Public Records Listed on Fox News Tend to Support Trump’s Allegation of Wire Taps or at least spying on his team

Thanks go to RHT for this little gem…. Libby, please watch it all.


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15 Responses to Public Records Listed on Fox News Tend to Support Trump’s Allegation of Wire Taps or at least spying on his team

  1. J. Soden says:

    One interesting thing outta the wiretapping flap is that the FISA court may be held accountable – or at least changes the way they do business – when US citizens are targeted rightly or wrongly by secret wiretaps.
    Right now, anything FISA is covered by a blanket of “national security” even when there is no proof and when individuals can be targeted for political reasons (James Rosen, Sharyl Atkinsson, AP reporters, Angela Merkel and other leaders) and that can cover everything from spying to a case of housemaid’s knee.

    And remember that to Obumble, the end always justifies the means . . . . . .

    The best pesticide for political shenanigans is shining the light of day on them – instead of burying them under mountains of paperwork.

  2. Harold says:

    Mark Levin did a excellent job in his presentation, and the “Liberal Alphabet media” did what they normally do when they tried, (in vane) to dispute it in a typical Liberal slander by referring to Levin who is a constitutional lawyer as a “conspiracy talk show host”
    LOL Liberals are so predictably demeaning, and the sad part is the Lib’s of the world lap it up like cats and a bowl of cream…..

  3. Peggy says:

    Former NSA member presented mind blowing information about our gov’t on the Hannity show today.

    NSA Whistleblower William Binney on The Sean Hannity Radio Show:

  4. Dewster says:

    Look this is Washington going nuts! This is a dangerous sign we have a president who does not even understand what a president is!

    That tweet is unhinged and scares the world.

    He is the flippin President! He can call the FBI, CIA ect ect and ask.

    To read Articles fed to him and react that way? Scary. Unprofessional! NOT PRESIDENTIAL!

    I question Bannon setting him up. But a President should be intelligent not reactionary.

    The NSA has all his conversations regardless they have all of ours!

    Trump has lost all credibility. HE Accused without collecting info after reading RW Media? He is the commander in Chief?

    This reactionary man should be no where near the nuclear codes.

    We can sort out the details. The FISA court said no then if they ever did tap it was because someone showed a Judge they had enough evidence to tap.

    I do not care how the story plays out. The Most important thing right now is the inability of this man to act like an adult. He has the Power to inquire before accusing another President.

    Both Trump and Hillary were UNDER INVESTIGATION>During the election. We wanted the election stopped because of that. 2 Criminals running!

    Presidents can not order Taps by the way.

    This country is in a Constitutional Crisis and it is not funny.


    Trump Must GO.

    He is not adult enough to be President.

    Make a Phone Call Donnie before you tweet!

  5. RHT447 says:

    An interesting analysis—

    ” In a sword fight, as in politics, the combatants often attack each other’s extremities (sword hand, extended foot, arm) first before venturing into body strike range. To get into killing range you must often risk being killed yourself. So sword fighters usually wait for their foes to weaken or an opening to develop.
    The most singular thing about Donald Trump’s wiretap accusation against Barack Obama is how he’s refusing to play the game of extremities –losing a Flynn here and getting a Sessions paralyzed there — and getting right into lethal range. Trump’s gone right past Schumer, ignored the surrogates and gone straight for the former president himself.”

    Read the rest here–

    Another link—

  6. Bryan H. says:

    He doesn’t “prove” anything. This has already been dissected–Levin didn’t provide evidence that Obama ordered a wiretap, or that Trump Tower was bugged. And Trump went much further than Levin in calling this a “fact.”

    He has classified intelligence available to him and he chooses to get his information from talk radio and Breitbart. And even then, he gets it wrong.

  7. Bryan H. says:

    A conservative takes aim at Levin’s pathetic attempt to salvage Trump’s case here:

    “One of the strangest elements of this episode is that Trump claimed something VERY different from what even Levin was theorizing about. And yet, after the story exploded, Levin has gone out of this way to create the grossly inaccurate impression that Trump is correct in his preposterous accusation, all while making a completely different case, one which, if true, is actually horrible for Trump in the big picture.

    What Levin is doing, in an obvious effort to help his King save face, is actually quite comical. He’s using a handful of anonymously sourced articles (which Trump supposedly hates) from publications he would never otherwise trust (part of Trump’s “fake news” crowd) to make an argument that there might have been a perfectly legal/legitimate effort to put some people in the Trump campaign under surveillance due to ties to Russia.

    So, to summarize, other than the stories being completely unconfirmed, Trump and Obama not being involved, Trump Tower not being targeted, wiretapping perhaps not even being used, and none of it seemingly being done illegally, Levin is trying to claim that Trump’s tweets, based in large part on his original commentary, totally hit the bullseye. The Mark Levin I know would have had a field day if someone from the other ‘team’ ever tried to pull that kind of stunt, but the days of intellectual consistency in the ‘conservative’ media are long gone.”

  8. Libby says:

    Guys … this was all written up in The Atlantic and other places months ago … the results of the Russian DNC hacking investigation, which was not conclusive, but did turn up fishiness to do with a Trump Campaign-Russia connection by way of some banks. And they did, all legally, get a subpoena to access the server through which these fishy communications traveled.

    Trump, at 3 in the morning, asserted that his premises in the Tower had been wiretapped. This is not the same thing, is it?

    It must be a million times, I’ve asked … when are you gonna stop letting these Fox Bozos push your buttons?

  9. Tina says:

    Probably as many times as we’ve asserted facts you, and your highly partisan and activist media will not address or condemn.

    The Obama administration abused it’s authority countless times and you, who pretend to be concerned on strictly moral or legal grounds, remained mute, unconcerned, and unoffended.

    You’re a phony Libs. What you think does not matter.

  10. Pete says:

    “If you’re going to take the tweets literally, then clearly the president was wrong,” Rep. Devin Nunes said.

    Said today concerning Trump’s wiretapping allegations against Obama.

    The thing is, and Trump clearly doesn’t get this, all things said by the President of the United States are, and should be, taken literally.

  11. Tina says:

    Pete I agree it would be best if we could trust everything that comes out of a president’s mouth. But we know it’s risky to take everything literally…particularly when we know they sometimes get it wrong…and in some cases deceive intentionally:

    Fact checkers in the last eight years found egregious errors coming out of Obama’s mouth:


    Western Journalism

    American Thinker:

    Curiously, one of our least effective presidents was known for his honesty — Jimmy Carter. But most of our greatest presidents skillfully mastered the art of deception.

    Even though President Lincoln earned the moniker Honest Abe, he was capable of duplicity; for example, saying he wasn’t negotiating with the South. FDR lied as he coaxed an isolationist nation into world war; Eisenhower lied about U2 spy planes; JFK lied that he wasn’t planning an invasion of Cuba; even Reagan was a bit disingenuous about arms for hostages. These distortions were mostly justifiable, constructed to deceive the enemy and protect the homeland.

    Damn Lies:

    Damn lies ratchet up the immorality quotient, and are what Obama specializes in when he actually knows what he’s doing. They’re concocted to protect a political future or ram through unpopular legislation under the guise that “If you like your health-care plan, you can keep it.” There’s a problem: millions of Americans with health plans that didn’t meet ObamaCare’s standards got cancellation notices.

    Devised to make palatable a vast redistribution of wealth, it rightfully earned Obama the lie of the year award. This was a damn lie he knew wasn’t true to help foist unpopular legislation on a skeptical public amidst all manner of corrupt wheeling and dealings. Every other major piece of social legislation in our history, including Social Security and Civil Rights, has enjoyed some bipartisan support, but not ObamaCare. At least Obama knew this damn lie wasn’t true, and there’s some Machiavellian comfort in that when we consider his delusional fiascoes.

    Obama Lies:

    There are worse lies — Obama lies, and they replicate when he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Since that’s most of the time, they’re quite plentiful. They’re repeated so often and are so deeply enmeshed in a contorted concoction of sophistry that they literally supplant reality. These pernicious things riddle Obama and distort his perceptions. Whereas many presidential lies protect us; Obama lies are protecting our enemies: ISIS marches on; Iran gets closer to the bomb as Obama rejects calls for more sanctions.

    Obama lies are insidious because they wriggle their slimy way through his delicate psyche, untethering him from the vast world beyond self or golf course. When reality dare intrude into his bubble of self-deceit it elicits cognitive dissonance, prompting his auto defense mechanisms to blast the interlopers as phony, or blame it on hyperbolic social media. Meanwhile, ISIS marches on, Iran gets closer to the big one, and the real interloper is our supposed Commander-in-Chief.

    Obama lies are an outgrowth of what French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre called “bad faith,” in which he not only deceives others, but also himself. In essence, he is choosing to not be free, but engulfed in bad faith. Over time, the habit of lying “divorces [Obama] further and further from reality, so [he] see less and less clearly the choices before [him] and what is at stake in them. Eventually, [he] may be unable to see what [he’s] really doing and how it is affecting others.”

    This is not abstract philosophical rumination, just consider his bizarre State of the Union address, which had the remarkable effect of eliciting bi-partisan unity: Obama is delusional on foreign policy. Obama bizarrely claimed that ISIS is on the defensive, but it soon reached the periphery of Ain al-Asad air base in Anbar Province which houses about 320 marines. And they certainly weren’t on the defensive when they captured the western Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi. …

    There will be plenty of time to evaluate Trumps tweets in the context of his record. Some of the tweets that have been criticized turned out to be accurate, at least more accurate than the positions of his detractors.

    I don’t ask that we give Trump a pass. I ask that he be given the same treatment that was afforded former President Obama (whose honeymoon period lasted at least two years) who was given the benefit of the doubt more often than not.

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