Truth About San Francisco From a Resident

A letter from Eddie…

Ask your friends if they want to take a quick ride around SF and I’ll show them how much better off the people here are under an a liberal, Obama like City rule.

SF Homelessness is rampant and tent cities are popping up as fast as the highrises downtown.

I was just thinking about how people are going to start blaming Trump for all of the homeless drug users/bums and criminals that are infecting this beautiful city. Petty crime and illegal’s have become just a part of everyday life. We just have to deal with it.

Heroin seems to be the drug of choice lately. Needles all over the City, hell we found 3 inside my company dump truck the other day.

I guess the drug abusers are doing good? They at least get free needles.

I guess if you’re sitting in a little “parklet” (yes, they take away parking spaces and make a sitting area in front of cafes now), sipping on a Starbucks, listening to a local, one crazy man band on a warm Saturday-then everything appears wonderful.

These subversive political people are so damn delusional it’s not funny. Why do they think Trump got elected?

People all over America are not happy. They see the crap we deal with in SF coming their way and are pissed.

AND, this city is run by the lib Dems, as is Chicago, and any other big city where drugs, crime, hatred of cops, immigration shyte and the homeless are out of control.

The crap my kids are exposed to on an everyday basis is unbelievable.

Just keep the drugs going and life is a great big party!!!

Anyway, got to get to work.

Keep up the good work!! Have a good day,

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6 Responses to Truth About San Francisco From a Resident

  1. J. Soden says:

    I vote with my wallet whenever possible. Used to spend many days in childhood exploring San Francisco. Golden Gate Park, Fisherman’s Wharf, Cliff House, 49ers games at Kezar, Giants games at Candlestick, and trips to the beach were great.

    Today, I wouldn’t visit San Francisco for any reason – even if it was an all-expense-paid trip! And I’m not alone, either.

  2. Libby says:

    You keep a car in the city?!? Well, there’s your first mistake, right there.

    And it’s your property, is it, the company truck and perhaps the company? I like to think so. I like to think that the affluent tax evaders suffer the consequences of their actions.

    I myself only take assignments in the city, if I absolutely have to. The 20 percenters, whose days run from the car to the office garage, the car to luncheon garage, the car to the cocktail garage, the car to the dinner and the theater garage, and home again, to them the city is a lovely comfortable place. For the rest of us, it’s a festival of vomit puddles and sewer gas.

    But this is not any administration’s doing, it is our doing.

    • Tina says:

      The affluent “tax evaders” pay most of the taxes, you know that!

      In 2014, according to the National Taxpayers Union, the top 1% paid 39.48% of income taxes. The top 25% of earners paid 70.88%. The bottom 50% paid only 2.75% of federal tax.

      These people also have more expensive houses and so pay higher property taxes. The buy fancier cars and boats…and pay higher registration taxes and fees. Their wealthy lifestyles create a lot of service jobs too.

      So your silly idea that the people who make more don’t “pay their fair share” is complete rubbish.

      If you’d like more actual dollars from them, lower tax rates and get them taking risks and investing in the economy again…they won’t pay at a higher rate but they will send a bigger check.

      There’s much blame to go around for the vomit and sewer gas…a lot of it rests on liberal notions of decency and propriety. Since the“>summer of Love it’s all gone down hill, and fast.

      So much for counterculture movements, pissing on the establishment, and turning against authority figures like the cops!

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