Budget Deal: Trump Agenda Gets Rolled

Posted by Tina

Ryan’s budget deal avoids a government shutdown..woo hoo.

Otherwise, the Republican Party gave their opponents every single things they wanted!

Nobody can claim that Republicans are obstructionist or that they won’t compromise and “work in a bipartisan fashion.” What can be claimed is that they are a bunch of directionless, weak spined weenies who “rolled over” to save their own necks. What can be said is they totally abandoned the voters that put them in power.

The deal gives the democrats a great victory…for the next five months:

$1.07 trillion spending package that would fund the government through the end of September …

… The proposed legislation has no funding for Trump’s oft-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, but does set aside $1.5 billion for border security measures such as additional detention beds. It does give Trump a $12.5 billion down payment on his request to strengthen the military, a figure which could rise to $15 billion should Trump present Congress with a plan for fighting the Islamic State terror group. The proposed $15 billion amounts to half of Trump’s original $30 billion request. …

… (no funding for) deportation force. … (no) language to take away grants from sanctuary cities

Democrat votes are needed to prevent a government shut down. This is the price we pay for Democrat control in Congress. The nations broad divide is quite evident in Washington. The only way to turn this around from the conservative perspective appears to be super majority numbers in Congress. Next years election will matter greatly. And that is precisely why the radical left spends so much money to put bodies in the streets to protest. May 1, the traditional Marxist holiday, is no exception.

The vote comes down on Friday.

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16 Responses to Budget Deal: Trump Agenda Gets Rolled

  1. J. Soden says:

    RINO Ryan needs a good swift kick. He’s an incompetent “leader” and the GOP members of the House should give him the boot. He failed with the first healthcare go-around, and this budget includes funding for Planned Harvesthood AND sanctuary city thieves!
    Wisconsin voters, the GOP and TheDonald are NOT being served well as long as RINO Ryan is Speaker.

  2. Chris says:

    ” It does give Trump a $12.5 billion down payment on his request to strengthen the military, a figure which could rise to $15 billion should Trump present Congress with a plan for fighting the Islamic State terror group. ”

    Wait, didn’t Trump claim during the campaign that he had a secret plan to defeat ISIS within the first 30 days?

    Yes, Trump voters certainly did get rolled. By Trump.

    • TruthToPower says:

      and no one mentions we are arming both ISIS and AL Queida right now?

      That’s the war on terror.

      A sham. We arm them for what purpose? Oh to Topple Assad. This is also a Proxy war with Russia.

  3. Peggy says:

    Once again Dems are driving the agenda. Winning the election only benefits the Dems. “We won, you lost.”

    With the exception of the Freedom Caucus members republicans in congress are either RINOs or have no backbone. They ALL ran on repeal and replace Obamacare, but even with enough members to pass the bill in the House they can’t get the minimum votes required.

    • Chris says:

      That’s because they can’t come up with a coherent plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, Peggy.

      • Peggy says:

        Agree Chris. The Repubs in DC have no idea of how to be a leader and to accomplish what they promised while campaigning. They’ve had no real leader for decades. I wouldn’t count Boehner as a leader.

        The Dems know how to lead because they’ve had many years with the same leaders. Reid ruled the Senate for as long as I can remember. He was Obama’s sin eater with all of his pocket vetoes to protect him. Dems are in lockstep with Pelosi cracking the whip to keep everyone in line. They are better organized and get out the approved talking points presenting a united front with everyone in agreement.

        Repubs have us conservative voters shaking our heads and wishing they’d get their act together instead of acting like a bunch of cats trying to be herded.

    • TruthToPower says:

      You been trumped

    • TruthToPower says:

      Peggy Sorry but explain how the Dems are driving anything?

      The GOP has 100% complete control of all 3 branches of government

      Own it

  4. TruthToPower says:

    David Stockman the inventor of Trickle down economics has denounced Trumps tax Plan.

    David Stockman finally came out and he said, “I was wrong. I was wrong about trickle down economics. It is a theory that will never, ever, ever possibly, under any circumstances, work in practice.”

    David Stockman, for all the mistakes he’s made in his career, is trying to warn us.

    • Tina says:

      According to Dr. Thomas Sowell, in his articleThe Trickle Down Lie, there is no theory called “trickle down.

      Economist David Stockman is not against lowering taxes. He’s just concerned that our government has so irresponsibly created massive debt that it is dangerous to cut taxes at this time.

      Bumping along at 2% or less growth however does not save us from the debt monster. Social programs are the big drivers of the debt. Tax rate cuts will help to expand the economy and create more and better jobs which will cause more revenue flows to SS and MC. If our Congress and the various departments can better manage our budget we have a chance to gradually improve our circumstance. Without tax rate cuts the risk remains without the benefits. That seems a stupid thing to do.

      Stockman is trying desperately to get our leaders to take the debt seriously. Poor man, no one seems to care enough to make the hard choices.

      And then we have people like you.

      Art Laffer is the person who explained supply side economics to Reagan. I posted links that explain the theory that is simple enough for even a child to understand. But long before Laffer, Stockman, and Reagan, John F. Kennedy, and (I just found out) long before him, Woodrow Wilson, warned of the economic hit the people take when tax rates are too high. Even John Maynard Keynes said so:

      In his 1919 address to Congress, Woodrow Wilson warned that, at some point, “high rates of income and profits taxes discourage energy, remove the incentive to new enterprise, encourage extravagant expenditures, and produce industrial stagnation with consequent unemployment and other attendant evils.”

      In a 1962 address to Congress, John F. Kennedy said, “it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now.”

      This was not a new idea. John Maynard Keynes said, back in 1933, that “taxation may be so high as to defeat its object,” that in the long run, a reduction of the tax rate “will run a better chance, than an increase, of balancing the budget.” And Keynes was not on “the far right” either.

      The problem for you Dewey is that you don;t get the entire picture. You think a single thing that Stockman said means we should throw out all of the evidence that shows letting the people KEEP more of their OWN MONEY, instead of taking it from them, creates conditions where people have more disposable income. They can save, invest, spend and create…they will take more inventive and creative risks…and that causes good jobs and a growing economy in ALL sectors of the economy.

      Now if you can explain how taking more money away from the people will grow the economy and create new businesses and better jobs in every sector I’d like to hear it. So far no one has been able to do it.

      We have debt because our lawmakers spent more than they took in decade after decade. They knew they had this growing debt problem and they did nothing (Except in 1994 when the Gingrich revolution balanced the budget). They spent it on many things, including defending the nation, but most of all thy promised goodies that they really couldn’t pay for with the revenue they had taken in. SS and Medicare being the top two but we can add Obamacare, expanded social programs and the latest promises of free healthcare and college.

      If you took all of the wealth away from the rich that money would fund the government for about one year…then what? Without growth, without a large and prosperous tax base the entire economy dries up. We all get to share in the misery…if you think the poor suffer now wait until you rid the nation of healthy capitalism.

      Until September we are stuck with the Obama budget. The funding bill agreed to today is one way to walk out that budget. It isn’t what I would prefer but it is what we get.

      • TruthToPower says:

        Trickle Down is the nickname used. and you know it Tna

        Sorry Epic Fail again

        Those Rich people are showing record profits.

        They need no tax cuts

        • TruthToPower says:

          Reaganomics Failed. Clintons, Bush’s, Obama’s ect ect …. all are moderate Republicans.

        • Tina says:

          The tax cuts will not just benefit the rich. That talking point is a big horrible lie that harms the poor and middle classes.

          The rich always make money. They will make money no matter what the tax rates are. The difference is in when they choose to put their money at risk by investing into the economy and when are they more likely to protect their money and keep it to themselves! When tax rates are too high the risk taking is not worth it. They hunker down.

          High tax rates cause the rich to use less of it to expand the economy and create jobs.

          Lower tax rates entice them to put that money at risk. They invest more of it in industry…and more of it in America! As the economy grows and people sense a chance to make money they begin to take risks. This dynamic expansion create new products, new companies, and it will provide more and more JOBS!!! The people benefit most from low tax rates for the rich

          When rates are high the rich park their money in safe investments…they buy expensive jewelry, art, wine, and real estate. They put off expansion plans and projects…they bide their time and keep safe what they have. The economy stagnates!

          It is the people who are not rich that need this tax rate cut…because the poor, the middle, and the upper middle classes need the prosperity that will follow to provide them with jobs and opportunity.

          You are so blinded by your hate for the rich that you cannot, or will not, get this very simple concept…the people benefit when we have prosperity!

          We can’t all work for the government. And most of us would rather provide for ourselves than be like serfs dependent on our government for our daily bread.

          When was the last time you asked a poor person for a job?

          Why would you deny the people a real shot at a good paying job and more money in their pockets?

          Why would you deny them the opportunity to climb the ladder of success and create a nest egg of their own?

          Why would you deny them the dignity of providing for their own families?

          So you see, you are right…the rich do not need the tax cuts…but you are wrong about why it’s important to give them one.

          We’ve been suffering for eight years under the progressive big government tax and spend model. Young people have been hit especially hard during this period but many others have seen their lives and businesses ruined. Why would you deny them the benefit of prosperity?

  5. TruthToPower says:

    Libby need some enjoyment, HULU has a new mini series called the Handmaids Tale after the 1985 book.

    Very well done.

    Eerie to watch in these times. As usual Science fiction of the past depicts the future wishes of some.

    Check it out.

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