Economy Remains Sluggish – Q1 Growth Rate a Miserable .7%

Posted by Tina

The first quarter of 2017 reflects the inaction of Congress to fulfill their promise to lower tax rates and get our economy moving again. The miserable .7% growth, the weakest in three years, cannot be blamed on conservative policy but will become the Republican legacy if action is not taken and taken soon!

Tax cuts are needed to create stronger economic growth, get Americans back to work, and inspire entrepreneurial creativity and risk taking. Cutting tax rates has worked under Presidents of both parties from Kennedy forward. The longer Congress waits to get vital tax legislation done the longer the middle and lower classes will be forced to endure shared misery.

One significant consideration that is getting in the way is the insistence that the change be “paid for.” This fear is born of misconceptions about the future: 1. That the future is static-that more revenue will not be raised, 2. That cuts in spending, waste, and expensive unnecessary regulation will not be sufficient, 3. That repealing Obamacare is necessary first so that the savings there balances the cuts in rates.

The problem in the eighties, growing the debt, was a result of out of control spending…there was plenty of revenue. During Clinton’s term cuts in the tax rates generated a booming economy, sufficient revenue and thanks to the Newt Gingrich Congress a balanced budget.

If lawmakers want to impress us they need to get to work and get this done.

To understand the way cutting tax rates works to make our economy better watch this video. See the evidence of how this policy worked here, courtesy of CATO. Part III of this series will make you angry…learn about “dynamic scoring.”

It’s time for Congress to commit to something positive for the people…get tax reform done! A tax bill that’s not perfect will be better than doing nothing.

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12 Responses to Economy Remains Sluggish – Q1 Growth Rate a Miserable .7%

  1. TruthToPower says:

    The Economy?

    Tax cuts for the elite do nothing for the 99. Trickle Down has decimated the people.

    We are ramping up spending on war instead of fixing horrific infrastructure and creating jobs.

    Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and even Obama subscribed to Trickle Down.

    Reducing Revenue and increased spending on war may completely destroy us this next time.

    Then you will be saying we have to sell all assets to these Elite who got the tax cuts.

    This is the leveraged buyout of the USA we are witnessing.

    Foreign govs are buying

    • Tina says:

      DEWEY…you can’t hide behind a different name you know….

      Trickle down is what happens when the people can keep, spend and invest more of what they earn. How that can be a bad thing is something YOU need to explain to our readers.

      Trickle down is a stupid name because in actuality money trickles in all directions when people (all people) have extra money in their pockets. Some of it is spent on products and services (sideways trickling), some of it is invested (angular trickling) where it infuses businesses with cash to grow and expand, which in turn results in job creation (trickle down)…or spending (more sideways trickling). I could go on but the point is THE PEOPLE MAKE THE ECONOMY EXPAND AND GROW!

      For some reason you can’t stand this positive reality for the sole reason that wealthy people get to participate and benefit. Why you would deny a lot of middle class and poor people opportunity just because you resent the rich escapes me.

      So…please explain what happens when “trickle down” tax cuts are enacted. I want details! How do they work to harm the lower classes?

      Actually we are forced to rebuild our military after draconian cuts made under Obama. It was the same after Carter. Our air force hasn’t even had the money to make needed repairs to the planes that we ask our sons and daughters to fly! At the same time (See my newest post), we have been over paying government workers who don’t produce at the same rate as their private sector counterparts. There’s a lot of money to be saved in that waste. Better management of the military budget is one of the goals Trump has set.

      The difficulty is getting Congress to get on board. Trump is a negotiator. He’s already signaled willingness to work with Congress. time for them to step up.
      Reminder: Defense of the nation is a constitutional requirement.

      Infrastructure IS part of the Trump plan to get the economy going.

      If we are “destroyed” it will be due to decades of excessive government spending and egregiously poor management of the peoples money. It will be due to debt bubbles, including the 1/3 the size of our GDP college loan debt which was made worse by the LACK of trickle down to create private sector jobs. The newest generation has been handed a bag of poop by their leftists parents and grandparents who do not have a clue about finance and making the economy work. Obmaa DID NOT SUBSCRIBE to trickle down. He threw the GWB tax cuts a bone as a political move and then set out to impose massive hidden taxes and regulation that dessimated the middle class and gave no hope to young people.

      I don’t mind when people are ignorant. It just means they haven’t learned or don’t have the experience to make the knowledge make sense. The thing that’s difficult to abide is the stooooopidity of a closed, brainwashed mind.

      • Joe says:

        Ask Dewey what he and Libby have done with Pie.

      • TruthToPower says:

        Tina I am not hiding a name. I changed it cause Dewey does not work. Plain and Simple.

        Tina Trickle down is trickle to the caymans.

        decades of trickle down got us here.

        The US does not produce anything. We can not survive if a war cuts off our imports.

        We need to start new companies. Not traded on wall street.

        You are about to see a huge heist with Sears. The media will lay poor Eddie as he collects on the backend.

        The statue of limitations for Eddie as an insider ends in July….. Watch and learn

        • Tina says:

          “Trickle down is trickle to the caymans.”

          All of it? Or are those Cayman accounts simply forced by a greedy government that expects business to function under tax rates much higher than those paid by companies elsewhere in the world? Not only do they pay a higher rate, they also are asked to pay twice on oveseas sales…no other nation does that!

          How do you expect America to have a growing economy and good jobs when they treat the job creators with such contempt?

          Ireland’s corprate tax rate is about 12.5% and any sales made overseas only get taxed in those countries. How can American business compete at 35% with foreign sales taxed in the foreign country AND in America? Answer…they can’t! Their operating capital is confiscated by the government. It doesn’t matter how the money is spent, wasted, and “lost”…it is not available to companies for expansion, wages, or needed equipment!

          Dewey you mean well but you are deeply, deeply confused.

      • Libby says:

        Tina, you ignore numerical reality. You just can’t do that … and make any sense. Right now, the nation’s wealth is locked up in the top 20 percent of the population … handing the lower 80 another 50 bucks a month is going to do diddly-squat, in macro economic terms.

        You also seem to be wildly deluded as to human nature. If you can make 8 percent investing in America, and 18 percent investing in South Asia, which you gonna pick?

        Now you will tell me that The Donald proposed to tax wealth derived offshore. But he has not, has he? And Tina, he never will. What do you suppose is in those tax returns that we may not see?

        I’m sorry, but sucker is the only word.

  2. TruthToPower says:

    Question for Tina

    How will these tax Breaks affect the Trump family?

    And where are the Trump Products made?

  3. Tina says:

    The Trump family will benefit in various ways…the same ways that the many other real estate developers in America will benefit. The benefit to them will result in more investment, jobs, and an expanded economy…growth above 2%.

    Businesses that are not as huge will also benefit in the same ways. They will be able to buy needed equipment and, as their sales grow, and they will, they will hire new workers.

    Workers will benefit from the increased risk taking and investment.

    Why would you deny the American people the opportunities that the wealthy and others will be able to provide?

    Some are made in India and China…it may be part of what gave Trump insight into the imbalance in our trade agreements. He also makes products in America.

    Foreigners make products in America. We live in a global economy. Ours is made worse for workers because of our punishing tax and regulation structure. American companies are the only ones that are double taxed and at higher rates. This makes zero sense for American workers. Our companies cannot provide jobs when they must operate at such a huge disadvantage. As a businessman, trump is acutely aware of this problem and has vowed to do something about it.

    The American people will also benefit and that is a good thing.

    I repeat…why are you against giving American workers more opportunities to get a job, make good money, and climb the ladder of success?

  4. Chris says:

    I’m beginning to wonder if our president has an actual disability.

    “I don’t stand by anything. I just– you can take it the way you want. I think our side’s been proven very strongly. And everybody’s talking about it. And frankly it should be discussed. I think that is a very big surveillance of our citizens. I think it’s a very big topic. And it’s a topic that should be number one. And we should find out what the hell is going on.”

    Not all of us are wordsmiths, but in my experience people who talk at this level are people who think at this level. He is, in the words of Mitt Romney, “very very not smart.”

    But at least he gave us “I don’t stand by anything,” which should be the official quote used at the entrance of his presidential library.

    • Tina says:

      Well Chris, he was saying what many of us know is true for him. He doesn’t give a fig about party or the politics. He does give a fig about seeing America strong and the American people working again and able to create a better life for themselves and their children. Sorry you’re unable to get that. Perhaps it’s because you are so fixed on catching him in what you perceive as gibberish that you have failed to be curious about what makes the man tick.

      You prefer an orator, a man who can stand before a crowd and create beautiful word pictures and illicit warm feelings. Fine. I get it. Ronald Reagan was a man that could do that like nobody else AND he cared about the people. Trump is not eloquent, but he is a person who cares about the people and America. He is also a man who is not afraid to stand up to those who are hostile and vicious toward him and those who stand with him. It’s not surprising his words are not quite as eloquent as any of us might like given what he’s up against.

      The left could find a partner in Trump if they weren’t so unrelentingly partisan and vindictive. Trump is not a hard core conservative. Tip O’Neal worked with Reagan…even undermined him…but he was not openly hostile or completely obstructionist. the left is working against all of red America and don’t seem to care.

      America is watching. I wouldn’t be so sure that the majority isn’t seeing as more important than Trumps clumsy language the dirty underbelly of the Democrat Party/media.

      • Chris says:


        “Well Chris, he was saying what many of us know is true for him. He doesn’t give a fig about party or the politics. He does give a fig about seeing America strong and the American people working again and able to create a better life for themselves and their children. Sorry you’re unable to get that.”

        Wait, how do you get that from this?

        ““I don’t stand by anything. I just– you can take it the way you want. I think our side’s been proven very strongly. And everybody’s talking about it. And frankly it should be discussed. I think that is a very big surveillance of our citizens. I think it’s a very big topic. And it’s a topic that should be number one. And we should find out what the hell is going on.”

        Of course you’re right that Trump wants America to be strong and successful. Every single president in American history has wanted that, but that doesn’t mean they all helped achieve it. What does that have to do with the disgrace to the English language that was the above?

        Trump’s statement had nothing to do with making our country stronger or putting anyone back to work. It was an incoherent defense of his own lie that the Obama administration had spied on him. Trump to this day has produced no evidence to support this claim. He has had months to prepare a defense for it…and this was the best he can come up with. The man cannot think. A president who cannot think is dangerous.

        You are also right that he is not a hard core conservative…and that’s because, as he just said, he “doesn’t stand by anything.”

        • Libby says:

          There is no question … after that Reuters interview, the diagnosis is confirmed … dementia. Pence had better get his little butt in gear.

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