The Fabricated Comey Scandal

by Jack

It doesn’t take much for a clever reporter to use his questions to read like an indictment. That’s exactly what the left-wing media is doing regarding the Comey firing, but before I go there, let’s recap this whole stupid faux-scandal around Comey.

A few months ago the same bunch of wild eyed left-wingers were crying that Comey should go! The knew for a fact that he had deliberately conspired with Trump and the GOP to throw the election. Oh, this was a horrible scandal and they wanted a full investigation!!! Heads were going to roll and all kinds of wild conspiracy accusations were directed at Comey, and of course Trump. Yep, Comey was a rat, he needed to go, the left decried that oh so loudly, and we have the quotes too.

That was then and this is now and boy have things changed! CNN news today asked their political expert, paraphrasing now, “Why was FBI director Comey was fired, was it because he was on the trail of the Russians (Putin) who helped Trump fix the election?” “What message does this firing send to people around world?” and “Would you call this a Constitutional crisis, much like we had with Watergate?” asked the NPR news anchor (also today). Of course the answers reinforced these leading questions. For example, check out this reply, “It sends a horrible message to people all over the world, because America was once the epitome of fairness, a beacon for freedom, but that light has gone out.” Oh, brother, what a crock. This was followed by, “At this time we really can’t call this a Constitutional crisis because we don’t have the evidence…yet.” No evidence, wha….? Then why is the presumption of guilt by all these liberals?

Oh well, never mind the preposterous allegations that lack even a shred of evidence! It’s Trump…they just want him gone.

So, here we have the absurd left saying over and over now, “Comey was fired to keep him quiet, he knew too much about the corrupt election somehow manipulated between Putin and Trump.” (Paraphrasing) Of course back in 2016 we have Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer saying in late 2016 that “I do not have confidence in [James Comey] any longer.” And former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook stating that “It’s time for Comey to remove himself from this too. His credibility is gone.”

Inspector General Michael Horowitz said in January his office was investigating Comey’s handling of the Clinton investigation, including the July 2016 news conference that Rosenstein cites as the primary reason he was fired.

Don’t you find it highly unlikely that Trump would fire a “conservative” FBI administrator and replace him with a well known democrat, whose wife just ran for Congress and lost?

Of all the people Trump could have appointed as an interim director this guy would be low on the list! But, wait, Trump was talking about firing Comey from his first day in office, not because of the Putin allegation, but because of his poor handling of many things, including the Clinton email scandal where she was caught lying threw her teeth to the FBI agents and not one charge was ever filed against her.

Lastly, I love this comment from an NPR news pundit talking about how devastating the Comey firing was to American juris prudence. “The definition of corruption has such a narrow focus. As far as we know, Trump has not deviated from the letter of the law, so corruption will be hard to prove.” Huh? If its not illegal, what the heck are they trying to do?

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50 Responses to The Fabricated Comey Scandal

  1. Chris says:

    You are absolutely right that many liberals are being hypocrites here. As for me, I always found the claims that he deliberately threw the election to Trump stupid, and I said so at the time. Republicans tore down Comey when he refused to prosecute Clinton; then Dems did the same thing when he said he had new revelations regarding emails on Huma Abedin’s device. This was hypocrisy. And my position since then has been that Comey is clearly a man who goes where the evidence takes him regardless of who it pissed off.

    I disagreed with Comey’s decision to comment on re-opening the Hillary email case a week before the election but it’s clear that he did so because he felt he had a duty to tell Congress, not to hurt Hillary. And it’s also clear from his recent comments that he had no intention to influence the election.

    The issue for me is the timing. Had Trump fired Comey immediately then the Rosenstein memo would have more credibility. Instead he was literally blowing kisses at him and thanking him for helping his chances. That plus everything else we know about Trump indicates he made this decision because Comey was investigating him, and then had Rosenstein put together some more legitimate reasons that he actually didn’t care about. This is further suggested by his choice to fire Comey in the most humiliating way possible. This is just another dominance ritual for him.

    You’re also right that this isn’t a “constitutional crisis.” Boy, my side can be drama queens. But it is concerning, and the Nixon parallels are ominous. Even if Trump did fire Comey for legitimate reasons–which I doubt–this still creates the appearance of impropriety. And yes, I would think the same if it were Hillary and she fired Comey during the email investigation.

    • Libby says:

      I’m just enjoying the splendid irony: Comey being fired for the reasons he was kept on in the first place. Is The Donald a hypocrite, or merely stupid? Only his hairdresser knows for sure.

    • Tina says:

      There’s no evidence that I know of that shows Trump colluding with the Justice Department over this firing. In fact there is an indication that Trump Appointed Sessions, who recused himself from this matter, and then left the department to do it’s job! The recommendation to fire was made from within the justice department. That’s as it should be.

      Bill Clinton fired 93 US attorneys in 1993 and the media thought nothing of it. George Bush fired eight U.S. attorneys in late 2006 and the media had a fit:

      Anchor Charles Gibson promised that ABC would “look at all the angles tonight,” but he skipped the Clinton comparison. Gibson teased: “New controversy at the White House after a string of U.S. attorneys is fired under questionable circumstances. There are calls for the Attorney General to resign.” CBS’s Katie Couric declared that “the uproar is growing tonight over the firing of eight federal prosecutors by the Justice Department” and fill-in NBC anchor Campbell Brown teased: “The Attorney General and the firestorm tonight over the controversial dismissal of several federal prosecutors. Was it political punishment?” Brown soon asserted that “it’s a story that has been brewing for weeks and it exploded today”

      And we wonder why there is no justice?

      There is a double standard that makes getting at the truth for the public almost impossible.

      The “timing” of this was certainly not as suspect as the timing in Bill Clinton’s meeting with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac, which Comey says forced him to “go public” about the Clinton investigation.

      An article by Andrew McCarthy – NR, “The Bipartisan Case against James Comey” is interesting:

      The memorandum issued by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to explain Comey’s dismissal Tuesday is well crafted and will make it very difficult for Democrats to attack President Trump’s decision. Rosenstein bases the decision not merely on Comey’s much discussed missteps in the Clinton e-mails investigation — viz., usurping the authority of the attorney general to close the case without prosecution; failing to avail himself of the normal procedures for raising concerns about Attorney General Lynch’s conflict of interest. He goes on specifically to rebuke Comey’s “gratuitous” release of “derogatory information about the subject of a declined criminal prosecution.” That “subject,” of course, would be Mrs. Clinton. …

      … Rosenstein makes a point of quoting condemnations of Comey by Democrats prominent in law enforcement: former Obama attorney general Eric Holder and Clinton deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick. Recall that Comey endorsed Holder for AG. This was an important seal of approval at a time when critics (like yours truly) were arguing that Holder’s key participation in the Marc Rich pardon scandal was disqualifying: Comey had not only been a respected deputy attorney general in a Republican administration; he had for a time inherited the Marc Rich investigation as a prosecutor in New York, when Rich was among the FBI’s most wanted fugitives. Yet, Holder has blasted Comey for breaking with “fundamental principles” of the Justice Department, and thus undermining “public trust in both the Justice Department and the FBI” (in a way, I suppose, that Holder’s own citation for contempt of Congress did not). In any event, given that Rosenstein’s reasoning in calling for Comey’s termination echoes Holder’s judgment about the damage done — Rosenstein’s memo is titled, “Restoring Public Confidence in the Federal Bureau of Investigation” — it will be tough for Democrats to argue convincingly that Trump fired Comey for any other reason.

      I agree. “Restoring Public Confidence in the Federal Bureau of Investigation” is vital and right on point with Trumps goal to restore law and order.

      • Chris says:

        Tina: “There’s no evidence that I know of that shows Trump colluding with the Justice Department over this firing. In fact there is an indication that Trump Appointed Sessions, who recused himself from this matter, and then left the department to do it’s job! The recommendation to fire was made from within the justice department. That’s as it should be.”

        Actually, evidence has come to light this morning that the decision was made by Trump, and that Rosenstein feels he’s being thrown under the bus:

        Rod Rosenstein reportedly was on the verge of resigning after the White House cast him as the prime catalyst to fire James Comey, US media reported.
        He detailed Mr Comey’s “serious mistakes” in a memo to President Donald Trump, just prior to the firing.
        The sacking of Mr Comey has ignited a firestorm of criticism.
        Democrats have called for a special prosecutor to take over the probe of alleged links between the Trump election team and Moscow, which Mr Comey was heading.
        Mr Rosenstein reportedly made his threat unless the White House conveyed that the decision began with the president, according to US media.

        This is also supported by the fact that Rosenstein’s memo never specifically recommended that Comey be fired.

        And of course, Sessions should have had nothing to do with the decision after recusing himself from the Russia investigation. Sessions advising to fire Comey while Comey is leading that investigation is a huge conflict of interest.

        • Tina says:

          “Actually, evidence has come to light this morning that the decision was made by Trump…”

          The ultimate decision would have to be made by Trump…he’s the boss.

          Not surprised Rosenstein thinks (thought?) he was being thrown under the bus with all of the speculation, rumors and lies floating around.

          Alan Dershowitz on Rosentsein’s memo:

          Rosenstein bears some of the responsibility because he knew, or should have known, that his memo would be used to justify the firing. If he did not believe that Comey was being fired because of his advised actions regarding Hillary Clinton during the campaign, then he should not have provided that cover. Now he must do something to restore his integrity and the credibility of the American justice system.

          President Trump’s motives in firing Comey will always remain a matter of dispute. But reasonable Americans of both parties can plausibly believe that he did not fire Comey for the reasons so eloquently set forth in Rosenstein’s letter.

          The Russian investigation isn’t a criminal investigation; it is a security investigation.

          My question is, “where is the there.” I haven’t seen anything but speculation that there might have been…blah, blah, blah…Russians! Democrats (Feinstein) didn’t like the memo because it didn’t say what she wanted it to say.

          Democrats are hell bent on hanging something criminal around Trumps neck. They would LOVE to get rid of Sessions. Both are targets and anything they do will be criticized for reasons big and small. They need to equalize the politics given the numerous scandals of the last eight years.

          Trump doesn’t have to justify or explain his decision. Members of both parties were unhappy with Comey’s performance. The Democrats are looking a bit hypocritical, if you ask me, there was much more than this Russian fishing expedition. all of it made his continued leadership unworkable.

          • Chris says:

            Trump doesn’t have to justify or explain his decision.

            How very authoritarian of you.

            Members of both parties were unhappy with Comey’s performance.

            Yes, but this was not the reason for the firing. The reason for the firing, as Trump himself has now admitted, was that he was angry over the Russia investigation. The president let his personal animus guide his decision-making process in this instance. That’s what he does. That’s who he is.

  2. Tina says:

    “…because America was once the epitome of fairness, a beacon for freedom, but that light has gone out.”

    Interesting they brought up Watergate because following the successful impeachment of Nixon the media threw all notions of “fairness” out the window and formed a new alliance with the Democrats to take out that pesky “other” party. The “light” was extinguished by them in almost all reporting thereafter.

    • TruthToPower says:

      There is no real parallel to Watergate that is just Media and Politician Bull as usual

      We will see what is up, Frankly if one knows Trump, one has the correct suspicions

      Turn off the Media …. even if Trump is Busted nothing changes the worst Tyrant is second in line

  3. Peggy says:

    Dems once again misread the public.

    Colbert’s audience cheers when he informs them Trump fired Comey not aware that the position on Comey had changed 180. Bad is now good Colbert corrected them, there’s a new agenda get with the updates like good followers.

    Know your audience comes to mind.

    Poll: By 2 to 1 margin, registered voters reject Comey:
    “FBI Director James Comey is unpopular across the political spectrum, according to a new poll that finds voters have a negative opinion of Comey by a more than two-to-one margin. 

    According to data from a Harvard-Harris Poll survey of registered voters provided exclusively to The Hill, only 17 percent have a favorable view of Comey, compared to 35 percent who have a negative view of him.

    Forty-one percent of Democrats have an unfavorable view of Comey, with only 12 percent saying they view him positively.

    Comey is almost at break-even among Republicans, with 26 percent viewing him positively and 27 percent viewing him negatively.”

    Rush has an interesting take on Trump firing Comey.

    Rush Limbaugh: Comey Firing an ‘Epic Troll’ by Trump on Dems:

    “LIMBAUGH: Hi, friends. This is great. I have been laughing all morning long. I have been laughing starting with last night. Can we agree that Donald Trump is probably enjoying this more than anybody wants to admit or that anybody knows? So he fires Comey yesterday. Who’s he meet with today? He’s meeting with the Soviet, the Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov! I mean, what an epic troll this is. The Democrat Party is going bananas — completely, totally unhinged — on the road to literal insanity.

    Do you realize…? Let me tell you what’s happened here. The Democrat Party has once again thrown Hillary Clinton overboard. Hillary Clinton is the most cheated-on woman in America by people in her own party, and it’s happened again. If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, stand by; I’m gonna explain all of this. But they have just chosen sides and, once again, Hillary gets thrown under the bus. And not only that, the Democrats are rolling that bus backwards and forwards. She’s finished! She’s over with.

    The Democrat Party and the media have made it clear that she is fodder. She is irrelevant here. It is amazing. Two days ago, they were all talking about how Comey needs to be fired because of how he was mistreating Hillary, and the Hillary people were running around claiming that Comey’s a bad guy. And now Comey gets fired, and all of a sudden they do a 180! You know, my friends, I’ve often spoke of the connection Donald Trump has with his audience, with his supporters. I understand it because… Well, I just understand it.”

    • Peggy says:

      Like I said, “Know your audience.” Proof the free market wins and socialism looses again.

      How The Trump Movement Is Killing Hollywood & The Media:

      “Anti-Trump celebrities and several media outlets have foolishly used their platform to spew hate for President Donald Trump. The decision to put politics ahead of the best interest of their business has been ethically misguided and flat out stupid. This move has isolated and offended millions of Americans and certain outlets are now paying a hefty price for this misstep. We’re currently witnessing the slow death of leftist Trump-hating media outlets ranging from Us Weekly, ESPN and CNN to the Hollywood careers of previously beloved stars such as Amy Schumer and Shia LaBeouf. As their burial plots are getting deeper, entertainers and members of the Trump friendly alternative media are flourishing, and this phenomenon will only grow.

      Well over a month ago, a Hollywood insider told me there’s a big shift going on in the entertainment and media industry. The source said that the industry is looking to produce more patriotic and conservative projects to appeal to Trump supporters and more conservative news outlets will pop up. At the same time, the industry is going to distance themselves from divisive celebrities who have publicly trashed Trump in a vulgar manner such as Meryl Streep, Shia LaBeouf and Amy Schumer. As my source predicted, the backlash has begun.”

      • Tina says:

        Interesting. And as far as I know there has been no organized boycott movement, just a bunch of folks who are tired of being dumped on regularly making a personal decision to take their dollars elsewhere.

        I hope none of them tries to push a phony version of what we enjoy on us. We can spot a phony!

  4. TruthToPower says:

    Folks the DNC does not represent but a small group of people and I have told you the media is just a PR Machine.

    The timing of this is not good. Forget the bull and hypocrisy. I battle Blue Dog Dems on their Hypocrisy all the time. Dems and Reps are 2 peas in a pod when it comes to hypocrisy.

    This is not a good sign. Forget Party Politics. Forget the DNC blame Russia while we cheated the Primary. The DNC never mentions Interstate Crosscheck or the hundreds of thousands of voters thrown off the rolls for having the same name as someone else in another state.

    The Elections are a sham. And just because they favor the GOP right now does not mean it is OK.

    Do you know any of the Facts on the case?

    This is not good. The fact that they are firing everybody involved on an investigation is not good.

    The real investigation is on money laundering through Real Estate Deals. Ect Ect.

    Crooked Hillary was not the only crook it seems.

    Hillary and Trump are innocent until proven guilty. That said Obstruction of Justice is a big impeachable offense. Did we not get Bill Clinton on that?

    So the only way to clear any of them is to have a unbiased, fair, independent investigation right?

    This is no time for Us and Them, in the end it is We the People.

    • Tina says:

      “Dems and Reps are 2 peas in a pod when it comes to hypocrisy.”

      Examples please.

      “Forget Party Politics”

      And replace it with what?

      ” The fact that they are firing everybody involved on an investigation is not good.”

      Everybody? Name them please.

      “So the only way to clear any of them is to have a unbiased, fair, independent investigation right?”

      What happened to that being a big waste of the taxpayers money?

      In the beginning it was “we the people.” Now half of the people put their faith in the state and state power(Fascim/Marxism)…universal healthcare!

      If you don’t get what “we the people” means, please don’t use the expression!

      • TruthToPower says:


        “Appointed Sessions, who recused himself from this matter”

        Correction – Sessions SAID he recused himself…..

        Session is removed from the situation then sign the letter? He is 100% involved.

        That said Trump made the decision. he also boxed himself in. On the Interview.

        While it is too broad to prove Obstruction of justice it is implied.

        Trump said it was because of the Russia stuff and Trump people.

        Also it is more likely Trump Lied about the dinner.

        FBI says the white house asked for the dinner, Comey did not really want the rank and file to know but felt one can not refuse to meet with the president of the US. Also no FBI person or Comey would tell the President if they were under investigation or not.

        Also FBI said Comey was asked by Trump for his loyalty. Comey said he can not give loyalty in the political sense but will always be honest.

        Tina you are digging a hole.

        Also huckabee girl tripped herself.

        The spin makes this look very bad.

  5. Harold says:

    Comey’s popularity was as divided in the FBI and other agencies much as our country currently is.
    Popular voter opinion, as pointed out in Peggy’s post shows voters seems to be more realistic as to what they saw and heard. Maybe there is hope people are starting to pay attention, and we have Trump to thank for that.

    However, what ever each of us gleans from the media’s slant on Comey at this point in time is just self serving. But with all the resent replays of Dem’s going full John Kerry (you know,’ I voted for it before I voted against it’) it all just seems to depended on how it served their needs at the time.

  6. J. Soden says:

    The “Russian conspiracy” originated in the empty spaces between the ears of Demwits when they were frantically searching for a reason for $hrilLIARy’s defeat. Over 6 months of “investigations,” and no evidence found.
    Even Benghazigate had more evidence than this.

    And the hysteria of the LunaticLeftie media bobblehead presstitutes is increasing daily. Anyone being interviewed by them should be sure their rabies’ shots are up to date.

    • TruthToPower says:

      Look all countries interfere in others elections. The USA is guilty as heck.

      The DNC will not admit they cheated in the primary.. Their media PR FIrms were on 11 and have Blue Dogs hating those of us that stick to facts. Not good.

      DNC yaks to cover up their Primary fraud. The trial is now have you read the transcripts yet? Says it all ………………………………..

      and people will not let this go just cause of a media blackout.

      Blue Dog Dems are a small number of people in reality. There are more of us Independents than in either party. FACT

      It is time to drop this Party Identity Politics Game and become Americans.

      Look I can point out tons of corruption in the HRC campaign, And sorry but the money laundering corruption accusations on the Trump campaign are real.

      This is a big deal. Whether Trump himself can be indicted? Who knows, but the people in his campaign may very well be indicted unless they succeed in putting in all their own people to stop a real investigation.

      Trump may be obstructing justice right now, We will see

      So party politics? NO!

      We are all Americans and want the truth whether it is ugly or not.

      This house of cards could take them all down, both parties if we really had a good justice system without bought out judges.

      The Clinton’s, Bush’s, Trump, ect ect All have not played a straight game.

  7. Libby says:

    Poor Peggy. Poor Tina. Imprisoned by prejudice and lying “news” outlets. (I know how to use quote marks, unlike the Big Guess Who.)

    1) Tina: As confirmed today by the new acting-director, Trump fired Comey, no one else.

    2) Peggy: The trolling prize for today goes to the Ruskies, who have made disrespectful (i.e., social media) use of Trump/Ruskie photos they were not supposed to publish. “They tricked us,” says the White House. “No kidding,” says that snotty Susan Rice.

    • TruthToPower says:

      Libby acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe is the one who ran to the White House and tipped the Donald off.

      Before that Democratic factions controlled by a Hillary Clinton insider paid the McCabe’s wife almost $700,000 in campaign funds. Why?

      He was supervising Clinton’s investigation…. Next? He lobbied against charging her criminally.

      Hillary should have been charged and had a fair trial.

      He can not be trusted and needs to go.

      McCabe is for sale. Did the Donald buy him? or someone else? What is his game?

      Guess what today’s news is?

      McCabe is tooling around FBI headquarters and the capital in a six-figure Porsche 911 worth more than his annual salary.

      This country is in big trouble and we should discuss facts. no party fighting.

      • Libby says:


        1) The Dems dispensing campaign monies is not a crime.

        2) The Big T, himself, has now owned to being the sole impetus behind the Comey firing.

        You do know, that extreme left-wing propaganda is just as bad as the other kind, right?

    • Tina says:

      The question was not whether Trump fired Comey but whether it was some sort of conspiracy with the justice department to stop the Russia investigation…of course he fired Comey…he is the boss.

      Those stories about the Russian photographer all have the word “apparently” in them. It’s just more speculation and feigned hysteria from the activist media snarks. Would that they would show a scintilla of emotion over “four dead Americans” in Benghazi, Lerner’s political targeting of Americans, guns being walked into cartel hands, or a president who covertly incites riots in his spare time with HIS attorney General!

      • TruthToPower says:


        Stop reading and look for the truth

        The WH has responded. Sorry but that is just fact.

        Though some of the images suggested Trump was clearly aware he was being photographed, the White House reportedly tried to blame the Russians for the photos, saying it did not anticipate the photos would be posted online.

        You limit yourself to the opinions of conservative outlets.

        Just because a conservative has not spun it yet or even the Dem media….does not mean it did not happen

        broaden your horizons, there is not one source for truth

  8. Peggy says:

    Off topic, but how about some good news today.

    Former U.S. Congresswoman Corrine Brown Found Guilty On 18 Of 22 Charges In Her Federal Fraud Trial:

    • J. Soden says:

      A Demwit crook. Who’da thunk it?
      And since there’s a good possibility of our DOJ taking another serious look at $hrilLIARy shenanigans, perhaps they could share a cell . . . .

    • TruthToPower says:

      When is it good news that any politician from any party is convicted for corruption?

      Corruption has no party and undermines Democracy for ALL PEOPLE

      This is not a Game Folks

      Party Politics is the reason we are loosing jobs, freedom, and integrity

      Both parties are corrupt

  9. Peggy says:

    Love reading articles from those who think outside of the box, instead of liming-like articles Libs prefers.

    Are We Missing the Mother of All Scandals?:

    “RUSH: So what’s actually bigger news in terms of how it affects the country and the people who live here? Aetna insurance quitting the Obamacare exchanges next year, or no evidence of Trump colluding with Russia? Does anybody…? Can anybody tell me what this collusion is alleged to be? Can anybody? Originally they said that the Russians hacked the election, so what was the hack? There is on-the-record testimony from election officials — both parties and President Obama — saying it’s impossible to affect the vote and the counting of the vote. Not possible.

    Obama on down: “It’s not possible. Can’t happen, didn’t happen; Russians didn’t try.” So what is the hack? Podesta’s emails? Well, that wasn’t a hack. That was a phishing attack that Podesta fell for. Had Podesta not been an idiot, his emails would have never ended up anywhere. What’s the collusion? Does anybody know? You ought to know. Since last July, the FBI’s been investigating Trump and the collusion with Russia. What is it? Have you ever heard anybody ever identify what the collusion is? Do you know? Does anybody know? Is there any place that I can go to find out what the Russians did?”

    Enjoy the rest…

  10. Joe says:

    Comey was a chameleon…a swamp creature chameleon who could change color in an instant.

    • Libby says:

      No. Comey is a lawyer. The law does not modify at any partisan whim (unless the legal practitioner is a hack), and so is equally troublesome to all your parties (if the practitioner is a person of integrity, like Comey).

      In this lovely society we run it’s much easier for hacks to keep their jobs.

  11. Tina says:

    Must read hilariously funny Mark Steyn, Posse Comey Tantrum.

  12. Pete says:

    All I can say is that this train wreck of a president is more concerned with his appearance than the people’s business. Tweet from this morning:

    “James Comey better hope that there are no “tapes” of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!” – Trump

    This president is a nutcase completely blind to everything but his own reflection.

    • Chris says:

      And that tweet is further proof that Trump fired Comey not for the reasons in the Rosenstein memo, but because of his own personal animus. What a small, petty little man he is.

  13. Chris says:

    One almost feels sorry for Spicer, Conway and Huckabee Sanders. They spent 24 hours spinning, saying the firing wasn’t about Russia, that it was in response to the memo, only for Trump to say “It wasn’t the memo, it was Russia.”

    It must suck having to go out and lie on behalf of someone who can’t even manage to stick with the lie for an entire day.

    I’m sure selling one’s soul pays well, though, so I can’t pity them too much.

    • Libby says:

      I was thinking how cool it would have been if Spicer had emerged from the bushes … to announce his resignation. “I am done with this horsepucky,” he says to all the world.

      Alas … the idiot is going to let himself be sacked … by a mental case.

  14. Tina says:

    Clear eyed Sharyl Attkisson, “12 times Dems, Repubs said no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion; 10 times people claimed there was” is a must read. bullet points:

    * To date, scandalous accusations of treason against Trump haven’t borne out
    * Incendiary claims unsupported by public evidence after 10 months of probes

    I’d prefer Trump would refrain from responding to every accusation and comment. But I have to admit when persons who were formerly an NSA intelligence analyst or former acting head of the CIA make statements that conflict with statements by Former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and long time member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dianne Feinstein it must be very frustrating.

    I think it was Andrew McCarthy, if not some other legal authority, that said the public does not need to know anything about an investigation unless and until that investigation results in an indictment and arrest. The people have the right to know about charges filed against citizens and officials. They do not have a right to be given incomplete information and information that could be faulty. One of the things that make it difficult for us to know what is true and what is false is the leaking of information that then becomes speculation and conjecture that then becomes politicized fake news.

    I have yet to see any concrete evidence against Trump with respect to questionable Russian profits or collusion. I have seen evidence of possible corruption in the agencies of government.

    This doesn’t look good on anybody.

    • Libby says:

      Tina, how can you see evidence of “questionable Russian profits” … when the man won’t release his returns?! Does this absolve him? I don’t think so. This, like the Comey firing, suggests something else altogether: Guilt.

      And why do you keep harping on “collusion”. There does not have to be any, for the TA to crash and burn. It’s much more likely that the PA (Pooty Administration) simply made use of the Trumpsters, they being a little on the dim side. “They tricked us.”

      No kidding.

    • Chris says:

      I do not have a high opinion of Attkisson, so I found myself surprised that I liked that article. Thank you for sharing it, Tina.

      She is correct that there is no hard evidence of collusion. I do think there is circumstantial evidence, but nothing concrete. The liberals who are stating as a fact that Trump is guilty are being dishonest and making us look bad. I have my own suspicions about Trump, but I don’t think they should be presented as fact.

  15. J. Soden says:

    Friday night, Newt Gingrich was Hannity’s guest. Looked for a link to that interview this morning, but couldn’t find it.
    Anyway, Newt suggested that TheDonald cancel the white house press briefings (that have become an out-of-control feeding frenzy for media presstitutes (my words)) and do a daily briefing to the public with what has been done for the country. The media bobbleheads would still go bananas, but it would remove the offending media hounds from the white house and quite possibly teach them some manners.

  16. J. Soden says:

    Right after I posted the above regarding Hannity & Gingrich, I found this:

  17. Peggy says:

    Don’t remember any president’s press briefings being televised every day from beginning to end. They last for about an hour and after Spicer or Sanders gives updates, the president’s schedule they open it to questions. At this point the same questions are asked by reporter after reporter for most of the time. It’s like a contest to see how many different ways they can frame the same questions until they frustrate Spicer enough to react.

    Spicer should start handing out printed copies of his briefs, with Trump’s approval. Spend about 15 minutes answering questions and then leave. No one should waste 45 minutes just so every reporter can have footage for their networks to run showing them asking THE important questions for the day.

    • Tina says:


      These things are mostly hostile when republicans have the WH anyway. They don’t ask questions, they lead and try to bait.

      It’s a money making game for the press. There’s no reason for the WH to participate in such.

      The people need factual reporting. We don’t need the games. There are a few who take the job very seriously. Katherine Herridge is one. I think Sheryl Attkisson is another.

  18. TruthToPower says:

    You opinions Now?

    The House of cards is wobbling both sides

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