People Pushing Back on Gas Tax Hike

Thanks go to Joe for this doosey….

When all the taxes are added up, Californians will soon be paying within one cent of the highest gasoline taxes in the nation.”  San Diego Tribune

California’s new gas tax hike to pay for road improvements pushed by Gov. Jerry Brown and Democrats could go before voters for repeal.

Travis Allen, a Republican assemblyman from Orange County, filed the proposed 2018 ballot measure to eliminate the $5.2 billion annual package to fund road improvements.

On Thursday, Allen launched a website asking for contributions of $5 to help him gather the 365,880 signatures from registered voters to place the repeal before voters. Allen can begin to gather signatures once the state attorney general issues a title and summary for his repeal.

“If we work together a $5 dollar investment today will save you thousands in the long run,” Allen wrote on the site.

Read more here:
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9 Responses to People Pushing Back on Gas Tax Hike

  1. Joe says:

    Thank you for posting this and helping make people aware.

    Below is a MUST LISTEN TO interview with Allen explaining the process. He started by paying the $2,000 fee to file.

    Since there are no special interests who want to see the repeal of these tax increases it will take a true grass roots effort to repeal the BIGGEST fuel tax increase in California history which was passed with no vote of the people. (Remember that although the media is telling you gas will go up 12 cents, you are not being told that the tax will go up another 7 cents the next year. And even though the media tells you the diesel tax goes up 20 cents that is only part of it. That is the excise tax. The sales tax on diesel goes up ANOTHER 4%.) Also, keep in mind that the vehicle registration tax is being increased and all these tax increases are perpetual. They will go up EVERY year since they are indexed to inflation. Of course, the corrupt media won’t tell you that.

    Also, Demonrats have already come up with ways to spend the money for things that have nothing to do with roads, bridges and freeways.

    Here is your chance to fight back against the criminal Demonrat b@stards who are trying to rip you off for every penny they can.

    And here is the truth about the Old Brown Buzzard and his legacy.

  2. Joe says:

    According to Pennsylvania has the highest gas tax at 68.7 cents a gallon and California has 58.83 cents a gallon.

    The problem with this is that it does NOT include California’s Cap and Trade program which no other state has and which is really another tax, and estimates are that it adds ten cents to a gallon of gas.

    Also, state and local sales tax is added on top of the CA’s gas taxes and CA sales taxes are among the nations highest. So even before this huge increase, California already has the highest gas taxes.

    Despite this, California has the nations worst roads. The idea that allowing the Corruptocrats in Sucramento to steal even more of our money so the roads can be fixed is laughable. Only an idiot would believe it.

    • Jim says:

      The City of Chico is a good example. The City receives about $3 million a year in gas tax money, and they spend almost NONE of it on actual road repair. This should be obvious if you drive in Chico. Most all of that money gets diverted, with much of it going to pay for the lucrative benefits (like retirement) received by City management.

  3. J. Soden says:

    And in another story on fiscal skullduggery . . . . .

    The old campaign slogan when Moonbeam first ran for governor still applies: If It’s Brown, Then Flush It!

    • Tina says:

      Wow…”$1.2 Billion of the cigarette tax money—raised from Proposition 56—and diverting it into the state’s General Fund”

      Brown…Flush it down!

  4. Joe says:

    If Diddlyeon and his pack of Demonrats have their way the Cap and Tax law is going to change to add more than another dollar to the price of gasoline in Taxifornia. This is on top of the tax increase already signed into law.

    And remember that the new tax on gas will go up automatically every year as it is indexed to inflation.

    Just wait until oil gets back to $80 a barrel. Gas in Commiefornia will be well over five dollars a gallon.

    Will people ever realize that Demonrats are destroying working families?

    Mr. Jack, do you have a bicycle? You might need it.

    “Consumers will pay for California’s new carbon scheme – no matter how it’s written”

    Read more here:

  5. TruthToPower says:

    Knock on doors yourself and collect signatures on issues you believe in.

    Democracy is not a spectator sport

    • Joe says:

      You must not have listened to the Allen interview. Part of the $5 contribution is so you get back a package that you can use to collect signatures.

      But why would you encourage anyone to fight tax increases? If Demorats jacked up the tax to $5 a gallon on gas and then piled on another $5 for Cap And Trade I bet you’d be dancing in the streets.

    • Tina says:

      No, Dewey, it’s “mob rule” according to Jefferson.

      We’re about saving the republic here.

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