because it forces teachers to work harder for the same money.

President used the words, Muslim and Terrorist in the same sentence.  How do you spell begot?  No seriously, how do you spell big-aught?  Well, nuff said about that.

In confusion let me say one more impotent thing.  What we heared tonight sounded good, but when you exam his words close, he was callin for all Americans to come together and work for the common good, that is socialism.  That ain’t partisan politics and it sure ain’t the democrat way!

So, I ask you, don’t you want to keep our borders open to new voters?  Don’t you want to keep  the poor, the criminal and the drug dealers here in America where we kin rehabita-….,er, re-habulate, uh, dag nabit, …where we kin rehab em into good democrat voters?  And don’t you want to keep our lawyers employed?  They are now busy making up guberment regulations, rules and ordinances that we can use to get more money from big businesses and the rich folk? And let’s not overlook awl, you know about awl right? Awl should not come from inside America cause it will cause us to sink into the ocean and thats a  fact.  Let some other country sink onced they pumped all their awl out.

Y’all vote demmicrat, good night.”

And there you have the democrat response to President Trumps address to the Congress of the United States.

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14 Responses to Democrat’s Response to President Trump’s Address to Congress

  1. Dewster says:

    Jeeze I will have to watch it sometime

    Cause no one on the opposition Team did!

    Establishment GOP and DNC are dead We are coming after both in the name of Democracy

    And Sorry Trump is not on that Team

  2. Peggy says:

    That dimwit ex-Kentucky governor was the icing on the cake highlighting what bad shape the Democrats are in. They couldn’t find anyone willing to make that speech that wasn’t under the age of 50, who would be showcased as a future leader for their party.

    The Democrat party is dead, this guy was one of the pallbearers.

    • Dewster says:

      Peggy if you think Dems are your problem//OK have fun

      Cause Progressives have no party….

      • Peggy says:

        Not officially, but they are very much in control of the Democrat party and working on gaining control on the other. Looks like from it’s history it went underground and has risen behind the curtain.

        Progressive Party:

        “The party`s platform should have appealed strongly to blacks, intellectuals, and labor union members, but the support given them by the Communist Party was used against them by both major parties. The progressives maintained their right to accept support from any group. This was high-principled but politically fatal. Wallace received only 2.4 percent of the popular vote and carried no state.

        In 1950, the party opposed America`s decision to fight in Korea. Wallace split with the party`s leadership on the issue and resigned from the party. The Progressive Party disappeared after the 1952 election. Only time will tell if another progressive party will be formed.”

        • Tina says:

          Peggy the power in the Progressive Party did indeed go underground. They changed their own label from “progressive” (associated with communism and unpopular in America) to liberal.

          They still wanted to appeal to “blacks, intellectuals, and labor union members,” and so quietly found a more permanent home within the Democrat Party. The college students that headed the rebellion in the sixties and seventies now pepper the institutions of power and have moved the party so far left it’s practically unrecognizable. Reasonable Democrats have been leaving the party since the eighties.

          This radical Dem Party really believed after Obama was reelected that they had prevailed to become America’s single party of power. They want socialism in one form or another to use as a ladder to move our nation, and the various nations, toward one world rule. Such arrogance! No wonder they’re so Hitler focused…they are like he was, drunk in the quest for power and enamored with their own voices and thoughts.

          But the American people have different idea for our country, thank God. No wonder the radical left hate Trump, he threw a wrench in their plans.

          Bottom line, whether labeled progressive or liberal, these days they are pretty much the same animal.

    • Libby says:

      How can we be dead, when we took Virginia to court, and prevailed?

      A little flabby, maybe, but certainly not dead yet.

  3. Tina says:

    What IS a progressive , Dewey?

  4. J. Soden says:

    Rush referred to him and his response as Captain Kangaroo. Looks like Rush is right AGAIN!

  5. Libby says:

    And yet more Democratic response:

    We are a witty bunch:

    “At one point, Republican lawmakers in the chamber leapt to their feet, cheering in sycophantic approval, when Trump announced that he was going to put an end to the “uncontrolled entry” into the United States of people “from places where proper vetting cannot occur.”

    “This is a classic Trumpian stunt, inventing a problem and then promising to fix it. There is no free access for refugees to this country — it takes about two years to clear the vetting process — and none of the fatal terrorist attacks in the United States since 9/11 have been committed by people from the seven countries Trump targeted with his anti-Muslim visa ban.”

    “If Trump did nothing about immigration, he could cross “uncontrolled entry” off his list because it’s not happening and it never has. Under Trump’s leadership, there won’t be any flying pigs, either, and Bigfoot will finally be prevented from tracking his muddy footprints through the Capitol Rotunda.”

    Now, see, this is the sort of analytical thinking I was telling you about. Taking Trump’s pronouncements on their face simply will not do … because they are largely horsepucky. I’m sorry that it grieves him when we point this out, but it is our duty as citizens, and we ain’t gonna quit.

    Now, about Mr. Sessions. I am perplexed. As a number of, even Republican, Congresspersons seem convinced that the evidence of Mr. Sessions’ Russian involvements is genuine and correct … what is this about resignation? People who lie to the Congress (particularly, I would think, during their confirmation hearing for a cabinet post) are supposed to get arrested, tried, and if convicted, go to jail.

    • J. Soden says:

      “We are a witty bunch.”

      You’re half-right, Lib!

    • Tina says:

      ” none of the fatal terrorist attacks in the United States since 9/11 have been committed by people from the seven countries Trump targeted…”

      What purpose is served by misrepresenting the whole truth?

      First of all this is Obama’s list.

      Secondly, as TownHall reported (Links included at TownHall):

      In June 2016 the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, then chaired by new Attorney General Jeff Sessions, released a report on individuals convicted in terror cases since 9/11. Using open sources (because the Obama administration refused to provide government records), the report found that 380 out of 580 people convicted in terror cases since 9/11 were foreign-born. The report is no longer available on the Senate website, but a summary published by Fox News is available here.

      The Center has obtained a copy of the information compiled by the subcommittee. The information compiled includes names of offenders, dates of conviction, terror group affiliation, federal criminal charges, sentence imposed, state of residence, and immigration history.

      The Center has extracted information on 72 individuals named in the Senate report whose country of origin is one of the seven terror-associated countries included in the vetting executive order: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

      According to the report, at least 17 individuals entered as refugees from these terror-prone countries. Three came in on student visas and one arrived on a diplomatic visa.

      At least 25 of these immigrants eventually became citizens. Ten were lawful permanent residents, and four were illegal aliens.

      These immigrant terrorists lived in at least 16 different states, with the largest number from the terror-associated countries living in New York (10), Minnesota (8), California (8), and Michigan (6). …

      Thirty-three of the 72 individuals from the seven terror-associated countries were convicted of very serious terror-related crimes, and were sentenced to at least three years imprisonment. The crimes included use of a weapon of mass destruction, conspiracy to commit a terror act, material support of a terrorist or terror group, international money laundering conspiracy, possession of explosives or missiles, and unlawful possession of a machine gun.

      So, the travel moratorium isn’t some arbitrary provision. It’s based in some truth. It’s also true that three are state sponsors of terror, while the other four have shoddy central governments or no government at all. You think this is a good foundation for vetting? Lee Smith at The Weekly Standard also listed terror suspects who were caught or killed that are from these countries as well:

      Abdul Razak Artan, a Somali refugee, and permanent resident alien, used his car and a knife to attack fellow students at the Ohio State University in December, 2016 before he was shot to death by police.

      Anwar al-Awlaki was an American-born dual national with Yemeni citizenship who, according to Michael Leiter, former director of the National Counterterrorism Center, had a “direct operational role” in the “underwear bomber” plot against a Detroit-bound plane with 289 passengers aboard. Awlaki may also have played a part in the Fort Hood attack, which left 13 dead, and another 30 wounded. Awlaki was killed in a 2011 drone attack ordered by President Barack Obama.

      Mansour Arbabsiar, a naturalized American citizen who was also an Iranian national, plotted together with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States in a Washington, D.C. restaurant. The operation would have likely resulted in mass casualties in the nation’s capital. In September 2013, Arbabsiar was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

      No wonder why the Obama administration selected the very nations listed on Trump’s order as areas of concern in their 2015 visa waiver program.

      Since the nations involved are highly unlikely to have good records this temporary ban makes sense, especially for a newly formed administration.

      But what is really so, is that this temporary ban is seen as a good tool in tool box for keeping the American people safe…Trump takes that sworn duty very seriously.

      You don’t have to agree. But you are a phony and a hypocrite for treating Trump differently than you treated Obama over the nations on this list.

  6. Dewster says:

    Posted by Tina Aug 19th 2016

    “Well it’s been quite a week hasn’t it? President Obama has been vacationing on Martha’s Vinyard, playing golf and taking time out to fundraise with Hillary. ”

    An Independents Response …… To all this Bullcrap

    Obama was a cost of 8.5 Million in 8 years for vacation travel and did not directly enrich himself or his family on these trips.

    So Far Trump has cost us aprox 12 Million in 6 weeks for vacation costs. Uses Mar Logo to promote his Brand presence and upped the membership Fee to 200K?
    Selling access?

    Now that is not all New York has a cost of 300K a day when Trump is there and 120K a day when he is not.

    Taxpayers are paying rent for trumps lavish lifestyle? Secret Service and Air Trips? and which company are they paying these high rates to?

    Time to get off this Red and Blue Game. Time to take back our Gov.


    Close your eyes and think what you would write if this was Obama

    • Tina says:

      It’s difficult to take you seriously when your information is so far off base.

      Information gathered so far through Freedom of Information requests put the cost to taxpayers at over $96 million for the Obama’s in eight years and that doesn’t count the cost to cities where he required extra local security:

      “The Obamas’ notorious abuse of presidential travel perks wasted military resources and stressed the Secret Service. Judicial Watch estimates that the final costs of Obama’s unnecessary vacation and political travel will well exceed $100 million.”

      Before I have a hissy fit over Trumps travel expense to the taxpayer I’d like to see the amount he saves the taxpayer by eliminating waste. I’d like to see the amount the taxpayer gets to keep of his own money.

      You still have not articulated a plan to “take back” the government OR shared with us what that will look like should it happen.

      If not red and blue, what?

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